16 papers:
LCT-2015-RiveiroDKJB- Supporting Golf Coaching and Swing Instruction with Computer-Based Training Systems (MR, AD, RK, UJ, PB), pp. 279–290.
CASE-2014-LuW #industrial #modelling- Modeling of forced convection heat transfer from the swing plate on an industrial robot (QL, DW), pp. 202–207.
CASE-2013-DevesseRFW #realtime- A real-time optimal control method for swing-free tower crane motions (WD, MR, LF, JW), pp. 336–341.
DATE-2013-ParkQPC #embedded #logic #self- 40.4fJ/bit/mm low-swing on-chip signaling with self-resetting logic repeaters embedded within a mesh NoC in 45nm SOI CMOS (SP, MQ, LSP, APC), pp. 1637–1642.
ICSM-2010-TonelliKR #api #migration- Swing to SWT and back: Patterns for API migration by wrapping (TTB, KC, RL), pp. 1–10.
DATE-2009-PaciBB #adaptation #bias #communication #effectiveness #variability- Effectiveness of adaptive supply voltage and body bias as post-silicon variability compensation techniques for full-swing and low-swing on-chip communication channels (GP, DB, LB), pp. 1404–1409.
CIKM-2008-BroderCFGJMMP #learning- To swing or not to swing: learning when (not) to advertise (AZB, MC, MF, EG, VJ, DM, VM, VP), pp. 1003–1012.
WCRE-2007-SamirSK #ajax #migration #named #web- Swing2Script: Migration of Java-Swing Applications to Ajax Web Applications (HS, ES, AK), pp. 179–188.
HCI-IDU-2007-CortierdA #java #user interface #validation- Formal Validation of Java/Swing User Interfaces with the Event B Method (AC, Bd, YAA), pp. 1062–1071.
DATE-2006-AbbasIA #detection- On-chip 8GHz non-periodic high-swing noise detector (MA, MI, KA), pp. 670–671.
DATE-2006-GarciaMN- Bootstrapped full--swing CMOS driver for low supply voltage operation (JCG, JAMN, SN), pp. 410–411.
DAC-2004-DeleganesBGKSW #integer #logic- Low voltage swing logic circuits for a Pentium 4 processor integer core (DJD, MB, GG, KK, APS, SW), pp. 678–680.
DAC-2002-JungKK #logic- Low-swing clock domino logic incorporating dual supply and dual threshold voltages (SOJ, KWK, SMK), pp. 467–472.
UML-2000-Padawitz #constraints #diagrams #how #proving #state machine #theorem proving #uml- Swinging UML: How to Make Class Diagrams and State Machines Amenable to Constraint Solving and Proving (PP), pp. 162–177.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-Newmarch #java #testing- Testing Java Swing-Based Applications (JN), pp. 156–165.
EDAC-1994-IkedaA- A Reduced-swing Data Transmission Scheme for Resistive Bus Lines in VSLIs (MI, KA), pp. 546–550.