9 papers:
ECSA-2015-PautassoIS #diagrams #modelling #rest- Modeling RESTful Conversations with Extended BPMN Choreography Diagrams (CP, AI, SS), pp. 87–94.
ICEIS-v2-2014-BalikJ #adaptation #api #rest- RESTful User Model API for the Exchange of User’s Preferences among Adaptive Systems (MB, IJ), pp. 627–634.
SEKE-2012-CorreaSSA #modelling #rest #testing #uml #web #web service- Defining RESTful Web Services Test Cases from UML Models (ALC, TSdS, EAS, AJA), pp. 319–323.
PPoPP-2012-BonettaPPB #named #rest #scripting language #web #web service- S: a scripting language for high-performance RESTful web services (DB, AP, CP, WB), pp. 97–106.
SAC-2011-MacielH #commit #protocol #rest- Extending timestamp-based two phase commit protocol for RESTful services to meet business rules (LAHdSM, CMH), pp. 778–785.
SAC-2011-PorresR #behaviour #interface #modelling #rest #uml #web #web service- Modeling behavioral RESTful web service interfaces in UML (IP, IR), pp. 1598–1605.
SAC-2011-TsaiCHH #api #mobile #reduction #rest- Transmission reduction between mobile phone applications and RESTful APIs (CLT, HWC, JLH, CLH), pp. 445–450.
CAV-2011-KleinN #automation #behaviour #formal method #rest #verification- Formalization and Automated Verification of RESTful Behavior (UK, KSN), pp. 541–556.
ICFP-2009-McCarthy #automation #composition #continuation #rest #web- Automatically RESTful web applications: marking modular serializable continuations (JAM), pp. 299–310.