9 papers:
FM-2015-SchneiderLW #modelling #problem #validation- Model-Based Problem Solving for University Timetable Validation and Improvement (DS, ML, TW), pp. 487–495.
ICLP-J-2013-BanbaraSTIS #modelling #programming #set- Answer set programming as a modeling language for course timetabling (MB, TS, NT, KI, TS), pp. 783–798.
ICEIS-v2-2012-KitanoST #community #framework #lightweight #web- Lightweight Web Application Framework and Its Application — Helping Improve Community Bus Timetables after Japan Earthquake (YK, HS, AT), pp. 252–257.
CASE-2008-ChenS #problem- A variant of examination timetabling problem (WC, LS), pp. 353–358.
PADL-2005-BraunerEFGP #case study #generative- Specializing Narrowing for Timetable Generation: A Case Study (NB, RE, GF, HG, FP), pp. 22–36.
SAC-2004-PreinfalkM #automation #framework #problem #scheduling- Automatic construction of drama school timetables based on a generic evolutionary framework for allocation and scheduling problems (OP, HAM), pp. 996–1000.
ICEIS-1999-MelicioCR #problem- Solving the Timetabling Problem with Simulated Annealing (FM, JPC, ACR), pp. 272–279.
PADL-1999-GoltzM #constraints #logic programming #using- University Timetabling Using Constraint Logic Programming (HJG, DM), pp. 320–334.
SAC-1999-FernandesCMR #algorithm- High School Weekly Timetabling by Evolutionary Algorithms (CMF, JPC, FM, ACR), pp. 344–350.