16 papers:
SIGMOD-2015-WuTNX0 #named- FTT: A System for Finding and Tracking Tourists in Public Transport Services (HW, JAT, WSN, MX, WC), pp. 1093–1098.
DUXU-IXD-2015-SoutoCAS #case study #design- Designing Apps for Tourists: A Case Study (VTS, CC, MGA, LS), pp. 425–436.
HCI-AS-2014-KellerPBS #adaptation #mobile #semantics- An Adaptive Semantic Mobile Application for Individual Touristic Exploration (CK, RP, SB, TS), pp. 434–443.
HCI-AS-2014-SatoIN- Tourist Evacuation Guidance Support System for Use in Disasters (TS, TI, YN), pp. 494–501.
KDD-2014-XueWCG #identification- Identifying tourists from public transport commuters (MX, HW, WC, WSN, GHG), pp. 1779–1788.
ICEIS-v1-2013-SmirnovKTS #architecture #component- Virtual Tourist Hub for Infomobility — Service-Oriented Architecture and Major Components (AVS, AK, NT, NS), pp. 459–466.
CIKM-2013-BaragliaMNS #learning #named #predict- LearNext: learning to predict tourists movements (RB, CIM, FMN, FS), pp. 751–756.
CIKM-2013-BrilhanteMNPR- Where shall we go today?: planning touristic tours with tripbuilder (IRB, JAFdM, FMN, RP, CR), pp. 757–762.
SIGIR-2013-SappelliVK #personalisation #recommendation #using- Recommending personalized touristic sights using google places (MS, SV, WK), pp. 781–784.
ICEIS-v1-2011-GuGGL #case study- Study on Green Tourism Consumptions of Chinese Tourist with Different Environment Perception (HmG, JG, FG, SL), pp. 457–468.
ICEIS-v3-2011-Li11c #identification #performance- An Efficient Method to Identify Customer Value in Tourist Hotel Management (CL), pp. 165–169.
CIKM-2009-PopescuGM #mining- Mining tourist information from user-supplied collections (AP, GG, PAM), pp. 1713–1716.
HCI-IDU-2007-EvjemoAS #lessons learnt- User Acceptance of Digital Tourist Guides Lessons Learnt from Two Field Studies (BE, SA, AS), pp. 746–755.
CHI-2000-CheverstDMFE #case study #experience- Developing a context-aware electronic tourist guide: some issues and experiences (KC, ND, KM, AF, CE), pp. 17–24.
HT-1997-BullockG #concept #hypermedia #named- TourisT — Conceptual Hypermedia Tourist Information (JCB, CAG), pp. 228–229.
CHI-1989-FairchildMW #artificial reality- The tourist artificial reality (KMF, GM, AW), pp. 299–304.