4 papers:
SAC-2013-NakamuraNTO #problem #towards- Towards solving an obstacle problem by the cooperation of UAVs and UGVs (SN, HN, YT, AO), pp. 77–82.
CASE-2007-TranKSH #interactive #modelling- Dynamic Modelling of Wheel-Terrain Interaction of a UGV (THT, NMK, SS, QPH), pp. 369–374.
CASE-2006-TranNKHF #approach #low level #robust- Sliding Mode-PID Approach for Robust Low-level Control of a UGV (THT, MTN, NMK, QPH, GF), pp. 672–677.
HCI-ACS-1993-Haduch #interactive- Operator Interaction with Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) (TWH), pp. 289–294.