6 papers:
KDIR-KMIS-2013-Ibarra-SanchezPO #analysis #case study #risk management #using- Hospital Risk Management using Healthcare Failure Mode and Effects Analysis — A Case Study on Ventilators Whithin an Intensive Care Unit (MAIS, ABPA, MROP), pp. 328–335.
CASE-2010-SunLJJWS #energy- An integrated control of shading blinds, natural ventilation, and HVAC systems for energy saving and human comfort (BS, PBL, QSJ, ZJ, FW, CS), pp. 7–14.
CASE-2008-BenedettoDSW #automation #mining #verification- Automatic verification of wireless control in a mining ventilation system (MDDB, AD, ES, EW), pp. 858–863.
CASE-2008-FischionePRST #architecture #automation #communication #mining- Mining ventilation automation: Wireless sensing, communication architecture and advanced services (CF, LP, CR, FS, ST), pp. 851–857.
CASE-2008-WitrantJ #mining #modelling- Air flow modeling in deepwells: Application to mining ventilation (EW, KHJ), pp. 845–850.
SAC-1998-KarakasK #adaptation #fuzzy #logic #using- Adaptive control of Bolu highway tunnel ventilation system using fuzzy logic (EK, HK), pp. 282–286.