4 papers:
KDD-2015-HasanW- Data Science at Visa (WH, MW), p. 1627.
ICEIS-v1-2011-EngouangY #case study #information management #named- AVIS — Applied Visa Information System — Case Study for the Embassy of the Gabonese Republic in China (TDE, LY), pp. 197–204.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-Gorea #architecture #concept #data mining #mining #modelling #named #web- DeVisa — Concepts and Architecture of a Data Mining Models Scoring and Management Web System (DG), pp. 276–281.
ASPLOS-1998-MeterFH #adaptation #internet #named- VISA: Netstation’s Virtual Internet SCSI Adapter (RVM, GGF, SH), pp. 71–80.