680 papers:
CASE-2015-FleischerAT #automation #composition #evaluation- A cross-platform modular software solution for automated data evaluation applied in elemental and structural mass spectrometry (HF, MA, KT), pp. 758–763.
CASE-2015-SchafaschekQC #clustering #composition #scheduling #tool support- Local modular supervisory control applied to the scheduling of cluster tools (GS, MHdQ, JERC), pp. 1381–1388.
DATE-2015-DiaoLWW #reduction- A coupling area reduction technique applying ODC shifting (YD, TKL, XW, YLW), pp. 1461–1466.
DATE-2015-PeemenMC #embedded #optimisation #reuse- Inter-tile reuse optimization applied to bandwidth constrained embedded accelerators (MP, BM, HC), pp. 169–174.
DATE-2015-RuizMK #approach #reuse- Systematic application of ISO 26262 on a SEooC: Support by applying a systematic reuse approach (AR, AM, TK), pp. 393–396.
HT-2015-AhlersM #challenge #collaboration #concept #network #semantics- Everything is Filed under “File”: Conceptual Challenges in Applying Semantic Search to Network Shares for Collaborative Work (DA, MM), pp. 327–328.
CSEET-2015-Budgen #education- Applying the SE2014 Curriculum Model (DB), pp. 17–20.
ITiCSE-2015-Aycock #education #experience #topic- Applied Computer History: Experience Teaching Systems Topics through Retrogames (JA), pp. 105–110.
CHI-2015-0001GH #challenge #design #framework #human-computer- Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap: Lessons and Challenges of Applying the Attachment Framework for Sustainable HCI Design (CR, SG, EMH), pp. 1305–1314.
CSCW-2015-ShklovskiBBK #interactive #lens #maintenance #online #relational #social- Friendship Maintenance in the Digital Age: Applying a Relational Lens to Online Social Interaction (IS, LB, NB, JK), pp. 1477–1487.
DUXU-DD-2015-Fernandez #analysis #health #human-computer #interactive- Interactive Digital Storytelling and HCI Techniques Applied for Edutainment in Interactive Health Projects: Analysis of Two USC’s Labyrinth Projects (JIMF), pp. 621–633.
DUXU-IXD-2015-OpromollaVIFRPM #gesture #recognition #usability- A Usability Study of a Gesture Recognition System Applied During the Surgical Procedures (AO, VV, AI, SF, CR, DP, CMM), pp. 682–692.
DUXU-UI-2015-Chen15b #adaptation #interactive- Adapting Smart Textiles to Develop Soft Interactive Tool Kits for Applying in Sewing Projects (ACYC), pp. 611–621.
DUXU-UI-2015-InoueYHS #design #interface #process- Applying Human Centered Design Process for Designing Air Traffic Control Interfaces (SI, KY, HH, TS), pp. 307–316.
ICEIS-v1-2015-RibeiroTWBE #learning- A Learning Model for Intelligent Agents Applied to Poultry Farming (RR, MT, ALW, APB, FE), pp. 495–503.
ICEIS-v1-2015-SouzaBGBE #learning #online- Applying Ensemble-based Online Learning Techniques on Crime Forecasting (AJdS, APB, HMG, JPB, FE), pp. 17–24.
ICEIS-v2-2015-FilhoVC #experience #process- Applying Knowledge Codification in a Post-mortem Process — A Practical Experience (ESdSF, DV, TC), pp. 153–165.
ECIR-2015-PasinatoMZ #elicitation #learning #rating- Active Learning Applied to Rating Elicitation for Incentive Purposes (MBP, CEM, GZ), pp. 291–302.
MLDM-2015-MojahedBWI #analysis #clustering #matrix #semistructured data #similarity #using- Applying Clustering Analysis to Heterogeneous Data Using Similarity Matrix Fusion (SMF) (AM, JHBS, WW, BdlI), pp. 251–265.
RecSys-2015-BerliozFKBB #difference #matrix #privacy- Applying Differential Privacy to Matrix Factorization (AB, AF, MAK, RB, SB), pp. 107–114.
SEKE-2015-ValentimCEP #how #usability- How do software engineers apply an early usability inspection technique? A qualitative study (NMCV, TC, BJdSE, RP), pp. 686–691.
MoDELS-2015-HajriGBS #approach #case study #embedded #industrial #lessons learnt #modelling #product line- Applying product line Use case modeling in an industrial automotive embedded system: Lessons learned and a refined approach (IH, AG, LCB, TS), pp. 338–347.
MoDELS-2015-ValentimROCM #case study #empirical #specification #usability- A controlled experiment with Usability Inspection Techniques applied to Use Case Specifications: comparing the MIT 1 and the UCE techniques (NMCV, JR, ACO, TC, SM), pp. 206–215.
OOPSLA-2015-WangPW- Vectorization of apply to reduce interpretation overhead of R (HW, DAP, PW), pp. 400–415.
SAC-2015-DominguesSBMPR #metadata #multi #personalisation #ranking #recommendation- Applying multi-view based metadata in personalized ranking for recommender systems (MAD, CVS, FMMB, MGM, MGCP, SOR), pp. 1105–1107.
ICSE-v2-2015-LindvallGAW #case study #experience #modelling #testing- Metamorphic Model-Based Testing Applied on NASA DAT — An Experience Report (ML, DG, RA, REW), pp. 129–138.
ICSE-v2-2015-LyonsO #coordination #named #paradigm- SOA4DM: Applying an SOA Paradigm to Coordination in Humanitarian Disaster Response (KL, CO), pp. 519–522.
SPLC-2015-BeekFG #adaptation #analysis #paradigm #product line- Applying the product lines paradigm to the quantitative analysis of collective adaptive systems (MHtB, AF, SG), pp. 321–326.
SPLC-2015-FilhoABAB #empirical #java #product line #source code- Assessing product line derivation operators applied to Java source code: an empirical study (JBFF, SA, OB, MA, BB), pp. 36–45.
WICSA-2014-SeeleSB #architecture #functional #modelling #web- The Functional Architecture Modeling Method Applied on Web Browsers (WS, SS, SB), pp. 171–174.
CASE-2014-HsuehTLKY #estimation- Voltage-current-based state and disturbance estimation for power-assisted control applied to an electric wheelchair (PWH, MCT, CYL, PJK, WSY), pp. 1220–1225.
CASE-2014-LaiTCL #energy #industrial #monitoring #performance- Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring applied in energy efficiency of the smart manufacturing industry: A case of air-conditioner (YHL, IJT, CYC, CFL), pp. 1127–1132.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-ZhangPNMELWCT #architecture #embedded #experience- Experience on applying software architecture recovery to automotive embedded systems (XZ, MP, MN, BM, AE, HL, JW, DJC, MT), pp. 379–382.
ICSME-2014-AlvesSD #automation #process #quality #standard- Applying ISO/IEC 25010 Standard to Prioritize and Solve Quality Issues of Automatic ETL Processes (TLA, PS, MSD), pp. 573–576.
IFM-2014-FathabadiSB #manycore #modelling #process #runtime- Applying an Integrated Modelling Process to Run-time Management of Many-Core Systems (ASF, CFS, MJB), pp. 120–135.
IFM-2014-TofanSR #composition #multi #proving- A Compositional Proof Method for Linearizability Applied to a Wait-Free Multiset (BT, GS, WR), pp. 357–372.
DHM-2014-OtaEH- Future Applied Conventional Technology Engineering New Academic Fields from Manufacturing Country JAPAN (TO, AE, HH), pp. 185–196.
DUXU-DI-2014-MonatBL #visual notation- Taking Decisions with Systems Oriented to the General Public — Applying Visual Information Based on Viennese Method (ASM, MB, RCL), pp. 463–471.
DUXU-DP-2014-HamachiTN #integration #process #quality- Activities to Improve System Integration and Service Quality and Add Additional Values — Reducing the Cost in Applying Human-Centered-Design Process (RH, IT, HN), pp. 32–38.
DUXU-DP-2014-LinkLB #challenge #gamification #metric #smarttech- Not So Fun? The Challenges of Applying Gamification to Smartphone Measurement (MWL, JL, KB), pp. 319–327.
DUXU-DP-2014-NomisoP #usability- Usability Methodological Procedures Applied on an Institutional Site (LSN, LCP), pp. 423–433.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-MarcusDW #design- User-Experience for Personal Sustainability Software: Applying Design Philosophy and Principles (AM, JD, LW), pp. 583–593.
DUXU-TMT-2014-LeeL #3d #design #generative #research- Experimental Research in Applying Generative Design and 3D Printers in User Participating Design (LCJL, MHL), pp. 296–307.
DUXU-TMT-2014-SchmuntzschF #design #how #smarttech- How Two become One — Creating Synergy Effects by Applying the Joint Interview Method to Design Wearable Technology (US, LHF), pp. 173–184.
DUXU-TMT-2014-SchreppHT #evaluation #experience #user interface- Applying the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) in Different Evaluation Scenarios (MS, AH, JT), pp. 383–392.
HCI-AS-2014-AlvarezHHKLLL #framework #game studies- From Screens to Devices and Tangible Objects: A Framework Applied to Serious Games Characterization (JA, SH, CH, CK, YL, SL, AL), pp. 559–570.
HIMI-DE-2014-TavaresB #interactive #user interface #visualisation- A Step Beyond Visualization: Applying User Interface Techniques to Improve Satellite Data Interaction (TAT, HB), pp. 98–107.
LCT-NLE-2014-FardounKCC #education- Applying Gianni Rodari Techniques to Develop Creative Educational Environments (HMF, IAK, APC, JRC), pp. 388–397.
ICEIS-v1-2014-NoelMC #algorithm #problem #scheduling- Evolutionary Algorithms Applied to Agribusiness Scheduling Problem (AN, JMJ, AAC), pp. 489–496.
ICEIS-v3-2014-ShamdasaniBMBMBMGE #industrial #named- CRISTAL-iSE — Provenance Applied in Industry (JS, AB, RM, CB, FM, PB, SM, OG, PE), pp. 453–458.
ICPR-2014-HollausDS #image #multi- Improving OCR Accuracy by Applying Enhancement Techniques on Multispectral Images (FH, MD, RS), pp. 3080–3085.
ICPR-2014-LemesSBS #authentication #detection- Dynamic Pore Filtering for Keypoint Detection Applied to Newborn Authentication (RdPL, MPS, ORPB, LS), pp. 1698–1703.
KDD-2014-ZhengZLJXLSZLTLDLW #data mining #mining #optimisation #process- Applying data mining techniques to address critical process optimization needs in advanced manufacturing (LZ, CZ, LL, YJ, WX, JL, CS, WZ, HL, LT, TL, BD, ML, PW), pp. 1739–1748.
KDIR-2014-Nguyen0 #distance #edit distance #similarity- Applying Information-theoretic and Edit Distance Approaches to Flexibly Measure Lexical Similarity (TTAN, SC), pp. 505–511.
KEOD-2014-MartinL #library #retrieval- Improving Knowledge Retrieval in Digital Libraries Applying Intelligent Techniques (AM, CL), pp. 445–453.
SEKE-2014-HirasakiKT #interactive #random testing #testing- Applying Random Testing to Constrained Interaction Testing (YH, HK, TT), pp. 193–198.
SIGIR-2014-LuLMWXW #interactive #microblog #recommendation #topic- Computing and applying topic-level user interactions in microblog recommendation (XL, PL, HM, SW, AX, BW), pp. 843–846.
SIGIR-2014-VulicZM #e-commerce #formal method #learning- Learning to bridge colloquial and formal language applied to linking and search of E-Commerce data (IV, SZ, MFM), pp. 1195–1198.
SKY-2014-FragaM #requirements- Systems Engineering Requirements: A Guided Example of an Applied Knowledge System (AF, JLM), pp. 19–30.
MoDELS-2014-AndolfatoKSSZC #case study #experience #modelling- Experiences in Applying Model Driven Engineering to the Telescope and Instrument Control System Domain (LA, RK, MS, HS, MZ, GC), pp. 403–419.
MoDELS-2014-AndolfatoKSSZC #case study #experience #modelling- Experiences in Applying Model Driven Engineering to the Telescope and Instrument Control System Domain (LA, RK, MS, HS, MZ, GC), pp. 403–419.
POPL-2014-PaganiSV #higher-order #quantum #semantics- Applying quantitative semantics to higher-order quantum computing (MP, PS, BV), pp. 647–658.
RE-2014-StalhaneW- The DODT tool applied to sub-sea software (TS, TW), pp. 420–427.
SAC-2014-BorgesDRI #education #gamification- A systematic mapping on gamification applied to education (SdSB, VHSD, HMR, SI), pp. 216–222.
SAC-2014-CalvoOFR #distributed #multi #parametricity- Parametric investigation of a distributed strategy for multiple agents systems applied to cooperative tasks (RC, JdO, MF, RAR), pp. 207–212.
SAC-2014-MoraCGZJEBAH #named- MUSES: a corporate user-centric system which applies computational intelligence methods (AMM, PdlC, JJMG, SZ, MJ, AIEA, MB, HA, ZH), pp. 1719–1723.
CASE-2013-ChenTSPSSN #design #optimisation- Optimization processing unit (OPU) applied to integrated circuit design and manufacturing (DCLC, JTT, DBS, SWP, MHS, KTS, PN), pp. 1008–1015.
DAC-2013-Flynn #power management- Power gating applied to MP-SoCs for standby-mode power management (DF), p. 5.
ICDAR-2013-BuiVM #documentation #invariant #navigation- Invariants Extraction Method Applied in an Omni-language Old Document Navigating System (QAB, MV, RM), pp. 1325–1329.
CSEET-2013-RongZS #education #game studies #process- Applying competitive bidding games in software process education (GR, HZ, DS), pp. 129–138.
ITiCSE-2013-ChenH #re-engineering- Applying software engineering in CS1 (WKC, BRH), pp. 297–302.
FoSSaCS-2013-DreierELL #composition #on the #process #π-calculus- On Unique Decomposition of Processes in the Applied π-Calculus (JD, CE, PL, YL), pp. 50–64.
TACAS-2013-MateescuS #model checking #model transformation #named #π-calculus- PIC2LNT: Model Transformation for Model Checking an Applied π-Calculus (RM, GS), pp. 192–198.
ICPC-2013-YamanakaCYIS #development #industrial #process- Applying clone change notification system into an industrial development process (YY, EC, NY, KI, TS), pp. 199–206.
ICFP-2013-St-AmourT #case study #experience #random testing #testing- Experience report: applying random testing to a base type environment (VSA, NT), pp. 351–356.
DUXU-CXC-2013-MakanawalaGGL #gamification #performance- Applying Gamification in Customer Service Application to Improve Agents’ Efficiency and Satisfaction (PM, JG, EG, HL), pp. 548–557.
DUXU-NTE-2013-CaladoSCC #artificial reality #bibliography #case study #interactive #perspective- Virtual Reality Applied to the Study of the Interaction between the User and the Built Space: A Literature Review (AVSC, MMS, FC, WC), pp. 345–351.
DUXU-PMT-2013-KangS #case study #design #how #process- How to Observe, Share and Apply in Design Process? — Focusing on International Design Workshops as a Case Study (NK, HS), pp. 498–505.
DUXU-PMT-2013-KulpaTS #interface #usability- A Color Model in the Usability of Computer Interface Applied to Users with Low Vision (CCK, FGT, RPdS), pp. 330–339.
DUXU-WM-2013-LinL13a #case study #design #generative- An Experimental Study for Applying Generative Design to Electronic Consumer Products (MHL, LCL), pp. 392–401.
DUXU-WM-2013-SoaresCCNCM #interactive #scalability- An Applied Ergonomics Study on IT User Interaction in a Large Hydroelectric Company in the Northeast of Brazil (MMS, FC, WC, AN, JC, SM), pp. 113–120.
HCI-AMTE-2013-RandallCTL #design #multi- Applying Contextual Design to Multiple Teams in Emergency Management (TR, JC, GT, JL), pp. 109–118.
HCI-AS-2013-CarvalhoLCAMCAL #mobile #process #re-engineering- Software Engineering in Telehealth, an Extension of Sana Mobile Applied to the Process of a Routine Hospital (AVdC, CJPdL, EJRC, PHCA, PAdSeSM, GRdC, FRLdA, GVCL), pp. 3–12.
HCI-III-2013-StorzRMLE #analysis #detection #machine learning #visualisation #workflow- Annotate. Train. Evaluate. A Unified Tool for the Analysis and Visualization of Workflows in Machine Learning Applied to Object Detection (MS, MR, RM, HL, ME), pp. 196–205.
HCI-UC-2013-KuramochiOTHN #analysis #community #graph #network #semantics #twitter #using- Applying to Twitter Networks of a Community Extraction Method Using Intersection Graph and Semantic Analysis (TK, NO, KT, YH, SN), pp. 314–323.
HIMI-HSM-2013-KimKL #design #standard #verification- Designing and Verifying Application Schema by Applying Standard Element for Managing Ocean Observation Data (STK, LKK, TYL), pp. 110–115.
ICEIS-J-2013-AlvesSCCCWGBGC13a #named #semantics #tool support #traceability #web- Fairtrace: Applying Semantic Web Tools and Techniques to the Textile Traceability (BA, MS, FC, ALC, GC, DW, CG, BB, DG, PC), pp. 68–84.
ICEIS-v1-2013-AlvesSCCCWGBGC #named #semantics #traceability- Fairtrace — A Semantic-web Oriented Traceability Solution Applied to the Textile Traceability (BA, MS, FC, ALC, GC, DW, CG, BB, DG, PC), pp. 36–45.
ICEIS-v1-2013-SecaM #how #question- IT applied to Public Lighting Management — How IT Can Improve Public Lighting Management? (NS, FM), pp. 513–518.
ICEIS-v2-2013-MoreiraF #learning #mobile- A Blended Mobile Learning Context Oriented Model in a Cloud Environment applied to a RE Course (FM, MJF), pp. 539–544.
CIKM-2013-Fagin #theory and practice- Applying theory to practice (RF), pp. 3–4.
KEOD-2013-Liang #collaboration #concept #design #framework #ontology- Applying Ontology-based Knowledge Methodology in Product Innovative Collaborative Conceptual Design Framework (JSL), pp. 324–330.
MLDM-2013-HuangC #image #lightweight #segmentation #web- Applying a Lightweight Iterative Merging Chinese Segmentation in Web Image Annotation (CMH, YJC), pp. 183–194.
MLDM-2013-ValencioKMSM #3d #data mining #mining #visualisation- 3D Geovisualisation Techniques Applied in Spatial Data Mining (CRV, TK, CAdM, RCGdS, JMM), pp. 57–68.
SEKE-2013-SantosBC #analysis #education #game studies #modelling #programming #semantics- A Knowledge Modeling System for Semantic Analysis of Games Applied to Programming Education (ECOdS, GBB, EWGC), pp. 668–673.
SEKE-2013-SouzaFV #information management #testing- Knowledge Management Applied to Software Testing: A Systematic Mapping (EFS, RdAF, NLV), pp. 562–567.
ECMFA-2013-AmbertBLLP #approach #modelling #testing- Applying a Def-Use Approach on Signal Exchange to Implement SysML Model-Based Testing (FA, FB, JL, BL, FP), pp. 134–151.
RE-2013-MahauxM #paradigm #requirements #research- A new paradigm for applied requirements engineering research (MM, AM), pp. 353–356.
RE-2013-PalomaresQF #elicitation #named #requirements- PABRE-Proj: Applying patterns in requirements elicitation (CP, CQ, XF), pp. 332–333.
SAC-2013-DiwanCFLBHR #product line #web- Applying software product line engineering in building web portals for supercomputing services (PD, PC, EF, YL, TB, DEH, RR), pp. 1765–1771.
SAC-2013-ToledoAOD #algorithm #hybrid #multi #problem #search-based- A hybrid compact genetic algorithm applied to the multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem (CFMT, MdSA, RRRdO, ACBD), pp. 200–205.
ESEC-FSE-2013-ZhangC #effectiveness #fault #modelling #predict- A cost-effectiveness criterion for applying software defect prediction models (HZ, SCC), pp. 643–646.
ICSE-2013-JacobellisMK #named #program transformation- LASE: an example-based program transformation tool for locating and applying systematic edits (JJ, NM, MK), pp. 1319–1322.
ICSE-2013-Jonsson #machine learning #performance #scalability #using- Increasing anomaly handling efficiency in large organizations using applied machine learning (LJ), pp. 1361–1364.
ICSE-2013-MengKM #learning #named- LASE: locating and applying systematic edits by learning from examples (NM, MK, KSM), pp. 502–511.
PLEASE-2013-ChimalakondaN #education #product line #question #what- What makes it hard to apply software product lines to educational technologies? (SC, KVN), pp. 17–20.
SPLC-2013-KatoKMOHH #case study #development #network- Case study of applying SPLE to development of network switch products (TK, MK, TM, HO, KH, TH), pp. 198–207.
SPLC-2013-LanmanDRCK #challenge #product line- The challenges of applying service orientation to the U.S. Army’s live training software product line (JTL, RD, JR, PCC, CWK), pp. 244–253.
ICST-2013-AliYB #empirical #quality #robust #state machine #testing- Assessing Quality and Effort of Applying Aspect State Machines for Robustness Testing: A Controlled Experiment (SA, TY, LCB), pp. 212–221.
WICSA-ECSA-2012-RathfelderBKR #email #monitoring #performance #predict #scalability #using- Workload-aware System Monitoring Using Performance Predictions Applied to a Large-scale E-Mail System (CR, SB, KK, RHR), pp. 31–40.
CASE-2012-ChoiKKKHP #development #fault- Development of joint torque sensor applied to compensate crosstalk error (SyC, TKK, DYK, BSK, JHH, CWP), pp. 1086–1088.
DRR-2012-Silva #algorithm #detection #evaluation #using- Using specific evaluation for comparing and combining competing algorithms: applying it to table column detection (ACeS).
ITiCSE-2012-Asad #image #student- Junior high school students performing image smoothening and noise filtering by applying mathematical operations (KA), p. 390.
ITiCSE-2012-BaghdadiAR #case study #distance #learning #safety #tool support- Applying advanced technology tools in distance learning: case study: traffic data and road safety (MB, KA, JR), p. 389.
FASE-2012-ThumSKAS #contract #design #feature model #programming- Applying Design by Contract to Feature-Oriented Programming (TT, IS, MK, SA, GS), pp. 255–269.
CSMR-2012-BurgerH #maintenance #metric- Applying Maintainability Oriented Software Metrics to Cabin Software of a Commercial Airliner (SB, OH), pp. 457–460.
CSMR-2012-JelschenGJPW #energy #re-engineering #towards- Towards Applying Reengineering Services to Energy-Efficient Applications (JJ, MG, MJ, CP, AW), pp. 353–358.
ICPC-2012-TenevD #analysis- Applying bioinformatics in the analysis of software variants (VLT, SD), pp. 259–260.
ICSM-2012-HmoodEKR #open source #predict- Applying technical stock market indicators to analyze and predict the evolvability of open source projects (AH, ME, IK, JR), pp. 613–616.
LATA-2012-Hetzl #proving- Applying Tree Languages in Proof Theory (SH), pp. 301–312.
FM-2012-GrumbergMY #behaviour #model checking #modelling #uml- Applying Software Model Checking Techniques for Behavioral UML Models (OG, YM, KY), pp. 277–292.
ICGT-2012-BergmannHH #database #graph transformation #incremental #modelling #relational- Applying Incremental Graph Transformation to Existing Models in Relational Databases (GB, DH, ÁH), pp. 371–385.
ICEIS-v1-2012-Castanon-PugaGFJC #distributed #multi #social #towards- A Distributed Agency Methodology applied to Complex Social Systems — Towards a Multi-dimensional Model of the Religious Affiliation Preference (MCP, CGP, DLF, RJM, JRC), pp. 272–277.
ICEIS-v1-2012-HudecS #fuzzy #query #set- Construction of Fuzzy Sets and Applying Aggregation Operators for Fuzzy Queries (MH, FS), pp. 253–258.
ICEIS-v2-2012-CarmonaRTBJG #e-commerce- Subgroup Discovery Applied to the e-Commerce Website OrOliveSur.com (CJC, SRG, FJT, EB, MJdJ, SG), pp. 239–244.
CIKM-2012-GeorgescuPFNG #crowdsourcing #fault #library- Map to humans and reduce error: crowdsourcing for deduplication applied to digital libraries (MG, DDP, CSF, WN, JG), pp. 1970–1974.
CIKM-2012-Lehrack #database #probability #query- Applying weighted queries on probabilistic databases (SL), pp. 2209–2213.
ECIR-2012-Bloom #analysis #graph- Applying Power Graph Analysis to Weighted Graphs (NB), pp. 548–551.
ICPR-2012-CataldoBFM #classification #image- Applying textural features to the classification of HEp-2 cell patterns in IIF images (SDC, AB, EF, EM), pp. 3349–3352.
ICPR-2012-ChangLCH #case study #comparative #recognition- Applying scattering operators for face recognition: A comparative study (KYC, CFL, CSC, YPH), pp. 2985–2988.
ICPR-2012-MatovskiNMM #automation #on the #quality #recognition- On including quality in applied automatic gait recognition (DSM, MSN, SM, TM), pp. 3272–3275.
ICPR-2012-NguyenFMO #image #performance #retrieval- Mapping high dimensional features onto Hilbert curve: Applying to fast image retrieval (GN, PF, RM, JMO), pp. 425–428.
ICPR-2012-ParisHG #analysis #categorisation #image #towards- Sparse coding for histograms of local binary patterns applied for image categorization: Toward a Bag-of-Scenes analysis (SP, XH, HG), pp. 2817–2820.
ICPR-2012-SermanetCL #classification #network- Convolutional neural networks applied to house numbers digit classification (PS, SC, YL), pp. 3288–3291.
KDIR-2012-BressoGDNS #3d #concept analysis #learning #relational- Formal Concept Analysis for the Interpretation of Relational Learning Applied on 3D Protein-binding Sites (EB, RG, MDD, AN, MST), pp. 111–120.
KEOD-2012-Otero-CerdeiraRVA #case study #industrial #multi #ontology- Multi-agent Systems and Ontologies Applied to New Industrial Domains — Case Study: Ornamental Plants (LOC, FJRM, TVR, LLA), pp. 357–364.
KMIS-2012-RamosSB #enterprise- Improving Enterprise IT Governance and Management by Applying Competitive Intelligence and External Context Discovery on COBIT 5.0 (ECR, FMS, FAB), pp. 89–96.
SEKE-2012-AlbuquerquePL #approach #case study #experience #natural language #requirements #reuse- Reuse of Experiences Applied to Requirements Engineering: An Approach Based on Natural Language Processing (AA, VP, TL), pp. 574–577.
SEKE-2012-XavierOC #fuzzy #learning #logic- Evolutionary Learning and Fuzzy Logic Applied to a Load Balancer (FCX, MGdO, CLdC), pp. 256–260.
MoDELS-2012-IqbalAYB #case study #experience #industrial #uml- Experiences of Applying UML/MARTE on Three Industrial Projects (MZZI, SA, TY, LCB), pp. 642–658.
MoDELS-2012-VierhauserGHHL #consistency #framework #industrial #modelling #product line- Applying a Consistency Checking Framework for Heterogeneous Models and Artifacts in Industrial Product Lines (MV, PG, WH, GH, DL), pp. 531–545.
MoDELS-2012-IqbalAYB #case study #experience #industrial #uml- Experiences of Applying UML/MARTE on Three Industrial Projects (MZZI, SA, TY, LCB), pp. 642–658.
MoDELS-2012-VierhauserGHHL #consistency #framework #industrial #modelling #product line- Applying a Consistency Checking Framework for Heterogeneous Models and Artifacts in Industrial Product Lines (MV, PG, WH, GH, DL), pp. 531–545.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-DerezinskaR #c# #evaluation #object-oriented #quality #source code #standard- Quality Evaluation of Object-Oriented and Standard Mutation Operators Applied to C# Programs (AD, MR), pp. 42–57.
SAC-2012-ZhaoHWA #constraints #diagrams #difference #equation #polynomial- Real solution formulas of cubic and quartic equations applied to generate dynamic diagrams with inequality constraints (TZ, HH, DW, PA), pp. 94–101.
ASPLOS-2012-VolosTSL #concurrent #debugging #memory management #transaction- Applying transactional memory to concurrency bugs (HV, AJT, MMS, SL), pp. 211–222.
ICLP-2012-MarateaPR #machine learning- Applying Machine Learning Techniques to ASP Solving (MM, LP, FR), pp. 37–48.
ICST-2012-JuzgadoVSAR #abstraction #branch #clustering #effectiveness #equivalence #testing- Comparing the Effectiveness of Equivalence Partitioning, Branch Testing and Code Reading by Stepwise Abstraction Applied by Subjects (NJJ, SV, MS, SA, IR), pp. 330–339.
LICS-2012-TraytelPB #category theory #composition #data type #higher-order #logic #proving #theorem proving- Foundational, Compositional (Co)datatypes for Higher-Order Logic: Category Theory Applied to Theorem Proving (DT, AP, JCB), pp. 596–605.
ECSA-2011-TofanGA #architecture #grid- Reducing Architectural Knowledge Vaporization by Applying the Repertory Grid Technique (DT, MG, PA), pp. 244–251.
CASE-2011-PampuriSFN #multi- Multilevel Lasso applied to Virtual Metrology in semiconductor manufacturing (SP, AS, GF, GDN), pp. 244–249.
CASE-2011-PampuriSLN #maintenance #predict- Proportional hazard model with ℓ1 Penalization applied to Predictive Maintenance in semiconductor manufacturing (SP, AS, CDL, GDN), pp. 250–255.
ICDAR-2011-KatoDTIM #recognition #using- Low Resolution QR-Code Recognition by Applying Super-Resolution Using the Property of QR-Codes (YK, DD, TT, II, HM), pp. 992–996.
CSEET-2011-ChimalakondaN #education #learning #question #re-engineering- Can we make software engineering education better by applying learning theories? (SC, KVN), p. 561.
CSEET-2011-LethbridgeMFB #education #programming #uml #using- Teaching UML using umple: Applying model-oriented programming in the classroom (TCL, GM, AF, OBB), pp. 421–428.
ITiCSE-2011-TaylorK #injection #security #student- Security injections: modules to help students remember, understand, and apply secure coding techniques (BT, SK), pp. 3–7.
TACAS-2011-WimmelW #equation #petri net- Applying CEGAR to the Petri Net State Equation (HW, KW), pp. 224–238.
CSMR-2011-AlawnehH #abstraction #communication #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Pattern Recognition Techniques Applied to the Abstraction of Traces of Inter-Process Communication (LA, AHL), pp. 211–220.
AGTIVE-2011-GreenyerR #automaton #concept #diagrams #game studies #graph grammar #sequence chart #specification- Applying Advanced TGG Concepts for a Complex Transformation of Sequence Diagram Specifications to Timed Game Automata (JG, JR), pp. 222–237.
CHI-2011-McLoughlinC #assembly #design- Design interventions for open-air museums: applying and extending the principles of “assembly” (MM, LC), pp. 553–556.
CHI-2011-PearsonBT #documentation #interactive #physics- The reading desk: applying physical interactions to digital documents (JSP, GB, HWT), pp. 3199–3202.
CSCW-2011-BardramD #analysis #process- Activity analysis: applying activity theory to analyze complex work in hospitals (JB, AD), pp. 455–464.
DUXU-v2-2011-ReilyB #gesture #interface- Applying Gestural Interfaces to Command-and-Control (TR, MB), pp. 187–194.
HCD-2011-ChouC #interactive #physics- Investigating Users’ Interaction with Physical Products Applying Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (CJC, CC), pp. 3–12.
HCI-DDA-2011-ZhengWMZ #design #development #experience #user interface #workflow- Streamlining User Experience Design and Development: Roles, Tasks and Workflow of Applying Rich Application Technologies (XSZ, MW, GM, SZ), pp. 142–151.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ZhanF #design #interactive #named #people- GoCoBa: Interactive Installation Design Applied on Combination of Context and People (JXZ, KKF), pp. 259–267.
IDGD-2011-GaoQ #analysis #distributed #simulation- Analysis of the Applied Pattern of Distributed Computing Used in Simulation (SfG, HQ), pp. 152–158.
IDGD-2011-XianF #design #education #interactive #prototype #research #social- Design for Social Emotional Interaction in China: Light-Tech Driven Design and Prototyping Applied in Design Education and Research (FX, ZF), pp. 576–584.
IDGD-2011-Yang11a #communication- Common Task-Oriented Communication Tool Applied in Radiology Department of Hospital (RY), pp. 238–247.
IDGD-2011-YehL #design- Applying Local Culture Features into Creative Craft Products Design (MLY, PHL), pp. 114–122.
ICEIS-J-2011-BezerraH11a #community #process #wiki- Applying Conflict Management Process to Wiki Communities (JdMB, CMH), pp. 333–348.
ICEIS-v1-2011-EngouangY #case study #information management #named- AVIS — Applied Visa Information System — Case Study for the Embassy of the Gabonese Republic in China (TDE, LY), pp. 197–204.
ICEIS-v1-2011-YamaguchiDF #guidelines #process #visualisation- Guidelines for the Choice of Visualization Techniques Applied in the Process of Knowledge Extraction (JKY, MMD, CF), pp. 183–189.
ICEIS-v2-2011-BaiW #detection #fuzzy #identification #multi- Applying Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making to Evaluate and Identify Optimal Explosive Detection Equipments (YB, DW), pp. 118–124.
ICEIS-v2-2011-MarquezCCS #approach #distributed #multi #social- A Distributed Agency Methodology Applied to Complex Social Systems — A Multi-Dimensional Approach (BYM, MCP, JRC, EDS), pp. 204–209.
ICEIS-v2-2011-YuanL #enterprise #float #research #standard- The Research of Public Transport Enterprises Quota Floating Fuel — National Standard GB4353 Fuel Consumption for Passenger Vehicles in Operation Applied to the Public Transport Enterprise (YY, ML), pp. 291–296.
ICEIS-v3-2011-PereiraAPFS #development- SOA Practices and Patterns Applied in Global Software Development (MZP, JLNA, RP, MF, CRBdS), pp. 286–292.
ICEIS-v3-2011-SchneiderCKZ #information management #integration #modelling- Domain-specific Modelling Applied to Integration of Smart Sensors into an Information System (JPS, JC, DK, OZ), pp. 253–259.
ECIR-2011-LeonardLZTCD #data fusion #information retrieval #machine learning #metric- Applying Machine Learning Diversity Metrics to Data Fusion in Information Retrieval (DL, DL, LZ, FT, RWC, JD), pp. 695–698.
KDD-2011-ZhengSTLLC #challenge #data mining #information management #mining #mobile- Applying data mining techniques to address disaster information management challenges on mobile devices (LZ, CS, LT, TL, SL, SCC), pp. 283–291.
KMIS-2011-FalcaoNGPA #agile #education #integration #quality #social- Lean Six Sigma Applied to Quality and Productivity Improvement in the Management Cycle — Planning and Control — of an Education, Training and Social Integration Institution (SF, FN, SCG, SP, SNA), pp. 326–330.
MLDM-2011-CelibertoM #learning- Investigation in Transfer Learning: Better Way to Apply Transfer Learning between Agents (LACJ, JPM), pp. 210–223.
RecSys-2011-LeeL #analysis #behaviour #music #recommendation- My head is your tail: applying link analysis on long-tailed music listening behavior for music recommendation (KL, KL), pp. 213–220.
RecSys-2011-WuCMW #detection #learning #named- Semi-SAD: applying semi-supervised learning to shilling attack detection (ZW, JC, BM, YW), pp. 289–292.
SEKE-2011-GuedesV #analysis #case study #metamodelling #multi #requirements #uml #validation- Applying and Validating a UML Metamodel for the Requirements Analysis in Multi-Agent Systems: The AME-A Case Study (GTAG, RMV), pp. 746–751.
SEKE-2011-ParkK #approach #automation #formal method #lightweight- Applying Lightweight Formal Approach to Automatic Configuration Inspection (SP, GK), pp. 107–110.
MoDELS-2011-IzukuraYOSKX #approach #development #modelling #using- Applying a Model-Based Approach to IT Systems Development Using SysML Extension (SI, KY, TO, HS, DK, JX), pp. 563–577.
MoDELS-2011-LettnerTM #bibliography #embedded #identification #migration #problem- A Critical Review of Applied MDA for Embedded Devices: Identification of Problem Classes and Discussing Porting Efforts in Practice (ML, MT, RM), pp. 228–242.
MoDELS-2011-IzukuraYOSKX #approach #development #modelling #using- Applying a Model-Based Approach to IT Systems Development Using SysML Extension (SI, KY, TO, HS, DK, JX), pp. 563–577.
MoDELS-2011-LettnerTM #bibliography #embedded #identification #migration #problem- A Critical Review of Applied MDA for Embedded Devices: Identification of Problem Classes and Discussing Porting Efforts in Practice (ML, MT, RM), pp. 228–242.
RE-2011-LiaskosR- Applying preference-based customization (SL, VR), pp. 353–354.
REFSQ-2011-PostMP #case study #requirements #strict- Applying Restricted English Grammar on Automotive Requirements — Does it Work? A Case Study (AP, IM, AP), pp. 166–180.
SAC-2011-DaniAS #algorithm #architecture #manycore #search-based- Applying genetic algorithms to optimize the power in tiled SNUCA chip multicore architectures (AMD, BA, YNS), pp. 1090–1091.
ESEC-FSE-2011-MengKM #named #program transformation- Sydit: creating and applying a program transformation from an example (NM, MK, KSM), pp. 440–443.
ICST-2011-SantelicesH #testing- Applying aggressive propagation-based strategies for testing changes (RAS, MJH), pp. 11–20.
ICTSS-2011-ShinboH #communication #detection #empirical #mobile- An Empirical Study on Applying Anomaly Detection Technique to Detecting Software and Communication Failures in Mobile Data Communication Services (HS, TH), pp. 195–208.
SAT-2011-IgnatievS #encryption- DPLL+ROBDD Derivation Applied to Inversion of Some Cryptographic Functions (AI, AS), pp. 76–89.
SAT-2011-MundhenkZ #equivalence #how #normalisation- How to Apply SAT-Solving for the Equivalence Test of Monotone Normal Forms (MM, RZ), pp. 105–119.
SAT-2011-PrevitiRSS #satisfiability- Applying UCT to Boolean Satisfiability (AP, RR, MS, BS), pp. 373–374.
CASE-2010-SouzaPC #analysis #distributed #implementation #network #predict- Distributed model predictive control applied to urban traffic networks: Implementation, experimentation, and analysis (FAdS, VBP, EC), pp. 399–405.
DocEng-2010-SlimaneKAHI #comparison #multi #recognition- Comparison of global and cascading recognition systems applied to multi-font arabic text (FS, SK, AMA, JH, RI), pp. 161–164.
HT-2010-CorletteS #network #online #predict #scalability #social- Link prediction applied to an open large-scale online social network (DC, FMSI), pp. 135–140.
ITiCSE-2010-Rubio-Sanchez #programming #recursion- Tail recursive programming by applying generalization (MRS), pp. 98–102.
SCAM-2010-BrixtelFLBR #clone detection #detection #independence- Language-Independent Clone Detection Applied to Plagiarism Detection (RB, MF, BL, CB, RR), pp. 77–86.
FLOPS-2010-CaballeroGS #constraints #generative #logic programming #sql #testing- Applying Constraint Logic Programming to SQL Test Case Generation (RC, YGR, FSP), pp. 191–206.
CHI-2010-HeGH #design #energy #feedback- One size does not fit all: applying the transtheoretical model to energy feedback technology design (HAH, SG, EMH), pp. 927–936.
SOFTVIS-2010-RuanAMN #visualisation- Exploring the inventor’s paradox: applying jigsaw to software visualization (HR, CA, SM, JN), pp. 83–92.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2010-LafuenteP #algorithm- Algorithm Applied in the Prioritisation of the Stakeholders (AMGL, LBdP), pp. 181–186.
ICEIS-DISI-2010-AzevedoPTBC #data access #flexibility #framework- A Flexible Framework for Applying Data Access Authorization Business Rules (LGA, SP, RT, FAB, CC), pp. 275–280.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-MacielSM #approach #modelling #process- Applying and Evaluating an MDA Process Modeling Approach (RSPM, BCdS, APFM), pp. 185–190.
ICEIS-ISAS-2010-SeemuellerVHB #approach #development #process- Situational Method Engineering Applied for the Enactment of Development Processes — An Agent based Approach (HS, HV, BH, BB), pp. 399–405.
ICEIS-SAIC-2010-SerranoL #ontology #standard #ubiquitous- Applying Fipa Standards Ontological Support to Intentional-MAS-Oriented Ubiquitous System (MS, CJPdL), pp. 114–121.
ECIR-2010-KnothCSZ #multi #named #retrieval- EUROGENE: Multilingual Retrieval and Machine Translation Applied to Human Genetics (PK, TDC, ES, ZZ), pp. 670–671.
ECIR-2010-SaldarriagaMV #information retrieval #online #ranking- Ranking Fusion Methods Applied to On-Line Handwriting Information Retrieval (SPS, EM, CVG), pp. 253–264.
ICPR-2010-Ait-MohandPRH #adaptation- Structure Adaptation of HMM Applied to OCR (KAM, TP, NR, LH), pp. 2877–2880.
ICPR-2010-BatistaGS #difference #representation #verification- Applying Dissimilarity Representation to Off-Line Signature Verification (LB, EG, RS), pp. 1293–1297.
ICPR-2010-CarneiroN #architecture #learning- The Fusion of Deep Learning Architectures and Particle Filtering Applied to Lip Tracking (GC, JCN), pp. 2065–2068.
ICPR-2010-DengSS #detection #network #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Applying Error-Correcting Output Coding to Enhance Convolutional Neural Network for Target Detection and Pattern Recognition (HD, GS, CYS), pp. 4291–4294.
ICPR-2010-KhanN #image #optimisation- A Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Applied in Image Registration (MKK, IN), pp. 2302–2305.
ICPR-2010-KotropoulosAP #classification #music- Ensemble Discriminant Sparse Projections Applied to Music Genre Classification (CK, GRA, YP), pp. 822–825.
KDD-2010-AttenbergP #classification #learning #modelling #why- Why label when you can search?: alternatives to active learning for applying human resources to build classification models under extreme class imbalance (JA, FJP), pp. 423–432.
KMIS-2010-DienstAHF #knowledge base #visual notation- Applying Fusion Techniques to Graphical Methods for Knowledge based Processing of Product use Information (SD, FA, AH, MF), pp. 136–142.
SEKE-2010-HuSW #architecture #model transformation #named- ISE — Integrated Service Engineering: Applying an Architecture for Model to Model Transformations (HH, GS, GW), pp. 452–457.
SAC-2010-CostaNSFL #adaptation #framework #self- JAAF+T: a framework to implement self-adaptive agents that apply self-test (ADdC, CN, VTdS, BFdSN, CJPdL), pp. 928–935.
SAC-2010-DaroncoRL #assessment #quality #scalability #video- Subjective video quality assessment applied to scalable video coding and transmission instability (LCD, VR, JVdL), pp. 1898–1904.
SAC-2010-LeeKL #network #personalisation #taxonomy- Applying taxonomic knowledge to Bayesian belief network for personalized search (JwL, HjK, SgL), pp. 1796–1801.
SAC-2010-SantanaLM #clustering #realtime #web- Load forecasting applied to soft real-time web clusters (CS, JCBL, DM), pp. 346–350.
SAC-2010-ToledoOOP #algorithm #parallel #problem #scheduling #search-based- Parallel genetic algorithm approaches applied to solve a synchronized and integrated lot sizing and scheduling problem (CFMT, LdO, RRRdO, MRP), pp. 1148–1152.
FSE-2010-BadreddinL #case study #industrial #prototype #research- A study of applying a research prototype tool in industrial practice (OBB, TCL), pp. 353–356.
PPoPP-2010-ChandramowlishwaranKV #algebra #concurrent #linear #parallel #programming- Applying the concurrent collections programming model to asynchronous parallel dense linear algebra (AC, KK, RWV), pp. 345–346.
ICLP-J-2010-LopesNRS #distributed #prolog- Applying Prolog to develop distributed systems (NPL, JANP, AR, AS), pp. 691–707.
ICTSS-2010-CabralPV #algorithm #integration #order #problem- A Pareto Ant Colony Algorithm Applied to the Class Integration and Test Order Problem (RdVC, AP, SRV), pp. 16–29.
SAT-2010-Naveh #constraints #difference- The Big Deal: Applying Constraint Satisfaction Technologies Where It Makes the Difference (YN), pp. 1–7.
QoSA-2009-KavimandanG #model transformation #optimisation #realtime- Applying Model Transformations to Optimizing Real-Time QoS Configurations in DRE Systems (AK, ASG), pp. 18–35.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-PerovichRB #architecture #feature model #product line- Feature model to product architectures: Applying MDE to Software Product Lines (DP, POR, MCB), pp. 201–210.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-RodriguezDCJ #adaptation #architecture #communication #configuration management #modelling #multi- A model-based multi-level architectural reconfiguration applied to adaptability management in context-aware cooperative communication support systems (IBR, KD, CC, MJ), pp. 353–356.
CSEET-2009-SantosBCAM #education #re-engineering- Applying PBL in Software Engineering Education (SCdS, MdCMB, APCC, JOA, SRdLM), pp. 182–189.
SEFM-2009-AndresMN #protocol #testing- Applying Formal Passive Testing to Study Temporal Properties of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (CA, MGM, MN), pp. 73–82.
DHM-2009-NiedermaierDEK #process #usability- The New BMW iDrive — Applied Processes and Methods to Assure High Usability (BN, SD, LE, AK), pp. 443–452.
HCI-NIMT-2009-Alexandris #approach #editing #process- A Speech-Act Oriented Approach for User-Interactive Editing and Regulation Processes Applied in Written and Spoken Technical Texts (CA), pp. 645–653.
HCI-NT-2009-AsahiIF #evaluation #usability- A Usability Evaluation Method Applying AHP and Treemap Techniques (TA, TI, SF), pp. 195–203.
HCI-NT-2009-MaeshiroMSN #performance #similarity- Hypernetwork Model to Represent Similarity Details Applied to Musical Instrument Performance (TM, MM, KS, SiN), pp. 866–873.
ICEIS-DISI-2009-Pitkaranta #information retrieval #recommendation- Applying Information Retrieval for Market Basket Recommender Systems (TP), pp. 138–143.
ICEIS-ISAS-2009-SarmientoBC #approach #detection #interactive #requirements- Applying an Event-based Approach for Detecting Requirements Interaction (ES, MRSB, MLMC), pp. 225–230.
ICEIS-J-2009-JerbiRTZ #recommendation- Applying Recommendation Technology in OLAP Systems (HJ, FR, OT, GZ), pp. 220–233.
ICEIS-J-2009-MacielPRG #web- Applying the Discourse Theory to the Moderator’s Interferences in Web Debates (CM, VCP, LR, ACBG), pp. 882–893.
ECIR-2009-GouveaR #information retrieval #word- Word Particles Applied to Information Retrieval (EBG, BR), pp. 424–436.
KDD-2009-CherkasovaEMTV #algorithm #enterprise #information management #similarity- Applying syntactic similarity algorithms for enterprise information management (LC, KE, CBMI, JT, ACV), pp. 1087–1096.
KEOD-2009-HotzWKS #ontology #reasoning #retrieval #similarity- Ontology-based Similarity of Software Cases — Applying Ontology Reasoning to Software Retrieval (LH, KW, SK, AS), pp. 183–191.
KEOD-2009-ZambachM #implementation #logic #ontology- Applying Terminological Methods and Description Logic for Creating and Implementing an Ontology on Inhibition (SZ, BNM), pp. 452–455.
RecSys-2009-Nnadi #clustering #correlation #multi #recommendation #set- Applying relevant set correlation clustering to multi-criteria recommender systems (NN), pp. 401–404.
SEKE-2009-LucenaSSAC #modelling- Applying Transformation Rules to Improve i* Models (ML, CTLLS, ES, FMRA, JC), pp. 43–48.
ECMDA-FA-2009-KoudriCAS #analysis #design #process- MoPCoM/MARTE Process Applied to a Cognitive Radio System Design and Analysis (AK, JC, DA, PS), pp. 277–288.
SAC-2009-ChoiKHK #component #dependence #metric- Component-based metrics applying the strength of dependency between classes (MC, IJK, JH, JYK), pp. 530–536.
SAC-2009-ConceicaoMC #mobile #modelling #predict- A nonlinear mobile robot modeling applied to a model predictive controller (ASC, APM, JPC), pp. 1186–1187.
SAC-2009-HendersonE #graph #scalability- Applying latent dirichlet allocation to group discovery in large graphs (KH, TER), pp. 1456–1461.
SAC-2009-HoelzRG #forensics- Artificial intelligence applied to computer forensics (BWPH, CGR, RG), pp. 883–888.
SAC-2009-KokashA #coordination #transaction- Applying Reo to service coordination in long-running business transactions (NK, FA), pp. 1381–1382.
SAC-2009-LemosBOML #code search #reuse #testing- Applying test-driven code search to the reuse of auxiliary functionality (OALL, SKB, JO, PCM, CVL), pp. 476–482.
SAC-2009-SmileyHKD #analysis #architecture #evaluation #requirements- Architectural requirements prioritization and analysis applied to software technology evaluation (KS, QH, EK, AD), pp. 397–398.
SAC-2009-ZaidKT #feature model #modelling #semantics #web- Applying semantic web technology to feature modeling (LAZ, FK, ODT), pp. 1252–1256.
TestCom-FATES-2009-GuoDW #erlang #source code #testing- Applying Testability Transformations to Achieve Structural Coverage of Erlang Programs (QG, JD, NW), pp. 81–96.
TestCom-FATES-2009-WieczorekKRLBPS #integration #model checking #modelling #testing- Applying Model Checking to Generate Model-Based Integration Tests from Choreography Models (SW, VK, AR, ML, JB, DP, IS), pp. 179–194.
WICSA-2008-SousaSPB #design #monitoring #named- uDesign: End-User Design Applied to Monitoring and Control Applications for Smart Spaces (JPS, BRS, VP, AB), pp. 71–80.
ASE-2008-Eltaher #approach #testing #towards- Towards Good Enough Testing: A Cognitive-Oriented Approach Applied to Infotainment Systems (AE), pp. 525–528.
ASE-2008-MaderGP #automation #development #maintenance #modelling #process #traceability- Enabling Automated Traceability Maintenance by Recognizing Development Activities Applied to Models (PM, OG, IP), pp. 49–58.
DAC-2008-LeeJCHKKK #power management- Applying passive RFID system to wireless headphones for extreme low power consumption (JGL, DJ, JC, SH, JKK, JK, SWK), pp. 486–491.
CSEET-2008-BarbosaSM #education #experience #learning #testing- An Experience on Applying Learning Mechanisms for Teaching Inspection and Software Testing (EFB, SdRSdS, JCM), pp. 189–196.
ITiCSE-2008-MartinH #algorithm #design- Cognitive dimensions questionnaire applied to exploratory algorithm design (CJM, JMH), pp. 184–188.
ICPC-2008-McMeekinKCC #comprehension #developer #taxonomy- Checklist Inspections and Modifications: Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy to Categorise Developer Comprehension (DAM, BRvK, EC, DJAC), pp. 224–229.
FM-2008-VerhulstJM #case study #development #formal method #industrial- An Industrial Case: Pitfalls and Benefits of Applying Formal Methods to the Development of a Network-Centric RTOS (EV, GGdJ, VM), pp. 411–418.
CHI-2008-RanjanBB #detection- Improving meeting capture by applying television production principles with audio and motion detection (AR, JPB, RB), pp. 227–236.
CSCW-2008-HsiehKHW #communication- Can markets help?: applying market mechanisms to improve synchronous communication (GH, RK, SEH, RW), pp. 535–544.
SOFTVIS-2008-NestorTBCH #product line #visualisation- Applying visualisation techniques in software product lines (DN, ST, GB, CC, PH), pp. 175–184.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-RomeroCSP #industrial #modelling #multi- Applying Multi-Agent Systems to Organizational Modelling in Industrial Environments (MCR, RMC, YWS, TRP), pp. 181–186.
ICEIS-DISI-2008-SchulteHSES #collaboration #flexibility #framework #generative #research #towards- Towards the Next Generation of Service-Oriented Flexible Collaborative Systems — A Basic Framework Applied to Medical Research (JS, TH, KS, JE, ES), pp. 232–239.
ICEIS-HCI-2008-LailaAN #online- Applying Kansei Engineering to Determine Emotional Signature of Online Clothing Websites (NLMN, MLA, MN), pp. 142–147.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-ThomRCI #modelling #process- Applying Activity Patterns for Developing an Intelligent Process Modeling Tool (LHT, MR, CMC, CI), pp. 112–119.
ICEIS-ISAS1-2008-VlaanderenVP #web- Improvement of a Web Engineering Method Applying Situational Method Engineering (KV, FV, OP), pp. 147–154.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-InoueS #development #game studies- Applying MDA to Game Software Development (TI, YS), pp. 454–459.
ICEIS-J-2008-VlaanderenVP08a #modelling #research #web- Model-Driven Web Engineering in the CMS Domain: A Preliminary Research Applying SME (KV, FV, OP), pp. 226–237.
ECIR-2008-YahyaeiM #email #retrieval- Applying Maximum Entropy to Known-Item Email Retrieval (SY, CM), pp. 406–413.
ICPR-2008-JayS #3d #metric #similarity- Applying similarity metrics to 3D acquisition in structured-light systems (GTJ, RS), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-NetzellS #image #modelling #performance- Efficient image inner products applied to active appearance models (KN, JES), pp. 1–4.
KR-2008-Saint-Cyr #reasoning- Scenario Update Applied to Causal Reasoning (FDdSC), pp. 188–197.
SEKE-2008-AltahatET #analysis #detection #diagrams #graph transformation #interactive #uml- Applying Critical Pair Analysis in Graph Transformation Systems to Detect Syntactic Aspect Interaction in UML State Diagrams (ZA, TE, LT), pp. 905–911.
SEKE-2008-ScheithauerW #case study #process- Case Study: Applying Business Process Management Systems (GS, GW), pp. 12–15.
ECMDA-FA-2008-MohagheghiD #bibliography #case study #experience #industrial #proving- Where Is the Proof? — A Review of Experiences from Applying MDE in Industry (PM, VD), pp. 432–443.
SAC-2008-BragaOM #estimation #feature model #optimisation #parametricity- A GA-based feature selection and parameters optimization for support vector regression applied to software effort estimation (PLB, ALIO, SRLM), pp. 1788–1792.
SAC-2008-CorreaL #documentation #hybrid #semantics- Semantic mapping and K-means applied to hybrid SOM-based document organization system construction (RFC, TBL), pp. 1112–1116.
SAC-2008-DuraoVAM #code search #semantics #source code- Applying a semantic layer in a source code search tool (FAD, TAV, ESdA, SRdLM), pp. 1151–1157.
SAC-2008-MotaCFEB #deforestation #evolution #reasoning- Applying case-based reasoning in the evolution of deforestation patterns in the Brazilian Amazonia (JSM, GC, LMGF, MISE, ORFdOB), pp. 1683–1687.
SAC-2008-SpinosaCG #clustering #concept #data type #detection #network #novel- Cluster-based novel concept detection in data streams applied to intrusion detection in computer networks (EJS, ACPLFdC, JG), pp. 976–980.
SAC-2008-TeleckenML #specification #visual notation- Applying markup language resources in the specification of visual alphabets and visual sentences (TLT, EVM, JVdL), pp. 222–227.
ICSE-2008-LongDG #experience #industrial #model checking- Experience applying the SPIN model checker to an industrial telecommunications system (BL, JD, TCNG), pp. 693–702.
ICSE-2008-VieiraSMSTH #case study #experience #modelling #testing- Applying model-based testing to healthcare products: preliminary experiences (MV, XS, GM, SS, RT, WMH), pp. 669–672.
SPLC-2008-CetinaFP #pervasive #product line- Applying Software Product Lines to Build Autonomic Pervasive Systems (CC, JF, VP), pp. 117–126.
HPDC-2008-ShrinivasN #data mining #detection #grid #mining- Issues in applying data mining to grid job failure detection and diagnosis (LS, JFN), pp. 239–240.
CAV-2008-JoshiK #graph transformation #theorem #verification- Applying the Graph Minor Theorem to the Verification of Graph Transformation Systems (SJ, BK), pp. 214–226.
TestCom-FATES-2008-CalameP #case study #html #modelling #testing- Applying Model-Based Testing to HTML Rendering Engines — A Case Study (JRC, JvdP), pp. 250–265.
ECSA-2007-FalessiKC #architecture #empirical #re-engineering- Issues in Applying Empirical Software Engineering to Software Architecture (DF, PK, GC), pp. 257–262.
DATE-2007-CrepaldiCGZ #design #effectiveness #top-down- An effective AMS top-down methodology applied to the design of a mixed-signal UWB system-on-chip (MC, MRC, MG, MZ), pp. 1424–1429.
DRR-2007-HansenER #image #multi #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition- Multispectral pattern recognition applied to x-ray fluorescence images of the Archimedes Palimpsest (DMH, RLEJ, RR).
ICDAR-2007-RanzatoL #documentation #image #invariant- A Sparse and Locally Shift Invariant Feature Extractor Applied to Document Images (MR, YL), pp. 1213–1217.
ICDAR-2007-Renaudin #collaboration- A General Method of Segmentation-Recognition Collaboration Applied to Pairs of Touching and Overlapping Symbols (CR), pp. 659–663.
ICSM-2007-HouZXMS #component #interface #testing- Applying Interface-Contract Mutation in Regression Testing of Component-Based Software (SSH, LZ, TX, HM, JS), pp. 174–183.
PEPM-2007-CunhaV #query #source code #xpath- Transformation of structure-shy programs: applied to XPath queries and strategic functions (AC, JV), pp. 11–20.
AGTIVE-2007-BalasubramanianNNNSTK #model transformation- Applying a Grouping Operator in Model Transformations (DB, AN, SN, BN, FS, RT, GK), pp. 410–425.
DHM-2007-EstevesKZW #case study #industrial #modelling #performance- Applied User Performance Modeling in Industry — A Case Study from Medical Imaging (ME, TK, SZ, AW), pp. 576–585.
HCI-IDU-2007-HeoPS #case study #usability- A Study on the Improving Product Usability Applying the Kano’s Model of Customer Satisfaction (JH, SP, CS), pp. 482–489.
HCI-IDU-2007-XuQC #case study #design- A Case Study of New Way to Apply Card Sort in Panel Design (YX, XQ, SSC), pp. 289–297.
HCI-MIE-2007-Seifert #generative #interactive- Region-Based Model of Tour Planning Applied to Interactive Tour Generation (IS), pp. 499–507.
HIMI-MTT-2007-OehlSZ #how #interface #performance- Considerations on Efficient Touch Interfaces — How Display Size Influences the Performance in an Applied Pointing Task (MO, CS, MZ), pp. 136–143.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Dopichaj #retrieval #xml- Improving Content-Oriented XML Retrieval by Applying Structural Patterns (PD), pp. 5–13.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-MartinLGM #network- Applying Integrated Expert System in Network Management (AM, CL, JIG, FJM), pp. 101–106.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-MarquesRFRAAM #analysis #aspect-oriented- Aspect-Oriented Analysis Applied to the Space Domain (AM, RR, RF, RAR, SA, JA, AMDM), pp. 71–79.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-LazanasKK #hybrid #policy #recommendation #web #web service- Applying Hybrid Recommendation Policies through Agent-Invoked Web Services in E-Markets (AL, NIK, VK), pp. 161–166.
KDD-2007-ParkP #collaboration #ranking- Applying collaborative filtering techniques to movie search for better ranking and browsing (STP, DMP), pp. 550–559.
MLDM-2007-EkinciA #kernel #recognition #representation- Palmprint Recognition by Applying Wavelet Subband Representation and Kernel PCA (ME, MA), pp. 628–642.
MLDM-2007-EkinciAG #kernel #multi #recognition- Gait Recognition by Applying Multiple Projections and Kernel PCA (ME, MA, EG), pp. 727–741.
MLDM-2007-LeeP #multi #on the #problem #reduction- On Applying Dimension Reduction for Multi-labeled Problems (ML, CHP), pp. 131–143.
MLDM-2007-Olvera-LopezTC #float #strict- Restricted Sequential Floating Search Applied to Object Selection (JAOL, JFMT, JACO), pp. 694–702.
SIGIR-2007-LiaoC #query #ranking- Applying ranking SVM in query relaxation (CL, TC), pp. 763–764.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-LohmannGJS #graph grammar #model transformation #workflow- Applying Triple Graph Grammars For Pattern-Based Workflow Model Transformations (CL, JG, JJ, TS), pp. 253–273.
REFSQ-2007-AlkkiomakiS #architecture #case study #functional #integration #modelling #requirements #uml- Integration Use Cases — An Applied UML Technique for Modeling Functional Requirements in Service Oriented Architecture (VA, KS), pp. 190–202.
REFSQ-2007-RegnellHB #analysis #mobile #non-functional #performance #quality #requirements- A Quality Performance Model for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Non-functional Requirements Applied to the Mobile Handset Domain (BR, MH, RBS), pp. 277–291.
SAC-2007-Chiong #algorithm #search-based #using- Applying genetic algorithms to economy market using iterated prisoner’s dilemma (RC), pp. 733–737.
SAC-2007-NunesFA #case study #component #framework #multi- Applying a component-based framework to develop multi-agent environments: case study (CN, MF, HOdA), pp. 37–41.
SAC-2007-ZhouPMLTL #architecture #ontology #self- Applying ontology in architecture-based self-management applications (YZ, JP, XM, BL, XT, JL), pp. 97–103.
ICSE-2007-FerreiraSCMBBR #maturity #process- Applying ISO 9001: 2000, MPS.BR and CMMI to Achieve Software Process Maturity: BL Informatica’s Pathway (AIFF, GS, RC, MM, AB, AOSB, ARR), pp. 642–651.
ICSE-2007-HonidenTYTW #architecture #development #re-engineering #tool support- Top SE: Educating Superarchitects Who Can Apply Software Engineering Tools to Practical Development in Japan (SH, YT, NY, KT, HW), pp. 708–718.
ICSE-2007-KarailaS #case study #experience #industrial #metaprogramming #visual notation- Applying Template Meta-Programming Techniques for a Domain-Specific Visual Language — An Industrial Experience Report (MK, TS), pp. 571–580.
ICLP-2007-RochaSL #on the #program transformation #prolog- On Applying Program Transformation to Implement Suspension-Based Tabling in Prolog (RR, CS, RL), pp. 444–445.
SAT-2007-EenMS #logic #satisfiability #synthesis- Applying Logic Synthesis for Speeding Up SAT (NE, AM, NS), pp. 272–286.
QoSA-2006-BouckeWSH #architecture #distributed- Applying the ATAM to an Architecture for Decentralized Control of a Transportation System (NB, DW, KS, TH), pp. 180–198.
ASE-2006-ArthoG #model checking- Accurate Centralization for Applying Model Checking on Networked Applications (CA, PLG), pp. 177–188.
CASE-2006-ChenYTCW #difference #fuzzy #hybrid #linear #matrix- Applying the Linear Matrix Inequality for Hybrid Fuzzy/H-infinity Control of Active Structural Damping (CWC, KY, CHT, CYC, DJW), pp. 678–682.
CSEET-2006-RahmanJ #development #education #lifecycle #programming- Applying Software Development Lifecycles in Teaching Introductory Programming Courses (SMR, PLJ), pp. 17–24.
MSR-2006-Beyer #challenge #co-evolution #visualisation- Co-change visualization applied to PostgreSQL and ArgoUML: (MSR challenge report) (DB), pp. 165–166.
MSR-2006-DAmbrosL #evolution- Applying the evolution radar to PostgreSQL (MD, ML), pp. 177–178.
SOFTVIS-2006-GauvinB #automation #data flow #layout #programming language #visual notation- Transparency, holophrasting, and automatic layout applied to control structures for visual dataflow programming languages (SG, OB), pp. 67–75.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-KrishnaGG #modelling #prototype- Applying Agent-Oriented Modelling and Prototyping to Service-Oriented Systems (AK, YG, AKG), pp. 246–252.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-MunozP #framework #pervasive- Applying Software Factories to Pervasive Systems: A Platform Specific Framework (JM, VP), pp. 337–342.
ECIR-2006-KaneCD #information retrieval #readability- Readability Applied to Information Retrieval (LK, JC, JD), pp. 523–526.
ICPR-v1-2006-ChengZS #detection- Boosted Gabor Features Applied to Vehicle Detection (HC, NZ, CS), pp. 662–666.
ICPR-v2-2006-BenouarethES #recognition #word- HMMs with Explicit State Duration Applied to Handwritten Arabic Word Recognition (AB, AE, MS), pp. 897–900.
ICPR-v2-2006-GonzalezSRP #image #network #retrieval- Wavelet transforms and neural networks applied to image retrieval (ACG, JHSA, EMFR, OBP), pp. 909–912.
ICPR-v3-2006-GutmanWLCT #analysis #using- Hippocampal Surface Analysis Using Spherical Harmonic Function Applied to Surface Conformal Mapping (BG, YW, LML, TFC, PMT), pp. 964–967.
ICPR-v3-2006-VilchesEVT #data mining #mining #recognition- Data Mining Applied to Acoustic Bird Species Recognition (EV, IAE, EEV, CET), pp. 400–403.
ICPR-v4-2006-Jun #comparison #dataset #detection- A Peer Dataset Comparison Outlier Detection Model Applied to Financial Surveillance (TJ), pp. 900–903.
SEKE-2006-BaileyS #empirical #modelling #tool support- Applying Models of Technology Adoption to Software Tools and Methods: An Empirical Study (SAB, SES), pp. 200–205.
SEKE-2006-FranzotteV #mutation testing #testing #xml- Applying Mutation Testing in XML Schemas (LF, SRV), pp. 511–516.
SEKE-2006-ZepedaC #concept #design- Applying MDA to the Conceptual Design of Data Warehouses (LZ, MC), pp. 156–161.
MoDELS-2006-SriplakichBG #distributed- Applying Model Fragment Copy-Restore to Build an Open and Distributed MDA Environment (PS, XB, MPG), pp. 631–645.
MoDELS-2006-SriplakichBG #distributed- Applying Model Fragment Copy-Restore to Build an Open and Distributed MDA Environment (PS, XB, MPG), pp. 631–645.
RE-2006-SeaterJ #problem- Requirement Progression in Problem Frames Applied to a Proton Therapy System (RS, DJ), pp. 166–175.
SAC-2006-DelavalR #domain-specific language #generative #synthesis- A domain-specific language for task handlers generation, applying discrete controller synthesis (GD, ÉR), pp. 901–905.
SAC-2006-FelipeTT #image #retrieval #similarity- A new similarity measure for histograms applied to content-based retrieval of medical images (JCF, AJMT, CTJ), pp. 258–259.
SAC-2006-RosaSHZ #collaboration #development- Development of a collaborative environment applied to pediatric oncology (ALMdR, IdAS, AYH, MKZ), pp. 256–257.
SAC-2006-TsvetinovUC #ranking- Dominance and ranking issues applying interval techniques in pre-negotiations for services (PET, AU, TC), pp. 887–888.
SAC-2006-WongZC #metric #modelling #statistics- Applying statistical methodology to optimize and simplify software metric models with missing data (WEW, JZ, VKYC), pp. 1728–1733.
ICSE-2006-HuangBHGLQ #development #enterprise #process- Applying the Value/Petri process to ERP software development in China (LH, BWB, HH, JG, JL, CQ), pp. 502–511.
ICSE-2006-Komuro #case study #development #experience #process- Experiences of applying SPC techniques to software development processes (MK), pp. 577–584.
ICSE-2006-MutchalintungkulOPSP #development #education #enterprise #experience- Experience from applying RIM to educational ERP development (AM, JO, KP, DS, NP), pp. 620–623.
ICSE-2006-ZhengRWS #testing- Applying regression test selection for COTS-based applications (JZ, BR, LW, KS), pp. 512–522.
FATES-RV-2006-FalconeFMR #calculus #framework #network #policy #security- A Test Calculus Framework Applied to Network Security Policies (YF, JCF, LM, JLR), pp. 55–69.
ICLP-2006-BrainCVF #named #programming #set- TOAST: Applying Answer Set Programming to Superoptimisation (MB, TC, MDV, JPF), pp. 270–284.
DATE-2005-DykaL #encryption #hardware #implementation #performance- Area Efficient Hardware Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Iteratively Applying Karatsuba’s Method (ZD, PL), pp. 70–75.
DATE-2005-Oliver #design #uml- Applying UML and MDA to Real Systems Design (IO), pp. 70–71.
ICDAR-2005-CecottiB #adaptation #network #recognition- Rejection strategy for Convolutional Neural Network by adaptive topology applied to handwritten digits recognition (HC, AB), pp. 765–769.
ICDAR-2005-CecottiB05a #approach #documentation #hybrid- Hybrid OCR combination approach complemented by a specialized ICR applied on ancient documents (HC, AB), pp. 1045–1049.
ICDAR-2005-LeeI #performance #recognition #word- A Simple and Efficient Method for Global Handwritten Word Recognition Applied to Brazilian Bankchecks (LLL, SI), pp. 950–955.
ICDAR-2005-NielsV- Dynamic TimeWarping Applied to Tamil Character Recognitio (RN, LV), pp. 730–734.
ICDAR-2005-RangoniB #categorisation #documentation #logic #recognition- Data categorization for a context return applied to logical document structure recognition (YR, AB), pp. 297–301.
VLDB-2005-RossJS #query- A Faceted Query Engine Applied to Archaeology (KAR, AJ, JS), pp. 1334–1337.
CSEET-2005-BunseGOPS #education #learning #re-engineering- xd Software Engineering Education Applying a Blended Learning Strategy for (CB, IG, MO, CP, SSN), pp. 95–102.
ESOP-2005-KremerR #analysis #protocol #π-calculus- Analysis of an Electronic Voting Protocol in the Applied π Calculus (SK, MR), pp. 186–200.
CSMR-2005-ZaidmanCDP #comprehension #execution #mining #process- Applying Webmining Techniques to Execution Traces to Support the Program Comprehension Process (AZ, TC, SD, JP), pp. 134–142.
ICSM-2005-AntoniolPH #maintenance #optimisation #search-based- Search-Based Techniques Applied to Optimization of Project Planning for a Massive Maintenance Project (GA, MDP, MH), pp. 240–249.
FM-2005-Broadfoot #cost analysis #formal method #industrial- ASD Case Notes: Costs and Benefits of Applying Formal Methods to Industrial Control Software (GHB), pp. 548–551.
CHI-2005-Johnson #design #interactive #lessons learnt #simulation- Applying the lessons of the attack on the world trade center, 11th September 2001, to the design and use of interactive evacuation simulations (CWJ), pp. 651–660.
VISSOFT-2005-RillingN #3d #analysis #comprehension #design pattern- Applying Code Analysis and 3D Design Pattern Grouping to Facilitate Program Comprehension (JR, VLN), pp. 123–124.
CIKM-2005-LuoJH #estimation- Applying cosine series to join size estimation (CL, ZJ, WCH), pp. 227–228.
ECIR-2005-JiangSZ #web- Applying Associative Relationship on the Clickthrough Data to Improve Web Search (XMJ, WGS, HJZ), pp. 475–486.
MLDM-2005-BahiS #recognition- Neural Expert Model Applied to Phonemes Recognition (HB, MS), pp. 507–515.
ECMDA-FA-2005-PressoB #experience- Applying MDA to Voice Applications: An Experience in Building an MDA Tool Chain (MJP, MB), pp. 1–8.
MoDELS-2005-MiliE #design pattern #problem #question #representation #what- Representing and Applying Design Patterns: What Is the Problem? (HM, GEB), pp. 186–200.
MoDELS-2005-Vieira #case study #experience #generative #modelling #testing- Invited Presentation II: Experiences in Applying Model Based System Testing Generation (MV), p. 430.
MoDELS-2005-MiliE #design pattern #problem #question #representation #what- Representing and Applying Design Patterns: What Is the Problem? (HM, GEB), pp. 186–200.
MoDELS-2005-Vieira #case study #experience #generative #modelling #testing- Invited Presentation II: Experiences in Applying Model Based System Testing Generation (MV), p. 430.
GPCE-2005-JunJ #framework #generative #maintenance- Applying a Generative Technique for Enhanced Genericity and Maintainability on the J2EE Platform (YJ, SJ), pp. 237–255.
SAC-2005-Arias-FisteusFK #model checking- Applying model checking to BPEL4WS business collaborations (JAF, LSF, CDK), pp. 826–830.
SAC-2005-ZhaoCL #modelling #process #re-engineering- Applying agent technology to software process modeling and process-centered software engineering environment (XZ, KC, ML), pp. 1529–1533.
ESEC-FSE-2005-HaranKOPS #classification #execution- Applying classification techniques to remotely-collected program execution data (MH, AFK, AO, AAP, APS), pp. 146–155.
AMOST-2005-Lakey #industrial #modelling #specification #testing- Model-based specification and testing applied to the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system: an industry report (PBL).
SAT-2005-ManquinhoM #algorithm #on the #optimisation #pseudo- On Applying Cutting Planes in DLL-Based Algorithms for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (VMM, JPMS), pp. 451–458.
WICSA-2004-MeisterRR #analysis #architecture #product line #statistics- Applying Patterns to Develop a Product Line Architecture for Statistical Analysis Software (JM, RHR, MR), pp. 291–294.
DATE-v1-2004-Wang #learning #simulation #validation- Regression Simulation: Applying Path-Based Learning In Delay Test and Post-Silicon Validation (LCW), pp. 692–695.
ITiCSE-2004-McKennaL #concept #learning- Constructivist or instructivist: pedagogical concepts practically applied to a computer learning environment (PM, BL), pp. 166–170.
TACAS-2004-AbramskyGMO #composition #game studies #modelling #semantics #verification- Applying Game Semantics to Compositional Software Modeling and Verification (SA, DRG, ASM, CHLO), pp. 421–435.
PASTE-2004-Ezick #analysis #constraints #query- Resolving and applying constraint queries on context-sensitive analyses (JE), pp. 2–7.
ICFP-2004-MarlowJ #higher-order #performance- Making a fast curry: push/enter vs. eval/apply for higher-order languages (SM, SLPJ), pp. 4–15.
CHI-2004-McGee #estimation #metric #scalability #usability- Master usability scaling: magnitude estimation and master scaling applied to usability measurement (MM), pp. 335–342.
EDOC-2004-BezivinHLJ #approach #framework #web #web service- Applying MDA Approach for Web Service Platform (JB, SH, DL, FJ), pp. 58–70.
EDOC-2004-DuddyLM- Elemental and Pegamento: The Final Cut — Applying the MDA Pattern (KD, ML, ZM), pp. 240–252.
ICEIS-v1-2004-LaiCC #feedback #incremental #topic- Applying Cross-Topic Relationships to Incremental Relevance Feedback (TCHL, SCfC, KFLC), pp. 356–363.
ICEIS-v2-2004-MataRR #case study #data mining #development #mining- Applying Data Mining to Software Development Projects: A Case Study (JMV, JLÁM, JCRS, IR), pp. 54–60.
ICEIS-v3-2004-HessI #database #information management #ontology- Applying Ontologies in the Knowledge Discovery in Geographic Databases (GNH, CI), pp. 509–512.
ICEIS-v3-2004-LancM #information management- A Holistic Information Systems Strategy for Organisational Management (HISSOM), Applied to Europe’s Largest Bancassurer (DL, LMM), pp. 427–437.
ICEIS-v4-2004-Ezziane #design- Object-Process Methodology Applied to Agent Design (ZE), pp. 455–462.
ECIR-2004-AbolhassaniF #approach #documentation #xml- Applying the Divergence from Randomness Approach for Content-Only Search in XML Documents (MA, NF), pp. 409–419.
ICPR-v2-2004-ChangLC #hybrid #recognition- Applying A Hybrid Method To Handwritten Character Recognition (FC, CCL, CJC), pp. 529–532.
ICPR-v2-2004-DupreA #markov #modelling #recognition- Hidden Markov Models for Couples of Letters Applied to Handwriting Recognition (XD, EA), pp. 618–621.
ICPR-v2-2004-KoskelaLO #clustering #image #metric #retrieval- Entropy-Based Measures for Clustering and SOM Topology Preservation Applied to Content-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval (MK, JL, EO), pp. 1005–1009.
ICPR-v2-2004-TamSS #categorisation #documentation- Applying the Conjugate Gradient Method for Text Document Categorization (VT, RS, AS), pp. 558–561.
ICPR-v3-2004-AiLZ #analysis #automation- Combination of Wavelet Analysis and Color Applied to Automatic Color Grading of Ceramic Tiles (JA, DL, XZ), pp. 235–238.
ICPR-v3-2004-Stentiford #image #visual notation- A Visual Attention Estimator Applied to Image Subject Enhancement and Colour and Grey Level Compression (FS), pp. 638–641.
ICPR-v4-2004-CastanedaLC #architecture #composition #implementation #realtime #visual notation- Implementation of a Modular Real-Time Feature-Based Architecture Applied to Visual Face Tracking (BC, YL, JCC), pp. 167–170.
KDD-2004-AndersonMCN #performance- Fast nonlinear regression via eigenimages applied to galactic morphology (BA, AWM, AJC, RN), pp. 40–48.
SEKE-2004-CanforaCT #estimation #experience #fuzzy #linear- An Experience of Fuzzy Linear Regression applied to Effort Estimation (GC, LC, LT), pp. 57–61.
SEKE-2004-GaoDYHBC #case study #design #security- Applying Aspect-Orientation in Designing Security Systems: A Case Study (SG, YD, HY, XH, KB, KMLC), pp. 360–365.
SEKE-2004-HessI #ontology #preprocessor- Applying Ontologies in the KDD Pre-Processing Phase (GNH, CI), pp. 366–371.
SEKE-2004-LiW #education- An Intensional Tool Applied to French Language Educational Software (H(L, WWW), pp. 62–67.
UML-2004-CorreaW #modelling #ocl #refactoring #uml- Applying Refactoring Techniques to UML/OCL Models (ALC, CMLW), pp. 173–187.
UML-2004-MaSZJ #metamodelling #metric #object-oriented #uml- Applying OO Metrics to Assess UML Meta-models (HM, WS, LZ, YJ), pp. 12–26.
TOOLS-USA-2003-HamzaE04 #analysis #problem- Applying Analysis Patterns Through Analogy: Problems and Solutions (HSH, MEF), pp. 197–208.
SAC-2004-BaggioWE #scheduling #workflow- Applying scheduling techniques to minimize the number of late jobs in workflow systems (GB, JW, CAE), pp. 1396–1403.
ICSE-2004-HaRCRD #case study #composition #experience #induction #proving #realtime- Feature-Based Decomposition of Inductive Proofs Applied to Real-Time Avionics Software: An Experience Report (VH, MR, DDC, HR, BD), pp. 304–313.
ICLP-2004-DefourJP #component #modelling #predict- Applying CLP to Predict Extra-Functional Properties of Component-Based Models (OD, JMJ, NP), pp. 454–455.
TestCom-2004-DaiGNP #algorithm #design #uml- From Design to Test with UML: Applied to a Roaming Algorithm for Bluetooth Devices (ZRD, JG, HN, HP), pp. 33–49.
TestCom-2004-SugetaMW #mutation testing #specification #testing #validation- Mutation Testing Applied to Validate SDL Specifications (TS, JCM, WEW), pp. 193–208.
VMCAI-2004-ArthoH- Applying Jlint to Space Exploration Software (CA, KH), pp. 297–308.
ASE-2003-FischerS #analysis #image- Applying AutoBayes to the Analysis of Planetary Nebulae Images (BF, JS), pp. 337–342.
DATE-2003-CaldariCCCOPT #analysis- System-Level Power Analysis Methodology Applied to the AMBA AHB Bus (MC, MC, MC, PC, SO, LP, CT), pp. 20032–20039.
DATE-2003-HondaT #design #evaluation- Evaluation of Applying SpecC to the Integrated Design Method of Device Driver and Device (SH, HT), pp. 20138–20143.
ICDAR-2003-SimardSP #analysis #documentation #network #visual notation- Best Practices for Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Visual Document Analysis (PYS, DS, JCP), pp. 958–962.
CSEET-2003-KlappholzBP #development #process #towards- Assessing Attitude Towards, Knowledge of, and Ability to Apply, Software Development Process (DK, LB, DP), pp. 268–278.
ICSM-2003-LimpiyakornB #comprehension #concept- Applying the Signature Concept to Plan-Based Program Understanding (YL, IB), p. 325–?.
IWPC-2003-DuffyGM #object-oriented #profiling- Applying the Decorator Pattern for Profiling Object-Oriented Software (EBD, JPG, BAM), pp. 84–93.
SCAM-2003-EnglishBC #object-oriented #taxonomy- Applying Meyer’s Taxonomy to Object-Oriented Software Systems (ME, JB, TC), pp. 35–44.
VISSOFT-2003-BrittleB #named #scalability #self #visualisation- GENISOM: Self-Organizing Maps Applied in Visualising Large Software Collections (JB, CB), pp. 60–61.
VISSOFT-2003-BrittleB1 #scalability #self #visualisation- Self-Organizing Maps Applied in Visualising Large Software Collections (JB, CB), pp. 104–109.
ICEIS-v1-2003-LeopoldP #distributed #enterprise #framework #named #query- CQServer: An Example of Applying a Distributed Object Infrastructure for Heterogeneous Enterprise Computation of Continual Queries (JLL, TP), pp. 313–320.
ICEIS-v2-2003-LamontagneL #email #reasoning- Applying Case-Based Reasoning to Email Response (LL, GL), pp. 115–123.
ICEIS-v2-2003-OkuharaU #multi #problem- Logistics By Applying Evolutionary Computation to Multicommodity Flow Problem (KO, NU), pp. 511–514.
ICEIS-v2-2003-SolvangDS #flexibility #fuzzy #logic #network- Applying Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network for Quantifying Flexibility of Supply Chains (WDS, ZD, BS), pp. 557–561.
ICEIS-v4-2003-CamponovoP #analysis #mobile- Business Model Analysis Applied to Mobile Business (GC, YP), pp. 173–183.
ICEIS-v4-2003-WangH03a #communication- VoiceXML Applied to a Wireless Communication System (FW, NH), pp. 505–508.
KDD-2003-ZhangSY #data mining #mining- Applying data mining in investigating money laundering crimes (Z(Z, JJS, PSY), pp. 747–752.
MLDM-2003-RodriguesDFVC #algorithm #analysis #clustering #comparative #profiling- A Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms Applied to Load Profiling (FR, FJFD, VF, ZAV, MC), pp. 73–85.
SIGIR-2003-NanasUR #concept #representation- Building and applying a concept hierarchy representation of a user profile (NN, VSU, ANDR), pp. 198–204.
OOPSLA-2003-BlackSD #smalltalk- Applying traits to the smalltalk collection classes (APB, NS, SD), pp. 47–64.
SAC-2003-LanzenbergerMOP #behaviour #visualisation- Applying Information Visualization Techniques to Capture and Explore the Course of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ML, SM, SO, CP), pp. 268–274.
SAC-2003-NgGLC #algorithm #clustering #database #search-based- Applying Genetic Algorithms in Database Partitioning (VTYN, NG, DML, CKC), pp. 544–549.
DATE-2002-LampeL #optimisation #problem- Global Optimization Applied to the Oscillator Problem (SL, SL), pp. 322–326.
DocEng-2002-FurutaN #community #documentation #programmable #semantics #web- Applying caT’s programmable browsing semantics to specify world-wide web documents that reflect place, time, reader, and community (RF, JCN), pp. 10–17.
HT-2002-FurutaN #programmable #semantics #web- Applying programmable browsing semantics within the context of the World-Wide Web (RF, JCN), pp. 23–24.
CSMR-2002-AlbaneseBGT #case study #migration #tool support- A Toolkit for Applying a Migration Strategy: A Case Study (CA, TB, EG, MT), pp. 154–163.
ICSM-2002-RedondoAVB #approximate #retrieval #reuse #specification- Approximate Retrieval of Incomplete and Formal Specifications Applied to Vertical Reuse (RPDR, JJPA, AFV, ABBM), pp. 618–627.
WCRE-2002-ShokoufandehMM #clustering- Applying Spectral Methods to Software Clustering (AS, SM, MM), pp. 3–10.
CHI-2002-MartinRS #design #interactive- Applying patterns of cooperative interaction to work (re)design: e-government and planning (DBM, MR, IS), pp. 235–242.
VISSOFT-2002-RillingSB #analysis #complexity #concept #source code #visualisation- The CONCEPT Project — Applying Source Code Analysis to Reduce Information Complexity of Static and Dynamic Visualization Techniques (JR, AS, CB), p. 90.
ICEIS-2002-Abe #analysis #domain model #information management #modelling- Applying Domain Modeling and SECI Theory in Knowledge Management for Information Systems Analysis (AA), pp. 725–731.
ICEIS-2002-VallsMS #multi- A Multi-Criteria Decision Aid Agent Applied to the Selection of the Best Receiver in a Transplant (AV, AM, DS), pp. 431–438.
ECIR-2002-Sormunen #evaluation #interactive #performance #query- A Retrospective Evaluation Method for Exact-Match and Best-Match Queries Applying an Interactive Query Performance Analyser (ES), pp. 334–352.
ICPR-v1-2002-Souafi-BensafiPLE #classification #documentation #network- Bayesian Networks Classifiers Applied to Documents (SSB, MP, FL, HE), p. 483–?.
ICPR-v3-2002-BlosteinCZ #compilation #diagrams #recognition- Applying Compiler Techniques to Diagram Recognition (DB, JRC, RZ), pp. 123–126.
ICPR-v3-2002-Cuesta-FrauPAN #case study #clustering #comparative #feature model- Feature Extraction Methods Applied to the Clustering of Electrocardiographic Signals. A Comparative Study (DCF, JCPC, GAG, DN), pp. 961–964.
ICPR-v3-2002-LiZL #set- A New Strategy for Selecting Working Sets Applied in SMO (JL, BZ, FL), pp. 427–430.
ICPR-v3-2002-Sakano #how #learning #query #search-based- Genetic Translator: How to Apply Query Learning to Practical OCR (HS), pp. 184–187.
ICPR-v3-2002-Smeraldi #detection #named #parametricity- Ranklets: Orientation Selective Non-Parametric Features Applied to Face Detection (FS), pp. 379–382.
ICPR-v3-2002-ZhangPKA #3d #multi #representation- 3-D Object Representation from Multi-View Range Data Applying Deformable Superquadrics (YZ, JKP, AK, MAA), pp. 611–614.
KDD-2002-LittleJLRS #data mining #mining- Collusion in the U.S. crop insurance program: applied data mining (BBL, WLJ, ACL, RMR, SAS), pp. 594–598.
SEKE-2002-KhazaeiT #usability- Applying cognitive dimensions to evaluate and improve the usability of Z formalism (BK, ET), pp. 571–577.
UML-2002-AnidoCRS #concept #corba- Applying MDA Concepts to Develop a Domain CORBA Facility for E-learning (LEAR, MC, JSR, JMS), pp. 321–335.
RE-2002-DusireFD #requirements- Requirements Engineering — Applying Theory to Reality (SD, MF, ND), pp. 300–302.
ASPLOS-2002-MartinezT #concurrent #parallel #thread- Speculative synchronization: applying thread-level speculation to explicitly parallel applications (JFM, JT), pp. 18–29.
ISMM-2002-Robertz #memory management- Applying priorities to memory allocation (SGR), pp. 108–118.
CAV-2002-McMillan #bound #model checking #satisfiability- Applying SAT Methods in Unbounded Symbolic Model Checking (KLM), pp. 250–264.
TestCom-2002-Ahtiainen #formal method #mobile #protocol #testing- Applying Formal Method in Mobile Protocol Testing (AA), p. 187–?.
ASE-2001-Hall #modelling #network #product line #security #specification #validation- Specification Modeling and Validation Applied to a Family of Network Security Products (RJH), pp. 71–80.
DATE-2001-ChiusanoCPW #on the #set- On applying the set covering model to reseeding (SC, SDC, PP, HJW), pp. 156–161.
ICDAR-2001-CouasnonP #documentation #evaluation #recognition- A Real-World Evaluation of a Generic Document Recognition Method Applied to a Military Form of the 19th Century (BC, LP), pp. 779–783.
ICDAR-2001-GatosP #image #performance #segmentation #set- Applying Fast Segmentation Techniques at a Binary Image Represented by a Set of Non-Overlapping Blocks (BG, NP), pp. 1147–1153.
ICDAR-2001-KieningerD #recognition- Applying the T-Recs Table Recognition System to the Business Letter Domain (TK, AD), pp. 518–522.
ITiCSE-2001-AedoD #hypermedia #re-engineering- Applying software engineering methods for hypermedia systems (IA, PD), pp. 5–8.
CSMR-2001-Villavicencion #automation #detection #program analysis #programming #slicing- Program Analysis for the Automatic Detection of Programming Plans Applying Slicing (GV), pp. 188–191.
SAS-2001-MesnardN #logic programming #source code #static analysis #termination- Applying Static Analysis Techniques for Inferring Termination Conditions of Logic Programs (FM, UN), pp. 93–110.
CAiSE-2001-EcksteinAN #development #information management #reuse- Increasing Reusability in Information Systems Development by Applying Generic Methods (SE, PA, KN), pp. 251–266.
EDOC-2001-AtkinsonPRS #architecture #component #modelling- Developing and Applying Component-Based Model-Driven Architectures in KobrA (CA, BP, JR, TS), pp. 212–223.
EDOC-2001-TanakaNKN #enterprise #information management- Applying ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Language to Hospital Information System (AT, YN, YK, KN), pp. 188–192.
ICEIS-v1-2001-PlaccaG #design #multi- A Multiagent System Applied to the Design of Petroleum Off-Shore Platforms (JAP, ACBG), pp. 311–314.
CIKM-2001-BressanDLLLNW #benchmark #metric #named #query #xml- X007: Applying 007 Benchmark to XML Query Processing Tool (SB, GD, ZL, MLL, YGL, UN, BW), pp. 167–174.
MLDM-2001-Krawiec #comparison #learning #on the #visual notation- On the Use of Pairwise Comparison of Hypotheses in Evolutionary Learning Applied to Learning from Visual Examples (KK), pp. 307–321.
SEKE-2001-FillottraniEK #logic programming #modelling #object-oriented #uml- Applying Logic Programming Techniques to Object-Oriented Modeling in UML (PRF, EE, SK), pp. 228–235.
SEKE-2001-GarciaC #development #reuse- CBR Applied to Development with Reuse Based on Mecanos (FJG, JMC), pp. 307–311.
SIGIR-2001-Lam-AdesinaJ #feedback #summary- Applying Summarization Techniques for Term Selection in Relevance Feedback (AMLA, GJFJ), pp. 1–9.
SIGIR-2001-ZhaiL #ad hoc #case study #information retrieval #modelling- A Study of Smoothing Methods for Language Models Applied to Ad Hoc Information Retrieval (CZ, JDL), pp. 334–342.
RE-2001-Hall01a #modelling #network #security #specification #validation- Specification Modeling and Validation Applied to Network Security Gateways (RJH), pp. 289–291.
SAC-2001-Berghel- A decade of applied computing (HB), pp. 1–5.
ICSE-2001-InBRD #case study #quality #requirements- Applying WinWin to Quality Requirements: A Case Study (HI, BWB, TLR, MD), pp. 555–564.
HPDC-2001-KaroDFRWL #grid- Applying Grid Technologies to Bioinformatics (MK, CD, JLF, EFR, JBW, ML), pp. 441–442.
IJCAR-2001-Beeson #higher-order #proving #theorem proving- A Second-Order Theorem Prover Applied to Circumscription (MB), pp. 318–324.
CBSE-2000-ErikssonV #resource management- Applying CBSE Theory on Corporate Resources (NE, TV), p. 1.
DATE-2000-KimWSS #fault #incremental #on the #satisfiability #testing- On Applying Incremental Satisfiability to Delay Fault Testing (JK, JW, KAS, JPMS), pp. 380–384.
FASE-2000-Suhl #safety- Applying RT-Z to Develop Safety-Critical Systems (CS), pp. 51–65.
WRLA-2000-BrandR #asf+sdf #parsing #tool support- ASF+SDF parsing tools applied to ELAN (MvdB, CR), pp. 138–157.
WCRE-2000-TateishiW #case study #experience #maintenance #tool support- Applying Traditional Unix Tools during Maintenance: An Experience Report (AT, AW), pp. 203–206.
CIAA-2000-ZijlHO- The MERLin Environment Applied to *-NFAs (LvZ, JPH, FO), pp. 318–326.
CIKM-2000-Fox #library- Digital Libraries: Extending and Applying Library and Information Science and Technology (EAF), p. 3.
ICML-2000-Stone #network- TPOT-RL Applied to Network Routing (PS), pp. 935–942.
ICPR-v2-2000-OliveiraVC #image #normalisation- Interpolation/Decimation Scheme Applied to Size Normalization of Characters Images (JJdOJ, LRV, JMdC), pp. 2577–2580.
ICPR-v4-2000-BarataPG #image- Segmenting at Higher Scales to Classify at Lower Scales. A Mathematical Morphology Based Methodology Applied to Forest Cover Remote Sensing Images (TB, PP, IG), pp. 4084–4087.
ICPR-v4-2000-BergasaMGBB #generative #people- Commands Generation by Face Movements Applied to the Guidance of a Wheelchair for Handicapped People (LMB, MM, AGV, RB, LB), pp. 4660–4663.
ICPR-v4-2000-ChetverikovNV #comparison- Comparison of Tracking Techniques Applied to Digital PIV (DC, MN, JV), pp. 4619–4622.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-BaudryHT #component #named #search-based- Testing-for-Trust: The Genetic Selection Model Applied to Component Qualification (BB, VLH, YLT), pp. 108–119.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-SeenTD #design pattern- Applying a Crystal Ball to Design Pattern Adoption (MS, PT, MD), p. 443–?.
TOOLS-USA-2000-McBreen #lessons learnt #programming- Applying the Lessons of eXtreme Programming [Abstract] (PM), pp. 421–422.
TOOLS-USA-2000-McBreen00a #lessons learnt #programming- Applying the Lessons of eXtreme Programming (PM), pp. 423–430.
GCSE-2000-KlaerenPRS #composition #contract #design #principle- Aspect Composition Applying the Design by Contract Principle (HK, EP, AR, AS), pp. 57–69.
ICSE-2000-Iosif #concurrent #java #verification- Formal verification applied to Java concurrent software (RI), pp. 707–709.
ICSE-2000-KautzHT #enterprise #process- Applying and adjusting a software process improvement model in practice: the use of the IDEAL model in a small software enterprise (KK, HWH, KT), pp. 626–633.
ICSE-2000-Rombach #named #research- Fraunhofer: the German model for applied research and technology transfer (HDR), pp. 531–537.
SPLC-2000-HeinSV #feature model #industrial #modelling- Applying feature models in industrial settings (AH, MS, RVM), pp. 47–70.
CAV-2000-Meadows #analysis #encryption #formal method #protocol- Invited Address: Applying Formal Methods to Cryptographic Protocol Analysis (CM), p. 2.
ASE-1999-BesseCL #automation #generative #protocol #testing- An Automatic and Optimized Test Generation Technique Applying to TCP/IP Protocol (CB, ARC, DL), pp. 73–80.
ASE-1999-Kreuer #automation #case study #network #testing- Applying Test Automation to Type Acceptance Testing of Telecom Networks: A Case Study with Customer Participation (DK), pp. 216–223.
ASE-1999-Pecheur #clustering #file system #modelling #verification- Advanced Modelling and Verification Techniques Applied to a Cluster File System (CP), pp. 119–126.
DAC-1999-ClementHLRCP #design #multi #performance #prototype- Fast Prototyping: A System Design Flow Applied to a Complex System-on-Chip Multiprocessor Design (BC, RH, EL, BR, PC, FP), pp. 420–424.
DATE-1999-SantosJ #equivalence #on the fly- Exploiting State Equivalence on the Fly while Applying Code Motion and Speculation (LCVdS, JAGJ), p. 609–?.
ICDAR-1999-KharmaW #invariant #recognition- A Simple Invariant Mapping Applied to Hand-written Pre-segmented Character Recognition (NNK, RKW), pp. 41–44.
ITiCSE-1999-HabermanG #distance #education #learning- Distance learning model with local workshop sessions applied to in-service teacher training (BH, DG), pp. 64–67.
IWPC-1999-CanforaCLL #approach #case study #identification- A Case Study of Applying an Eclectic Approach to Identify Objects in Code (GC, AC, ADL, GADL), pp. 136–143.
FM-v2-1999-RandimbivololonaSBPRS #approach #proving- Applying Formal Proof Techniques to Avionics Software: A Pragmatic Approach (FR, JS, PB, AP, JR, DS), pp. 1798–1815.
HCI-EI-1999-SuzukiKO #design #named #process- QUIS: applying a new walkthrough method to a product design process (SS, AK, KO), pp. 933–937.
HCI-EI-1999-Thompson #feedback- Keyboard Tactile Feedback and its Effect on Keying Force Applied (DAT), pp. 157–161.
SIGAda-1999-BuhlerF #ada #corba #framework #independence #information management #java- Applying Ada, Java and CORBA for making a command and control information system platform independent (GB, HF), pp. 83–88.
CAiSE-1999-SadiqO #graph #identification #modelling #process #reduction- Applying Graph Reduction Techniques for Identifying Structural Conflicts in Process Models (WS, MEO), pp. 195–209.
KDD-1999-Cerquides #induction- Applying General Bayesian Techniques to Improve TAN Induction (JC), pp. 292–296.
UML-1999-SendallS #analysis #case study #uml- UML Based Fusion Analysis Applied to a Bank Case Study (SS, AS), pp. 278–291.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-HuZJ #object-oriented- Applying Object-Oriented Method to CSIE System (YH, SZ, WJ), pp. 484–491.
TOOLS-ASIA-1999-XieYL #simulation #uml- Applying UML to Gas Turbine Engine Simulation (ZX, JY, JL), pp. 458–464.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-RumpeBK #re-engineering #uml- Applied Software Engineering Principles for UML (BR, RB, IK), p. 410.
LOPSTR-1999-Fribourg #constraints #logic programming #model checking- Constraint Logic Programming Applied to Model Checking (LF), pp. 30–41.
PADL-1999-BansalB #functional #logic programming #novel- Applying Logic Programming to Derive Novel Functional Information of Genomes (AKB, PB), pp. 275–289.
SAC-1999-Haynes #adaptation #combinator #distributed #optimisation #problem- Distributed Collective Adaptation Applied to Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problem (TH), pp. 339–343.
SAC-1999-JacksonTW #artificial reality #collaboration #education #multi- Peer Collaboration and Virtual Environments: A Preliminary Investigation of Multi-Participant Virtual Reality Applied in Science Education (RLJ, WT, WW), pp. 121–125.
SAC-1999-LauberSW #assurance #online #probability #quality #safety- Applied Probabilistic AI for Online Diagnosis of a Safety-Critical System Based on a Quality Assurance Program (JL, CS, RW), pp. 25–30.
SAC-1999-SantosD #energy- Constrained GA Applied to Production and Energy Management of a Pulp and Paper Mill (AS, AD), pp. 324–332.
HPDC-1999-WoodwardA #distributed #grid #programming- Portable Petaflop/s Programming: Applying Distributed Computing Methodology to the Grid within a Single Machine Room (PRW, SEA), pp. 70–83.
CSL-1999-ArtsG #erlang #process #verification- Applying Rewriting Techniques to the Verification of Erlang Processes (TA, JG), pp. 96–110.
HT-1998-RoureBORR #hypermedia- Applying Open Hypermedia to Audio (DDR, SB, LO, JR, NR), pp. 285–286.
PASTE-1998-NaumovichCO #analysis #concurrent #data flow #performance #source code- Efficient Composite Data Flow Analysis Applied to Concurrent Programs (GN, LAC, LJO), pp. 51–58.
SIGAda-1998-Silberberg #ada #process- Applying the Personal Software Process (PSP) with Ada (DS), pp. 219–228.
EDOC-1998-LoosA #modelling #object-oriented #process #uml- Object-orientation in business process modeling through applying event driven process chains (EPC) in UML (PL, TA), pp. 102–112.
CIKM-1998-ClairLP #process- Attribute Weighting: A Method of Applying Domain Knowledge in the Decision Tree Process (CSC, CL, NP), pp. 259–266.
ICPR-1998-GovindanDKP #analysis #classification #component #independence- Independent component analysis applied to electrogram classification during atrial fibrillation (AG, GD, JK, JP), pp. 1662–1664.
ICPR-1998-MunkeltRHH #3d #detection #image #modelling #video- A model driven 3D image interpretation system applied to person detection in video images (OM, CR, DH, WH), pp. 70–73.
KDD-1998-DebregeasH #interactive- Interactive Interpretation of Kohonen Maps Applied to Curves (AD, GH), pp. 179–183.
SIGIR-1998-SchapireSS- Boosting and Rocchio Applied to Text Filtering (RES, YS, AS), pp. 215–223.
UML-1998-Allen #framework #uml- A Practical Framework for Applying UML (PA), pp. 419–433.
UML-1998-Atkinson #concept #framework #uml- Supporting and Applying the UML Conceptual Framework (CA), pp. 21–36.
UML-1998-KandeMPSW #design #uml- Applying UML to Design an Inter-domain Service Management Application (MMK, SM, OP, LS, MW), pp. 200–214.
UML-1998-LesterWB #reuse #uml- Applying UML Extensions to Facilitate Software Reuse (NGL, FGW, DWB), pp. 393–405.
SAC-1998-NishimuraNYI #game studies #video- Applying videogame technologies to video conferencing systems (TN, HN, CY, TI), pp. 471–476.
FSE-1998-MasudaSU #design pattern #learning- Applying Design Patterns to Decision Tree Learning System (GM, NS, KU), pp. 111–120.
ICSE-1998-FujiwaraGA- Examples of Applying Software Estimate Tool (FF, TG, SA), pp. 469–472.
ASE-1997-SahraouiMLD #concept #identification- Applying Concept Formation Methods to Object Identification in Procedural Code (HAS, WLM, HL, FD), pp. 210–218.
ICDAR-1997-MiledOCL #markov #recognition- Coupling observation/letter for a Markovian modelisation applied to the recognition of Arabic handwriting (HM, CO, MC, YL), pp. 580–583.
CSEET-1997-JaccheriL #modelling #process- Applying Software Process Modeling and Improvement in Academic Setting (MLJ, PL), pp. 13–27.
ITiCSE-1997-Cizmar #experience #research #student- CS student research experience applied to developing instructional technology (DC), pp. 120–126.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-BogoiavlenskiPS #education- Use of computing curricula 1991 for transition from “Mathematics” to “Applied Mathematics and CS” baccalaureate programme (poster) (IAB, AAP, GSS, AVV), p. 144.
HCI-CC-1997-BrandtH #case study #enterprise #experience- Applying the Sociotechnical Strategy to the Redesign of Organizations: Experiences in German Manufacturing and Service Enterprises (DB, KH), pp. 217–220.
HCI-CC-1997-PeperHS #assessment #how- How to Use Applied Psychophysiology/Biofeedback in the Prevention and Assessment of Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders (EP, RH, DMS), pp. 551–554.
KDD-1997-BergstenSS #analysis #data mining #machine learning #mining- Applying Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques to Submarine Intelligence Analysis (UB, JS, PS), pp. 127–130.
SIGIR-1997-Lalmas #documentation #modelling #nondeterminism- Dempster-Shafer’s Theory of Evidence Applied to Structured Documents: Modelling Uncertainty (ML), pp. 110–118.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-NobleP #design pattern- Applying Design Patterns (JN, JP), pp. 355–356.
TOOLS-USA-1997-IkedaMKKNI #embedded #object-oriented- Applying Object-Oriented Technology to Embedded Software (NI, KM, YK, TK, HN, MI), pp. 6–15.
TOOLS-USA-1997-Philips97a #java- Applying O-O Principles of Java (RP), p. 370.
RE-1997-Viravan #lessons learnt- Lessons Learned from Applying the Spiral Model in the Software (CV), p. 40.
SAC-1997-Julstrom #adaptation #algorithm #search-based- Adaptive operator probabilities in a genetic algorithm that applies three operators (BAJ), pp. 233–238.
ESEC-FSE-1997-NaumovichACO #architecture #static analysis- Applying Static Analysis to Software Architectures (GN, GSA, LAC, LJO), pp. 77–93.
ICSE-1997-DunietzESMI #case study #design #experience #testing- Applying Design of Experiments to Software Testing (Experience Report) (ISD, WKE, BDS, CLM, AI), pp. 205–215.
DAC-1996-HuiskenW #architecture #design #named #synthesis- FADIC: Architectural Synthesis applied in IC Design (JH, FW), pp. 579–584.
KBSE-1996-QuiliciYW #algorithm #comprehension #recognition- Applying Plan Recognition Algorithms to Program Understanding (AQ, QY, SW), p. 15.
VLDB-1996-ViverosNR #data mining #health #information management #mining- Applying Data Mining Techniques to a Health Insurance Information System (MSV, JPN, MJR), pp. 286–294.
ITiCSE-1996-LeesC #learning #natural language #operating system- Applying natural language technology to the learning of operating systems functions (BL, JC), pp. 11–13.
FME-1996-HoareDNS #cics- Applying the B Technologies on CICS (JH, JD, DN, IHS), pp. 74–84.
CSCW-1996-GreenbergG #video- Applying Distortion-Oriented Displays to Groupware (Video Program) (SG, CG), pp. 8–9.
AdaEurope-1996-EmeryHR #architecture #case study #experience- Experiences Applying a Practical Architectural Method (DEE, RFHI, TBR), pp. 471–484.
ICML-1996-BanderaVBHB #visual notation- Residual Q-Learning Applied to Visual Attention (CB, FJV, JMB, MEH, LCBI), pp. 20–27.
ICML-1996-DietterichKM #framework #learning- Applying the Waek Learning Framework to Understand and Improve C4.5 (TGD, MJK, YM), pp. 96–104.
ICML-1996-GoldingR- Applying Winnow to Context-Sensitive Spelling Correction (ARG, DR), pp. 182–190.
ICML-1996-SahamiHS #categorisation #model-to-text #multi- Applying the Multiple Cause Mixture Model to Text Categorization (MS, MAH, ES), pp. 435–443.
ICPR-1996-CorreiaCSN #visual notation- Optical flow techniques applied to the calibration of visual perception experiments (MVC, AJCC, JAS, LMN), pp. 498–502.
ICPR-1996-GhorbelDMAS #estimation #object-oriented- Global planar rigid motion estimation applied to object-oriented coding (FG, MD, AM, OA, HS), pp. 641–645.
ICPR-1996-HaddonB #image #sequence- Spatio-temporal relaxation labelling applied to segmented infrared image sequences (JFH, JFB), pp. 171–175.
ICPR-1996-LiuD #algorithm #performance- Sparse pixel tracking: a fast vectorization algorithm applied to engineering drawings (WL, DD), pp. 808–812.
ICPR-1996-MontesinosA #image #network- Perceptual organization of thin networks with active contour functions applied to medical and aerial images (PM, LA), pp. 647–651.
ICPR-1996-PrantlGP #multi #network #using- Active fusion using Bayesian networks applied to multi-temporal remote sensing imagery (MP, HG, AP), pp. 890–894.
ICPR-1996-StockerSVSK #image #network- Stability study of some neural networks applied to tissue characterization of brain magnetic resonance images (ADS, OS, AV, OS, TK), pp. 472–476.
ICPR-1996-WangF #algorithm #analysis #bibliography #pattern matching #pattern recognition #recognition #search-based- Applying genetic algorithms on pattern recognition: an analysis and survey (YKW, KCF), pp. 740–744.
SEKE-1996-SlivaMS #communication #protocol- A Method for Applying G-Nets To Communication Protocols (VPS, TM, SMS), pp. 145–152.
SAC-1996-DoroodchiR #clustering #fuzzy- Nonlinear smoothing of signals by applying fuzzy clustering to local points (MD, AMR), pp. 595–599.
SAC-1996-HafnerBH #fuzzy #logic- Fuzzy logic applied to compensation equipment in power electronics (JH, HHB, KH), pp. 619–623.
ICSE-1996-Kontio #case study #off the shelf- A Case Study in Applying a Systematic Method for COTS Selection (JK), pp. 201–209.
JICSLP-1996-BurgardCFKL #detection #logic programming #tool support- Logic Programming Tools Applied to Fire Detection in Hard-coal Mines (Poster Abstract) (WB, ABC, DF, AMK, SLK), p. 532.
ICDAR-v1-1995-GuillevicS #recognition- Cursive script recognition applied to the processing of bank cheques (DG, CYS), pp. 11–14.
ICDAR-v1-1995-UtschickNKSN #classification #evaluation #feature model #network- The evaluation of feature extraction criteria applied to neural network classifiers (WU, PN, CK, AS, JAN), pp. 315–318.
ICDAR-v2-1995-KimPK #online #personalisation #set #verification- Applying personalized weights to a feature set for on-line signature verification (SHK, MSP, JK), pp. 882–885.
PODS-1995-AndriesCPB #set- Applying an Update Method to a Set of Receivers (MA, LC, JP, JVdB), pp. 208–218.
SIGMOD-1995-AdelbergGK #database #realtime- Applying Update Streams in a Soft Real-Time Database System (BA, HGM, BK), pp. 245–256.
VLDB-1995-CabreraRH #database- Applying Database Technology in the ADSM Mass Storage System (LFC, RMR, WH), pp. 597–605.
CSEE-1995-DickJ #education #industrial #learning- Industry Involvement in Undergraduate Curricula: Reinforcing Learning by Applying the Principles (GND, SFJ), pp. 51–63.
ICSM-1995-French #case study #experience #legacy #maintenance #process #re-engineering- Applying software engineering and process improvement to legacy defence system maintenance: an experience report (VAF), p. 337–?.
CHI-1995-ZimmermanSPAG #human-computer #interface- Applying Electric Field Sensing to Human-Computer Interfaces (TGZ, JRS, JAP, DA, NG), pp. 280–287.
AdaEurope-1995-AlapideCCQ #ada- Applying Teamwork/Ada and RAISE for Developing an Air Traffic Control Application (AA, SC, MC, SQ), pp. 331–343.
CAiSE-1995-Aalto #challenge #scalability- Challenges in Applying Objects to Large Systems (JMA), pp. 154–167.
ICML-1995-DonohoR #induction #lessons learnt- Lessons from Theory Revision Applied to Constructive Induction (SKD, LAR), pp. 185–193.
KDD-1995-DaoP #integration #mining- Applying a Data Miner To Heterogeneous Schema Integration (SD, BP), pp. 63–68.
SIGIR-1995-MittendorfSS #library #probability #scalability- Applying Probabilistic Term Weighting to OCR Text in the Case of a Large Alphabetic Library Catalogue (EM, PS, PS), pp. 328–335.
SAC-1995-FalaCM #health- Applying expert systems to health care management (GF, KTC, DMM), pp. 237–241.
ILPS-1995-MessingS #logic programming #source code- Regular Signed Resolution Applied to Annotated Logic Programs (BM, PvS), p. 638.
RTA-1995-Boulton #higher-order #semantics #strict- A Restricted Form on Higher-Order Rewriting Applied to an HDL Semantics (RJB), pp. 309–323.
RTA-1995-Gehrke #category theory #concept #monad #problem- Problems in Rewriting Applied to Categorical Concepts by the Example of a Computational Comonad (WG), pp. 210–224.
FME-1994-KeaneSW #concurrent #framework #modelling #process- Applying a Concurrent Formal Framework to Process Modelling (JAK, JS, BW), pp. 291–305.
TRI-Ada-1994-BarbaschE #ada #debugging- Always One More Bug: Applying AdaWise to Improve Ada Code (CB, DE), pp. 228–235.
SIGIR-1994-TaghvaBC #information retrieval #probability- Results of Applying Probabilistic IR to OCR Text (KT, JB, AC), pp. 202–211.
PLILP-1994-Fruhwirth #constraints #logic programming #reasoning- Annotated Constraint Logic Programming Applied to Temporal Reasoning (TWF), pp. 230–243.
ICRE-1994-AcostaBRS #agile #case study #prototype #requirements- A case study of applying rapid prototyping techniques in the Requirements Engineering Environment (RDA, CLB, WER, JLS), pp. 66–73.
SAC-1994-LogarCWWW #algorithm #image #recognition- A don’t care back propagation algorithm applied to satellite image recognition (AML, EMC, SW, RW, RW), pp. 369–373.
KBSE-1993-BailorYK #empirical #knowledge-based #re-engineering- An Experiment in Applying Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Technology (PDB, FCDY, KK), p. 25.
HT-1993-BareissO #design #hypermedia #modelling- Applying AI Models to the Design of Exploratory Hypermedia Systems (RB, RO), pp. 94–105.
ICDAR-1993-Bertille #approach #recognition- An elastic matching approach applied to digit recognition (JMB), pp. 82–83.
PODS-1993-Raz #order #transaction- Extended Commitment Ordering or Guaranteeing Global Serializability by Applying Commitment Order Selectivity to Global Transactions (YR), pp. 83–96.
VLDB-1993-VhanHY #execution- Applying Hash Filters to Improving the Execution of Bushy Trees (MSC, HIH, PSY), pp. 505–516.
CSM-1993-KamkarFS #how #interprocedural #slicing #testing- Interprocedural Dynamic Slicing Applied to Interprocedural Data How Testing (MK, PF, NS), pp. 386–395.
INTERCHI-1993-McClelland- The applied ergonomics group at Philips (IM), pp. 461–462.
AdaEurope-1993-KamradH #ada #case study #realtime- Applying Ada 9X to Two Real-Time Applications: A Case Study (JMKI, JH), pp. 79–94.
TRI-Ada-1993-FilareyRRSD #ada #framework- Software First: Applying Ada Megaprogramming Technology to Target Platform Selection Trades (ARF, WER, RR, PS, LDM), pp. 90–101.
SAC-1993-Larouk #approach #logic #statistics- Linguistico-Statistical Approach and Logics Applied in Documentary System (OL), pp. 737–744.
SAC-1993-LuWC #design #finite #object-oriented #programming- Applying Object-Oriented Design to Finite Element Programming (JL, DW, WFC), pp. 424–429.
ICSE-1993-MukherjeaS #algorithm #animation #comprehension #debugging- Applying Algorithm Animation Techniques for Program Tracing, Debugging, and Understanding (SM, JTS), pp. 456–465.
ISSTA-1993-Thevenod-FosseW #statistics #testing- STATEMATE Applied to Statistical Software Testing (PTF, HW), pp. 99–109.
IWPTS-1993-AhtiainenCHK #automation #case study #experience #tool support- Experiences with Octopus Automated TTCN Translation Tools Applied to GSM/SS7 (AA, BC, MWAH, SK), pp. 231–253.
WSA-1992-QueinnecG #backtracking #partial evaluation #pattern matching- Partial Evaluation applied to Symbolic Pattern Matching with Intelligent Backtrack (CQ, PG), pp. 109–117.
CHI-1992-WhartonBJF #case study #experience #recommendation #user interface- Applying cognitive walkthroughs to more complex user interfaces: experiences, issues, and recommendations (CW, JB, RJ, MF), pp. 381–388.
ML-1992-Venturini #classification #named- AGIL: Solving the Exploration Versus Exploration Dilemma in a single Classifier System Applied to Simulated Robotics (GV), pp. 458–463.
SEKE-1992-DoyleV #metric #rule-based- Applying Metrics to Rule-Based Systems (PD, RV), pp. 123–130.
DAC-1991-GeigerM #algebra #automaton #benchmark #composition #metric- FSM Decomposition Revisited: Algebraic Structure Theory Applied to MCNC Benchmark FSMs (MG, TMW), pp. 182–185.
HT-1991-GertleyM #hypermedia- Hypermedia Applied to Manufacturing Environments (GGG, BRM), pp. 419–424.
ML-1991-Day #csp #heuristic #learning #problem- Learning Variable Descriptors for Applying Heuristics Across CSP Problems (DSD), pp. 127–131.
TOOLS-USA-1991-Murphy #analysis #case study #experience #object-oriented- Experiences in Applying Object-Oriented Analysis (GCM), pp. 249–264.
LFP-1990-Berlin #partial evaluation- Partial Evaluation Applied to Numerical Computation (AB), pp. 139–150.
GG-1990-Kaplan #graph grammar #re-engineering- Applying Graph Grammars to Software engineering (SMK), pp. 49–51.
GG-1990-Kreowski #graph transformation- Applied Graph Transformation (HJK), pp. 51–52.
CHI-1990-Barnard #bibliography #human-computer #interactive #research- Research for human-computer interaction at the MRC Applied Psychology Unit (lab review) (PJB), pp. 379–380.
CHI-1990-LandauerK #bibliography #research- CHI in the applied research divisions at Bellcore (lab review) (TKL, REK), pp. 285–286.
ML-1990-Flann #abstraction- Applying Abstraction and Simplification to Learn in Intractable Domains (NSF), pp. 277–285.
SEKE-1990-KuoSHL #estimation- Applying DSS Techniques in Software Cost Estimation (SCK, GPS, SNH, YSL), pp. 228–233.
ALP-1990-Bundgen #finite #term rewriting- Applying Term Rewriting Methods to Finite Groups (RB), pp. 332–346.
CADE-1990-McMichael #automation #named #set- SLIM: An Automated Reasoner For Equivalences, Applied To Set Theory (AFM), pp. 308–321.
NACLP-1990-JourdanV #constraints #logic programming #reasoning- Constraint Logic Programming Applied to Hypothetical Reasoning in Chemistry (JJ, REVP), pp. 154–172.
ICALP-1989-Parisi-Presicce #composition #design #graph grammar- Modular System Design Applying Graph Grammars Techniques (FPP), pp. 621–636.
SIGIR-1988-BrajnikGT #concept #information retrieval #interactive- IR-NLI II: Applying Man-Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence Concepts to Information Retrieval (GB, GG, CT), pp. 387–399.
CADE-1988-DonatW #higher-order #learning #using- Learning and Applying Generalised Solutions using Higher Order Resolution (MRD, LAW), pp. 41–60.
LICS-1988-HoareG #correctness #logic- Partial Correctness of C-MOS Switching Circuits: An Exercise in Applied Logic (CARH, MJCG), pp. 28–36.
OOPSLA-1987-HoggW #named- OTM: Applying Objects to Tasks (JH, SW), pp. 388–393.
SIGIR-1985-Gordon #algorithm #documentation #learning- A Learning Algorithm Applied to Document Description (MG), pp. 179–186.
SIGMOD-1982-DongH #approximate #dependence #order- Applying Approximate Order Dependency to Reduce Indexing Space (JD, RH), pp. 119–127.
ICSE-1982-Runge- The Inspection Method Applied to Small Projects (BR), pp. 416–417.
DAC-1981-NashW #design #development #re-engineering- Software engineering applied to computer-aided design (CAD) software development (DCN, HW), pp. 530–539.
DAC-1979-CarterBS #incremental- Incremental processing applied to Steinberg’s placement procedure (HWC, MAB, ZAS), pp. 26–31.
VLDB-1979-Setzer #database #development #query #relational- Program Development by Transformations Applied to Relational Database Queries (VWS), pp. 436–443.
VLDB-1977-Vetter #database #design #synthesis- Data Base Design by Applied Data Synthesis (MV), pp. 428–440.
DAC-1975-ThompsonB75a #implementation #logic #multi #re-engineering #simulation- The software engineering technique of data hiding as applied to multi-level model implementation of logical devices in digital simulation (EWT, NB), pp. 195–201.
POPL-1975-Kennedy #analysis #data flow- Node Listings Applied to Data Flow Analysis (KK), pp. 10–21.
DAC-1973-HiranoH #design #logic- Computer aided design system for logic equipment applied to design of electronic switching equipment (TH, KH), pp. 205–212.
STOC-1973-HopcroftM #complexity #matrix #multi- Duality Applied to the Complexity of Matrix Multiplications and other Bilinear Forms (JEH, JM), pp. 73–87.
STOC-1971-Wise #algorithm- Domolki’s Algorithm Applied to Generalized Overlap Resolvable Grammars (DSW), pp. 171–184.