10 papers:
- ECMFA-2015-BerardinelliMPP #analysis #design #energy
- Energy Consumption Analysis and Design of Energy-Aware WSN Agents in fUML (LB, ADM, SP, LP, WT), pp. 1–17.
- SAC-2015-RodriguesBM #approach #behaviour #clustering #correlation #energy #using
- Using fractal clustering to explore behavioral correlation: a new approach to reduce energy consumption in WSN (FR, AB, JEBM), pp. 589–591.
- SAC-2014-KrichenAB #health #monitoring
- WSN-based flutter control application for aircraft wings structural health monitoring (DK, WA, NB), pp. 680–685.
- SAC-2014-ZanattaBGL #component #framework #monitoring #off the shelf
- Building a WSN infrastructure with COTS components for the thermal monitoring of datacenters (GZ, GDB, RG, JCBL), pp. 1443–1448.
- DATE-2012-WalravensD #architecture #design #energy
- Design of a low-energy data processing architecture for WSN nodes (CW, WD), pp. 570–573.
- DAC-2010-PashaDS #architecture #generative #power management
- A complete design-flow for the generation of ultra low-power WSN node architectures based on micro-tasking (MAP, SD, OS), pp. 693–698.
- DATE-2010-RavinagarajanDR #health #monitoring #scheduling
- DVFS based task scheduling in a harvesting WSN for Structural Health Monitoring (AR, DD, TSR), pp. 1518–1523.
- ITiCSE-2010-LoQY #energy
- Innovative CS capstone projects on green energy applications with WSN in a box (CTDL, KQ, LY), p. 307.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-Zhang #internet #network
- Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Internet of Things (IOT) (RZ), p. 7.
- DATE-2008-VasilevskiPBAE #modelling
- Modeling and Refining Heterogeneous Systems With SystemC-AMS: Application to WSN (MV, FP, NB, HA, KE), pp. 134–139.