7 papers:
ICPR-2014-AhmetovicBGM #locality #named #performance #precise- ZebraRecognizer: Efficient and Precise Localization of Pedestrian Crossings (DA, CB, AG, SM), pp. 2566–2571.
QAPL-2014-Feng #distributed #hybrid #modelling #probability #using- Patch-based Hybrid Modelling of Spatially Distributed Systems by Using Stochastic HYPE — ZebraNet as an Example (CF0), pp. 64–77.
CHI-2012-ChanMRB- CapStones and ZebraWidgets: sensing stacks of building blocks, dials and sliders on capacitive touch screens (LC, SM, AR, PB), pp. 2189–2192.
LCTES-2006-Martonosi #case study #deployment #embedded #experience #hardware- Embedded systems in the wild: ZebraNet software, hardware, and deployment experiences (MM), p. 1.
ICPR-v2-2004-WeiXMJS #hybrid- A Hybrid SOM-SVM Method for Analyzing Zebra Fish Gene Expression (WW, LX, XM, PJ, RS), pp. 323–326.
ASPLOS-2002-JuangOWMPR #case study #design #energy #experience #trade-off- Energy-efficient computing for wildlife tracking: design tradeoffs and early experiences with ZebraNet (PJ, HO, YW, MM, LSP, DR), pp. 96–107.
SOSP-1993-HartmanO #file system #network- The Zebra Striped Network File System (JHH, JKO), pp. 29–43.