Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering
FSE, 1998.
address = "Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA",
publisher = "{ACM}",
title = "{Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering}",
year = 1998,
Contents (24 items)
- FSE-1998-AstleyA #abstraction #distributed #middleware #policy
- Customizaton and Compositon of Distributed Objects: Middleware Abstractions for Policy Management (MA, GA), pp. 1–9.
- FSE-1998-SeemannG #design #java
- Pattern-Based Design Recovery of Java Software (JS, JWvG), pp. 10–16.
- FSE-1998-StevensP #re-engineering
- Systems Reengineering Patterns (PS, RP), pp. 17–23.
- FSE-1998-NaumovichA #algorithm #data flow #detection #parallel
- A Conservative Data Flow Algorithm for Detecting All Pairs of Statement That May Happen in Parallel (GN, GSA), pp. 24–34.
- FSE-1998-CoolW #concurrent #detection
- Event-Base Detection of Concurrency (JEC, ALW), pp. 35–45.
- FSE-1998-AtkinsonG #effectiveness #pointer #program analysis
- Effective Whole-Program Analysis in the Presence of Pointers (DCA, WGG), pp. 46–55.
- FSE-1998-JeffordsH #automation #generative #invariant #requirements #specification
- Automatic Generation of State Invariants from Requirements Specifications (RDJ, CLH), pp. 56–69.
- FSE-1998-AllenG #analysis #component #formal method #integration #modelling #standard
- Formal Modeling and Analysis of the HLA Component Integration Standard (RA, DG), pp. 70–79.
- FSE-1998-StuurmanK #online
- On-Line Change Mechanisms (SS, JvK), pp. 80–86.
- FSE-1998-Mahony #re-engineering
- Finding a History for Software Engineering (MSM), p. 87.
- FSE-1998-KrishnamurthiF #formal method #towards
- Toward a Formal Theory of Extensible Software (SK, MF), pp. 88–98.
- FSE-1998-SneltingT #concept analysis #re-engineering #using
- Reengineering Class Hierarchies Using Concept Analysis (GS, FT), pp. 99–110.
- FSE-1998-MasudaSU #design pattern #learning
- Applying Design Patterns to Decision Tree Learning System (GM, NS, KU), pp. 111–120.
- FSE-1998-Jackson #analysis #design
- An Intermedicate Design Language and Its Analysis (DJ), pp. 121–130.
- FSE-1998-Karasick #architecture #c++ #incremental #programming
- The Architecture of Montana: An Open and Extensible Programming Environment with an Incremental C++ (MK), pp. 131–142.
- FSE-1998-DisneyJ #problem #quality
- Investigation Data Quality Problems in the PSP (AMD, PMJ), pp. 143–152.
- FSE-1998-FranklI #effectiveness #empirical
- Further Empirical Studies of Test Effectiveness (PGF, OI), pp. 153–162.
- FSE-1998-KontioGL #case study #concept #experience #process #risk management #using
- Experiences in Improving Risk Management Processes Using the Concepts of the Riskit Method (JK, GG, DL), pp. 163–172.
- FSE-1998-AlurY #model checking #state machine
- Model Checking of Hierarchical State Machines (RA, MY), pp. 175–188.
- FSE-1998-DwyerP #model checking
- Filter-Based Model Checking of Partial Systems (MBD, CSP), pp. 189–202.
- FSE-1998-Griss #industrial #re-engineering
- Software Engineering as a Profession: Industry and Academia Working Together (MLG), pp. 203–208.
- FSE-1998-GarlanJN #reasoning
- Reasoning about Implicit Invocation (DG, SJ, DN), pp. 209–221.
- FSE-1998-FongC #architecture #composition #mobile #proving #verification
- Proof Linking: An Architecture for Modular Verification of Dynamically-Linked Mobile Code (PWLF, RDC), pp. 222–230.
- FSE-1998-GuptaMS #automation #generative #testing #using
- Automated Test Data Generation Using an Iterative Relaxation Method (NG, APM, MLS), pp. 231–244.
4 ×#re-engineering
3 ×#using
2 ×#analysis
2 ×#architecture
2 ×#automation
2 ×#design
2 ×#detection
2 ×#effectiveness
2 ×#formal method
2 ×#generative
3 ×#using
2 ×#analysis
2 ×#architecture
2 ×#automation
2 ×#design
2 ×#detection
2 ×#effectiveness
2 ×#formal method
2 ×#generative