Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × USA
3 × France
Collaborated with:
J.L.v.Meerbergen J.A.G.Jess J.A.J.Leijten B.Mesman M.T.J.Strik F.Harmsze C.A.J.v.Eijk E.T.A.F.Jacobs
Talks about:
dsp (3) perform (2) stream (2) driven (2) high (2) multiprocessor (1) architectur (1) constraint (1) processor (1) algorithm (1)
Person: Adwin H. Timmer
DBLP: Timmer:Adwin_H=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- DATE-2000-HarmszeTM #memory management
- Memory Arbitration and Cache Management in Stream-Based Systems (FH, AHT, JLvM), pp. 257–262.
- DATE-1999-EijkJMT #algorithm #identification #symmetry
- Identification and Exploitation of Symmetries in DSP Algorithms (CAJvE, ETAFJ, BM, AHT), pp. 602–608.
- DATE-1998-LeijtenMTJ #communication #multi #realtime
- Stream Communication between Real-Time Tasks in a High-Performance Multiprocessor (JAJL, JLvM, AHT, JAGJ), pp. 125–131.
- DATE-1998-MesmanSTMJ #approach #constraints #pipes and filters
- A Constraint Driven Approach to Loop Pipelining and Register Binding (BM, MTJS, AHT, JLvM, JAGJ), pp. 377–383.
- EDTC-1997-LeijtenMTJ #architecture #data-driven #multi #named
- PROPHID: a data-driven multi-processor architecture for high-performance DSP (JAJL, JLvM, AHT, JAGJ), p. 611.
- DAC-1995-TimmerSMJ #code generation #modelling #scheduling
- Conflict Modelling and Instruction Scheduling in Code Generation for In-House DSP Cores (AHT, MTJS, JLvM, JAGJ), pp. 593–598.