Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × Hungary
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Poland
1 × Portugal
1 × South Africa
1 × South Korea
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
G.Filé R.Halder B.L.Charlier M.Zanioli P.V.Hentenryck W.H.Winsborough P.Ferrara ∅ F.Logozzo G.Maggiore C.Braghin R.Focardi F.L.Luccio C.Piazza I.Pollet S.Rossi M.Pistoia O.Tripp A.Torsello F.Sartoretto R.Giacobazzi C.Palamidessi F.Ranzato F.D.Giacomo M.Abbadi P.Spronck S.Filippone
Talks about:
abstract (10) analysi (7) program (6) interpret (5) domain (5) languag (3) semant (3) databas (2) ambient (2) static (2)
Person: Agostino Cortesi
DBLP: Cortesi:Agostino
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- VMCAI-2015-CortesiFPT #mobile #policy #privacy #semantics #verification
- Datacentric Semantics for Verification of Privacy Policy Compliance by Mobile Applications (AC, PF, MP, OT), pp. 61–79.
- SAC-2014-HalderZC #analysis #database #information management #query
- Information leakage analysis of database query languages (RH, MZ, AC), pp. 813–820.
- SAC-2013-HalderC #database #query #slicing
- Abstract program slicing of database query languages (RH, AC), pp. 838–845.
- SAC-2012-ZanioliFC #information management #named #static analysis
- SAILS: static analysis of information leakage with sample (MZ, PF, AC), pp. 1308–1313.
- SIGITE-2011-MaggioreTS #student
- Engaging high school students in computer science via challenging applications (GM, AT, FS, AC), pp. 43–48.
- LDTA-2010-CortesiH #dependence #graph #semantics #slicing
- Dependence condition graph for semantics-based abstract program slicing (AC, RH), p. 4.
- SEFM-2008-Cortesi #abstract interpretation
- Widening Operators for Abstract Interpretation (AC), pp. 31–40.
- VMCAI-2006-LogozzoC #abstract interpretation #refactoring #semantics
- Semantic Hierarchy Refactoring by Abstract Interpretation (FL, AC), pp. 313–331.
- TACAS-2003-BraghinCFFLP #analysis #bound #named
- BANANA — A Tool for Boundary Ambients Nesting ANAlysis (CB, AC, SF, RF, FLL, CP), pp. 437–441.
- VMCAI-2003-BraghinCFLP #analysis #complexity #mobile
- Complexity of Nesting Analysis in Mobile Ambients (CB, AC, RF, FLL, CP), pp. 86–101.
- ECOOP-2001-PolletCC #java #source code #static analysis
- Distinctness and Sharing Domains for Static Analysis of Java Programs (IP, BLC, AC), pp. 77–98.
- LOPSTR-1996-CortesiCR #automation #prolog #source code #verification
- Specification-Based Automatic Verification of Prolog Programs (AC, BLC, SR), pp. 38–57.
- SAS-1995-CortesiFGPR #abstract interpretation
- Complementation in Abstract Interpretation (AC, GF, RG, CP, FR), pp. 100–117.
- PLDI-1994-HentenryckCC #analysis #graph #prolog #using
- Type Analysis of Prolog Using Type Graphs (PVH, AC, BLC), pp. 337–348.
- POPL-1994-CortesiCH #abstract domain #logic programming
- Combinations of Abstract Domains for Logic Programming (AC, BLC, PVH), pp. 227–239.
- ICALP-1992-CortesiFW #abstract interpretation #comparison
- Comparison of Abstract Interpretations (AC, GF, WHW), pp. 521–532.
- LICS-1991-CortesiFW #abstract domain #analysis
- Prop revisited: Propositional Formula as Abstract Domain for Groundness Analysis (AC, GF, WHW), pp. 322–327.
- PEPM-1991-CortesiF #abstract domain #abstract interpretation #analysis #logic programming #source code
- Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs: An Abstract Domain for Groundness, Sharing, Freeness and Compoundness Analysis (AC, GF), pp. 52–61.
- SLE-2017-GiacomoACSM #domain-specific language #named
- Metacasanova: an optimized meta-compiler for domain-specific languages (FDG, MA, AC, PS, GM), pp. 232–243.