Collaborated with:
P.Wyeth Daniel M. Johnson 0001
Talks about:
game (2) principl (1) theatr (1) design (1) appeal (1) start (1) peopl (1) learn (1) adapt (1) what (1)
Person: April Tyack
DBLP: Tyack:April
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CHI-PLAY-2016-TyackW0 #game studies #people #what
- The Appeal of MOBA Games: What Makes People Start, Stay, and Stop (AT, PW, DMJ0), pp. 313–325.
- DiGRA-2017-TyackW #adaptation #design #game studies #learning
- Adapting Epic Theatre Principles for the Design of Games for Learning (AT, PW).