Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Lüdtke S.Puch M.Fränzle T.Peikenkamp L.Weber J.Osterloh
Talks about:
driver (3) behavior (2) system (2) simul (2) drive (2) interact (1) approach (1) vehicl (1) effect (1) driven (1)
Person: Bertram Wortelen
DBLP: Wortelen:Bertram
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DHM-SET-2013-PuchWFP #evaluation #interactive #simulation #using
- Evaluation of Drivers Interaction with Assistant Systems Using Criticality Driven Guided Simulation (SP, BW, MF, TP), pp. 108–117.
- DHM-2011-WortelenL #approach #automation #behaviour #estimation
- Less Driving While Driving? An Approach for the Estimation of Effects of Future Vehicle Automation Systems on Driver Behavior (BW, AL), pp. 523–532.
- DHM-2009-LudtkeWOW #behaviour #fault #modelling #simulation
- Modeling Pilot and Driver Behavior for Human Error Simulation (AL, LW, JPO, BW), pp. 403–412.