Collaborated with:
M.Laskey K.Goldberg S.Krishnan Ruta Joshi R.Fox J.Lee David V. Gealy Wesley Yu-Shu Hsieh F.T.Pokorny Anca D. Dragan
Talks about:
demonstr (2) learn (2) supervisor (1) hierarchi (1) statist (1) clutter (1) robot (1) grasp (1) clean (1) autom (1)
Person: Caleb Chuck
DBLP: Chuck:Caleb
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CASE-2016-LaskeyLCGHPDG #learning #using
- Robot grasping in clutter: Using a hierarchy of supervisors for learning from demonstrations (ML, JL, CC, DVG, WYSH, FTP, ADD, KG), pp. 827–834.
- CASE-2017-ChuckLKJFG #automation #learning #statistics
- Statistical data cleaning for deep learning of automation tasks from demonstrations (CC, ML, SK, RJ, RF, KG), pp. 1142–1149.