Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Finland
1 × Norway
1 × United Kingdom
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Ur R.Tzoref-Brill D.Carmel A.Soffer I.Segall O.Raz H.Chockler B.Godlin S.Novikov Y.Petruschka A.Bron Y.Magid Y.Nir G.Barash I.Jayaraman M.Zalmanovici D.Cohen R.Fagin M.Herscovici Y.S.Maarek Y.Adler M.Klausner D.Pelleg M.Shochat A.Zlotnick
Talks about:
use (4) coverag (2) inform (2) homeworkless (1) combinatori (1) synchron (1) interact (1) retriev (1) program (1) entropi (1)
Person: Eitan Farchi
DBLP: Farchi:Eitan
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ISSTA-2011-SegallTF #combinator #design #diagrams #using
- Using binary decision diagrams for combinatorial test design (IS, RTB, EF), pp. 254–264.
- FASE-2009-ChocklerFGN #concurrent #source code
- Cross-Entropy-Based Replay of Concurrent Programs (HC, EF, BG, SN), pp. 201–215.
- ISSTA-2009-AdlerFKPRSUZ #analysis #string #test coverage #using
- Advanced code coverage analysis using substring holes (YA, EF, MK, DP, OR, MS, SU, AZ), pp. 37–46.
- ICST-2008-FarchiU
- Selective Homeworkless Reviews (EF, SU), pp. 404–413.
- PPoPP-2005-BronFMNU
- Applications of synchronization coverage (AB, EF, YM, YN, SU), pp. 206–212.
- SIGIR-2002-CarmelFPS #automation #information management #query #refinement #using
- Automatic query refinement using lexical affinities with maximal information gain (DC, EF, YP, AS), pp. 283–290.
- SIGIR-2001-SofferCCFFHM #information retrieval
- Static Index Pruning for Information Retrieval Systems (AS, DC, DC, RF, EF, MH, YSM), pp. 43–50.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-BarashFJRTZ #feature model #interactive #ml #requirements #using
- Bridging the gap between ML solutions and their business requirements using feature interactions (GB, EF, IJ, OR, RTB, MZ), pp. 1048–1058.