Travelled to:
1 × South Africa
1 × Switzerland
2 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
I.Segall A.Zlotnick P.Wojciak S.Maoz E.Farchi M.Zalmanovici O.Raz D.Blue M.Goldstein O.Shehory S.Ur G.Barash I.Jayaraman
Talks about:
test (8) combinatori (7) model (4) interact (3) plan (3) suit (2) base (2) use (2) throughput (1) slowdown (1)
Person: Rachel Tzoref-Brill
DBLP: Tzoref-Brill:Rachel
Contributed to:
Wrote 11 papers:
- ICST-2014-WojciakT #case study #combinator #concurrent #maintenance #testing
- System Level Combinatorial Testing in Practice — The Concurrent Maintenance Case Study (PW, RTB), pp. 103–112.
- ICSE-2013-BlueSTZ #testing
- Interaction-based test-suite minimization (DB, IS, RTB, AZ), pp. 182–191.
- ICSE-2012-SegallT #combinator #interactive #refinement #testing
- Interactive refinement of combinatorial test plans (IS, RTB), pp. 1371–1374.
- ICST-2012-SegallTZ #combinator #modelling
- Simplified Modeling of Combinatorial Test Spaces (IS, RTB, AZ), pp. 573–579.
- ICST-2012-SegallTZ12a #combinator #modelling
- Common Patterns in Combinatorial Models (IS, RTB, AZ), pp. 624–629.
- ISSTA-2011-SegallTF #combinator #design #diagrams #using
- Using binary decision diagrams for combinatorial test design (IS, RTB, EF), pp. 254–264.
- ICSE-2010-GoldsteinSTU #throughput
- Improving throughput via slowdowns (MG, OS, RTB, SU), pp. 11–20.
- ASE-2016-Tzoref-BrillWM #combinator #modelling #testing #visualisation
- Visualization of combinatorial models and test plans (RTB, PW, SM), pp. 144–154.
- FSE-2016-ZalmanoviciRT #analysis #clustering #functional #testing
- Cluster-based test suite functional analysis (MZ, OR, RTB), pp. 962–967.
- ESEC-FSE-2018-Tzoref-BrillM #co-evolution #combinator #modelling #testing
- Modify, enhance, select: co-evolution of combinatorial models and test plans (RTB, SM), pp. 235–245.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-BarashFJRTZ #feature model #interactive #ml #requirements #using
- Bridging the gap between ML solutions and their business requirements using feature interactions (GB, EF, IJ, OR, RTB, MZ), pp. 1048–1058.