Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × India
1 × Russia
1 × Sweden
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
B.Brügge W.Maalej ∅ S.Panichella A.D.Sorbo C.A.Visaggio G.Canfora H.C.Gall D.Azócar Y.Li P.Bhuvanagiri M.El-Haliby B.Bruegge
Talks about:
softwar (5) review (4) app (4) develop (3) evolut (3) user (3) sentiment (2) classifi (2) analysi (2) visual (2)
Person: Emitza Guzman
DBLP: Guzman:Emitza
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICSME-2015-PanichellaSGVCG #evolution #how #maintenance
- How can i improve my app? Classifying user reviews for software maintenance and evolution (SP, ADS, EG, CAV, GC, HCG), pp. 281–290.
- MSR-2014-GuzmanAL #analysis #commit #empirical #git #sentiment
- Sentiment analysis of commit comments in GitHub: an empirical study (EG, DA, YL), pp. 352–355.
- RE-2014-GuzmanM #analysis #fine-grained #how #sentiment
- How Do Users Like This Feature? A Fine Grained Sentiment Analysis of App Reviews (EG, WM), pp. 153–162.
- VISSOFT-2014-GuzmanBB #evolution #feedback #named #visualisation
- FAVe: Visualizing User Feedback for Software Evolution (EG, PB, BB), pp. 167–171.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-GuzmanB #development #towards
- Towards emotional awareness in software development teams (EG, BB), pp. 671–674.
- VISSOFT-2013-Guzman #development #visualisation
- Visualizing emotions in software development projects (EG), pp. 1–4.
- ASE-2015-GuzmanEB #approach #bibliography #classification #evolution
- Ensemble Methods for App Review Classification: An Approach for Software Evolution (N) (EG, MEH, BB), pp. 771–776.
- FSE-2016-PanichellaSGVCG #classification #development #named
- ARdoc: app reviews development oriented classifier (SP, ADS, EG, CAV, GC, HCG), pp. 1023–1027.