Tag #git
93 papers:
ICPC-2019-ChenSM #replication- Replication can improve prior results: a GitHub study of pull request acceptance (DC, KTS, TM), pp. 179–190.
ICSME-2019-ElazharySEZ #guidelines #process #question- Do as I Do, Not as I Say: Do Contribution Guidelines Match the GitHub Contribution Process? (OE, MADS, NAE, AZ), pp. 286–290.
MSR-2019-GoteSS #mining #named #network #repository #scalability- git2net: mining time-stamped co-editing networks from large git repositories (CG, IS, FS), pp. 433–444.
MSR-2019-JoshiC #agile #dataset #named- RapidRelease: a dataset of projects and issues on github with rapid releases (SDJ, SC), pp. 587–591.
MSR-2019-ManesB #developer #how #question #stack overflow #what- How often and what StackOverflow posts do developers reference in their GitHub projects? (SSM, OB), pp. 235–239.
MSR-2019-MontandonSV #framework #identification #library- Identifying experts in software libraries and frameworks among GitHub users (JEM, LLS, MTV), pp. 276–287.
MSR-2019-TonderTG #development #process #set- A panel data set of cryptocurrency development activity on GitHub (RvT, AT, CLG), pp. 186–190.
MSR-2019-Treude0 #modelling #predict #stack overflow #topic- Predicting good configurations for GitHub and stack overflow topic models (CT, MW0), pp. 84–95.
MSR-2019-TrockmanTV #repository- Striking gold in software repositories?: an econometric study of cryptocurrencies on GitHub (AT, RvT, BV), pp. 181–185.
SANER-2019-BusingeOKBKF #android #game studies- Studying Android App Popularity by Cross-Linking GitHub and Google Play Store (JB, MO, DK, EB, FK, VF), pp. 287–297.
SANER-2019-ZhaoWMLLG #case study #repository- Knowledge Graphing Git Repositories: A Preliminary Study (YZ, HW, LM0, YL, LL0, JG0), pp. 599–603.
- ICSE-2019-ImtiazMCRBM #bias #gender
- Investigating the effects of gender bias on GitHub (NI, JM, JC, NR, GB, ERMH), pp. 700–711.
- ICSE-2019-KavalerTVF #assurance #javascript #matter #quality #tool support
- Tool choice matters: JavaScript quality assurance tools and usage outcomes in GitHub projects (DK, AT, BV, VF), pp. 476–487.
ICSME-2018-HortonP #execution #named #python- Gistable: Evaluating the Executability of Python Code Snippets on GitHub (EH, CP), pp. 217–227.
ICSME-2018-ZhangCGZXJX #case study #how #multi- How do Multiple Pull Requests Change the Same Code: A Study of Competing Pull Requests in GitHub (XZ, YC, YG, WZ, XX, XJ, JX), pp. 228–239.
MSR-2018-CohenC08 #analysis #developer #repository #scalability- Large-scale analysis of the co-commit patterns of the active developers in github's top repositories (EC, MPC), pp. 426–436.
MSR-2018-MarkovtsevL #dataset- Public git archive: a big code dataset for all (VM, WL), pp. 34–37.
MSR-2018-MiddletonMGMMWM08 #developer #predict- Which contributions predict whether developers are accepted into github teams (JM, ERMH, DG, AWM, RM, DW, SM), pp. 403–413.
MSR-2018-SchermannZC #evolution- Structured information on state and evolution of dockerfiles on github (GS, SZ, JC), pp. 26–29.
MSR-2018-YuLYWW #dataset- A dataset of duplicate pull-requests in github (YY0, ZL, GY, TW0, HW), pp. 22–25.
ECMFA-2018-HartelHL #emf- EMF Patterns of Usage on GitHub (JH, MH, RL), pp. 216–234.
PLATEAU-2018-Lemay #comprehension #java #mining #repository #usability- Understanding Java Usability by Mining GitHub Repositories (MJL), p. 9.
ESEC-FSE-2018-Reinhardt0MK #api #stack overflow- Augmenting stack overflow with API usage patterns mined from GitHub (AR, TZ0, MM, MK), pp. 880–883.
- ICSE-2018-BorleFSGH #development
- Analyzing the effects of test driven development in GitHub (NCB, MF, ES, RG, AH), p. 1062.
ICSME-2017-XuSHL #named #personalisation #recommendation- REPERSP: Recommending Personalized Software Projects on GitHub (WX, XS, JH, BL0), pp. 648–652.
MSR-2017-BellerGZ #analysis #testing- Oops, my tests broke the build: an explorative analysis of Travis CI with GitHub (MB, GG, AZ), pp. 356–367.
MSR-2017-BellerGZ17a #integration #named #research- TravisTorrent: synthesizing Travis CI and GitHub for full-stack research on continuous integration (MB, GG, AZ), pp. 447–450.
MSR-2017-CitoSWLZG #analysis #ecosystem #empirical- An empirical analysis of the docker container ecosystem on GitHub (JC, GS, JEW, PL, SZ, HCG), pp. 323–333.
MSR-2017-GharehyazieRF #reuse- Some from here, some from there: cross-project code reuse in GitHub (MG, BR, VF), pp. 291–301.
MSR-2017-NotenMS #ocl #set- A data set of OCL expressions on GitHub (JN, JM, AS), pp. 531–534.
MSR-2017-RoblesHHCF #dataset #modelling #uml- An extensive dataset of UML models in GitHub (GR, THQ, RH, MRVC, MAF), pp. 519–522.
MSR-2017-YangMSL #question #stack overflow- Stack overflow in github: any snippets there? (DY, PM0, VS, CVL), pp. 280–290.
SANER-2017-ConstantinouM #ecosystem #evolution #ruby- Socio-technical evolution of the Ruby ecosystem in GitHub (EC, TM), pp. 34–44.
SANER-2017-ZhangLKXLS #detection #repository- Detecting similar repositories on GitHub (YZ0, DL0, PSK, XX0, QL, JS), pp. 13–23.
OOPSLA-2017-LopesMMSYZSV #named- DéjàVu: a map of code duplicates on GitHub (CVL, PM, PM0, VS, DY, JZ, HS, JV), p. 28.
ASE-2017-KavalerSHAF #complexity- Perceived language complexity in GitHub issue discussions and their effect on issue resolution (DK, SS, VH, RA, VF), pp. 72–83.
- ICSE-2017-MaCZZX #case study #correlation #debugging #developer #ecosystem #how #python
- How do developers fix cross-project correlated bugs?: a case study on the GitHub scientific python ecosystem (WM, LC0, XZ0, YZ, BX), pp. 381–392.
ICSME-2016-Borges #on the- On the Popularity of GitHub Software (HB), p. 618.
ICSME-2016-BorgesHV #comprehension #repository- Understanding the Factors That Impact the Popularity of GitHub Repositories (HB, ACH, MTV), pp. 334–344.
ICSME-2016-DiasSPCG #collaboration #how #question- How Does the Shift to GitHub Impact Project Collaboration? (LFD, IS, GP0, DAdC, MAG), pp. 473–477.
ICSME-2016-MichaudGCM #branch #commit #repository- Recovering Commit Branch of Origin from GitHub Repositories (HMM, DTG, MLC, JIM), pp. 290–300.
MSR-2016-BarnettGSM #commit #fault #java- The relationship between commit message detail and defect proneness in Java projects on GitHub (JGB, CKG, LSS, SM), pp. 496–499.
MSR-2016-CosentinoIC #dataset- Findings from GitHub: methods, datasets and limitations (VC, JLCI, JC), pp. 137–141.
MSR-2016-KikasDP #predict #using- Using dynamic and contextual features to predict issue lifetime in GitHub projects (RK, MD, DP), pp. 291–302.
SANER-2016-DecanMCG #analysis #dependence #problem- When GitHub Meets CRAN: An Analysis of Inter-Repository Package Dependency Problems (AD, TM, MC, PG), pp. 493–504.
MoDELS-2016-HebigHCRF #mining #open source #uml- The quest for open source projects that use UML: mining GitHub (RH, THQ, MRVC, GR, MAF), pp. 173–183.
OOPSLA-2016-RossoJ #concept- Purposes, concepts, misfits, and a redesign of git (SPDR, DJ0), pp. 292–310.
ASE-2016-RahmanRRC #code review #named #recommendation- CORRECT: code reviewer recommendation at GitHub for Vendasta technologies (MMR, CKR, JR, JAC), pp. 792–797.
FSE-2016-FowkesS #api #mining #probability- Parameter-free probabilistic API mining across GitHub (JMF, CAS), pp. 254–265.
FSE-2016-SilvaTV #why- Why we refactor? confessions of GitHub contributors (DS, NT, MTV), pp. 858–870.
- ICSE-2016-VasilescuBXCDDF #multi
- The sky is not the limit: multitasking across GitHub projects (BV, KB, QX, CC, DED, PTD, VF), pp. 994–1005.
ITiCSE-2015-HaaranenL #education #framework #platform #version control- Teaching Git on the Side: Version Control System as a Course Platform (LH, TL), pp. 87–92.
ICPC-2015-VendomeLBPGP #java #scalability- License usage and changes: a large-scale study of Java projects on GitHub (CV, MLV, GB, MDP, DMG, DP), pp. 218–228.
MSR-2015-BlincoeHD #ecosystem #identification #using- Ecosystems in GitHub and a Method for Ecosystem Identification Using Reference Coupling (KB, FH, DD), pp. 202–211.
MSR-2015-CoelhoAGD #android #debugging #exception- Unveiling Exception Handling Bug Hazards in Android Based on GitHub and Google Code Issues (RC, LA, GG, AvD), pp. 134–145.
MSR-2015-GermanAH #dataset #linux #process- A Dataset of the Activity of the Git Super-repository of Linux in 2012 (DMG, BA, AEH), pp. 470–473.
MSR-2015-HauffG #developer- Matching GitHub Developer Profiles to Job Advertisements (CH, GG), pp. 362–366.
MSR-2015-VasilescuSF #set #social- A Data Set for Social Diversity Studies of GitHub Teams (BV, AS, VF), pp. 514–517.
MSR-2015-WangPWG #comprehension #using #what- What Is the Gist? Understanding the Use of Public Gists on GitHub (WW, GPC, EW, DMG), pp. 314–323.
MSR-2015-YuWFDV #evaluation #latency- Wait for It: Determinants of Pull Request Evaluation Latency on GitHub (YY, HW, VF, PTD, BV), pp. 367–371.
SANER-2015-CosentinoIC #repository- Assessing the bus factor of Git repositories (VC, JLCI, JC), pp. 499–503.
SANER-2015-IzquierdoCRBC #named- GiLA: GitHub label analyzer (JLCI, VC, BR, AB, JC), pp. 479–483.
CHI-2015-VasilescuPRBSDF #gender- Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams (BV, DP, BR, MvdB, AS, PTD, VF), pp. 3789–3798.
CSCW-2015-ZagalskyFSZW #collaboration #education #framework #platform- The Emergence of GitHub as a Collaborative Platform for Education (AZ, JF, MADS, YZ, WW), pp. 1906–1917.
SPLC-2015-MontalvilloD #branch #development #modelling #repository- Tuning GitHub for SPL development: branching models & repository operations for product engineers (LM, OD), pp. 111–120.
ESEC-FSE-2015-CasalnuovoVDF #developer #experience #social- Developer onboarding in GitHub: the role of prior social links and language experience (CC, BV, PTD, VF), pp. 817–828.
ESEC-FSE-2015-NagappanRKTMMH #c #empirical #goto #repository- An empirical study of goto in C code from GitHub repositories (MN, RR, YK, ÉT, SM, AM, AEH), pp. 404–414.
ESEC-FSE-2015-VasilescuYWDF #integration #quality- Quality and productivity outcomes relating to continuous integration in GitHub (BV, YY, HW, PTD, VF), pp. 805–816.
ICSE-v1-2015-CasalnuovoDOFR - Assert Use in GitHub Projects (CC, PTD, AO, VF, BR), pp. 755–766.
ICSE-v1-2015-KalliamvakouDBS #collaboration #development #open source #using- Open Source-Style Collaborative Development Practices in Commercial Projects Using GitHub (EK, DED, KB, LS, DMG), pp. 574–585.
ICSE-v2-2015-Vendome #case study #scalability- A Large Scale Study of License Usage on GitHub (CV), pp. 772–774.
ICSME-2014-VasilescuSWSB #empirical #integration- Continuous Integration in a Social-Coding World: Empirical Evidence from GitHub (BV, SvS, JW, AS, MvdB), pp. 401–405.
ICSME-2014-YuWYL #recommendation- Reviewer Recommender of Pull-Requests in GitHub (YY, HW, GY, CXL), pp. 609–612.
MSR-2014-AggarwalHS #co-evolution #documentation- Co-evolution of project documentation and popularity within github (KA, AH, ES), pp. 360–363.
MSR-2014-GousiosVSZ #agile- Lean GHTorrent: GitHub data on demand (GG, BV, AS, AZ), pp. 384–387.
MSR-2014-GuzmanAL #analysis #commit #empirical #sentiment- Sentiment analysis of commit comments in GitHub: an empirical study (EG, DA, YL), pp. 352–355.
MSR-2014-KalliamvakouGBSGD #mining- The promises and perils of mining GitHub (EK, GG, KB, LS, DMG, DD), pp. 92–101.
MSR-2014-MatragkasWKP #ecosystem #open source- Analysing the “biodiversity” of open source ecosystems: the GitHub case (NDM, JRW, DSK, RFP), pp. 356–359.
MSR-2014-PadhyeMS #case study #community #open source- A study of external community contribution to open-source projects on GitHub (RP, SM, VSS), pp. 332–335.
MSR-2014-PleteaVS #analysis #security #sentiment- Security and emotion: sentiment analysis of security discussions on GitHub (DP, BV, AS), pp. 348–351.
MSR-2014-RahmanR - An insight into the pull requests of GitHub (MMR, CKR), pp. 364–367.
MSR-2014-SheoranBKDE #comprehension- Understanding “watchers” on GitHub (JS, KB, EK, DD, JE), pp. 336–339.
SEKE-2014-XavierMM #comprehension- Understanding the popularity of reporters and assignees in the Github (JX, AM, MdAM), pp. 484–489.
FSE-2014-RayPFD #case study #programming language #quality #scalability- A large scale study of programming languages and code quality in github (BR, DP, VF, PTD), pp. 155–165.
FSE-2014-TsayDH - Let’s talk about it: evaluating contributions through discussion in GitHub (JT, LD, JDH), pp. 144–154.
ICSE-2014-TsayDH #social- Influence of social and technical factors for evaluating contribution in GitHub (JT, LD, JDH), pp. 356–366.
CSMR-2013-ThungBLJ #network #social- Network Structure of Social Coding in GitHub (FT, TFB, DL, LJ), pp. 323–326.
CSCW-2013-MarlowDH #online #process- Impression formation in online peer production: activity traces and personal profiles in github (JM, LD, JDH), pp. 117–128.
VISSOFT-2013-Elsen #branch #named #visualisation- VisGi: Visualizing Git branches (SE), pp. 1–4.
Onward-2013-RossoJ #analysis #concept #design #what- What’s wrong with git?: a conceptual design analysis (SPDR, DJ), pp. 37–52.
MSR-2012-GousiosS #named- GHTorrent: Github’s data from a firehose (GG, DS), pp. 12–21.
CSCW-2012-DabbishSTH #collaboration #repository #social- Social coding in GitHub: transparency and collaboration in an open software repository (LAD, HCS, JT, JDH), pp. 1277–1286.
MSR-2009-BirdRBHGD #mining- The promises and perils of mining git (CB, PCR, ETB, DJH, DMG, PTD), pp. 1–10.