Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Austria
1 × Chile
1 × Ireland
1 × Russia
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × China
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Azzopardi B.Koopman K.v.Rijsbergen T.Leelanupab J.M.Jose C.J.v.Rijsbergen L.Sitbon P.Bruza T.Chappell S.Geva J.R.M.Palotti D.Zhang J.Wang C.Hauff L.D.Vine M.Symonds M.Lawley
Talks about:
retriev (7) inform (6) rank (4) analysi (3) search (3) relev (3) medic (3) use (3) principl (2) document (2)
Person: Guido Zuccon
DBLP: Zuccon:Guido
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- ECIR-2015-ChappellGZ #approximate #nearest neighbour #slicing
- Approximate Nearest-Neighbour Search with Inverted Signature Slice Lists (TC, SG, GZ), pp. 147–158.
- ECIR-2015-ZucconKP #effectiveness #self
- Diagnose This If You Can — On the Effectiveness of Search Engines in Finding Medical Self-diagnosis Information (GZ, BK, JRMP), pp. 562–567.
- SIGIR-2015-AzzopardiZ #modelling #retrieval #tutorial #using
- Building and Using Models of Information Seeking, Search and Retrieval: Full Day Tutorial (LA, GZ), pp. 1107–1110.
- CIKM-2014-VineZKSB #semantics #similarity
- Medical Semantic Similarity with a Neural Language Model (LDV, GZ, BK, LS, PB), pp. 1819–1822.
- SIGIR-2014-KoopmanZ #comprehension #information retrieval #product line
- Understanding negation and family history to improve clinical information retrieval (BK, GZ), pp. 971–974.
- SIGIR-2014-KoopmanZ14a #assessment #exclamation #information retrieval #open source
- Relevation!: an open source system for information retrieval relevance assessment} (BK, GZ), pp. 1243–1244.
- CIKM-2013-SymondsZKBS #perspective #query
- Term associations in query expansion: a structural linguistic perspective (MS, GZ, BK, PB, LS), pp. 1189–1192.
- ECIR-2013-LeelanupabZJ #question #rank
- Is Intent-Aware Expected Reciprocal Rank Sufficient to Evaluate Diversity? (TL, GZ, JMJ), pp. 738–742.
- CIKM-2012-KoopmanZBSL #concept #evaluation #information retrieval #metric #similarity
- An evaluation of corpus-driven measures of medical concept similarity for information retrieval (BK, GZ, PB, LS, ML), pp. 2439–2442.
- CIKM-2012-LeelanupabZJ #analysis #cumulative #parametricity
- A comprehensive analysis of parameter settings for novelty-biased cumulative gain (TL, GZ, JMJ), pp. 1950–1954.
- ECIR-2012-ZucconAZW #analysis #retrieval #using
- Top-k Retrieval Using Facility Location Analysis (GZ, LA, DZ, JW), pp. 305–316.
- ECIR-2011-ZucconAR #analysis
- Back to the Roots: Mean-Variance Analysis of Relevance Estimations (GZ, LA, KvR), pp. 716–720.
- SIGIR-2011-ZucconAR #documentation #interactive #ranking
- The interactive PRP for diversifying document rankings (GZ, LA, CJvR), pp. 1227–1228.
- ECIR-2010-ZucconA #documentation #probability #quantum #rank #ranking #using
- Using the Quantum Probability Ranking Principle to Rank Interdependent Documents (GZ, LA), pp. 357–369.
- SIGIR-2010-ZucconAHR #retrieval #topic
- Estimating interference in the QPRP for subtopic retrieval (GZ, LA, CH, KvR), pp. 741–742.
- SIGIR-2010-ZucconAR #question
- Has portfolio theory got any principles? (GZ, LA, KvR), pp. 755–756.
- SIGIR-2009-ZucconAR #information retrieval #logic
- Revisiting logical imaging for information retrieval (GZ, LA, CJvR), pp. 766–767.