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Tag #cumulative

31 papers:

EDMEDM-2019-RenNLR #predict
Grade Prediction Based on Cumulative Knowledge and Co-taken Courses (ZR, XN, ASL, HR).
CIKMCIKM-2019-IosifidisN #adaptation #named
AdaFair: Cumulative Fairness Adaptive Boosting (VI, EN), pp. 781–790.
FSCDFSCD-2018-TimanyS #coq #induction
Cumulative Inductive Types In Coq (AT, MS), p. 16.
ECIRECIR-2016-WangJLSZL #knowledge base #recommendation
Cold Start Cumulative Citation Recommendation for Knowledge Base Acceleration (JW, JJ, LL, DS, ZZ, CYL), pp. 748–753.
ICMLICML-2016-AJFMS #learning #predict
Cumulative Prospect Theory Meets Reinforcement Learning: Prediction and Control (PLA, CJ, MCF0, SIM, CS), pp. 1406–1415.
KDDKDD-2016-FeiW0 #information management #learning
Learning Cumulatively to Become More Knowledgeable (GF, SW, BL0), pp. 1565–1574.
SCAMSCAM-2015-FaragoHF #maintenance
Cumulative code churn: Impact on maintainability (CF, PH, RF), pp. 141–150.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-WangSWZSLL #recommendation
An Entity Class-Dependent Discriminative Mixture Model for Cumulative Citation Recommendation (JW, DS, QW, ZZ, LS, LL, CYL), pp. 635–644.
TACASTACAS-2015-AlbertFR #analysis
Non-cumulative Resource Analysis (EA, JCF, GRD), pp. 85–100.
WICSAWICSA-2014-Braude #architecture #development
Cumulative Software Architecture Development (EJB), pp. 163–166.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-BalogR #classification #ranking #recommendation
Cumulative citation recommendation: classification vs. ranking (KB, HR), pp. 941–944.
CIKMCIKM-2012-LeelanupabZJ #analysis #parametricity
A comprehensive analysis of parameter settings for novelty-biased cumulative gain (TL, GZ, JMJ), pp. 1950–1954.
PEPMPEPM-2012-MatsudaIN #multi #polynomial #traversal
Polynomial-time inverse computation for accumulative functions with multiple data traversals (KM, KI, KN), pp. 5–14.
HCIDHM-2011-TangwenF #analysis #architecture #learning #polymorphism
Polymorphic Cumulative Learning in Integrated Cognitive Architectures for Analysis of Pilot-Aircraft Dynamic Environment (TY, SF), pp. 409–416.
SPLCSPLC-2011-KatoY #feature model #interactive #product line
Variation Management for Software Product Lines with Cumulative Coverage of Feature Interactions (SK, NY), pp. 140–149.
LICSLICS-2011-BokerCHK #specification
Temporal Specifications with Accumulative Values (UB, KC, TAH, OK), pp. 43–52.
CIKMCIKM-2009-YangXBHSY #case study #generative #information retrieval #social #using
A study of information retrieval on accumulative social descriptions using the generation features (LY, SX, SB, DH, ZS, YY), pp. 721–730.
IFMIFM-2007-HasanT #probability #using #verification
Verification of Probabilistic Properties in HOL Using the Cumulative Distribution Function (OH, ST), pp. 333–352.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-SongK #gesture #recognition #segmentation
Simultaneous Gesture Segmentation and Recognition based on Forward Spotting Accumulative HMMs (JS, DK), pp. 1231–1235.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-Choi #recognition #robust #speech #using
A Noise Robust Front-end for Speech Recognition Using Hough Transform and Cumulative Distribution Mapping (EHCC), pp. 286–289.
CSMRCSMR-2005-CapiluppiFR #complexity #open source
Exploring the Relationship between Cumulative Change and Complexity in an Open Source System (AC, AEF, JFR), pp. 21–29.
ESOPESOP-2002-HuIT #parallel
An Accumulative Parallel Skeleton for All (ZH, HI, MT), pp. 83–97.
RTARTA-2001-KuhnemannGK #functional #source code
Relating Accumulative and Non-accumulative Functional Programs (AK, RG, KK), pp. 154–168.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-ShioyamaWM #detection
Object Detection with Gabor Filters and Cumulative Histograms (TS, HW, SM), pp. 1704–1707.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-LiLT #analysis #image
Image Analysis by Accumulative Hopfield Matching (WJL, TL, HTT), pp. 2442–2445.
FSEFSE-2000-YamamotoMI #file system #metric #version control
Accumulative versioning file system Moraine and its application to metrics environment MAME (TY, MM, KI), pp. 80–87.
DACDAC-1997-DingWHP #estimation #statistics
Statistical Estimation of the Cumulative Distribution Function for Power Dissipation in VLSI Cirucits (CSD, QW, CTH, MP), pp. 371–376.
ICLPJICSLP-1996-CaseauL #scheduling
Cumulative Scheduling with Task Intervals (YC, FL), pp. 363–377.
Cumulative Updates (SMS, BW), pp. 534–545.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-LimC #approach
An Integrated Approach to Cumulative Trauma Disorders in Computerized Offices: The Role of Psychosocial Work Factors, Psychological Stress and Ergonomic Risk Factors (SYL, PC), pp. 880–885.
Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms of Dialogue and Data Entry VDU Operators (TM, CN), pp. 255–262.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.