Tag #cumulative
31 papers:
- EDM-2019-RenNLR #predict
- Grade Prediction Based on Cumulative Knowledge and Co-taken Courses (ZR, XN, ASL, HR).
- CIKM-2019-IosifidisN #adaptation #named
- AdaFair: Cumulative Fairness Adaptive Boosting (VI, EN), pp. 781–790.
- FSCD-2018-TimanyS #coq #induction
- Cumulative Inductive Types In Coq (AT, MS), p. 16.
- ECIR-2016-WangJLSZL #knowledge base #recommendation
- Cold Start Cumulative Citation Recommendation for Knowledge Base Acceleration (JW, JJ, LL, DS, ZZ, CYL), pp. 748–753.
- ICML-2016-AJFMS #learning #predict
- Cumulative Prospect Theory Meets Reinforcement Learning: Prediction and Control (PLA, CJ, MCF0, SIM, CS), pp. 1406–1415.
- KDD-2016-FeiW0 #information management #learning
- Learning Cumulatively to Become More Knowledgeable (GF, SW, BL0), pp. 1565–1574.
- SCAM-2015-FaragoHF #maintenance
- Cumulative code churn: Impact on maintainability (CF, PH, RF), pp. 141–150.
- SIGIR-2015-WangSWZSLL #recommendation
- An Entity Class-Dependent Discriminative Mixture Model for Cumulative Citation Recommendation (JW, DS, QW, ZZ, LS, LL, CYL), pp. 635–644.
- TACAS-2015-AlbertFR #analysis
- Non-cumulative Resource Analysis (EA, JCF, GRD), pp. 85–100.
- WICSA-2014-Braude #architecture #development
- Cumulative Software Architecture Development (EJB), pp. 163–166.
- SIGIR-2013-BalogR #classification #ranking #recommendation
- Cumulative citation recommendation: classification vs. ranking (KB, HR), pp. 941–944.
- CIKM-2012-LeelanupabZJ #analysis #parametricity
- A comprehensive analysis of parameter settings for novelty-biased cumulative gain (TL, GZ, JMJ), pp. 1950–1954.
- PEPM-2012-MatsudaIN #multi #polynomial #traversal
- Polynomial-time inverse computation for accumulative functions with multiple data traversals (KM, KI, KN), pp. 5–14.
- DHM-2011-TangwenF #analysis #architecture #learning #polymorphism
- Polymorphic Cumulative Learning in Integrated Cognitive Architectures for Analysis of Pilot-Aircraft Dynamic Environment (TY, SF), pp. 409–416.
- SPLC-2011-KatoY #feature model #interactive #product line
- Variation Management for Software Product Lines with Cumulative Coverage of Feature Interactions (SK, NY), pp. 140–149.
- LICS-2011-BokerCHK #specification
- Temporal Specifications with Accumulative Values (UB, KC, TAH, OK), pp. 43–52.
- CIKM-2009-YangXBHSY #case study #generative #information retrieval #social #using
- A study of information retrieval on accumulative social descriptions using the generation features (LY, SX, SB, DH, ZS, YY), pp. 721–730.
- IFM-2007-HasanT #probability #using #verification
- Verification of Probabilistic Properties in HOL Using the Cumulative Distribution Function (OH, ST), pp. 333–352.
- ICPR-v1-2006-SongK #gesture #recognition #segmentation
- Simultaneous Gesture Segmentation and Recognition based on Forward Spotting Accumulative HMMs (JS, DK), pp. 1231–1235.
- ICPR-v4-2006-Choi #recognition #robust #speech #using
- A Noise Robust Front-end for Speech Recognition Using Hough Transform and Cumulative Distribution Mapping (EHCC), pp. 286–289.
- CSMR-2005-CapiluppiFR #complexity #open source
- Exploring the Relationship between Cumulative Change and Complexity in an Open Source System (AC, AEF, JFR), pp. 21–29.
- ESOP-2002-HuIT #parallel
- An Accumulative Parallel Skeleton for All (ZH, HI, MT), pp. 83–97.
- RTA-2001-KuhnemannGK #functional #source code
- Relating Accumulative and Non-accumulative Functional Programs (AK, RG, KK), pp. 154–168.
- ICPR-v1-2000-ShioyamaWM #detection
- Object Detection with Gabor Filters and Cumulative Histograms (TS, HW, SM), pp. 1704–1707.
- ICPR-v2-2000-LiLT #analysis #image
- Image Analysis by Accumulative Hopfield Matching (WJL, TL, HTT), pp. 2442–2445.
- FSE-2000-YamamotoMI #file system #metric #version control
- Accumulative versioning file system Moraine and its application to metrics environment MAME (TY, MM, KI), pp. 80–87.
- DAC-1997-DingWHP #estimation #statistics
- Statistical Estimation of the Cumulative Distribution Function for Power Dissipation in VLSI Cirucits (CSD, QW, CTH, MP), pp. 371–376.
- JICSLP-1996-CaseauL #scheduling
- Cumulative Scheduling with Task Intervals (YC, FL), pp. 363–377.
- VLDB-1994-SripadaW
- Cumulative Updates (SMS, BW), pp. 534–545.
- HCI-ACS-1993-LimC #approach
- An Integrated Approach to Cumulative Trauma Disorders in Computerized Offices: The Role of Psychosocial Work Factors, Psychological Stress and Ergonomic Risk Factors (SYL, PC), pp. 880–885.
- HCI-SES-1987-MarekN
- Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms of Dialogue and Data Entry VDU Operators (TM, CN), pp. 255–262.