Collaborated with:
B.Bouzy Sander Bakkes I.Szita P.Spronck
Talks about:
carlo (2) mont (2) go (2) framework (1) reinforc (1) neighbor (1) bayesian (1) pattern (1) nearest (1) generat (1)
Person: Guillaume Chaslot
DBLP: Chaslot:Guillaume
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CIG-2005-BouzyC #generative #integration #nearest neighbour
- Bayesian Generation and Integration of K-nearest-neighbor Patterns for 19x19 Go (BB, GC).
- CIG-2006-BouzyC #learning #monte carlo
- Monte-Carlo Go Reinforcement Learning Experiments (BB, GC), pp. 187–194.
- AIIDE-2008-ChaslotBSS #framework #game studies #monte carlo
- Monte-Carlo Tree Search: A New Framework for Game AI (GC, SB, IS, PS).