Travelled to:
2 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
N.Date D.Arita R.Taniguchi
Talks about:
vision (3) applic (2) real (2) base (2) timehumanmot (1) architectur (1) sensingbas (1) interact (1) process (1) kinemat (1)
Person: Hiromasa Yoshimoto
DBLP: Yoshimoto:Hiromasa
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- ICPR-v1-2004-YoshimotoDAT #architecture #performance #realtime
- Confidence-Driven Architecture for Real-time Vision Processing and Its Application to Efficient Vision-Based Human Motion Sensing (HY, ND, DA, RiT), pp. 736–740.
- ICPR-v3-2004-DateYAT #interactive #realtime
- Real-timeHumanMotion Sensingbased on Vision-based Inverse Kinematics for Interactive Applications (ND, HY, DA, RiT), pp. 318–321.