Travelled to:
2 × Canada
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.Song S.Kang S.M.Kim K.Cho H.Lee B.Kang S.Lee A.Oh T.Park U.Lee S.MacKenzie M.Moon C.Yoo C.Hwang D.Yim Y.Lee C.Min J.Kim
Talks about:
activ (2) base (2) understand (1) inventori (1) intervent (1) facebook (1) children (1) languag (1) exergam (1) control (1)
Person: Inseok Hwang
DBLP: Hwang:Inseok
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CSCW-2015-KangLOKHS #comprehension #facebook #process #relational #towards
- Towards Understanding Relational Orientation: Attachment Theory and Facebook Activities (BK, SL, AO, SK, IH, JS), pp. 1404–1415.
- CHI-2014-ParkLMMHS #game studies
- Human factors of speed-based exergame controllers (TP, UL, SM, MM, IH, JS), pp. 1865–1874.
- CSCW-2014-HwangYHYLMKS #mobile #named
- TalkBetter: family-driven mobile intervention care for children with language delay (IH, CY, CH, DY, YL, CM, JK, JS), pp. 1283–1296.
- SAC-2003-KimCHKL #named #performance
- CIGMA: aCtive inventory service in Global e-MArket Based on Efficient Catalog Management (SMK, KC, IH, SK, HKL), pp. 653–658.