Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Spain
1 × USA
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
Collaborated with:
C.M.Hine S.Versteeg L.Johnston J.Han M.Lumpe L.Grunske R.Vasa O.Nierstrasz I.Weber M.Farshchi J.Mendling F.Chen J.C.Grundy Y.Yang Q.He M.Du J.Grundy J.Yu
Talks about:
enterpris (3) softwar (3) environ (2) system (2) model (2) cloud (2) substitut (1) visualis (1) techniqu (1) perspect (1)
♂ Person: Jean-Guy Schneider
DBLP: Schneider:Jean=Guy
Facilitated 9 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-ChenGSYH #energy #named #performance
- StressCloud: A Tool for Analysing Performance and Energy Consumption of Cloud Applications (FC, JCG, JGS, YY, QH), pp. 721–724.
- SAC-2015-WeberFMS #mining #multi #process
- Mining processes with multi-instantiation (IW, MF, JM, JGS), pp. 1231–1237.
- QoSA-2013-DuSHGV #generative #modelling #sequence
- Generating service models by trace subsequence substitution (MD, JGS, CMH, JG, SV), pp. 123–132.
- ASE-2012-HineSHV #enterprise #interactive #named #visualisation
- Quokka: visualising interactions of enterprise software environment emulators (CMH, JGS, JH, SV), pp. 370–373.
- QoSA-2012-YuHSHV #deployment #enterprise #testing
- A virtual deployment testing environment for enterprise software systems (JY, JH, JGS, CMH, SV), pp. 101–110.
- ASE-2010-HineSV #enterprise #modelling #named #runtime
- Reac2o: a runtime for enterprise system models (CMH, JGS, SV), pp. 177–178.
- CBSE-2008-LumpeGS #component #interface #reduction
- State Space Reduction Techniques for Component Interfaces (ML, LG, JGS), pp. 130–145.
- ICSM-2007-VasaSN
- The Inevitable Stability of Software Change (RV, JGS, ON), pp. 4–13.
- ICSE-2003-SchneiderJ #education #perspective #programming
- eXtreme Programming at Universities — An Educational Perspective (JGS, LJ), pp. 594–601.