436 papers:
ECSA-2015-PahlJ #architecture #formal method #modelling #roadmap #towards- Software Architecture for the Cloud — A Roadmap Towards Control-Theoretic, Model-Based Cloud Architecture (CP, PJ), pp. 212–220.
QoSA-2015-LehrigEB #bibliography #in the cloud #metric #performance #scalability- Scalability, Elasticity, and Efficiency in Cloud Computing: a Systematic Literature Review of Definitions and Metrics (SL, HE, SB), pp. 83–92.
QoSA-2015-WuLG #architecture #modelling #performance- Exploring Performance Models of Hadoop Applications on Cloud Architecture (XW, YL, IG), pp. 93–101.
WICSA-2015-ZimmermannWKG #architecture #in the cloud #modelling #problem- Architectural Decision Guidance Across Projects — Problem Space Modeling, Decision Backlog Management and Cloud Computing Knowledge (OZ, LW, HK, TG), pp. 85–94.
CASE-2015-ChenHLL #development #ontology #tool support- Development of a Hybrid-Cloud-based Wheel-Manufacturing Service with Ontology inference for machine tools (CCC, MHH, YCL, PYL), pp. 1440–1445.
CASE-2015-LinHWC #development #multitenancy #novel #tool support- Development of a novel cloud-based multi-tenant model creation scheme for machine tools (YCL, MHH, CFW, FTC), pp. 1448–1449.
CASE-2015-LiYTC #architecture #fault- Extracting relevant features for diagnosing machine tool faults in cloud architecture (YYL, HCY, HT, FTC), pp. 1434–1439.
CASE-2015-XuZYH- Cloud Asset-enabled Prefabrication Transportation Service for public housing production in Hong Kong (GX, RYZ, HY, GQH), pp. 1497–1502.
DAC-2015-HelalBH #parallel #simulation #using- Parallel circuit simulation using the direct method on a heterogeneous cloud (AEH, AMB, YYH), p. 6.
DocEng-2015-Paoli #documentation #what- Documents as Data, Data as Documents: What we learned about Semi-Structured Information for our Open World of Cloud & Devices (JP), p. 1.
HT-2015-KirchnerR #collaboration #in the cloud #learning- Collaborative Learning in the Cloud: A Cross-Cultural Perspective of Collaboration (KK, LR), pp. 333–336.
SIGMOD-2015-LallaliAPP- A Secure Search Engine for the Personal Cloud (SL, NA, ISP, PP), pp. 1445–1450.
SIGMOD-2015-MishimaF #database #middleware #migration #named- Madeus: Database Live Migration Middleware under Heavy Workloads for Cloud Environment (TM, YF), pp. 315–329.
SIGMOD-2015-OktayMKK #hybrid #named #performance #pipes and filters- SEMROD: Secure and Efficient MapReduce Over HybriD Clouds (KYO, SM, VK, MK), pp. 153–166.
VLDB-2015-BoutinBCEGKYZZ #interactive #named #reliability- JetScope: Reliable and Interactive Analytics at Cloud Scale (EB, PB, XC, JE, TG, AK, ZY, NZ, JZ), pp. 1680–1691.
CHI-2015-ClarkSMK #comprehension #image #privacy #quote- “I Saw Images I Didn’t Even Know I Had”: Understanding User Perceptions of Cloud Storage Privacy (JWC, PS, DM, CK), pp. 1641–1644.
CHI-2015-HossainJBCKSTCO #biology #case study #education #interactive #online- Interactive Cloud Experimentation for Biology: An Online Education Case Study (ZH, XJ, EWB, AMC, SK, JDS, CYT, SC, NDO, PB, IHRK), pp. 3681–3690.
CHI-2015-NebelingGSN #multi #named- MUBox: Multi-User Aware Personal Cloud Storage (MN, MG, OS, MCN), pp. 1855–1864.
DUXU-DD-2015-Jin #constraints #design #experience #formal method- The Conflict Resolution in Product Experience Design Based on Evaporating Cloud of the Theory of Constraints (LJ), pp. 53–62.
DUXU-IXD-2015-KurdiAAAAA #design #implementation #mobile- Design and Implementation of a Mobile Cloud Environmental Application for Riyadh City (HK, AAF, AAT, HAM, MAM, SAK), pp. 380–389.
DUXU-UI-2015-BendoukhaMB #workflow- Building Cloud-Based Scientific Workflows Made Easy: A Remote Sensing Application (SB, DM, HB), pp. 277–288.
DUXU-UI-2015-GomezFD #bound #education- Transcending Disciplinary, Cultural and National Boundaries: Emergent Technologies, New Education Landscape and the Cloud Workshop Project (RG, PF, RD), pp. 631–642.
DUXU-UI-2015-KangK #documentation #experience #framework #in the cloud #smarttech #user interface- Elements of Properties of User Experience in Cloud Computing Documentation Platform According to Smart Device Screen Size Changes: Focus on Google Docs and Naver Office (MKK, SWK), pp. 551–562.
HCI-UC-2015-HossainS #case study #in the cloud #multitenancy- Cloud Computing: A Multi-tenant Case Study (AH, FS), pp. 178–189.
HIMI-IKC-2015-TogawaK #collaboration #framework #using- Disaster Recovery Framework for e-Learning Environment Using Private Cloud Collaboration and Emergency Alerts (ST, KK), pp. 588–596.
HIMI-IKD-2015-KalkattawiN #ubiquitous #using- Ubiquitous Healthcare Systems: Improving the Adherence Level within Diabetic Medication Using Cloud-Based Reminder System (MK, TN), pp. 535–546.
ICEIS-v1-2015-AlhammadiSE #knowledge base #migration- A Knowledge based Decision Making Tool to Support Cloud Migration Decision Making (AA, CS, AE), pp. 637–643.
ICEIS-v2-2015-BaldassarreBCCV #community #framework- Building a Community Cloud Infrastructure for a Logistics Project (MTB, NB, DC, GdC, GV), pp. 420–427.
ICEIS-v3-2015-FeuerlichtT #adaptation #development #lifecycle- Adapting Service Development Life-cycle for Cloud (GF, HTT), pp. 366–371.
ICEIS-v3-2015-GeorgeF #architecture #component #enterprise- Enterprise Architecture Components for Cloud Service Consumers (EG, GF), pp. 360–365.
KDD-2015-Sirosh- Clouded Intelligence (JS), p. 1635.
SEKE-2015-LuoYZ #deployment #towards- Towards a Deployment System for Cloud Applications (RL, WY, SZ), pp. 122–127.
SEKE-2015-PeiYF #data access #in the cloud #performance #policy- Achieving Efficient Access Control via XACML Policy in Cloud Computing (XP, HY, GF), pp. 110–115.
SEKE-2015-RahmeX #scheduling- Reliability-Based Software Rejuvenation Scheduling for Cloud-Based Systems (JR, HX), pp. 298–303.
SEKE-2015-XuB #multi #reliability #using- A Reliable and Secure Cloud Storage Schema Using Multiple Service Providers (HX, DB), pp. 116–121.
ECMFA-2015-RossiniLGN #comparison #modelling #multi- A Comparison of Two-Level and Multi-level Modelling for Cloud-Based Applications (AR, JdL, EG, NN), pp. 18–32.
Onward-2015-CitoLGDKR #developer #feedback #metric #runtime #using- Runtime metric meets developer: building better cloud applications using feedback (JC, PL, HCG, AD, AK, AR), pp. 14–27.
Onward-2015-LorenzR #in the cloud- Separation of powers in the cloud: where applications and users become peers (DHL, BR), pp. 76–89.
PPDP-2015-GarciaLL #static analysis- Static analysis of cloud elasticity (AG, CL, ML), pp. 125–136.
SAC-2015-AgrawalP #as a service #named #quality- AutoQA: quality attributes as a service in cloud (AA, TVP), pp. 1464–1467.
SAC-2015-GuetmiMIB #collaboration #editing #in the cloud #mobile- Mobile collaboration: a collaborative editing service in the cloud (NG, MDM, AI, LB), pp. 509–512.
SAC-2015-JuniorRSM #approach #deployment #multi #non-functional #requirements- A multi-criteria approach for assessing cloud deployment options based on non-functional requirements (RGJ, TR, AS, NCM), pp. 1383–1389.
SAC-2015-KundeM #middleware #resource management- Workload characterization model for optimal resource allocation in cloud middleware (SK, TM), pp. 442–447.
SAC-2015-LagoMM #estimation #network #power management- High speed network impacts and power consumption estimation for cloud data centers (DGdL, ERMM, DM), pp. 615–620.
SAC-2015-NaqviMRPHB #artificial reality #deployment #mobile- To cloud or not to cloud: a context-aware deployment perspective of augmented reality mobile applications (NZN, KM, AR, DP, DH, YB), pp. 555–562.
SAC-2015-NascimentoPM #algorithm #machine learning #metaheuristic- A data quality-aware cloud service based on metaheuristic and machine learning provisioning algorithms (DCN, CESP, DGM), pp. 1696–1703.
SAC-2015-ShahzadJKKKH #execution #in the cloud #mobile- Application-level task execution issues in mobile cloud computing (AS, HJ, PK, HK, BKK, JH), pp. 2285–2287.
SAC-2015-SilvaMFM #evaluation #metric #mobile- A scheduler for mobile cloud based on weighted metrics and dynamic context evaluation (FAS, PRMM, GF, RRMM), pp. 569–576.
SAC-2015-TizzeiABC #architecture #case study #product line #tool support #using- Architecting cloud tools using software product line techniques: an exploratory study (LPT, LGA, MdB, RFGC), pp. 1441–1448.
SAC-2015-VianaTVAGA #architecture #as a service- A service-oriented architecture for billing resources in IaaS cloud platforms (NPV, FT, RV, RMCA, VCG, REA), pp. 1719–1721.
SAC-2015-XuYYHHK #multi #predict #using- Solar irradiance forecasting using multi-layer cloud tracking and numerical weather prediction (JX, SY, DY, DH, JH, PK), pp. 2225–2230.
ESEC-FSE-2015-CitoLFG #development #empirical- The making of cloud applications: an empirical study on software development for the cloud (JC, PL, TF, HCG), pp. 393–403.
ICSE-v2-2015-ChenGSYH #energy #named #performance- StressCloud: A Tool for Analysing Performance and Energy Consumption of Cloud Applications (FC, JCG, JGS, YY, QH), pp. 721–724.
ICSE-v2-2015-YusufTSAMDORBS #data transformation #framework #in the cloud #named #reliability- Chiminey: Reliable Computing and Data Management Platform in the Cloud (IIY, IET, MS, SGA, GRM, DWD, GO, SPR, AMB, HWS), pp. 677–680.
ASPLOS-2015-OmoteSK- Improving Agility and Elasticity in Bare-metal Clouds (YO, TS, KK), pp. 145–159.
HPCA-2015-LiuLJCT #comprehension #empirical- Understanding the virtualization “Tax” of scale-out pass-through GPUs in GaaS clouds: An empirical study (ML, TL, NJ, AC, VT), pp. 259–270.
HPDC-2015-ChengIGB #data analysis #in the cloud #named- CAST: Tiering Storage for Data Analytics in the Cloud (YC, MSI, AG, ARB), pp. 45–56.
HPDC-2015-HeSSI #cost analysis #online #using- Cutting the Cost of Hosting Online Services Using Cloud Spot Markets (XH, PJS, RKS, DEI), pp. 207–218.
HPDC-2015-ZhouHCL #as a service #declarative #optimisation #resource management #workflow- A Declarative Optimization Engine for Resource Provisioning of Scientific Workflows in IaaS Clouds (ACZ, BH, XC, CTL), pp. 223–234.
ICST-2015-HerboldFGHHKMMN #framework #testing- The MIDAS Cloud Platform for Testing SOA Applications (SH, ADF, JG, PH, LMH, FK, APM, LM, CDN, FDR, MAS, NT, MFW, PHW), pp. 1–8.
CBSE-2014-DuranS #configuration management #robust- Robust reconfiguration of cloud applications (FD, GS), pp. 179–184.
ECSA-2014-XiongFPM #architecture #as a service #cost analysis #performance #scalability- Scalable Architectures for Platform-as-a-Service Clouds: Performance and Cost Analysis (HX, FF, CP, NM), pp. 226–233.
QoSA-2014-ChavarriagaNCJ #architecture #in the cloud- Architectural tactics support in cloud computing providers: the jelastic case (JC, CN, RC, VJ), pp. 13–22.
WICSA-2014-FuZBX #analysis- A Recoverability-Oriented Analysis for Operations on Cloud Applications (MF, LZ, LB, XX), pp. 125–128.
WICSA-2014-ProcacciantiLL #architecture- Green Architectural Tactics for the Cloud (GP, PL, GAL), pp. 41–44.
ASE-2014-CosmoLTZZEA #automation #deployment #synthesis- Automated synthesis and deployment of cloud applications (RDC, ML, RT, SZ, JZ, AE, AA), pp. 211–222.
CASE-2014-ChenLHLTCC #development #framework #industrial- Development of Auto-scaling Cloud Manufacturing Framework for machine tool industry (CCC, YCL, MHH, CYL, YJT, MSC, FTC), pp. 893–898.
CASE-2014-HuangYTC #design #identification- Design of client device identification by clock skew in clouds (DJH, KTY, WCT, GMC), pp. 1133–1138.
CASE-2014-HungLHTC #development- Development of a private cloud-based new-generation virtual metrology system (MHH, YCL, HCH, CCT, FTC), pp. 910–915.
CASE-2014-LeeMXW #architecture #in the cloud #virtual machine- Open architecture of virtual machine tool for cloud computing (RSL, KJM, PX, CMW), pp. 905–909.
CASE-2014-YenLLKWH #in the cloud #industrial #network- Advanced manufacturing solution to industry 4.0 trend through sensing network and Cloud Computing technologies (CTY, YCL, CCL, CCK, WBW, YRH), pp. 1150–1152.
DATE-2014-ChenWP #capacity #concurrent #distributed #framework- Concurrent placement, capacity provisioning, and request flow control for a distributed cloud infrastructure (SC, YW, MP), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-GaoGWP #energy #fault #fault tolerance #framework #in the cloud #scheduling- An energy-aware fault tolerant scheduling framework for soft error resilient cloud computing systems (YG, SKG, YW, MP), pp. 1–6.
SIGMOD-2014-KaoudiM #data transformation #rdf- Cloud-based RDF data management (ZK, IM), pp. 725–729.
SIGMOD-2014-LiuH #cost analysis #online #optimisation- Online optimization and fair costing for dynamic data sharing in a cloud data market (ZL, HH), pp. 1359–1370.
SIGMOD-2014-WongKCLY #database #query- Secure query processing with data interoperability in a cloud database environment (WKW, BK, DWLC, RL, SMY), pp. 1395–1406.
VLDB-2014-AlaviZPC #in the cloud #named #performance #query- RASP-QS: Efficient and Confidential Query Services in the Cloud (ZA, LZ, JP, KC), pp. 1685–1688.
VLDB-2014-CaoYX #database #low cost #performance- Realization of the Low Cost and High Performance MySQL Cloud Database (WC, FY, JX), pp. 1742–1747.
VLDB-2014-LiLWB #in the cloud #performance #privacy #query- Fast Range Query Processing with Strong Privacy Protection for Cloud Computing (RL, AXL, ALW, BB), pp. 1953–1964.
VLDB-2014-MahmoudANAA #coordination #distributed #effectiveness #in the cloud #named #scalability #transaction- MaaT: Effective and scalable coordination of distributed transactions in the cloud (HAM, VA, FN, DA, AEA), pp. 329–340.
CSEET-2014-BreivoldC #education #in the cloud- Cloud Computing education strategies (HPB, IC), pp. 29–38.
ICALP-v2-2014-OhrimenkoGTU #in the cloud- The Melbourne Shuffle: Improving Oblivious Storage in the Cloud (OO, MTG, RT, EU), pp. 556–567.
IFM-2014-LaibinisBPTTP #in the cloud #modelling #simulation- Integrating Event-B Modelling and Discrete-Event Simulation to Analyse Resilience of Data Stores in the Cloud (LL, BB, IP, ET, KET, IP), pp. 103–119.
DHM-2014-GaoH #approach #fault #nondeterminism #research- Research on the Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) Operational Error of Pilot Base on Cloud Model and Uncertainty Theory (YG, YH), pp. 91–100.
DUXU-DI-2014-AlomariM #towards- Towards Data Confidentiality and Portability in Cloud Storage (EAA, MMM), pp. 38–49.
DUXU-DI-2014-KurdiHK #towards #user interface- Towards a Friendly User Interface on the Cloud (HAK, SH, AK), pp. 148–157.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-IbrahimSHAAA #in the cloud #information management- Enhanced Hospital Information System by Cloud Computing: SHEFA’A (LFI, SS, SH, LAS, AIMA, AHAS), pp. 56–62.
HCI-AS-2014-StieningerN- Drivers for the Actual Usage of Cloud Services: An Examination of Influencing Factors for Digital Natives (MS, DN), pp. 69–79.
HCI-AS-2014-ZhaoSR #difference #in the cloud- The Impact of Culture Differences on Cloud Computing Adoption (FZ, HJS, MvR), pp. 776–785.
HIMI-AS-2014-TehraniS #enterprise #in the cloud- Factors Influencing the Adoption of Cloud Computing by Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) (SRT, FS), pp. 631–642.
HIMI-AS-2014-TogawaK #collaboration #framework #smarttech #using- Private Cloud Collaboration Framework for e-Learning Environment for Disaster Recovery Using Smartphone Alert Notification (ST, KK), pp. 118–126.
LCT-NLE-2014-MeskeSVRO #case study #education- Cloud Storage Services in Higher Education — Results of a Preliminary Study in the Context of the Sync&Share-Project in Germany (CM, SS, RV, DR, AÖ), pp. 161–171.
CAiSE-2014-AndrikopoulosSLW #in the cloud- Optimal Distribution of Applications in the Cloud (VA, SGS, FL, JW), pp. 75–90.
CAiSE-2014-MoyanoBG #trust- Trust-Aware Decision-Making Methodology for Cloud Sourcing (FM, KB, MCFG), pp. 136–149.
CAiSE-2014-SimouKKG #challenge #forensics #identification- Cloud Forensics: Identifying the Major Issues and Challenges (SS, CK, EK, SG), pp. 271–284.
EDOC-2014-0002HHDKS #process #towards- Towards Process Support for Cloud Manufacturing (SS, PH, CH, SD, MK, DS), pp. 142–149.
EDOC-2014-BorhaniLLLH #benchmark #metric #named #performance #virtual machine- WPress: An Application-Driven Performance Benchmark for Cloud-Based Virtual Machines (AHB, PL, BSL, XL, TH), pp. 101–109.
EDOC-2014-Ludwig #big data #effectiveness #perspective- Managing Big Data Effectively — A Cloud Provider and a Cloud Consumer Perspective (HL), p. 91.
ICEIS-v1-2014-BiniSL #evaluation #in the cloud- Cloud Computing — An Evaluation of Rules of Thumb for Tuning RDBMSs (TAB, MSS, AL), pp. 187–192.
ICEIS-v2-2014-Gateau #in the cloud #monitoring #multi- A Multi-agent System to Monitor SLA for Cloud Computing (BG), pp. 647–652.
ICEIS-v2-2014-HaoH #bibliography #enterprise- Cloud-based Enterprise Resources Planning System (ERP) — A Review of the Literature (YH, PH), pp. 185–192.
ICEIS-v2-2014-ShamsuzzohaAKH #collaboration #internet #monitoring #process #realtime #repository- Smart Collaborative Processes Monitoring in Real-time Business Environment — Applications of Internet of Things and Cloud-data Repository (AS, SA, SK, PTH), pp. 556–563.
ICEIS-v3-2014-AntonayaSC #collaboration #enterprise #information management- Handling Human Factors in Cloud-based Collaborative Enterprise Information Systems (SLA, CBS, JGC), pp. 162–167.
ICEIS-v3-2014-NunoG #in the cloud #outsourcing #using- Methodology for Developing and Application Outsourcing in the Cloud Using SOA (AGN, CMG), pp. 419–426.
CIKM-2014-LiZZW #keyword #named #performance- INK: A Cloud-Based System for Efficient Top-k Interval Keyword Search (RL, XZ, XZ, SW), pp. 2003–2005.
ICPR-2014-GarciaO #realtime- CPU-Based Real-Time Surface and Solid Voxelization for Incomplete Point Cloud (FG, BEO), pp. 2757–2762.
ICPR-2014-HouHW #modelling #synthesis #video- Cloud Model-Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis for Video Coding (ZH, RH, ZW), pp. 838–842.
ICPR-2014-HusainDT #random #using- Recognizing Point Clouds Using Conditional Random Fields (FH, BD, CT), pp. 4257–4262.
ICPR-2014-SantanaLH #geometry #identification #people #semantics- People Semantic Description and Re-identification from Point Cloud Geometry (MCS, JLN, DHS), pp. 4702–4707.
KDD-2014-FengGBEHM #big data #database #experience #in memory #query- Management and analytic of biomedical big data with cloud-based in-memory database and dynamic querying: a hands-on experience with real-world data (MF, MG, TB, JE, IH, RM), p. 1970.
KEOD-2014-DogmusPE #natural language #ontology #query- Answering Natural Language Queries about Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud (ZD, VP, EE), pp. 75–83.
KEOD-2014-Talia #big data #data mining #distributed #information management #mining- Big Data Mining Services and Distributed Knowledge Discovery Applications on Clouds (DT), pp. 1–5.
ECMFA-2014-Goldschmidt #domain-specific language #framework #multi #towards- Towards an Infrastructure for Domain-Specific Languages in a Multi-domain Cloud Platform (TG), pp. 242–253.
MoDELS-2014-SzarnyasIRHBV #distributed #framework #in the cloud #incremental #named #query- IncQuery-D: A Distributed Incremental Model Query Framework in the Cloud (GS, BI, IR, DH, GB, DV), pp. 653–669.
MoDELS-2014-SzarnyasIRHBV #distributed #framework #in the cloud #incremental #named #query- IncQuery-D: A Distributed Incremental Model Query Framework in the Cloud (GS, BI, IR, DH, GB, DV), pp. 653–669.
SAC-2014-AlabdulhafezE #case study #comparative #in the cloud #virtual machine- Experimenting on virtual machines co-residency in the cloud: a comparative study of available test beds (AA, PDE), pp. 363–365.
SAC-2014-BeckersCG #in the cloud #requirements #security- A catalog of security requirements patterns for the domain of cloud computing systems (KB, IC, LG), pp. 337–342.
SAC-2014-CruzBZCC #case study #metadata #workflow- Collecting cloud provenance metadata with Matriohska: a case study with genomic workflows (SMSdC, LMMB, JZ, RMC, MLMC), pp. 351–356.
SAC-2014-EtcheversSBCP #reliability #self- Reliable self-deployment of cloud applications (XE, GS, FB, TC, NDP), pp. 1331–1338.
SAC-2014-HassanB #as a service- Green-as-a-service (GaaS) for cloud service provision operation (MIH, RB), pp. 1219–1220.
SAC-2014-HuangLD #analysis #modelling #multi #network #performance- Modeling and analysis on network performance for cloud service delivery with multiple paths (JH, JL, QD), pp. 667–673.
SAC-2014-KatebFNMAT #framework #modelling #multi #optimisation #runtime- Generic cloud platform multi-objective optimization leveraging models@run.time (DEK, FF, GN, JAM, MA, YLT), pp. 343–350.
SAC-2014-KuoT #in the cloud #incremental #virtual machine- Delay-based incrementally mapping of virtual machines in cloud computing systems (CFK, HWT), pp. 1498–1503.
SAC-2014-PengYYHKH #3d #detection #multi #using- 3D cloud detection and tracking for solar forecast using multiple sky imagers (ZP, SY, DY, DH, PK, JH), pp. 512–517.
SAC-2014-XavierOPR #clustering #database #in the cloud #towards- Towards better manageability of database clusters on cloud computing platforms (MGX, ICDO, RDDP, CAFDR), pp. 366–367.
SAC-2014-ZardariBE #using- Cloud adoption: prioritizing obstacles and obstacles resolution tactics using AHP (SZ, RB, AE), pp. 1013–1020.
SAC-2014-ZhanLS #analysis #in the cloud #mobile- A green analysis of mobile cloud computing applications (KZ, CHL, PS), pp. 357–362.
FSE-2014-GreeneF #concept #named- ConceptCloud: a tagcloud browser for software archives (GJG, BF), pp. 759–762.
ICSE-2014-KleinMAH #named #robust- Brownout: building more robust cloud applications (CK, MM, KEÅ, FHR), pp. 700–711.
SPLC-2014-MoensT #development #multitenancy- Feature-based application development and management of multi-tenant applications in clouds (HM, FDT), pp. 72–81.
ASPLOS-2014-Calder #challenge #operating system- Inside windows azure: the challenges and opportunities of a cloud operating system (BC), pp. 1–2.
ASPLOS-2014-ZhouW #architecture #as a service- The sharing architecture: sub-core configurability for IaaS clouds (YZ, DW), pp. 559–574.
HPDC-2014-ChenWDZXJS #clustering #scheduling- Communication-driven scheduling for virtual clusters in cloud (HC, SW, SD, BBZ, ZX, HJ, XS), pp. 125–128.
HPDC-2014-DaiCKRZ #framework #incremental #named- Domino: an incremental computing framework in cloud with eventual synchronization (DD, YC, DK, RBR, XZ), pp. 291–294.
OSDI-2014-ArdekaniT #configuration management #self- A Self-Configurable Geo-Replicated Cloud Storage System (MSA, DBT), pp. 367–381.
OSDI-2014-BaumannPH- Shielding Applications from an Untrusted Cloud with Haven (AB, MP, GCH), pp. 267–283.
OSDI-2014-BoutinELSZQWZ #coordination #named #scalability #scheduling- Apollo: Scalable and Coordinated Scheduling for Cloud-Scale Computing (EB, JE, WL, BS, JZ, ZQ, MW, LZ), pp. 285–300.
OSDI-2014-LeesatapornwongsaHJLG #debugging #model checking #named #performance #semantics- SAMC: Semantic-Aware Model Checking for Fast Discovery of Deep Bugs in Cloud Systems (TL, MH, PJ, JFL, HSG), pp. 399–414.
OSDI-2014-MullerAAC #automation #manycore #named #parallel- Pydron: Semi-Automatic Parallelization for Multi-Core and the Cloud (SCM, GA, AA, AC), pp. 645–659.
OSDI-2014-ZhangSAAGKL #deployment #mobile- Customizable and Extensible Deployment for Mobile/Cloud Applications (IZ, AS, DVA, IA, SDG, AK, HML), pp. 97–112.
CAV-2014-BeyerDW #verification- Software Verification in the Google App-Engine Cloud (DB, GD, PW), pp. 327–333.
TAP-2014-KosmatovLA #case study #proving #testing #verification- A Case Study on Verification of a Cloud Hypervisor by Proof and Structural Testing (NK, ML, CA), pp. 158–164.
CBSE-2013-YusufS #design pattern #fault tolerance- Parameterised architectural patterns for providing cloud service fault tolerance with accurate costings (IIY, HWS), pp. 121–130.
ECSA-2013-CavalcanteMB #architecture- Describing Cloud Applications Architectures (EC, ALM, TVB), pp. 320–323.
QoSA-2013-LuZBXLW #api #empirical- Cloud API issues: an empirical study and impact (QL, LZ, LB, XX, ZL, HW), pp. 23–32.
QoSA-2013-Satyanarayanan #convergence #named- Cloudlets: at the leading edge of cloud-mobile convergence (MS), pp. 1–2.
ASE-2013-ChhetriCVK #in the cloud- Smart Cloud Broker: Finding your home in the clouds (MBC, SC, QBV, RK), pp. 698–701.
ASE-2013-GambiHD #automation #testing- Automated testing of cloud-based elastic systems with AUToCLES (AG, WH, SD), pp. 714–717.
ASE-2013-HolderSDT #android #execution- Cloud Twin: Native execution of android applications on the Windows Phone (EH, ES, MD, ET), pp. 598–603.
CASE-2013-HungLHHYC #development #industrial- Development of an advanced manufacturing cloud for machine tool industry based on AVM technology (MHH, YCL, HCH, MHH, HCY, FTC), pp. 189–194.
CASE-2013-XiaZLZ #as a service- A comprehensive QoS determination model for Infrastructure-as-a-Service clouds (YX, MZ, XL, QZ), pp. 122–127.
DAC-2013-LuYHF0 #named- RISO: relaxed network-on-chip isolation for cloud processors (HL, GY, YH, BF, XL), p. 6.
DAC-2013-RellermeyerLK #embedded #operating system- Cloud platforms and embedded computing: the operating systems of the future (JSR, SWL, MK), p. 6.
DATE-2013-AdnanG #in the cloud- Utility-aware deferred load balancing in the cloud driven by dynamic pricing of electricity (MAA, RG), pp. 262–265.
DocEng-2013-WellsJPW #deployment #documentation #enterprise- Enterprise document system cloud deployment (CAW, JJ, SP, AJW), pp. 223–224.
HT-2013-LeginusDL #generative #graph- Graph based techniques for tag cloud generation (ML, PD, RL), pp. 148–157.
SIGMOD-2013-HuangB0 #data analysis #in the cloud #named #optimisation #statistics- Cumulon: optimizing statistical data analysis in the cloud (BH, SB, JY), pp. 1–12.
SIGMOD-2013-KonstantinouKTK #cost analysis #in the cloud #named #query #self- COCCUS: self-configured cost-based query services in the cloud (IK, VK, DT, NK), pp. 1041–1044.
SIGMOD-2013-OrdonezGGCBQ #algorithm #as a service #data mining #database #in the cloud #mining #relational- Data mining algorithms as a service in the cloud exploiting relational database systems (CO, JGG, CGA, WC, VB, MSQ), pp. 1001–1004.
SIGMOD-2013-ShaoWL #distributed #graph #memory management #named- Trinity: a distributed graph engine on a memory cloud (BS, HW, YL), pp. 505–516.
SIGMOD-2013-TanMWYYZ #in the cloud #named #realtime #streaming- Resa: realtime elastic streaming analytics in the cloud (TT, RTBM, MW, YY, YY, ZZ), pp. 1287–1288.
VLDB-2013-BrunoJZ #optimisation #query- Continuous Cloud-Scale Query Optimization and Processing (NB, SJ, JZ), pp. 961–972.
VLDB-2013-ChandramouliGQ #big data #in the cloud #scalability- Scalable Progressive Analytics on Big Data in the Cloud (BC, JG, AQ), pp. 1726–1737.
VLDB-2013-Kozak #performance #security #similarity- Efficiency and Security in Similarity Cloud Services (SK), pp. 1450–1455.
ITiCSE-2013-BeltranGP #architecture #concept #in the cloud #using- Using CloudSim to learn cloud computing architecture/system concepts in a graduate course (MB, AG, MP), pp. 82–87.
ITiCSE-2013-Malan #clustering- From cluster to cloud to appliance (DJM), pp. 88–92.
CSMR-2013-BergmayrBIGKKLMAPW #legacy #migration- Migrating Legacy Software to the Cloud with ARTIST (AB, HB, JLCI, JG, GK, DK, PL, AM, LOEA, CP, MW), pp. 465–468.
CSMR-2013-MarinescuP #assessment #in the cloud #quality #question- Quality Assessment in the Cloud: Is It Worthwhile? (CM, DP), pp. 453–456.
ICSM-2013-RosePFP #framework #probability #scalability #search-based #testing #towards- Towards a Scalable Cloud Platform for Search-Based Probabilistic Testing (LMR, SMP, RF, RFP), pp. 480–483.
PLDI-2013-Larus #exclamation #in the cloud- Look up!: your future is in the cloud (JRL), pp. 1–2.
CHI-2013-VoidaOO #challenge #in the cloud- Turbulence in the clouds: challenges of cloud-based information work (AV, JSO, GMO), pp. 2273–2282.
DHM-HB-2013-MaruyamaKD #3d #simulation- Simulating a Walk of Digital Human Model Directly in Massive 3D Laser-Scanned Point Cloud of Indoor Environments (TM, SK, HD), pp. 366–375.
HCI-AS-2013-CoatsA #health- Achieving Electronic Health Record Access from the Cloud (BC, SA), pp. 26–35.
HCI-AS-2013-TogawaK #framework- Private Cloud Cooperation Framework for Reducing the Earthquake Damage on e-Learning Environment (ST, KK), pp. 503–510.
HIMI-D-2013-Remy #in the cloud #simulation #standard- Quantifying the Impact of Standards When Hosting Robotic Simulations in the Cloud (SLR), pp. 365–374.
HIMI-D-2013-YoshinoTM- Window Manager Designed for Cloud Services (SY, TT, KM), pp. 157–166.
HIMI-HSM-2013-QinLZH #in the cloud #internet- Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things: Technology Innovation in Automobile Service (EQ, YL, CZ, LH), pp. 173–180.
HIMI-HSM-2013-Shirazi #community #interactive- An Intelligent Interactive Home Care System: An MPLS-Based Community Cloud (FS), pp. 207–216.
OCSC-2013-ValdespinoZW #education #in the cloud #modelling- A High-School Homeschooling Education Model Based on Cloud Computing (JV, WZ, JW), pp. 216–221.
CAiSE-2013-CardosoBBKL #automation #in the cloud- Cloud Computing Automation: Integrating USDL and TOSCA (JC, TB, UB, OK, FL), pp. 1–16.
CAiSE-2013-ZdravkovicSHG #modelling- Modeling Business Capabilities and Context Dependent Delivery by Cloud Services (JZ, JS, MH, JG), pp. 369–383.
EDOC-2013-Buyya #challenge #in the cloud- Market-oriented cloud computing: Opportunities and challenges (RB), p. 3.
EDOC-2013-Curbera- Integrating the business cloud (FC), p. 103.
EDOC-2013-GudenkaufJGN #architecture- A Reference Architecture for Cloud Service Offers (SG, MJ, AG, ON), pp. 227–236.
EDOC-2013-SuleimanV #modelling #performance- Modeling Performance of Elasticity Rules for Cloud-Based Applications (BS, SV), pp. 201–206.
ICEIS-J-2013-Camarinha-MatosAOF13a #collaboration- Cloud-Based Collaborative Business Services Provision (LMCM, HA, AIO, FF), pp. 366–384.
ICEIS-v1-2013-ShamsuzzohaAH #adaptation #enterprise #process- Adaptive Virtual Enterprise Process Management — Perspective of Cloud-based Data Storage (AS, SA, PH), pp. 88–94.
ICEIS-v2-2013-GratiBB #metamodelling #monitoring #requirements- A Meta Model for Monitoring Requirements in Cloud Environnment (RG, KB, HBA), pp. 223–231.
ICEIS-v2-2013-HollingsworthP #student- Seeding the Cloud with Students from Every Computer Science Undergraduate Program (JKH, DJP), pp. 513–518.
ICEIS-v2-2013-IzurietaG #capacity #in the cloud- Impressionism in Cloud Computing — A Position Paper on Capacity Planning in Cloud Computing Environments (ICI, CFRG), pp. 333–338.
ICEIS-v2-2013-MoreiraF #learning #mobile- A Blended Mobile Learning Context Oriented Model in a Cloud Environment applied to a RE Course (FM, MJF), pp. 539–544.
KDD-2013-CannyZ #big data #data analysis- Big data analytics with small footprint: squaring the cloud (JC, HZ), pp. 95–103.
KDIR-KMIS-2013-CostaS #assessment #concept #enterprise #security #using- Enterprise to Cloud Security Assessment — A Method using OSSTMM 3.0 Concepts (RC, CS), pp. 571–578.
RecSys-2013-RonenKZSYH #named #recommendation- Sage: recommender engine as a cloud service (RR, NK, EZ, MS, RY, NHW), pp. 475–476.
SEKE-2013-AlmeidaCBCLDP #adaptation #in the cloud- Dynamic Adaptation of Cloud Computing Applications (AA, EC, TB, NC, FL, FCD, PFP), pp. 67–72.
SEKE-2013-YuFCL #in the cloud #modelling- Modeling and Analyzing Attack-Defense Strategy of Resource Service in Cloud Computing (HY, GF, LC, DL), pp. 77–82.
MoDELS-2013-ZhangCZWY0L #modelling #runtime- Runtime Model Based Management of Diverse Cloud Resources (XZ, XC, YZ, YW, WY, GH, QL), pp. 572–588.
MoDELS-2013-ZhangCZWY0L #modelling #runtime- Runtime Model Based Management of Diverse Cloud Resources (XZ, XC, YZ, YW, WY, GH, QL), pp. 572–588.
OOPSLA-2013-TetaliLMM #named #static analysis- MrCrypt: static analysis for secure cloud computations (SDT, ML, RM, TDM), pp. 271–286.
GPCE-2013-AnKGTS #automation #framework #generative #in the cloud #modelling #performance #testing- Model-driven generative framework for automated OMG DDS performance testing in the cloud (KA, TK, ASG, ST, AS), pp. 179–182.
RE-2013-TodoranSG #case study #elicitation #how #requirements- How cloud providers elicit consumer requirements: An exploratory study of nineteen companies (IT, NS, MG), pp. 105–114.
SAC-2013-AgrawalP- Hospitality of cloud platforms (AA, TVP), pp. 389–396.
SAC-2013-GoncalvesEPSKS #distributed #network #on the- On the load balancing of virtual networks in distributed clouds (GEG, PTE, AVdAP, MAS, JK, DS), pp. 625–631.
SAC-2013-HabibVM #framework #trust- A framework for evaluating trust of service providers in cloud marketplaces (SMH, VV, MM), pp. 1963–1965.
SAC-2013-JiaBJPM #algorithm #multi- A multi-resource load balancing algorithm for cloud cache systems (YJ, IB, RJP, MPM, DM), pp. 463–470.
SAC-2013-KoPH #analysis #design #realtime #video- Design analysis for real-time video transcoding on cloud systems (SK, SP, HH), pp. 1610–1615.
SAC-2013-KoukiL #named #scalability- SCAling: SLA-driven cloud auto-scaling (YK, TL), pp. 411–414.
SAC-2013-Perez-PalacinCM #named #predict #trade-off- log2cloud: log-based prediction of cost-performance trade-offs for cloud deployments (DPP, RC, JM), pp. 397–404.
SAC-2013-RezguiMY- High-resolution spatial interpolation on cloud platforms (AR, ZM, CY), pp. 377–382.
SAC-2013-SchroderN #behaviour #resource management- Inter cloud capable dynamic resource management with model of behavior (KS, WN), pp. 408–410.
SAC-2013-ShikanoAYSOU #case study #design- Study on supporting technology for operational procedure design of IT systems in cloud-era datacenters (HS, MA, JY, TS, SO, KU), pp. 405–407.
SAC-2013-SimaoV- A progress and profile-driven cloud-VM for resource-efficiency and fairness in e-science environments (JS, LV), pp. 357–362.
SAC-2013-YeLZ #correlation #named- GCplace: geo-cloud based correlation aware data replica placement (ZY, SL, XZ), pp. 371–376.
SAC-2013-ZarembaBVH #as a service #in the cloud #linked data #open data- Matchmaking of IaaS cloud computing offers leveraging linked data (MZ, SB, TV, MH), pp. 383–388.
ICSE-2013-FreyFH #configuration management #deployment #in the cloud #optimisation #search-based- Search-based genetic optimization for deployment and reconfiguration of software in the cloud (SF, FF, WH), pp. 512–521.
ICSE-2013-ShangJHAHM #big data #data analysis #developer- Assisting developers of big data analytics applications when deploying on hadoop clouds (WS, ZMJ, HH, BA, AEH, PM), pp. 402–411.
ICSE-2013-SmitSSL #development #in the cloud #query- Supporting application development with structured queries in the cloud (MS, BS, MS, ML), pp. 1213–1216.
ASPLOS-2013-MadhavapeddyMRSSGSHC #kernel #library #named #operating system- Unikernels: library operating systems for the cloud (AM, RM, CR, DJS, BS, TG, SS, SH, JC), pp. 461–472.
HPDC-2013-Al-ShishtawyV #named- ElastMan: autonomic elasticity manager for cloud-based key-value stores (AAS, VV), pp. 115–116.
HPDC-2013-ClaySM #clustering #interactive #scalability- Building and scaling virtual clusters with residual resources from interactive clouds (RBC, ZS, XM), pp. 119–120.
HPDC-2013-KassaN #architecture #named #performance #retrieval- SCDA: SLA-aware cloud datacenter architecture for efficient content storage and retrieval (DFK, KN), pp. 121–122.
HPDC-2013-LiuJZZSMC #automation #named #parallel- ACIC: automatic cloud I/O configurator for parallel applications (ML, YJ, JZ, YZ, QS, XM, WC), pp. 111–112.
HPDC-2013-MaratheHLSRSY #case study #comparative- A comparative study of high-performance computing on the cloud (AM, RH, DKL, BRdS, BR, MS, XY), pp. 239–250.
HPDC-2013-YuZQYWG #game studies #gpu #named #scheduling- VGRIS: virtualized GPU resource isolation and scheduling in cloud gaming (MY, CZ, ZQ, JY, YW, HG), pp. 203–214.
PLOS-2013-DzikPRTV #in the cloud #monad #named- MBrace: cloud computing with monads (JD, NP, KR, ET, NV), p. 6.
SOSP-2013-TerryPKBAA- Consistency-based service level agreements for cloud storage (DBT, VP, RK, MB, MKA, HAL), pp. 309–324.
SOSP-2013-WuBPKM #effectiveness #multi #named- SPANStore: cost-effective geo-replicated storage spanning multiple cloud services (ZW, MB, DP, EKB, HVM), pp. 292–308.
QoSA-2012-KrebsMK #metric #performance- Metrics and techniques for quantifying performance isolation in cloud environments (RK, CM, SK), pp. 91–100.
ASE-2012-FalconeC #android #aspect-oriented #embedded #in the cloud #programming- Weave droid: aspect-oriented programming on Android devices: fully embedded or in the cloud (YF, SC), pp. 350–353.
CASE-2012-ChenC #collaboration- An expert decision-making strategy based on collaborative cloud system (CCC, APC), pp. 777–781.
CASE-2012-HungLHYC #development #industrial #monitoring- Development of a cloud-computing-based equipment monitoring system for machine tool industry (MHH, YCL, TQH, HCY, FTC), pp. 962–967.
CASE-2012-KehoeBG #adaptation #bound- Estimating part tolerance bounds based on adaptive Cloud-based grasp planning with slip (BK, DB, KG), pp. 1106–1113.
DATE-2012-BartoliniSFCB #energy #performance #scalability- Quantifying the impact of frequency scaling on the energy efficiency of the single-chip cloud computer (AB, MS, JNF, AKC, LB), pp. 181–186.
DATE-2012-KirschPSCHHLLRSTV #cyber-physical #in the cloud #migration #problem- Cyber-physical cloud computing: The binding and migration problem (CMK, EP, RS, HC, RH, JH, FL, ML, AR, RS, RT, DV), pp. 1425–1428.
PODS-2012-Chaudhuri #big data #data transformation #research #what- What next?: a half-dozen data management research goals for big data and the cloud (SC), pp. 1–4.
SIGMOD-2012-ChandramouliCNSZ #named #realtime- RACE: real-time applications over cloud-edge (BC, JC, SN, IS, WZ), pp. 625–628.
SIGMOD-2012-ChenDMQRRS #named- Walnut: a unified cloud object store (JC, CD, MM, PQ, RR, SR, RS), pp. 743–754.
SIGMOD-2012-IoriSPWH #clustering #monitoring #named- CloudAlloc: a monitoring and reservation system for compute clusters (EI, AS, TP, KW, SH), pp. 721–724.
SIGMOD-2012-KonstantinouATBKS #framework #named- TIRAMOLA: elastic nosql provisioning through a cloud management platform (IK, EA, DT, CB, NK, SS), pp. 725–728.
VLDB-2012-AbbadiM #in the cloud #network #social- Social Networks and Mobility in the Cloud (AEA, MFM), pp. 2034–2035.
VLDB-2012-AgrawalAW #in the cloud #perspective #privacy- Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Services in the Cloud: A Data Centric View (DA, AEA, SW), pp. 2028–2029.
VLDB-2012-LowGKBGH #distributed #framework #in the cloud #machine learning- Distributed GraphLab: A Framework for Machine Learning in the Cloud (YL, JG, AK, DB, CG, JMH), pp. 716–727.
VLDB-2012-UpadhyayaBS #how #in the cloud #optimisation- How to Price Shared Optimizations in the Cloud (PU, MB, DS), pp. 562–573.
VLDB-2012-VoWACO #database #in the cloud #named #scalability- LogBase: A Scalable Log-structured Database System in the Cloud (HTV, SW, DA, GC, BCO), pp. 1004–1015.
VLDB-2012-XuLGC #analysis #big data #clustering #in the cloud #interactive #named #visual notation- CloudVista: Interactive and Economical Visual Cluster Analysis for Big Data in the Cloud (HX, ZL, SG, KC), pp. 1886–1889.
VLDB-2013-ZouBSDG12 #deployment #named- ClouDiA: A Deployment Advisor for Public Clouds (TZ, RLB, MAVS, AJD, JG), pp. 109–120.
CSEET-2012-DingLLS #collaboration #in the cloud #re-engineering #research- Research on Remote Collaborative Engineering Practices for Master of Software Engineering Based on Cloud Computing Environment (QD, XL, YL, ZS), pp. 110–114.
ITiCSE-2012-Radenski #clustering #data-driven #in the cloud #multi- Integrating data-intensive cloud computing with multicores and clusters in an HPC course (AR), pp. 69–74.
ITiCSE-2012-XuHT #framework #named #network- V-lab: a cloud-based virtual laboratory platform for hands-on networking courses (LX, DH, WTT), pp. 256–261.
WRLA-2012-WirsingEMM #analysis #architecture #design #maude- Design and Analysis of Cloud-Based Architectures with KLAIM and Maude (MW, JE, TM, JM), pp. 54–82.
STOC-2012-Lopez-AltTV #encryption #multi #on the fly- On-the-fly multiparty computation on the cloud via multikey fully homomorphic encryption (ALA, ET, VV), pp. 1219–1234.
SEFM-2012-CosmoZZ #component #towards- Towards a Formal Component Model for the Cloud (RDC, SZ, GZ), pp. 156–171.
ICFP-2012-FoltzerKSSJN #composition #scheduling- A meta-scheduler for the par-monad: composable scheduling for the heterogeneous cloud (AF, AK, RS, SS, EJ, RN), pp. 235–246.
CHI-2012-OdomSHT #comprehension #in the cloud- Lost in translation: understanding the possession of digital things in the cloud (WO, AS, RHRH, ET), pp. 781–790.
CSCW-2012-RooksbyK #community #in the cloud- Diagnostic work in cloud computing: discussion forums, community and troubleshooting (JR, AKH), pp. 335–338.
CAiSE-2012-CastanoFM #data analysis #linked data #open data- Clouding Services for Linked Data Exploration (SC, AF, SM), pp. 486–501.
EDOC-2012-FesehayeGNW #interactive #mobile- Impact of Cloudlets on Interactive Mobile Cloud Applications (DF, YG, KN, GW), pp. 123–132.
EDOC-2012-HarrisonBADN #detection #framework #identification- A Framework for Detecting Malware in Cloud by Identifying Symptoms (KH, BB, STTA, CID, APN), pp. 164–172.
EDOC-2012-WangWART #analysis #composition #ecosystem #modelling- Compositional QoS Modeling and Analysis of Cloud-based Federated Ecosystems (GW, HW, SA, RR, JPT), pp. 173–182.
ICEIS-v2-2012-ErdensCLA #composition- Discoverying Cloud Services by Preconditions and Effects for Compositions (LE, DBC, DL, PA), pp. 264–270.
CIKM-2012-Aranda-AndujarBCCGKM #named #repository #web- AMADA: web data repositories in the amazon cloud (AAA, FB, JCR, DC, FG, ZK, IM), pp. 2749–2751.
CIKM-2012-MaRHMHZCL #performance- An efficient index for massive IOT data in cloud environment (YM, JR, WH, XM, XH, YZ, YC, CL), pp. 2129–2133.
CIKM-2012-QinZWWZH #migration #optimisation- Optimizing data migration for cloud-based key-value stores (XQ, WZ, WW, JW, XZ, TH), pp. 2204–2208.
CIKM-2012-ShiMWG #in the cloud #online #query- You can stop early with COLA: online processing of aggregate queries in the cloud (YS, XM, FW, YG), pp. 1223–1232.
ICPR-2012-LiuWXZS #classification- Soft-signed sparse coding for ground-based cloud classification (SL, CW, BX, ZZ, YS), pp. 2214–2217.
ICPR-2012-LozesEL #3d- Nonlocal processing of 3D colored point clouds (FL, AE, OL), pp. 1968–1971.
ICPR-2012-NakajimaMHMNYHY- Point cloud transport (HN, YM, HH, IM, MN, HY, HH, YY), pp. 3803–3806.
ICPR-2012-NurunnabiBW #3d #multi #robust #segmentation- Robust segmentation for multiple planar surface extraction in laser scanning 3D point cloud data (AN, DB, GAWW), pp. 1367–1370.
KDD-2012-YuZSWWQZ #analysis #data mining #in the cloud #mining #named #network #social- BC-PDM: data mining, social network analysis and text mining system based on cloud computing (LY, JZ, WCS, BW, BW, LQ, BRZ), pp. 1496–1499.
SEKE-2012-Collazo-MojicaSEB #constraints #monitoring #scalability- Cloud Application Resource Mapping and Scaling Based on Monitoring of QoS Constraints (XJCM, SMS, JE, RMB), pp. 88–93.
SEKE-2012-FitchX #fault tolerance #petri net- A Petri Net Model for Secure and Fault-Tolerant Cloud-Based Information Storage (DFF, HX), pp. 333–339.
SEKE-2012-LiuCL #concurrent #in the cloud- Singular Formulas for Compound Siphons, Complementary Siphons and Characteristic Vectors for Deadlock Prevention in Cloud Computing (GL, DYC, YNL), pp. 359–362.
SEKE-2012-LiuLLGCYL #automation #execution #parallel #testing- Parallel Path Execution for Software Testing Over Automated Test Cloud (WL, XL, FL, YG, LC, GY, ZL), pp. 279–282.
SIGIR-2012-Rose #information retrieval- CloudSearch and the democratization of information retrieval (DER), pp. 1022–1023.
ECOOP-2012-BurckhardtFLW #consistency- Cloud Types for Eventual Consistency (SB, MF, DL, BPW), pp. 283–307.
RE-2012-Todoran #communication #identification #in the cloud #named #requirements- StakeCloud: Stakeholder requirements communication and resource identification in the cloud (IT), pp. 353–356.
SAC-2012-BabaogluMT #design #implementation- Design and implementation of a P2P Cloud system (ÖB, MM, MT), pp. 412–417.
SAC-2012-BalduzziZBKL #analysis #security- A security analysis of amazon’s elastic compute cloud service (MB, JZ, DB, EK, SL), pp. 1427–1434.
SAC-2012-HsiehC #social- Finding similar items by leveraging social tag clouds (CCH, JC), pp. 644–651.
SAC-2012-ItaniGBKC- BGP-inspired autonomic service routing for the cloud (WI, CG, RB, AIK, AC), pp. 406–411.
SAC-2012-LeitnerSHID #middleware #named #novel #scalability- CloudScale: a novel middleware for building transparently scaling cloud applications (PL, BS, WH, CI, SD), pp. 434–440.
SAC-2012-NgWZ #protocol- Private data deduplication protocols in cloud storage (WKN, YW, HZ), pp. 441–446.
SAC-2012-ParadiesMSKS #in the cloud #semistructured data- Entity matching for semistructured data in the Cloud (MP, SM, JS, SK, KUS), pp. 453–458.
SAC-2012-SalaunEPBC #distributed #in the cloud #protocol #self #verification- Verification of a self-configuration protocol for distributed applications in the cloud (GS, XE, NDP, FB, TC), pp. 1278–1283.
SAC-2012-ScandurraRPMC #adaptation #coordination #framework #optimisation #resource management- A layered coordination framework for optimizing resource allocation in adapting cloud-based applications (PS, CR, PP, RM, RC), pp. 471–472.
SAC-2012-ShinWC #distributed #framework #in the cloud- A policy-based decentralized authorization management framework for cloud computing (DS, YW, WC), pp. 465–470.
ICSE-2012-Camilli #analysis #in the cloud #petri net- Petri nets state space analysis in the cloud (MC), pp. 1638–1640.
ICSE-2012-Chapman #ecosystem #industrial #towards- Towards a federated cloud ecosystem (Invited industrial talk) (CC), p. 967.
ICSE-2012-GambiT #modelling #performance- Modeling Cloud performance with Kriging (AG, GT), pp. 1439–1440.
ICSE-2012-Penix #automation #in the cloud #industrial #scalability #testing- Large-scale test automation in the cloud (Invited industrial talk) (JP), p. 1122.
PLEASE-2012-QuintonDHMC #feature model #modelling #using- Using feature modelling and automations to select among cloud solutions (CQ, LD, PH, SM, EC), pp. 17–20.
ASPLOS-2012-FerdmanAKVAJKPAF #case study #hardware- Clearing the clouds: a study of emerging scale-out workloads on modern hardware (MF, AA, YOK, SV, MA, DJ, CK, ADP, AA, BF), pp. 37–48.
HPDC-2012-GuptaKMFKMGSL #in the cloud #performance- Exploring the performance and mapping of HPC applications to platforms in the cloud (AG, LVK, DSM, PF, RK, VM, FG, CHS, BSL), pp. 121–122.
HPDC-2012-LiSBKS #in the cloud #named #pipes and filters- CAM: a topology aware minimum cost flow based resource manager for MapReduce applications in the cloud (ML, DS, ARB, AK, PS), pp. 211–222.
HPDC-2012-ParkLKHM #configuration management #pipes and filters #virtual machine- Locality-aware dynamic VM reconfiguration on MapReduce clouds (JP, DL, BK, JH, SM), pp. 27–36.
HPDC-2012-XiaCLTDB #named #network #performance- VNET/P: bridging the cloud and high performance computing through fast overlay networking (LX, ZC, JRL, YT, PAD, PGB), pp. 259–270.
OSDI-2012-ShueFS #multitenancy #performance- Performance Isolation and Fairness for Multi-Tenant Cloud Storage (DS, MJF, AS), pp. 349–362.
PPoPP-2012-GongHZ #bibliography #in the cloud #network #performance- An overview of CMPI: network performance aware MPI in the cloud (YG, BH, JZ), pp. 297–298.
WICSA-2011-FaniyiB #architecture- Engineering Proprioception in SLA Management for Cloud Architectures (FF, RB), pp. 336–340.
WICSA-2011-FaniyiBEK #architecture #predict #security- Evaluating Security Properties of Architectures in Unpredictable Environments: A Case for Cloud (FF, RB, AE, RK), pp. 127–136.
WICSA-2011-LiuC #architecture #in the cloud- Architecting Cloud Computing Applications and Systems (AL, RC), pp. 310–311.
WICSA-2011-SodhiP #development- Assessing Suitability of Cloud Oriented Platforms for Application Development (BS, TVP), pp. 328–335.
DocEng-2011-TakhirovD #authoring #social #video- A cloud-based and social authoring tool for video (NT, FD), pp. 65–68.
ICDAR-2011-GaoJHZ #as a service #in the cloud #recognition- Handwriting Character Recognition as a Service: A New Handwriting Recognition System Based on Cloud Computing (YG, LJ, CH, GZ), pp. 885–889.
SIGMOD-2011-CaoSSDG #in memory #in the cloud #library #named- BRRL: a recovery library for main-memory applications in the cloud (TC, BS, MAVS, AJD, JG), pp. 1233–1236.
SIGMOD-2011-ElmoreDAA #database #migration #named- Zephyr: live migration in shared nothing databases for elastic cloud platforms (AJE, SD, DA, AEA), pp. 301–312.
SIGMOD-2011-GaoYJZWY #distance #privacy- Neighborhood-privacy protected shortest distance computing in cloud (JG, JXY, RJ, JZ, TW, DY), pp. 409–420.
SIGMOD-2011-KllapiSTI #optimisation- Schedule optimization for data processing flows on the cloud (HK, ES, MMT, YEI), pp. 289–300.
SIGMOD-2011-SilbersteinSZC #case study #experience- A batch of PNUTS: experiences connecting cloud batch and serving systems (AS, RS, WZ, BFC), pp. 1101–1112.
VLDB-2011-BalazinskaHS #community #database #in the cloud- Data Markets in the Cloud: An Opportunity for the Database Community (MB, BH, DS), pp. 1482–1485.
VLDB-2011-ChenVWOO #framework #in the cloud- A Framework for Supporting DBMS-like Indexes in the Cloud (GC, HTV, SW, BCO, MTÖ), pp. 702–713.
VLDB-2011-DasNAA #database #lightweight #migration #named #using- Albatross: Lightweight Elasticity in Shared Storage Databases for the Cloud using Live Data Migration (SD, SN, DA, AEA), pp. 494–505.
VLDB-2012-ArmbrustCKFFP11 #in the cloud #named #query- PIQL: Success-Tolerant Query Processing in the Cloud (MA, KC, TK, AF, MJF, DAP), pp. 181–192.
CSEET-2011-GohLR #evaluation #named #student- Teammates: A cloud-based peer evaluation tool for student team projects (GG, XL, DCR), p. 555.
CSMR-2011-FreyH #architecture #constraints #detection #legacy #migration- An Extensible Architecture for Detecting Violations of a Cloud Environment’s Constraints during Legacy Software System Migration (SF, WH), pp. 269–278.
CSCW-2011-MistryNM #named- SPARSH: touch the cloud (PM, SN, PM), pp. 585–586.
DUXU-v1-2011-CuiXLLS #agile #case study #development #in the cloud- A Study of Rapid Business Application Development in the Cloud (JC, JMX, HL, WL, ZMS), pp. 398–407.
DUXU-v1-2011-SirotkinM #difference #experience #in the cloud #user interface #why- The New Experience for Business: Why User Experience Is the Differentiation Strategy in the Cloud Context (AS, BM), pp. 491–499.
HCI-ITE-2011-GronliHG #adaptation #android- Integrated Context-Aware and Cloud-Based Adaptive Home Screens for Android Phones (TMG, JH, GG), pp. 427–435.
CAiSE-2011-SpindlerLNGN #using- Using Synchronised Tag Clouds for Browsing Data Collections (AdS, SL, MN, MG, MCN), pp. 214–228.
EDOC-2011-SchleicherFGLNSS #strict- Compliance Domains: A Means to Model Data-Restrictions in Cloud Environments (DS, CF, SG, FL, AN, PS, DS), pp. 257–266.
ICEIS-v1-2011-HaoSHS #algorithm #in the cloud #modelling #optimisation #scheduling- A Cloud Computing Model based on Hadoop with an Optimization of Its Task Scheduling Algorithms (YH, MS, JH, JS), pp. 524–528.
ICEIS-v1-2011-LiuEK #convergence #framework #web- A Cloud Telecom Open Platform for Converging IMS and Web 2.0 (LL, HE, XK), pp. 545–549.
ICEIS-v3-2011-ChenE #adaptation #in the cloud- Adapting SCADA Systems to Cloud Computing Environment (ZC, DE), pp. 559–563.
CIKM-2011-CarmelUGMR #generative #word- Folksonomy-based term extraction for word cloud generation (DC, EU, IG, YM, HR), pp. 2437–2440.
CIKM-2011-KonstantinouABTK #database #on the- On the elasticity of NoSQL databases over cloud management platforms (IK, EA, CB, DT, NK), pp. 2385–2388.
CIKM-2011-LiZTLG #data type #in the cloud #query- Continuous data stream query in the cloud (JL, PZ, JT, PL, LG), pp. 2389–2392.
CIKM-2011-SkoutasA #revisited- Tag clouds revisited (DS, MA), pp. 221–230.
CIKM-2011-VliegendhartLKP #network #peer-to-peer- A peer’s-eye view: network term clouds in a peer-to-peer system (RV, ML, CK, JAP), pp. 1909–1912.
KDD-2011-YeLZZTGA #detection- Combining file content and file relations for cloud based malware detection (YY, TL, SZ, WZ, ET, UG, MA), pp. 222–230.
KEOD-2011-HmidaCBN #3d #approach #detection #ontology #semantics- From 3D Point Clouds to Semantic Objects — An Ontology-based Detection Approach (HBH, CC, FB, CN), pp. 255–260.
KEOD-2011-ModicaT #semantics- A Semantic Model to Support Advanced Supply-demand Matchmaking in Future Cloud Resources Market (GDM, OT), pp. 429–432.
KEOD-2011-SerranoSFD #composition #information management #modelling #ontology- Ontological Modeling in Cloud Services — About Information Sharing to Support Service Composition (MS, LS, MÓF, WD), pp. 328–335.
SEKE-2011-HashizumeFY #in the cloud- Misuse Patterns for Cloud Computing (KH, EBF, NY), pp. 683–686.
SEKE-2011-VillegasS #non-functional #requirements- Mapping non-functional requirements to cloud applications (DV, SMS), pp. 527–532.
Onward-2011-TillmannMHF #mobile #named #programming- TouchDevelop: programming cloud-connected mobile devices via touchscreen (NT, MM, JdH, MF), pp. 49–60.
SAC-2011-IakymchukNB #resource management- Improving high-performance computations on clouds through resource underutilization (RI, JN, PB), pp. 119–126.
SAC-2011-Liu #agile #configuration management #using- Rapid application configuration in Amazon cloud using configurable virtual appliances (HL), pp. 147–154.
SAC-2011-MaciasG #in the cloud #search-based- A genetic model for pricing in cloud computing markets (MM, JG), pp. 113–118.
SAC-2011-Marty #forensics- Cloud application logging for forensics (RM), pp. 178–184.
SAC-2011-RamanathanRSXX #architecture #evolution- Sense-respond cloud mediator architecture for services evolution (JR, RR, NS, ZX, YX), pp. 162–169.
SAC-2011-YouYH #framework #pipes and filters- A load-aware scheduler for MapReduce framework in heterogeneous cloud environments (HHY, CCY, JLH), pp. 127–132.
SAC-2011-ZhouZJY #approach #evolution #framework #in the cloud- An approach of creative application evolution on cloud computing platform (JZ, SZ, DJ, HY), pp. 54–58.
SAC-2011-ZhuWHAHY #outsourcing #verification- Dynamic audit services for integrity verification of outsourced storages in clouds (YZ, HW, ZH, GJA, HH, SSY), pp. 1550–1557.
ASPLOS-2011-Larus- The cloud will change everything (JRL), pp. 1–2.
HPCA-2011-Larus #programming- Programming the cloud (JRL), p. 1.
HPCA-2011-LeeCC #named- CloudCache: Expanding and shrinking private caches (HL, SC, BRC), pp. 219–230.
HPDC-2011-Al-KiswanySSR #named #virtual machine- VMFlock: virtual machine co-migration for the cloud (SAK, DS, PS, MR), pp. 159–170.
HPDC-2011-ChenWZSLZ #in the cloud #trade-off- Tradeoffs Between Profit and Customer Satisfaction for Service Provisioning in the Cloud (JC, CW, BBZ, LS, YCL, AYZ), pp. 229–238.
HPDC-2011-JuveD #clustering #named- Wrangler: virtual cluster provisioning for the cloud (GJ, ED), pp. 277–278.
HPDC-2011-NicolaeBKA #multi #performance- Going back and forth: efficient multideployment and multisnapshotting on clouds (BN, JB, KK, GA), pp. 147–158.
HPDC-2011-RaviBAC #framework #gpu #runtime- Supporting GPU sharing in cloud environments with a transparent runtime consolidation framework (VTR, MB, GA, STC), pp. 217–228.
HPDC-2011-ZhangWW- Capping the electricity cost of cloud-scale data centers with impacts on power markets (YZ, YW, XW), pp. 271–272.
PPoPP-2011-Larus #programming- Programming the cloud (JRL), pp. 1–2.
SOSP-2011-CalderWONSMXSWSHUKEBMAAHHBDAMSMR #consistency- Windows Azure Storage: a highly available cloud storage service with strong consistency (BC, JW, AO, NN, AS, SM, YX, SS, JW, HS, JH, CU, HK, AE, VB, SM, RA, AA, MFuH, MIuH, DB, SD, AA, MM, SS, KM, LR), pp. 143–157.
SOSP-2011-OngaroRSOR #performance- Fast crash recovery in RAMCloud (DO, SMR, RS, JKO, MR), pp. 29–41.
SOSP-2011-ZhangCCZ #multitenancy #named #virtual machine- CloudVisor: retrofitting protection of virtual machines in multi-tenant cloud with nested virtualization (FZ, JC, HC, BZ), pp. 203–216.
ICST-2011-Zech #in the cloud #security #testing- Risk-Based Security Testing in Cloud Computing Environments (PZ), pp. 411–414.
ECSA-2010-Bahsoon #architecture #dependence #framework #requirements #self- A Framework for Dynamic Self-optimization of Power and Dependability Requirements in Green Cloud Architectures (RB), pp. 510–514.
DAC-2010-KuehlmannCCCGGLS #design #in the cloud #question- Does IC design have a future in the clouds? (AK, RC, JC, JC, SG, RG, PL, DS), pp. 412–414.
SIGMOD-2010-Amer-YahiaDKKF #algorithm #big data- Crowds, clouds, and algorithms: exploring the human side of “big data” applications (SAY, AD, JMK, NK, MJF), pp. 1259–1260.
SIGMOD-2010-ChenWHY #graph #in the cloud #scalability- Large graph processing in the cloud (RC, XW, BH, MY), pp. 1123–1126.
SIGMOD-2010-KossmannKL #architecture #evaluation #in the cloud #transaction- An evaluation of alternative architectures for transaction processing in the cloud (DK, TK, SL), pp. 579–590.
SIGMOD-2010-WangWGLO #multi- Indexing multi-dimensional data in a cloud system (JW, SW, HG, JL, BCO), pp. 591–602.
VLDB-2010-AbadiCCGPR #database #question #what- Cloud Databases: What’s New? (DA, MJC, SC, HGM, JMP, RR), p. 1657.
VLDB-2010-AgrawalDA #big data #in the cloud #question- Big Data and Cloud Computing: New Wine or just New Bottles? (DA, SD, AEA), pp. 1647–1648.
VLDB-2010-KossmannKLMMP #composition #named- Cloudy: A Modular Cloud Storage System (DK, TK, SL, SM, RM, FP), pp. 1533–1536.
VLDB-2010-SchadDQ #in the cloud #metric #runtime- Runtime Measurements in the Cloud: Observing, Analyzing, and Reducing Variance (JS, JD, JAQR), pp. 460–471.
VLDB-2010-VoCO #query #towards #transaction- Towards Elastic Transactional Cloud Storage with Range Query Support (HTV, CC, BCO), pp. 506–517.
VLDB-2010-WuJOW #performance- Efficient B-tree Based Indexing for Cloud Data Processing (SW, DJ, BCO, KLW), pp. 1207–1218.
ICSM-2010-TilleyP #migration #testing- Migrating software testing to the cloud (SRT, TP), p. 1.
CHI-2010-RogersWSM #named #nondeterminism- FingerCloud: uncertainty and autonomy handover incapacitive sensing (SR, JW, CDS, RMS), pp. 577–580.
ECIR-2010-KapteinHK #how #modelling #question- How Different Are Language Models andWord Clouds? (RK, DH, JK), pp. 556–568.
ICPR-2010-SuZSH #2d #detection #image- Detection of Shapes in 2D Point Clouds Generated from Images (JS, ZZ, AS, FH), pp. 2640–2643.
ICPR-2010-TamakiTURK #3d #image- Scale Matching of 3D Point Clouds by Finding Keyscales with Spin Images (TT, ST, YU, BR, KK), pp. 3480–3483.
ICPR-2010-Temerinac-OttKB #evaluation- Evaluation of a New Point Clouds Registration Method Based on Group Averaging Features (MTO, MK, HB), pp. 2452–2455.
KDD-2010-BennetGLSV #benchmark #metric #named #scalability #towards- Malstone: towards a benchmark for analytics on large data clouds (CB, RLG, DL, JS, SV), pp. 145–152.
KEOD-2010-BarrosoAG #encryption #hardware #in the cloud #process- Key Management Process on the Hardware Cryptographic Module in the Cloud Computing (JMDB, LJA, PGG), pp. 493–496.
KEOD-2010-NamgoongKK #in the cloud #rdf #scalability- Mitigation of Large-scale RDF Data Loading with the Employment of a Cloud Computing Service (HN, HK, HGK), pp. 489–492.
KEOD-2010-YunSNYKK #framework #semantics #using #web #workflow- Improving the Workflow of Semantic Web Portals using M/R in Cloud Platform (SY, MS, HN, SKY, HK, HGK), pp. 485–488.
KMIS-2010-KarakostasK #architecture- Cloud Architecture for e-Collaboration in the Intermodal Freight Business (BK, TK), pp. 267–272.
KMIS-2010-KoufiMV- Authorization in Cloud e-Radiology Services (VK, FM, GV), pp. 273–279.
RE-2010-Hirzalla #in the cloud #requirements- Realizing Business Agility Requirements through SOA and Cloud Computing (MH), pp. 379–380.
SAC-2010-LitoiuWWNI #architecture #optimisation- A business driven cloud optimization architecture (ML, CMW, JW, JN, GI), pp. 380–385.
SAC-2010-LombardiP #security- Transparent security for cloud (FL, RDP), pp. 414–415.
SAC-2010-MalkowskiHJPN #empirical #named- CloudXplor: a tool for configuration planning in clouds based on empirical data (SM, MH, DJ, CP, DN), pp. 391–398.
SAC-2010-NallurB #design #in the cloud #quality #trade-off- Design of a market-based mechanism for quality attribute tradeoff of services in the cloud (VN, RB), pp. 367–371.
SAC-2010-WeeL #using- Client-side load balancer using cloud (SW, HL), pp. 399–405.
ICSE-2010-TaiNLK- Cloud service engineering (ST, JN, AL, MK), pp. 475–476.
CC-2010-Larus #programming- Programming Clouds (JRL), pp. 1–9.
HPDC-2010-AppavooWSURHSWS #framework #network- Providing a cloud network infrastructure on a supercomputer (JA, AW, DDS, VU, BSR, EVH, JS, RWW, US), pp. 385–394.
HPDC-2010-ChapmanEMCG #architecture #on-demand- Software architecture definition for on-demand cloud provisioning (CC, WE, FGM, SC, AG), pp. 61–72.
HPDC-2010-ChardBK #case study #grid #resource management- High occupancy resource allocation for grid and cloud systems, a study with DRIVE (KC, KB, PK), pp. 73–84.
HPDC-2010-DuGR #component #multitenancy #scalability- Highly available component sharing in large-scale multi-tenant cloud systems (JD, XG, DSR), pp. 85–94.
HPDC-2010-GrossmanGMSSW #bibliography #open science- An overview of the Open Science Data Cloud (RLG, YG, JM, MS, ASS, KPW), pp. 377–384.
HPDC-2010-GunarathneWQF #in the cloud #paradigm #parallel- Cloud computing paradigms for pleasingly parallel biomedical applications (TG, TLW, JQ, GF), pp. 460–469.
HPDC-2010-HeZKDM #case study- Case study for running HPC applications in public clouds (QH, SZ, BK, DCD, TM), pp. 395–401.
HPDC-2010-JacksonRRT #in the cloud #performance- Seeking supernovae in the clouds: a performance study (KRJ, LR, KJR, RCT), pp. 421–429.
HPDC-2010-KaushikCCN #adaptation #energy #multi #named #self- Lightning: self-adaptive, energy-conserving, multi-zoned, commodity green cloud storage system (RTK, LC, RHC, KN), pp. 332–335.
HPDC-2010-KimKJP #adaptation #framework #hybrid- Exploring application and infrastructure adaptation on hybrid grid-cloud infrastructure (HK, YEK, SJ, MP), pp. 402–412.
HPDC-2010-Lee #in the cloud- A perspective on scientific cloud computing (CAL), pp. 451–459.
HPDC-2010-LinWG #gpu #migration- OpenGL application live migration with GPU acceleration in personal cloud (YL, WW, KG), pp. 280–283.
HPDC-2010-LuJB #case study #named- AzureBlast: a case study of developing science applications on the cloud (WL, JJ, RSB), pp. 413–420.
HPDC-2010-PhamJJS #composition #framework #performance- A service composition framework for market-oriented high performance computing cloud (TVP, HJ, KEJ, ZYS), pp. 284–287.
HPDC-2010-RajannaSJLG #clustering #coordination #in the cloud #named #network- XCo: explicit coordination to prevent network fabric congestion in cloud computing cluster platforms (VSR, SS, AJ, CL, KG), pp. 252–263.
HPDC-2010-ThakarS #database #migration #scalability- Migrating a (large) science database to the cloud (AT, ASS), pp. 430–434.
HPDC-2010-ZhuA #adaptation #constraints #resource management- Resource provisioning with budget constraints for adaptive applications in cloud environments (QZ, GA), pp. 304–307.
OSDI-2010-FeldmanZFF #collaboration #named #using- SPORC: Group Collaboration using Untrusted Cloud Resources (AJF, WPZ, MJF, EWF), pp. 337–350.
OSDI-2010-MahajanSLCADW #named #trust- Depot: Cloud Storage with Minimal Trust (PM, STVS, SL, AC, LA, MD, MW), pp. 307–322.
WICSA-ECSA-2009-NallurBY #architecture #in the cloud #quality #self- Self-optimizing architecture for ensuring Quality Attributes in the cloud (VN, RB, XY), pp. 281–284.
VLDB-2009-KraskaHAK #consistency #in the cloud #matter- Consistency Rationing in the Cloud: Pay only when it matters (TK, MH, GA, DK), pp. 253–264.
CHI-2009-SchrammelLT #clustering #empirical #evaluation #semantics- Semantically structured tag clouds: an empirical evaluation of clustered presentation approaches (JS, ML, MT), pp. 2037–2040.
KDIR-2009-KulkarniC #concept #semantics #using #word- Computation of the Semantic Relatedness between Words using Concept Clouds (SK, DC), pp. 183–188.
SAC-2009-AymerichFS #grid #in the cloud #realtime- A real time financial system based on grid and cloud computing (FA, GF, SS), pp. 1219–1220.
HPDC-2009-AssuncaoCB #capacity #clustering #in the cloud #using- Evaluating the cost-benefit of using cloud computing to extend the capacity of clusters (MDdA, AdC, RB), pp. 141–150.
HPDC-2009-Gentzsch #experience- Sustainable HPC infrastructures — supercomputers, grids, and clouds: the DEISA experience (WG), pp. 69–70.
HT-2008-BatemanGN #in the cloud #visual notation- Seeing things in the clouds: the effect of visual features on tag cloud selections (SB, CG, MAN), pp. 193–202.
VLDB-2008-LogothetisY #ad hoc #in the cloud- Ad-hoc data processing in the cloud (DL, KY), pp. 1472–1475.
ICML-2008-Bach #graph #kernel- Graph kernels between point clouds (FRB), pp. 25–32.
KDD-2008-CaroCS #using- Using tagflake for condensing navigable tag hierarchies from tag clouds (LDC, KSC, MLS), pp. 1069–1072.
KDD-2008-GrossmanG #data mining #mining #performance #using- Data mining using high performance data clouds: experimental studies using sector and sphere (RLG, YG), pp. 920–927.
SIGIR-2008-TsagiasLR #speech- Term clouds as surrogates for user generated speech (MT, ML, MdR), pp. 773–774.
FSE-2008-Shroff #development #in the cloud #modelling- Dev 2.0: model driven development in the cloud (GS), p. 283.
HPDC-2008-RichT #named #transaction- DataLab: transactional data-parallel computing on an active storage cloud (BR, DT), pp. 233–234.
CHI-2007-RivadeneiraGMM #evaluation #in the cloud #towards- Getting our head in the clouds: toward evaluation studies of tagclouds (AWR, DMG, MJM, DRM), pp. 995–998.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2007-Prasad- Driving ahead: Joint enterprise-embedded computing in smart clouds, smart dust and intelligent automobiles (KVP), pp. 27–32.
ICEIS-DISI-2007-Prasad- Driving ahead: Joint enterprise-embedded computing in smart clouds, smart dust and intelligent automobiles (KVP), pp. 27–32.
ICEIS-EIS-2007-Prasad- Driving ahead: Joint enterprise-embedded computing in smart clouds, smart dust and intelligent automobiles (KVP), pp. 27–32.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-Prasad- Driving ahead: Joint enterprise-embedded computing in smart clouds, smart dust and intelligent automobiles (KVP), pp. 27–32.
ICEIS-SAIC-2007-Prasad- Driving ahead: Joint enterprise-embedded computing in smart clouds, smart dust and intelligent automobiles (KVP), pp. 27–32.
ICPR-v1-2006-HansenMT #analysis #clustering #re-engineering #sorting- Cluster Analysis and Priority Sorting in Huge Point Clouds for Building Reconstruction (WvH, EM, UT), pp. 23–26.
KR-2006-RandellW #abduction #visual notation- Abductive Visual Perception with Feature Clouds (DAR, MW), pp. 352–361.
ICML-2005-SindhwaniNB #learning- Beyond the point cloud: from transductive to semi-supervised learning (VS, PN, MB), pp. 824–831.
SAC-2002-TrembilskiB- Transparency for polygon based cloud rendering (AT, AB), pp. 785–790.
KDD-1998-AlsabtiRS #classification #dataset #named #scalability- CLOUDS: A Decision Tree Classifier for Large Datasets (KA, SR, VS), pp. 2–8.
ICPR-1996-PeuraVK #approach #classification- A new approach to land-based cloud classification (MP, AV, PK), pp. 143–147.