118 papers:
CHI-2015-BeyerGMCB #3d #named- Platener: Low-Fidelity Fabrication of 3D Objects by Substituting 3D Print with Laser-Cut Plates (DB, SG, SM, HTC, PB), pp. 1799–1806.
CHI-2015-SimeoneVG #artificial reality #case study #design #experience #physics #using- Substitutional Reality: Using the Physical Environment to Design Virtual Reality Experiences (ALS, EV, HG), pp. 3307–3316.
KDD-2015-McAuleyPL #network- Inferring Networks of Substitutable and Complementary Products (JJM, RP, JL), pp. 785–794.
SIGIR-2015-McAuleyTSH #recommendation- Image-Based Recommendations on Styles and Substitutes (JJM, CT, QS, AvdH), pp. 43–52.
CADE-2015-Platzer #calculus #difference #logic- A Uniform Substitution Calculus for Differential Dynamic Logic (AP), pp. 467–481.
TLCA-2015-FairweatherFST #dependent type- Dependent Types for Nominal Terms with Atom Substitutions (EF, MF, NS, AT), pp. 180–195.
DATE-2014-Pomeranz14a #fault- Substituting transition faults with path delay faults as a basic delay fault model (IP), pp. 1–6.
FSE-2014-JustJIEHF #fault #question #testing- Are mutants a valid substitute for real faults in software testing? (RJ, DJ, LI, MDE, RH, GF), pp. 654–665.
LICS-CSL-2014-FioreS #algebra- Substitution, jumps, and algebraic effects (MPF, SS), p. 10.
SMT-2014-KorovinKS #learning #towards- Towards Conflict-Driven Learning for Virtual Substitution (KK, MK, TS), p. 71.
QoSA-2013-DuSHGV #generative #modelling #sequence- Generating service models by trace subsequence substitution (MD, JGS, CMH, JG, SV), pp. 123–132.
DATE-2013-VenkataramaniRR #approximate #configuration management #design #named #paradigm #quality- Substitute-and-simplify: a unified design paradigm for approximate and quality configurable circuits (SV, KR, AR), pp. 1367–1372.
STOC-2013-CheungCD- Tatonnement beyond gross substitutes?: gradient descent to the rescue (YKC, RC, NRD), pp. 191–200.
ECMFA-2013-SunCDF #using- Using Model Types to Support Contract-Aware Model Substitutability (WS, BC, SD, RBF), pp. 118–133.
ICSE-2013-PradelG #automation #concurrent #testing- Automatic testing of sequential and concurrent substitutability (MP, TRG), pp. 282–291.
DRR-2012-SchellenbergYZ #retrieval- Layout-based substitution tree indexing and retrieval for mathematical expressions (TS, BY, RZ).
RTA-2012-Accattoli #theorem- An Abstract Factorization Theorem for Explicit Substitutions (BA), pp. 6–21.
ICFP-2011-PopescuG #recursion #syntax- Recursion principles for syntax with bindings and substitution (AP, ELG), pp. 346–358.
SIGIR-2011-YanWOKLZ #framework #optimisation #summary #timeline- Evolutionary timeline summarization: a balanced optimization framework via iterative substitution (RY, XW, JO, LK, XL, YZ), pp. 745–754.
ICALP-v2-2010-HirschkoffP #on the #replication #similarity- On Bisimilarity and Substitution in Presence of Replication (DH, DP), pp. 454–465.
SEFM-2010-BersaniCFPR #constraints #integer #ltl #runtime #smt #specification #verification- SMT-based Verification of LTL Specification with Integer Constraints and its Application to Runtime Checking of Service Substitutability (MMB, LC, AF, MP, MR), pp. 244–254.
IJCAR-2010-Schack-NielsenS #linear #λ-calculus- Curry-Style Explicit Substitutions for the Linear and Affine Lambda Calculus (ASN, CS), pp. 1–14.
ASE-2009-AthanasopoulosZI #revisited- Service Substitution Revisited (DA, AZ, VI), pp. 555–559.
SIGIR-2009-ZhangYYLC #query- Temporal query substitution for ad search (WZ, JY, SY, NL, ZC), pp. 798–799.
MoDELS-2009-CuccuruRGT #classification #parametricity #uml- Constraining Type Parameters of UML 2 Templates with Substitutable Classifiers (AC, AR, SG, FT), pp. 644–649.
CAiSE-2008-KinderenG #reasoning- Reasoning about Substitute Choices and Preference Ordering in e-Services (SdK, JG), pp. 390–404.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-FloresU #assessment #component #testing- Testing-Based Component Assessment for Substitutability (AF, MPU), pp. 386–939.
SIGIR-2008-RadlinskiBCGJR #approach #optimisation #query- Optimizing relevance and revenue in ad search: a query substitution approach (FR, AZB, PC, EG, VJ, LR), pp. 403–410.
POPL-2008-Pientka #higher-order #programming #syntax- A type-theoretic foundation for programming with higher-order abstract syntax and first-class substitutions (BP), pp. 371–382.
CC-2008-CooperHW #adaptation- An Adaptive Strategy for Inline Substitution (KDC, TJH, TW), pp. 69–84.
IJCAR-2008-MouraB #effectiveness #logic #set #using- Deciding Effectively Propositional Logic Using DPLL and Substitution Sets (LMdM, NB), pp. 410–425.
RTA-2008-EndrullisV #reduction- Reduction Under Substitution (JE, RCdV), pp. 425–440.
CBSE-2007-DesnosHUVT #automation #component #flexibility- Automated and Unanticipated Flexible Component Substitution (ND, MH, CU, SV, GT), pp. 33–48.
CIAA-J-2006-Maletti07- Pure and O-Substitution (AM), pp. 829–845.
SEFM-2007-Hameurlain #behaviour #component #flexibility #protocol #specification- Flexible Behavioural Compatibility and Substitutability for Component Protocols: A Formal Specification (NH), pp. 391–400.
SIGIR-2007-RoussinovFS #detection #word- Detecting word substitutions: PMI vs. HMM (DR, SF, DBS), pp. 885–886.
CSL-2007-Kesner #calculus #formal method #revisited- The Theory of Calculi with Explicit Substitutions Revisited (DK), pp. 238–252.
RTA-2007-Kikuchi #calculus #normalisation #proving- Simple Proofs of Characterizing Strong Normalization for Explicit Substitution Calculi (KK), pp. 257–272.
RTA-2007-Pfenning #logic #on the- On a Logical Foundation for Explicit Substitutions (FP), p. 19.
RTA-2007-Santo- Delayed Substitutions (JES), pp. 169–183.
TLCA-2007-Pfenning #logic #on the- On a Logical Foundation for Explicit Substitutions (FP), p. 1.
DLT-J-2005-Thomas06 #multi #sequence- Multidimensional Sturmian Sequences and Generalized Substitutions (TF), pp. 575–600.
CIAA-2006-Maletti #question- Does o-Substitution Preserve Recognizability? (AM), pp. 150–161.
DLT-2005-Fernique #sequence- Bidimensional Sturmian Sequences and Substitutions (TF), pp. 236–247.
FM-2005-SharyginaCCS #analysis #component- Dynamic Component Substitutability Analysis (NS, SC, EMC, NS), pp. 512–528.
SEFM-2005-Hameurlain #behaviour #component #on the #protocol- On Compatibility and Behavioural Substitutability of Component Protocols (NH), pp. 394–403.
RTA-2005-KesnerL #paradigm- Extending the Explicit Substitution Paradigm (DK, SL), pp. 407–422.
SAT-2005-BelovS #logic #satisfiability- Substitutional Definition of Satisfiability in Classical Propositional Logic (AB, ZS), pp. 31–45.
FoSSaCS-2004-Polonovski #calculus #normalisation #μ-calculus- Strong Normalization of λμμ-Calculus with Explicit Substitutions (EP), pp. 423–437.
CIAA-2004-KariKS- Substitutions, Trajectories and Noisy Channels (LK, SK, PS), pp. 202–212.
IFM-2004-Dunne #comprehension- Understanding Object-Z Operations as Generalised Substitutions (SD), pp. 328–342.
SEFM-2004-MoisanRR #behaviour #component #formal method #framework #towards- Towards Formalizing Behavioral Substitutability in Component Frameworks (SM, AR, JPR), pp. 122–131.
ICEIS-v4-2004-MazhelisP #classification #detection- Combining One-Class Classifiers for Mobile-User Substitution Detection (OM, SP), pp. 130–137.
FoSSaCS-2003-Bonelli #calculus #higher-order #normalisation- A Normalisation Result for Higher-Order Calculi with Explicit Substitutions (EB), pp. 153–168.
CAiSE-2003-AntonellisMPP #strict- A Methodology for e -Service Substitutability in a Virtual District Environment (VDA, MM, BP, PP), pp. 552–567.
PPDP-2003-NadathurQ #reduction- Explicit substitutions in the reduction of λ terms (GN, XQ), pp. 195–206.
ICLP-2003-Pientka #higher-order- Higher-Order Substitution Tree Indexing (BP), pp. 377–391.
ICALP-2002-KarhumakiL #equivalence #finite #problem- The Equivalence Problem of Finite Substitutions on ab*c, with Applications (JK, LPL), pp. 812–820.
ICGT-2002-Klempien-Hinrichs- Hyperedge Substitution in Basic Atom-Replacement Languages (RKH), pp. 192–206.
RTA-2002-Forest #calculus #pattern matching- A Weak Calculus with Explicit Operators for Pattern Matching and Substitution (JF), pp. 174–191.
ICSM-2001-SchauerK #behaviour #metric- The Method Replacement Indicator: A Metric for Analyzing Behavioral Substitution (RS, RKK), pp. 754–764.
TLCA-2001-DoughertyL #reduction- Reductions, Intersection Types, and Explicit Substitutions (DJD, PL), pp. 121–135.
FoSSaCS-2000-CosmoKP #proving- Proof Nets and Explicit Substitutions (RDC, DK, EP), pp. 63–81.
WRLA-2000-Stehr #calculus #named- CINNI — A Generic Calculus of Explicit Substitutions and its Application to λ-, ς- and pi- Calculi (MOS), pp. 70–92.
PLDI-2000-RouhtevC #analysis #points-to #scalability- Off-line variable substitution for scaling points-to analysis (AR, SC), pp. 47–56.
PPDP-2000-Ayala-RinconK #unification- Unification via se-style of explicit substitution (MAR, FK), pp. 163–174.
VLDB-1999-FuhDCMTLDRM #implementation #inheritance #sql- Implementation of SQL3 Structured Types with Inheritance and Value Substitutability (YCF, SD, WC, NMM, BTT, BGL, LD, SR, DM), pp. 565–574.
FoSSaCS-1999-GhaniPR #category theory #modelling- Categorical Models of Explicit Substitutions (NG, VdP, ER), pp. 197–211.
DLT-1999-LopezN #induction- Substitutions from Rauzy induction (extended abstract) (LML, PN), pp. 200–209.
ICALP-1999-Miculan #calculus #formal method #induction #lazy evaluation #proving #μ-calculus- Formalizing a Lazy Substitution Proof System for μ-calculus in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (MM), pp. 554–564.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Callear #education- ITEs as teacher substitutes: use and feasability (DC), pp. 632–636.
CSL-1999-Bonelli #using- Using Fields and Explicit Substitutions to Implement Objects and Functions in a de Bruijn Setting (EB), pp. 204–219.
TLCA-1999-Ritter #termination- Characterising Explicit Substitutions which Preserve Termination (ER), pp. 325–339.
DAC-1998-ChangC #performance- Efficient Boolean Division and Substitution (SCC, DIC), pp. 342–347.
ICALP-1998-GhaniPR- Explicit Substitutions for Constructive Necessity (NG, VdP, ER), pp. 743–754.
IFL-1998-McAdam #interface #on the #unification- On the Unification of Substitutions in Type Interfaces (BJM), pp. 137–152.
ALP-PLILP-1998-KesnerL- Explicit Substitutions for Objects and Functions (DK, PEML), pp. 195–212.
ICALP-1997-RitterP #on the- On Explicit Substitution and Names (Extended Abstract) (ER, VdP), pp. 248–258.
ICFP-1997-RichardST #set #using- Intensional Sets Using Explicit Substitutions (GR, FS, ATA), p. 318.
TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Gil #object-oriented- Extendability vs. Substitutability in OO Languages (JYG), p. 368.
ALP-1997-BartheKR #λ-calculus- Explicit Substitutions for the λ-Calculus (GB, FK, AR), pp. 209–223.
ALP-1997-KirchnerR #equation #higher-order #unification- Higher-Order Equational Unification via Explicit Substitutions (CK, CR), pp. 61–75.
CSL-1997-BonetG #bound #linear #simulation- Linear Lower Bounds and Simulations in Frege Systems with Substitutions (MLB, NG), pp. 115–128.
LICS-1997-CosmoK #normalisation #proving- Strong Normalization of Explicit Substitutions via Cut Elimination in Proof Nets (Extended Abstract) (RDC, DK), pp. 35–46.
ALP-1996-FerreiraKP #composition #normalisation #λ-calculus- λ-Calculi with Explicit Substitutions and Composition Which Preserve β-Strong Normalization (MCFF, DK, LP), pp. 284–298.
PLILP-1996-BenaissaLR #modelling #recursion #reduction #using- Modeling Sharing and Recursion for Weak Reduction Strategies Using Explicit Substitution (ZEAB, PL, KHR), pp. 393–407.
PLILP-1996-KamareddineR- Generalized β-Reduction and Explicit Substitution (FK, AR), pp. 378–392.
CADE-1996-GrafM- Advanced Indexing Operations on Substitution Trees (PG, CM), pp. 553–567.
JICSLP-1996-DowekHKP #higher-order #unification- Unification via Explicit Substitutions: The Case of Higher-Order Patterns (GD, TH, CK, FP), pp. 259–273.
LICS-1996-Munoz #calculus #confluence #normalisation- Confluence and Preservation of Strong Normalisation in an Explicit Substitutions Calculus (CAM), pp. 440–447.
RTA-1996-BlooR #combinator #reduction- Combinatory Reduction Systems with Explicit Substitution that Preserve Strong Nomalisation (RB, KHR), pp. 169–183.
RTA-1996-Kesner #confluence #λ-calculus- Confluence Properties of Extensional and Non-Extensional λ-Calculi with Explicit Substitutions (Extended Abstract) (DK), pp. 184–199.
PLILP-1995-KamareddineR #λ-calculus- A λ-calculus à la de Bruijn with Explicit Substitutions (FK, AR), pp. 45–62.
LICS-1995-DowekHK #higher-order #unification- Higher-Order Unification via Explicit Substitutions (Extended Abstract) (GD, TH, CK), pp. 366–374.
RTA-1995-Burghardt #set- Regular Substitution Sets: A Means of Controlling E-Unification (JB), pp. 382–396.
RTA-1995-Graf- Substitution Tree Indexing (PG), pp. 117–131.
RTA-1995-LescanneR- Explicit Substitutions with de Bruijn’s Levels (PL, JRD), pp. 294–308.
TLCA-1995-Mellie #λ-calculus- Typed λ-calculi with explicit substitutions may not terminate (PAM), pp. 328–334.
DAC-1994-PotkonjakSC #constant #multi #performance #using- Efficient Substitution of Multiple Constant Multiplications by Shifts and Additions Using Iterative Pairwise Matching (MP, MBS, AC), pp. 189–194.
EDAC-1994-AjuhaM #reduction- Delay Reduction by Segment Substitution (HA, PRM), pp. 82–86.
POPL-1994-Lescanne #calculus- From λσ to λν: a Journey Through Calculi of Explicit Substitutions (PL), pp. 60–69.
DLT-1993-AtanasiuM #word- Substitution on Words and Languages (AA, VM), pp. 51–59.
CSL-1993-Ritter #normalisation #λ-calculus- Normalization for Typed λ Calculi with Explicit Substitution (ER), pp. 295–304.
SEKE-1992-ChunH #approach #compilation #knowledge base #query- Compiling Rules and Queries in Knowledge Base Systems: A Substitution-Based Approach (JC, LJH), pp. 109–115.
ALP-1992-GabbrielliM #fixpoint #semantics- Fixpoint Semantics for Partial Computed Answer Substitutions and Call Patterns (MG, MCM), pp. 84–99.
ALP-1992-Hardin- Eta-conversion for the Languages of Explicit Substitutions (TH), pp. 306–321.
ICLP-1991-KoN #revisited- Substitution and Refutation Revisited (HPK, MEN), pp. 679–692.
VLDB-1990-HardjonoS- Search Key Substitution in the Encipherment of B-Trees (TH, JS), pp. 50–58.
ICALP-1990-Choffrut #decidability- Iterated Substitutions and Locally Catanative Systems: A Decidability Result in the Binary Case (CC), pp. 490–500.
ICALP-1990-Palamidessi #algebra- Algebraic Properties of Idempotent Substitutions (CP), pp. 386–399.
OOPSLA-ECOOP-1990-PalsbergS #object-oriented #programming- Type Substitution for Object-Oriented Programming (JP, MIS), pp. 151–160.
POPL-1990-AbadiCCL- Explicit Substitutions (MA, LC, PLC, JJL), pp. 31–46.
CADE-1990-LeeH #compilation #database #deduction- Substitution-based Compilation of Extended Rules in Deductive Databases (SHL, LJH), pp. 57–71.
CADE-1990-OzturkH #axiom #similarity- Hyper Resolution and Equality Axioms without Function Substitutions (YO, LJH), pp. 456–469.
KR-1989-Cohn #framework #hybrid #on the #reasoning- On the Appearance of Sortal Literals: a Non Substitutional Framework for Hybrid Reasoning (AGC), pp. 55–66.
LICS-1989-Fernando #on the #recursion #set- On Substitutional Recursion Over Non-Well-Founded Sets (RTPF), pp. 273–282.
NACLP-1989-MaluszynskiN- Fail Substitutions for Negation as Failure (JM, TN), pp. 461–476.
STOC-1970-Lewis70a #product line- Closure of Families of Languages under Substitution Operators (DJL), pp. 100–108.