Travelled to:
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Bodík M.Budiu G.D.Plotkin C.Rubio-González S.Chasins L.Gong P.Reames B.Hartmann K.Sen S.Chandra D.Kimelman N.Tung S.Barman C.Rodarmor
Talks about:
research (2) code (2) nondetermin (1) synthesi (1) interact (1) snippet (1) program (1) forest (1) compil (1) usabl (1)
Person: Joel Galenson
DBLP: Galenson:Joel
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICSE-2014-GalensonRBHS #interactive #named #synthesis
- CodeHint: dynamic and interactive synthesis of code snippets (JG, PR, RB, BH, KS), pp. 653–663.
- PLATEAU-2014-GalensonRCG #research #usability #web
- Research.js: Evaluating Research Tool Usability on the Web (JG, CRG, SC, LG), pp. 53–54.
- ESOP-2013-BudiuGP #compilation
- The Compiler Forest (MB, JG, GDP), pp. 21–40.
- POPL-2010-BodikCGKTBR #nondeterminism #programming
- Programming with angelic nondeterminism (RB, SC, JG, DK, NT, SB, CR), pp. 339–352.