Travelled to:
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.F.B.Jr. M.R.Corley E.J.Reynolds
Talks about:
design (3) control (2) interact (1) industri (1) paramet (1) graphic (1) combust (1) system (1) sensit (1) purpos (1)
Person: John J. Allan III
DBLP: III:John_J=_Allan
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-1973-BoehmA #design #parametricity
- Parameter sensitivity studies for internal combustion engine control and design purposes (CFBJ, JJAI), pp. 240–246.
- DAC-1972-CorleyA #design #industrial #interactive #pipes and filters #visual notation
- The graphically accessed interactive design of industrial pipe systems (MRC, JJAI), pp. 165–169.
- DAC-1972-ReynoldsA #adaptation #design #optimisation
- Design optimization by adaptive control (EJR, JJAI), pp. 368–375.