Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
2 × Australia
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
X.Zhou X.Zhou M.S.Ackerman H.Wang S.W.Sadiq H.Su J.Huang W.Hua G.P.C.Fung D.A.Hanauer W.Zhu W.Peng L.Chen J.Xu B.Zheng Y.Zhao J.Shi H.Wang H.Lin L.Shao
Talks about:
trajectori (4) inform (3) data (3) system (2) storag (2) social (2) record (2) object (2) memori (2) inpati (2)
Person: Kai Zheng
DBLP: Zheng:Kai
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- KDD-2015-ZhuPCZZ #modelling #network #social
- Modeling User Mobility for Location Promotion in Location-based Social Networks (WYZ, WCP, LJC, KZ, XZ), pp. 1573–1582.
- SIGMOD-2015-HuaZZ #microblog #social
- Microblog Entity Linking with Social Temporal Context (WH, KZ, XZ), pp. 1761–1775.
- SIGMOD-2015-WangZZS #in memory #named
- SharkDB: An In-Memory Storage System for Massive Trajectory Data (HW, KZ, XZ, SWS), pp. 1099–1104.
- CIKM-2014-WangZXZZS #in memory #named
- SharkDB: An In-Memory Column-Oriented Trajectory Storage (HW, KZ, JX, BZ, XZ, SWS), pp. 1409–1418.
- VLDB-2014-SuZZHZ #named
- STMaker — A System to Make Sense of Trajectory Data (HS, KZ, KZ, JH, XZ), pp. 1701–1704.
- SIGMOD-2013-SuZWHZ #analysis #similarity
- Calibrating trajectory data for similarity-based analysis (HS, KZ, HW, JH, XZ), pp. 833–844.
- CSCW-2012-ZhouZAH #documentation #health #problem
- Cooperative documentation: the patient problem list as a nexus in electronic health records (XZ, KZ, MSA, DAH), pp. 911–920.
- CHI-2011-ZhouAZ #bound
- CPOE workarounds, boundary objects, and assemblages (XZ, MSA, KZ), pp. 3353–3362.
- CHI-2010-ZhouAZ #reuse
- Doctors and psychosocial information: records and reuse in inpatient care (XZ, MSA, KZ), pp. 1767–1776.
- SIGMOD-2010-ZhengFZ #fuzzy #nearest neighbour
- K-nearest neighbor search for fuzzy objects (KZ, GPCF, XZ), pp. 699–710.
- CHI-2009-ZhouAZ #maintenance #why
- I just don’t know why it’s gone: maintaining informal information use in inpatient care (XZ, MSA, KZ), pp. 2061–2070.
- OOPSLA-2009-ZhaoSZWLS #java #manycore #platform
- Allocation wall: a limiting factor of Java applications on emerging multi-core platforms (YZ, JS, KZ, HW, HL, LS), pp. 361–376.