Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Canada
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Moens D.Kelly E.W.Bailey C.Eickhoff C.A.N.Soules A.C.Veitch P.D.Stotts J.M.Smith A.P.d.Vries S.D.Torres R.Glassey T.Polajnar A.Cushing M.Dostert X.Niu L.Azzopardi D.Dowie D.Hiemstra F.d.Jong F.Kruisinga K.A.Marshall S.Moens F.v.d.Sluis
Talks about:
search (7) queri (4) children (3) examin (3) web (3) interact (2) suggest (2) within (2) result (2) inform (2)
Person: Karl Gyllstrom
DBLP: Gyllstrom:Karl
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- CIKM-2012-GyllstromEVM #css #javascript #web
- The downside of markup: examining the harmful effects of CSS and javascript on indexing today’s web (KG, CE, APdV, MFM), pp. 1990–1994.
- ECIR-2012-AzzopardiDTEGGHJKMMPSV #named
- EmSe: Supporting Children’s Information Needs within a Hospital Environment (LA, DD, SDT, CE, RG, KG, DH, FdJ, FK, KAM, SM, TP, FvdS, APdV), pp. 578–580.
- CHI-2011-KellyG #interactive
- An examination of two delivery modes for interactive search system experiments: remote and laboratory (DK, KG), pp. 1531–1540.
- CIKM-2011-GyllstromM #category theory #wiki
- Examining the “leftness” property of Wikipedia categories (KG, MFM), pp. 2309–2312.
- ECIR-2011-EickhoffPGTG #query #web
- Web Search Query Assistance Functionality for Young Audiences (CE, TP, KG, SDT, RG), pp. 776–779.
- ECIR-2011-GyllstromM #query #topic
- Clash of the Typings — Finding Controversies and Children’s Topics Within Queries (KG, MFM), pp. 80–91.
- CHI-2010-KellyCDNG #information management #quality #query
- Effects of popularity and quality on the usage of query suggestions during information search (DK, AC, MD, XN, KG), pp. 45–54.
- CIKM-2010-GyllstromM #algorithm #towards #web
- Wisdom of the ages: toward delivering the children’s web with the link-based agerank algorithm (KG, MFM), pp. 159–168.
- SIGIR-2010-GyllstromM #multi
- A picture is worth a thousand search results: finding child-oriented multimedia results with collAge (KG, MFM), pp. 731–732.
- SIGIR-2009-BaileyKG #topic
- Undergraduates’ evaluations of assigned search topics (EWB, DK, KG), pp. 812–813.
- SIGIR-2009-KellyGB #comparison #interactive #query
- A comparison of query and term suggestion features for interactive searching (DK, KG, EWB), pp. 371–378.
- SIGIR-2007-GyllstromSV #confluence #named
- Confluence: enhancing contextual desktop search (KG, CANS, ACV), pp. 717–718.
- HT-2004-StottsSG #hypermedia #named #video
- FaceSpace: endo- and exo-spatial hypermedia in the transparent video facetop (PDS, JMS, KG), pp. 48–57.