Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × United Kingdom
8 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Furuta J.M.Smith D.Herington M.Hughes K.Gyllstrom S.Kum B.C.Ladd M.V.Capps J.C.Ruiz P.Dewan K.Jeffay J.Smith W.Oliver
Talks about:
video (3) autom (3) hypermedia (2) hypertext (2) hyperlink (2) structur (2) prototyp (2) pattern (2) languag (2) brows (2)
Person: P. David Stotts
DBLP: Stotts:P=_David
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- WICSA-2005-SmithS #analysis #architecture #automation
- Extending SPQR to Architectural Analysis by Semi-Automated Training (JMS, PDS), pp. 239–242.
- HT-2004-StottsF #classification #hypermedia
- Language-theoretic classification of hypermedia paths (PDS, RF), pp. 40–41.
- HT-2004-StottsSG #hypermedia #named #video
- FaceSpace: endo- and exo-spatial hypermedia in the transparent video facetop (PDS, JMS, KG), pp. 48–57.
- ASE-2003-HeringtonS #coordination #declarative #framework #named
- DeCo: A Declarative Coordination Framework for Scientific Model Federations (DH, PDS), pp. 60–69.
- ASE-2003-SmithS #automation #design pattern #flexibility #named #source code
- SPQR: Flexible Automated Design Pattern Extraction From Source Code (JMS, PDS), pp. 215–224.
- HT-2002-StottsS #automation #video
- Semi-automated Hyperlink markup for archived video (PDS, JMS), pp. 105–106.
- HT-2000-SmithSK #generative #orthogonal #taxonomy #using #video
- An orthogonal taxonomy for hyperlink anchor generation in video streams using OvalTine (JMS, PDS, SUK), pp. 11–18.
- HT-1997-LaddCS #question #web #what
- The World Wide Web: What Cost Simplicity? (BCL, MVC, PDS), pp. 210–211.
- ISSTA-1996-HughesS #algebra #named #object-oriented #source code #testing
- Daistish: Systematic Algebraic Testing for OO Programs in the Presence of Side-effects (MH, PDS), pp. 53–61.
- CSCW-1994-FurutaS #collaboration #protocol #prototype
- Interpreted Collaboration Protocols and Their Use in Groupware Prototyping (RF, PDS), pp. 121–131.
- HT-ECHT-1992-StottsFR #automaton #verification
- Hyperdocuments as Automata: Trace-Based Browsing Property Verification (PDS, RF, JCR), pp. 272–281.
- HT-1991-StottsF #adaptation #hypermedia
- Dynamic Adaptation of Hypertext Structure (PDS, RF), pp. 219–231.
- ECHT-1990-StottsF #composition #hypermedia #scripting language
- Hierarchy, Composition, Scripting Languages, and Translators for Structured Hypertext (PDS, RF), pp. 180–193.
- HT-1989-FurutaS #programmable #semantics
- Programmable Browsing Semantics in Trellis (RF, PDS), pp. 27–42.
- DL-1995-DewanJSSO #prototype #repository
- Early Prototypes of the Repository for Patterned Injury Data (PD, KJ, JS, PDS, WO).