Travelled to:
1 × Canada
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.Nistor J.Padhye R.Mahajan H.Balakrishnan P.K.Gunda C.A.Thekkath Y.Yu L.Zhuang S.Agarwal I.Obermiller S.Shayandeh
Talks about:
perform (2) applic (2) mobil (2) app (2) understand (1) smartphon (1) timecard (1) datacent (1) problem (1) predict (1)
Person: Lenin Ravindranath
DBLP: Ravindranath:Lenin
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ISSTA-2014-NistorR #developer #named #performance #predict #problem #smarttech
- SunCat: helping developers understand and predict performance problems in smartphone applications (AN, LR), pp. 282–292.
- SOSP-2013-RavindranathPMB #mobile #named
- Timecard: controlling user-perceived delays in server-based mobile applications (LR, JP, RM, HB), pp. 85–100.
- OSDI-2012-RavindranathPAMOS #mobile #monitoring #named #performance
- AppInsight: Mobile App Performance Monitoring in the Wild (LR, JP, SA, RM, IO, SS), pp. 107–120.
- OSDI-2010-GundaRTYZ #automation #named
- Nectar: Automatic Management of Data and Computation in Datacenters (PKG, LR, CAT, YY, LZ), pp. 75–88.