Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × South Korea
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
J.P.Birnholtz J.T.Hancock M.E.Smith V.Schwanda S.Ibara D.Cosley E.Litt E.L.Spottswood M.Matthews J.Snyder J.T.Chien A.Shih J.W.Lee G.Gay S.Gillette J.Marder Z.Miles P.Vodenski A.Weintraub
Talks about:
versus (2) side (2) blackberri (1) represent (1) biosensor (1) facebook (1) unavail (1) student (1) stratif (1) respons (1)
Person: Lindsay Reynolds
DBLP: Reynolds:Lindsay
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- CHI-2015-MatthewsSRCSLG #elicitation #realtime #representation
- Real-Time Representation Versus Response Elicitation in Biosensor Data (MM, JS, LR, JTC, AS, JWL, GG), pp. 605–608.
- CSCW-2014-LittSBHSR #facebook #self
- Awkward encounters of an “other” kind: collective self-presentation and face threat on facebook (EL, ELS, JPB, JTH, MES, LR), pp. 449–460.
- CSCW-2013-ReynoldsSBH
- Butler lies from both sides: actions and perceptions of unavailability management in texting (LR, MES, JPB, JTH), pp. 769–778.
- CHI-2011-SchwandaIRC #persuasion #tool support
- Side effects and “gateway” tools: advocating a broader look at evaluating persuasive systems (VS, SI, LR, DC), pp. 345–348.
- CSCW-2011-ReynoldsGMMVWBH #student
- Contact stratification and deception: blackberry messenger versus SMS use among students (LR, SG, JM, ZM, PV, AW, JPB, JTH), pp. 221–224.