372 papers:
DAC-2015-ChungRPG #energy #memory management- Domain wall memory based digital signal processors for area and energy-efficiency (JC, KR, JP, SG), p. 6.
DAC-2015-HuangFYZL #estimation #multi #performance- Efficient multivariate moment estimation via Bayesian model fusion for analog and mixed-signal circuits (QH, CF, FY, XZ, XL), p. 6.
DAC-2015-LiXGWY #interface- Merging the interface: power, area and accuracy co-optimization for RRAM crossbar-based mixed-signal computing system (BL, LX, PG, YW, HY), p. 6.
DAC-2015-TashjianD #identification #on the #using- On using control signals for word-level identification in a gate-level netlist (ET, AD), p. 6.
DAC-2015-ZaheerWGL #markov #named #performance #process- mTunes: efficient post-silicon tuning of mixed-signal/RF integrated circuits based on Markov decision process (MZ, FW, CG, XL), p. 6.
DATE-2015-CakirM #clustering #correlation #detection #hardware #using- Hardware Trojan detection for gate-level ICs using signal correlation based clustering (BÇ, SM), pp. 471–476.
DATE-2015-DghaisR #empirical #modelling #simulation- Empirical modelling of FDSOI CMOS inverter for signal/power integrity simulation (WD, JR), pp. 1555–1558.
DATE-2015-MuzaffarYSE #power management- A pulsed-index technique for single-channel, low-power, dynamic signaling (SM, JY, AS, IAME), pp. 1485–1490.
DATE-2015-SedighiPHNN- A CNN-inspired mixed signal processor based on tunnel transistors (BS, IP, XSH, JN, MTN), pp. 1150–1155.
DATE-2015-ZhuM #linear #machine learning #optimisation #programming #using- Optimizing dynamic trace signal selection using machine learning and linear programming (CSZ, SM), pp. 1289–1292.
CHI-2015-DamianTBSLA #behaviour #feedback #interactive #realtime #social #using- Augmenting Social Interactions: Realtime Behavioural Feedback using Social Signal Processing Techniques (ID, CSST, TB, JS, KL, EA), pp. 565–574.
CHI-2015-GoelZVP #detection #flexibility #gesture #named #using- Tongue-in-Cheek: Using Wireless Signals to Enable Non-Intrusive and Flexible Facial Gestures Detection (MG, CZ, RV, SNP), pp. 255–258.
CHI-2015-MelvinBON #communication #dependence #product line- The Effect of Signal Expense and Dependability on Family Communication in Rural and Northern Canada (RMM, AB, EO, CN), pp. 717–726.
HCI-DE-2015-Chae #case study- A Study on the Relationships Between Drivers’ Emotions and Brain Signals (SC), pp. 468–476.
ICEIS-v1-2015-Castanon-PugaSG #algorithm #data mining #fuzzy #logic #mining #mobile #using- Hybrid-Intelligent Mobile Indoor Location Using Wi-Fi Signals — Location Method Using Data Mining Algorithms and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems (MCP, ASC, CGP, GLS, MFP, EAT), pp. 609–615.
ECIR-2015-BadacheB #documentation #social- Document Priors Based On Time-Sensitive Social Signals (IB, MB), pp. 617–622.
ECIR-2015-Martinez-Alvarez #information management #named #realtime- Signal: Advanced Real-Time Information Filtering (MMA, UK, WH, MP), pp. 793–796.
SIGIR-2015-BadacheB #quality #social- A Priori Relevance Based On Quality and Diversity Of Social Signals (IB, MB), pp. 731–734.
POPL-2015-BonchiSZ #abstraction #graph- Full Abstraction for Signal Flow Graphs (FB, PS, FZ), pp. 515–526.
ICST-2015-HuuhtanenIL #algebra #algorithm #design #testing- Combining Algebraic and Domain Testing to Design Adequate Test Cases for Signal Processing Algorithms (TH, JI, CL), pp. 1–10.
DAC-2014-LiuCHWXY #3d #design- Design Methodologies for 3D Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits: a Practical 12-bit SAR ADC Design Case (WL, GC, XH, YW, YX, HY), p. 6.
DAC-2014-LiuCW #3d- Floorplanning and Signal Assignment for Silicon Interposer-based 3D ICs (WHL, MSC, TCW), p. 6.
DAC-2014-MukherjeeAL #approximate- Approximate property checking of mixed-signal circuits (PM, CSA, PL), p. 6.
DAC-2014-MukherjeeL- Leveraging pre-silicon data to diagnose out-of-specification failures in mixed-signal circuits (PM, PL), p. 6.
DATE-2014-HeidmannHHWPP #design #modelling- Modeling of an analog recording system design for ECoG and AP signals (NH, NH, TH, TW, DPD, SP), pp. 1–6.
DATE-2014-RadojicicGMP #analysis- Semi-symbolic analysis of mixed-signal systems including discontinuities (CR, CG, JM, XP), pp. 1–4.
STOC-2014-KalaiRR #how #power of #proving- How to delegate computations: the power of no-signaling proofs (YTK, RR, RDR), pp. 485–494.
FLOPS-2014-BarkatiWJ #interpreter #multi #named- Faustine: A Vector Faust Interpreter Test Bed for Multimedia Signal Processing — System Description (KB, HW, PJ), pp. 69–85.
ICFP-2014-Winograd-CortH #first-order #how- Settable and non-interfering signal functions for FRP: how a first-order switch is more than enough (DWC, PH), pp. 213–225.
ICML-c2-2014-EstrachSL- Signal recovery from Pooling Representations (JBE, AS, YL), pp. 307–315.
ICPR-2014-MirowskiHW- Building Optimal Radio-Frequency Signal Maps (PWM, TKH, PW), pp. 978–983.
ICPR-2014-SlitiHBA #analysis #robust #using- A More Robust Mean Shift Tracker Using Joint Monogenic Signal Analysis and Color Histogram (OS, HH, FB, HA), pp. 2453–2458.
ICPR-2014-WernerANWGT #automation #recognition #video- Automatic Pain Recognition from Video and Biomedical Signals (PW, AAH, RN, SW, SG, HCT), pp. 4582–4587.
ICPR-2014-YangD #identification #novel #using- Novel HHT-Based Features for Biometric Identification Using EEG Signals (SY, FD), pp. 1922–1927.
ICPR-2014-ZhaoSJ #classification #markov- Coupled Hidden Markov Model for Electrocorticographic Signal Classification (RZ, GS, QJ), pp. 1858–1862.
KDD-2014-GaddeAO #graph #learning #using- Active semi-supervised learning using sampling theory for graph signals (AG, AA, AO), pp. 492–501.
KDIR-2014-BuijsS #online #social- The Social Score — Determining the Relative Importance of Webpages Based on Online Social Signals (MB, MRS), pp. 71–77.
SIGIR-2014-EugsterRSKBRJK #predict- Predicting term-relevance from brain signals (MJAE, TR, MMAS, IK, OB, NR, GJ, SK), pp. 425–434.
CASE-2013-ChenZS #metric #using- A severity measurement system for obstructive sleep apnea discrimination using a single ECG signal (LC, XZ, CS), pp. 1–6.
CASE-2013-YeWZML #approach #network #optimisation #predict #scalability- A signal split optimization approach based on model predictive control for large-scale urban traffic networks (BLY, WW, XZ, WJM, JL), pp. 904–909.
DAC-2013-CorbalanKTLRN #3d #challenge- Power and signal integrity challenges in 3D systems (MC, AK, TT, DL, RR, MN), p. 4.
DAC-2013-GuCL #estimation #performance #validation- Efficient moment estimation with extremely small sample size via bayesian inference for analog/mixed-signal validation (CG, EC, XL), p. 7.
DAC-2013-Miskov-ZivanovMF #analysis #automation #behaviour #design #network- Dynamic behavior of cell signaling networks: model design and analysis automation (NMZ, DM, JRF), p. 6.
DAC-2013-WangZSLG #modelling #performance #reuse #scalability- Bayesian model fusion: large-scale performance modeling of analog and mixed-signal circuits by reusing early-stage data (FW, WZ, SS, XL, CG), p. 6.
DATE-2013-DoganBCABA #analysis #embedded #execution #multi #power management- Synchronizing code execution on ultra-low-power embedded multi-channel signal analysis platforms (AYD, RB, JC, GA, AB, DA), pp. 396–399.
DATE-2013-GhiribaldiBN #architecture #effectiveness #manycore- A transition-signaling bundled data NoC switch architecture for cost-effective GALS multicore systems (AG, DB, SMN), pp. 332–337.
DATE-2013-JainTG #automation- Automated determination of top level control signals (RKJ, PT, SG), pp. 509–512.
DATE-2013-LiD #approach #debugging #hybrid #performance- A hybrid approach for fast and accurate trace signal selection for post-silicon debug (ML, AD), pp. 485–490.
DATE-2013-ParkQPC #embedded #logic #self- 40.4fJ/bit/mm low-swing on-chip signaling with self-resetting logic repeaters embedded within a mesh NoC in 45nm SOI CMOS (SP, MQ, LSP, APC), pp. 1637–1642.
DATE-2013-PistorHRTSBGMPKSLPP #development- Development of a fully implantable recording system for ECoG signals (JP, JH, DR, ET, TS, DB, VGG, SM, DPD, AKK, MS, WL, KP, SP), pp. 893–898.
DATE-2013-YilmazSWO #analysis #fault #industrial #scalability #simulation- Fault analysis and simulation of large scale industrial mixed-signal circuits (EY, GS, LW, SO), pp. 565–570.
PLDI-2013-HungG #monitoring #named- AutoSynch: an automatic-signal monitor based on predicate tagging (WLH, VKG), pp. 253–262.
CHI-2013-KukkaOKGO #interactive #visual notation #what- What makes you click: exploring visual signals to entice interaction on public displays (HK, HO, VK, JG, TO), pp. 1699–1708.
CHI-2013-LeeC #realtime- Real-time perception-level translation from audio signals to vibrotactile effects (JL, SC), pp. 2567–2576.
CSCW-2013-MarlowD #developer #process- Activity traces and signals in software developer recruitment and hiring (JM, LD), pp. 145–156.
HCI-AS-2013-CharoenpitO #biology #using- A New E-learning System Focusing on Emotional Aspect Using Biological Signals (SC, MO), pp. 343–350.
HCI-AS-2013-TakahashiISUSHO #biology #eye tracking #using- Proposal for Driver Distraction Indexes Using Biological Signals Including Eye Tracking (NT, SI, HS, SU, YS, KH, MO), pp. 647–653.
HCI-III-2013-AnKK #development #interface #usability #using- Development of a Virtual Keyboard System Using a Bio-signal Interface and Preliminary Usability Test (KOA, DHK, JK), pp. 3–9.
HIMI-D-2013-MorodomeSAK #biology #metric #using- Non-contact Measurement of Biological Signals Using Microwave Radar (HM, SS, TA, KK), pp. 117–125.
ICML-c3-2013-YoshiiTMG #infinity- Infinite Positive Semidefinite Tensor Factorization for Source Separation of Mixture Signals (KY, RT, DM, MG), pp. 576–584.
KDD-2013-HarpazDLS #empirical- Empirical bayes model to combine signals of adverse drug reactions (RH, WD, PL, NHS), pp. 1339–1347.
ECMFA-2013-AmbertBLLP #approach #modelling #testing- Applying a Def-Use Approach on Signal Exchange to Implement SysML Model-Based Testing (FA, FB, JL, BL, FP), pp. 134–151.
POPL-2013-SuenagaSH #modelling #standard- Hyperstream processing systems: nonstandard modeling of continuous-time signals (KS, HS, IH), pp. 417–430.
CAV-2013-ClaessenFIPW #model checking #network #reachability #set- Model-Checking Signal Transduction Networks through Decreasing Reachability Sets (KC, JF, SI, NP, QW), pp. 85–100.
ICLP-J-2013-KaminskiSSV #logic #network- Minimal intervention strategies in logical signaling networks with ASP (RK, TS, AS, SV), pp. 675–690.
DAC-2012-SunGR #design #nondeterminism #robust- A new uncertainty budgeting based method for robust analog/mixed-signal design (JS, PG, JMWR), pp. 529–535.
DATE-2012-LiuLC #optimisation- Agglomerative-based flip-flop merging with signal wirelength optimization (SYL, CJL, HMC), pp. 1391–1396.
DATE-2012-NarayananDZT #design #using #verification- Verifying jitter in an analog and mixed signal design using dynamic time warping (RN, AD, MHZ, ST), pp. 1413–1416.
DATE-2012-SchoenmakerMSBTJ #scalability #simulation- Large signal simulation of integrated inductors on semi-conducting substrates (WS, MM, BDS, SB, CT, RJ), pp. 1221–1226.
DATE-2012-ShoaibJV- Enabling advanced inference on sensor nodes through direct use of compressively-sensed signals (MS, NKJ, NV), pp. 437–442.
SEFM-2012-ZhaoZZH #calculus- A Denotational Model for Instantaneous Signal Calculus (YZ, LZ, HZ, JH), pp. 126–140.
CSCW-2012-Gilbert- Phrases that signal workplace hierarchy (EG), pp. 1037–1046.
ICPR-2012-FengLSPZG #monitoring #robust #statistics- Artifact correction with robust statistics for non-stationary intracranial pressure signal monitoring (MF, LYL, KS, CP, FZ, CG), pp. 557–560.
ICPR-2012-LiuXFLMK #classification #modelling #multi #statistics- Statistical modeling and signal selection in multivariate time series pattern classification (RL, SX, CF, YwL, YLM, DSK), pp. 2853–2856.
ICPR-2012-Lotte #classification- A new feature and associated optimal spatial filter for EEG signal classification: Waveform Length (FL), pp. 1302–1305.
ICPR-2012-PitchayK #multi- Multi-task signal recovery by higher level hyper-parameter sharing (SAP, AK), pp. 2246–2249.
ICPR-2012-SakaiKMK #detection #robust- Robust detection of adventitious lung sounds in electronic auscultation signals (TS, MK, SM, SK), pp. 1993–1996.
ICPR-2012-UddinCKS #using- Accurate genomic signal recovery using compressed sensing (BU, MEC, HAK, GS), pp. 3144–3147.
ICPR-2012-YangGAZW #classification #clustering #query- Iterative clustering and support vectors-based high-confidence query selection for motor imagery EEG signals classification (HY, CG, KKA, HZ, CW), pp. 2169–2172.
ICPR-2012-YoonFW #generative- Bayesian separation of wind power generation signals (JWY, FF, MW), pp. 2660–2663.
KDD-2012-Douglas #modelling #multi #predict- Leveraging predictive modeling to reduce signal theft in a multi-service organization environment (SD), p. 1004.
MLDM-2012-Ba-KaraitSS #classification #hybrid #optimisation #using- EEG Signals Classification Using a Hybrid Method Based on Negative Selection and Particle Swarm Optimization (NOSBK, SMS, RS), pp. 427–438.
CASE-2011-AranovskiyBB #identification #metric- The method of identification for the “motor-dual-section device” system through output signal measurements (SA, AAB, VB), pp. 346–350.
DAC-2011-YounKH #analysis #convergence- Global convergence analysis of mixed-signal systems (SY, JK, MH), pp. 498–503.
DATE-2011-BalasubramanianSMNDKMPPVT #low cost #power management #robust- Circuit and DFT techniques for robust and low cost qualification of a mixed-signal SoC with integrated power management system (LB, PS, RKM, PN, RKD, ADK, SM, SP, HP, RCV, ST), pp. 551–554.
DATE-2011-BeserraMSC #modelling #network- System-level modeling of a mixed-signal System on Chip for Wireless Sensor Networks (GSB, JEGdM, AMS, JCdC), pp. 1500–1504.
DATE-2011-GilaniKS #memory management #optimisation- Scratchpad memory optimizations for digital signal processing applications (SZG, NSK, MJS), pp. 974–979.
DATE-2011-HashempourDTKHBX #fault #industrial #reduction #testing- Test time reduction in analogue/mixed-signal devices by defect oriented testing: An industrial example (HH, JD, BT, BK, CH, MvB, YX), pp. 371–376.
DATE-2011-KeezerG #synthesis- Two methods for 24 Gbps test signal synthesis (DCK, CEG), pp. 579–582.
DATE-2011-LiuX #debugging #multi #on the- On multiplexed signal tracing for post-silicon debug (XL, QX), pp. 685–690.
DATE-2011-ShanbhagS #design- System-assisted analog mixed-signal design (NRS, ACS), pp. 1491–1496.
HCD-2011-KwakSM #communication #interactive #prototype- Study of Honest Signal: Bringing Unconscious Channel of Communication into Awareness through Interactive Prototype (YK, TS, JM), pp. 529–536.
HCI-MIIE-2011-RattanyuM #biology #recognition #using- Emotion Recognition Using Biological Signal in Intelligent Space (KR, MM), pp. 586–592.
IDGD-2011-YuSZ #analysis- Driving Distraction Analysis by ECG Signals: An Entropy Analysis (LY, XS, KZ), pp. 258–264.
LCTES-2011-GamatieG #design #embedded #multi #performance #source code #static analysis- Static analysis of synchronous programs in signal for efficient design of multi-clocked embedded systems (AG, LG), pp. 71–80.
ICTSS-2011-FrehseLMN #aspect-oriented #monitoring #testing- Monitoring Dynamical Signals While Testing Timed Aspects of a System (GF, KGL, MM, BN), pp. 115–130.
CASE-2010-LeBSK #modelling #realtime #towards #using- Towards virtual instruments for cardiovascular healthcare: Real-time modeling of cardiovascular dynamics using ECG signals (TQL, STSB, AS, RK), pp. 903–910.
DAC-2010-LimKH #functional #generative #modelling #performance- An efficient test vector generation for checking analog/mixed-signal functional models (BL, JK, MAH), pp. 767–772.
DATE-2010-MaricauG #complexity #reliability #simulation #variability- Variability-aware reliability simulation of mixed-signal ICs with quasi-linear complexity (EM, GGEG), pp. 1094–1099.
DATE-2010-TajalliL #design #framework #power management #using- Ultra-low power mixed-signal design platform using subthreshold source-coupled circuits (AT, YL), pp. 711–716.
DATE-2010-WeerasekeraGPT #3d #on the- On signalling over Through-Silicon Via (TSV) interconnects in 3-D Integrated Circuits (RW, MG, DP, HT), pp. 1325–1328.
ICALP-v1-2010-Ito #approximate #proving- Polynomial-Space Approximation of No-Signaling Provers (TI), pp. 140–151.
IFL-2010-AxelssonCSSEP #design #embedded #implementation- The Design and Implementation of Feldspar — An Embedded Language for Digital Signal Processing (EA, KC, MS, JS, DE, AP), pp. 121–136.
CSCW-2010-CollierH #multi #peer-to-peer- Sending mixed signals: multilevel reputation effects in peer-to-peer lending markets (BCC, RH), pp. 197–206.
ICPR-2010-AngGLLNC #human-computer #interface- A Brain-Computer Interface for Mental Arithmetic Task from Single-Trial Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Brain Signals (KKA, CG, KL, JQL, SN, BC), pp. 3764–3767.
ICPR-2010-BaradaraniMW #design #image #on the- On the Design of a Class of Odd-Length Biorthogonal Wavelet Filter Banks for Signal and Image Processing (AB, PM, QMJW), pp. 2282–2285.
ICPR-2010-JiangZWZ- Distinguishing Patients with Gastritis and Cholecystitis from the Healthy by Analyzing Wrist Radial Arterial Doppler Blood Flow Signals (XJ, DZ, KW, WZ), pp. 2492–2495.
ICPR-2010-KanetoNB #estimation #realtime #using- Real-Time User Position Estimation in Indoor Environments Using Digital Watermarking for Audio Signals (RK, YN, NB), pp. 97–100.
ICPR-2010-LiP10a #analysis #classification #monitoring #realtime- Human State Classification and Predication for Critical Care Monitoring by Real-Time Bio-signal Analysis (XL, FP), pp. 2460–2463.
ICPR-2010-Panagiotakis #modelling #principle #segmentation- Simultaneous Segmentation and Modelling of Signals Based on an Equipartition Principle (CP), pp. 85–88.
ICPR-2010-SaeidiMKTCJF #identification #independence #speech- Signal-to-Signal Ratio Independent Speaker Identification for Co-channel Speech Signals (RS, PM, TK, ZHT, MGC, SHJ, PF), pp. 4565–4568.
ICPR-2010-TumaIP #classification #kernel #set #using- Hydroacoustic Signal Classification Using Kernel Functions for Variable Feature Sets (MT, CI, MP), pp. 1011–1014.
ICPR-2010-WangJMS #process #using- Decoding Finger Flexion from Electrocorticographic Signals Using a Sparse Gaussian Process (ZW, QJ, KJM, GS), pp. 3756–3759.
ICPR-2010-ZhouNW #approach #detection #novel- A Novel Approach to Detect Ship-Radiated Signal Based on HMT (YZ, ZN, CW), pp. 4601–4604.
SIGIR-2010-LiuLGB #behaviour #detection- Can search systems detect users’ task difficulty?: some behavioral signals (JL, CL, JG, NJB), pp. 845–846.
SAC-2010-Kuzume #using- Input device for disabled persons using expiration and tooth-touch sound signals (KK), pp. 1159–1164.
SAC-2010-OliveiraGGD #case study #detection #experience- Experiences in reading detection with EEG signals (IO, OG, NG, CD), pp. 1236–1237.
ICST-2010-GrassoFFBB #abstract interpretation #modelling #testing- Model Based Testing and Abstract Interpretation in the Railway Signaling Context (DG, AF, AF, CB, SB), pp. 103–106.
DAC-2009-KimRH #analysis #probability- Stochastic steady-state and AC analyses of mixed-signal systems (JK, JR, MAH), pp. 376–381.
DAC-2009-LiuX #design #validation- Interconnection fabric design for tracing signals in post-silicon validation (XL, QX), pp. 352–357.
DAC-2009-YingKKGGOTW #how #question- Guess, solder, measure, repeat: how do I get my mixed-signal chip right? (GY, AK, KSK, GGEG, EG, MO, ST, WW), pp. 520–521.
DATE-2009-KirchnerBG #simulation #using- Analogue mixed signal simulation using spice and SystemC (TK, NB, CG), pp. 284–287.
DATE-2009-LeeKHBJFL #3d #co-evolution #design #network- Co-design of signal, power, and thermal distribution networks for 3D ICs (YJL, YJK, GH, MSB, YKJ, AGF, SKL), pp. 610–615.
DATE-2009-LiuX #validation- Trace signal selection for visibility enhancement in post-silicon validation (XL, QX), pp. 1338–1343.
DATE-2009-MullerWJSM #approach #linear #modelling #testing- An approach to linear model-based testing for nonlinear cascaded mixed-signal systems (RM, CW, HJJ, SS, HM), pp. 1662–1667.
CHI-2009-ShamiEGH- Making sense of strangers’ expertise from signals in digital artifacts (NSS, KE, GG, JTH), pp. 69–78.
HCI-NT-2009-GaoBA #assessment #monitoring- Monitoring and Processing of the Pupil Diameter Signal for Affective Assessment of a Computer User (YG, AB, MA), pp. 49–58.
HIMI-II-2009-NakataniSSN #case study #design #guidelines #interface- A Study of Auditory Warning Signals for the Design Guidelines of Man-Machine Interfaces (MN, DS, NS, SN), pp. 826–834.
SIGAda-2009-Gardinier #ada #development #open source #safety- Open source development of a safety critical dual redundant (Ada95/C++) signal control program environment (SCOPE) (MG), pp. 23–30.
CIKM-2009-ArampatzisK #approach #normalisation- A signal-to-noise approach to score normalization (AA, JK), pp. 797–806.
SIGIR-2009-ArapakisKJK #modelling #predict #topic- Modeling facial expressions and peripheral physiological signals to predict topical relevance (IA, IK, JMJ, IK), pp. 728–729.
SAC-2009-YangSKY #collaboration #modelling #online #trust- Defending online reputation systems against collaborative unfair raters through signal modeling and trust (YY, YLS, SK, QY), pp. 1308–1315.
CAV-2009-Kim #performance #verification- Mixed-Signal System Verification: A High-Speed Link Example (JK), p. 16.
LICS-2009-BertrandGG #decidability #game studies #probability- Qualitative Determinacy and Decidability of Stochastic Games with Signals (NB, BG, HG), pp. 319–328.
CASE-2008-AsarUAH #generative #network- Traffic responsive signal timing plan generation based on neural network (AuA, MSU, JA, RuH), pp. 833–838.
DAC-2008-GinsburgC #energy #parallel- The mixed signal optimum energy point: voltage and parallelism (BPG, APC), pp. 244–249.
DAC-2008-LiL #modelling #performance #statistics- Statistical regression for efficient high-dimensional modeling of analog and mixed-signal performance variations (XL, HL), pp. 38–43.
DATE-2008-GoelV #analysis #standard- Current source based standard cell model for accurate signal integrity and timing analysis (AG, SBKV), pp. 574–579.
DATE-2008-KeezerMD #injection #multi- Variable Delay of Multi-Gigahertz Digital Signals for Deskew and Jitter-Injection Test Applications (DCK, DM, PD), pp. 1486–1491.
DATE-2008-KoN #automation #identification #validation- Automated Trace Signals Identification and State Restoration for Improving Observability in Post-Silicon Validation (HFK, NN), pp. 1298–1303.
DATE-2008-Liu #analysis #probability #statistics- Signal Probability Based Statistical Timing Analysis (BL), pp. 562–567.
DATE-2008-NuzzoNSFP #design- Mixed-Signal Design Space Exploration of Time-Interleaved A/D Converters for Ultra-Wide Band Applications (PN, CN, SS, LF, GVdP), pp. 1390–1393.
DATE-2008-SahaSPBW #framework #implementation #message passing #parallel- An Optimized Message Passing Framework for Parallel Implementation of Signal Processing Applications (SS, JS, SP, SSB, WW), pp. 1220–1225.
CHI-2008-Kaneko #detection- Detecting the direction of listening with the emg signals measured behind ears (NK), pp. 535–538.
ICEIS-AIDSS-2008-LangloisM #music #similarity- A Similarity Measure for Music Signals (TL, GM), pp. 308–312.
ICPR-2008-HulkkonenH #detection #monitoring- A minimum description length principle based method for signal change detection in machine condition monitoring (JJH, JVH), pp. 1–4.
ICPR-2008-WongCF #adaptation #image #using- Phase-adaptive image signal fusion using complex-valued wavelets (AW, DAC, PWF), pp. 1–4.
MoDELS-2008-SvendsenOEMCAH #future of- The Future of Train Signaling (AS, GKO, JE, TM, EC, KJA, ØH), pp. 128–142.
MoDELS-2008-SvendsenOEMCAH #future of- The Future of Train Signaling (AS, GKO, JE, TM, EC, KJA, ØH), pp. 128–142.
SAC-2008-AgulhariSB #using- Compressing electrocardiogram signals using parameterized wavelets (CMA, RMRS, ISB), pp. 1348–1352.
SAC-2008-AmatoCCMTVGLGM #analysis #detection- A web-based system for the collection and analysis of spectra signals for early detection of voice alterations (FA, MC, CC, FM, GT, PV, AG, NL, SG, CM), pp. 1405–1409.
VMCAI-2008-DanosFFK #abstract interpretation #network- Abstract Interpretation of Cellular Signalling Networks (VD, JF, WF, JK), pp. 83–97.
DAC-2007-XuZC #architecture #fault #optimisation- SOC Test Architecture Optimization for Signal Integrity Faults on Core-External Interconnects (QX, YZ, KC), pp. 676–681.
DATE-2007-Al-SammaneZT #design #verification- A symbolic methodology for the verification of analog and mixed signal designs (GAS, MHZ, ST), pp. 249–254.
DATE-2007-BaguenaLBDOBH #development #flexibility #generative- Development of on board, highly flexible, Galileo signal generator ASIC (LB, EL, AB, JMD, CO, PB, VH), pp. 679–683.
DATE-2007-CrepaldiCGZ #design #effectiveness #top-down- An effective AMS top-down methodology applied to the design of a mixed-signal UWB system-on-chip (MC, MRC, MG, MZ), pp. 1424–1429.
DATE-2007-EeckelaertSGSS #performance #synthesis- An efficient methodology for hierarchical synthesis of mixed-signal systems with fully integrated building block topology selection (TE, RS, GGEG, MS, WMCS), pp. 81–86.
DATE-2007-SchamannHLB #algorithm #architecture #case study #design #power management- Low power design on algorithmic and architectural level: a case study of an HSDPA baseband digital signal processing system (MS, SH, UL, MB), pp. 1406–1411.
DATE-2007-WittmannVWNKFM #question- Life begins at 65: unless you are mixed signal? (RW, MV, HJW, NN, JK, JEdF, CM), pp. 936–941.
DATE-2007-ZhuLB #memory management #multi- Mapping multi-dimensional signals into hierarchical memory organizations (HZ, IIL, FB), pp. 385–390.
DATE-2007-ZjajoAG #interactive #monitoring #parametricity #process- Interactive presentation: BIST method for die-level process parameter variation monitoring in analog/mixed-signal integrated circuits (AZ, MJBA, JPdG), pp. 1301–1306.
STOC-2007-Holenstein #parallel- Parallel repetition: simplifications and the no-signaling case (TH), pp. 411–419.
CHI-2007-LampeES #network #online #social- A familiar face(book): profile elements as signals in an online social network (CL, NBE, CS), pp. 435–444.
DHM-2007-ZhangDC #composition #pattern matching #pattern recognition #process #recognition- Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition of EEG Signal for Pattern Recognition of Complicated Hand Activities (XZ, WD, ZC), pp. 294–303.
HCI-IPT-2007-ChoMSJC #design #evaluation- Design and Evaluation of Textile-Based Signal Transmission Lines and Keypads for Smart Wear (JC, JM, MS, KJ, GC), pp. 1078–1085.
HCI-IPT-2007-DzwiarekLNRS #artificial reality #assessment #using #visual notation- Assessment of Perception of Visual Warning Signals Generated Using an Augmented Reality System (MD, AL, AN, CR, TS), pp. 579–586.
SIGAda-2007-PukiteL #design #logic #simulation #using- Generic discrete event simulations using DEGAS: application to logic design and digital signal processing (PP, LL), pp. 27–40.
ICEIS-J-2007-ArjunanWKNY #recognition #using- Recognition of Human Voice Utterances from Facial Surface EMG without Using Audio Signals (SPA, HW, DKK, GRN, WCY), pp. 366–378.
ECIR-2007-DalmauF #approach #clustering- Experimental Results of the Signal Processing Approach to Distributional Clustering of Terms on Reuters-21578 Collection (MCD, ÓWMF), pp. 678–681.
SIGIR-2007-HuffmanLSWYR #detection #evaluation #multi- Multiple-signal duplicate detection for search evaluation (SBH, ARL, APS, HWT, FY, HR), pp. 223–230.
CC-2007-ChoAUP #effectiveness #multi #preprocessor #scheduling- Preprocessing Strategy for Effective Modulo Scheduling on Multi-issue Digital Signal Processors (DC, RA, GRU, YP), pp. 16–31.
CASE-2006-Shi0 #detection- Signal Detecting Based on Instantaneous Virtual Power (WS, JL), pp. 270–273.
DAC-2006-AmirtharajahWCSZ #energy- Circuits for energy harvesting sensor signal processing (RA, JW, JC, JS, BZ), pp. 639–644.
DAC-2006-BerezaTWKP #named- PELE: pre-emphasis & equalization link estimator to address the effects of signal integrity limitations (WB, YT, SW, TAK, RHP), pp. 1013–1016.
DAC-2006-MandrekarBSES #analysis- System level signal and power integrity analysis methodology for system-in-package applications (RM, KB, KS, EE, MS), pp. 1009–1012.
DATE-2006-BuhlerKBHSSPR #design #process- DFM/DFY design for manufacturability and yield — influence of process variations in digital, analog and mixed-signal circuit design (MB, JK, JB, JH, US, RS, MP, AR), pp. 387–392.
DATE-2006-Heighton #design- Designing signal processing systems for FPGAs (JH), p. 92.
DATE-2006-MartensE #synthesis #top-down- Top-down heterogeneous synthesis of analog and mixed-signal systems (EM, GGEG), pp. 275–280.
DATE-2006-SoffkeZMG #analysis #approach #combinator #statistics- A signal theory based approach to the statistical analysis of combinatorial nanoelectronic circuits (OS, PZ, TM, MG), pp. 632–637.
DATE-2006-SundaresanM #energy #optimisation- Value-based bit ordering for energy optimization of on-chip global signal buses (KS, NRM), pp. 624–625.
DATE-DF-2006-BonfiniCMP #verification- A mixed-signal verification kit for verification of analogue-digital circuits (GB, MC, RM, EP), pp. 88–93.
DATE-DF-2006-Daglio #design #embedded #verification- A complete and fully qualified design flow for verification of mixed-signal SoC with embedded flash memories (PD), pp. 94–99.
DATE-DF-2006-SaponaraT #design- Mixed-signal design of a digital input power amplifier for automotive audio applications (SS, PT), pp. 212–216.
DRR-2006-ChenS #2d #recognition #verification- Combining one- and two-dimensional signal recognition approaches to off-line signature verification (SC, SNS).
ICSM-2006-KuhnG- Exploiting the Analogy Between Traces and Signal Processing (AK, OG), pp. 320–329.
FM-2006-BacheriniFTZ #formal method- A Story About Formal Methods Adoption by a Railway Signaling Manufacturer (SB, AF, MT, NZ), pp. 179–189.
CHI-2006-LiuD #named #social- Urbanhermes: social signaling with electronic fashion (CML, JSD), pp. 885–888.
ICPR-v1-2006-ZhangG #human-computer #interface #kernel #locality- A Kernel-based Signal Localization Method for NIRS Brain-computer Interfaces (HZ, CG), pp. 1158–1161.
ICPR-v2-2006-XuWH #algorithm #learning- A maximum margin discriminative learning algorithm for temporal signals (WX, JW, ZH), pp. 460–463.
ICPR-v3-2006-HenriquesBGCA- Searching for Similarities in Nearly Periodic Signals With Application to ECG Data Compression (JH, MB, PG, PC, MA), pp. 942–945.
ICPR-v3-2006-LenzS- Lie Methods in Color Signal Processing: Illumination Effects (RL, MS), pp. 738–741.
ICPR-v4-2006-LiaoS #classification- Classification of Audio Signals in All-Night Sleep Studies (WHL, YSS), pp. 302–305.
ICPR-v4-2006-MellakhPD #using- Using Signal/Residual Information of Eigenfaces for PCA Face Space Dimensionality Characteristics (MAM, DPD, BD), pp. 574–577.
ECOOP-2006-McDirmidH #component #named #object-oriented #programming- SuperGlue: Component Programming with Object-Oriented Signals (SM, WCH), pp. 206–229.
DAC-2005-BernardinisNV #design- Mixed signal design space exploration through analog platforms (FDB, PN, ALSV), pp. 875–880.
DATE-2005-NoguchiN #monitoring #multi- On-Chip Multi-Channel Waveform Monitoring for Diagnostics of Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits (KN, MN), pp. 146–151.
DATE-2005-SehgalLOC #testing- Test Planning for Mixed-Signal SOCs with Wrapped Analog Cores (AS, FL, SO, KC), pp. 50–55.
DATE-2005-TangWD #complexity #power management #synthesis- MINLP Based Topology Synthesis for Delta Sigma Modulators Optimized for Signal Path Complexity, Sensitivity and Power Consumption (HT, YW, AD), pp. 264–269.
DATE-2005-ZuberWOSH #optimisation #power management #reduction- Reduction of CMOS Power Consumption and Signal Integrity Issues by Routing Optimization (PZ, AW, RMBdO, WS, AH), pp. 986–987.
PLDI-2005-FranchettiVP- Formal loop merging for signal transforms (FF, YV, MP), pp. 315–326.
ICALP-2005-LiDIY #problem #verification- Signaling P Systems and Verification Problems (CL, ZD, OHI, HCY), pp. 1462–1473.
SAC-2005-FaederBH #network #representation #rule-based #visual notation- Graphical rule-based representation of signal-transduction networks (JRF, MLB, WSH), pp. 133–140.
SAC-2005-HsiehCLT #detection #named #predict #sequence- EXONSCAN: EXON prediction with Signal detection and Coding region AligNment in homologous sequences (SJH, YSC, CYL, CYT), pp. 202–203.
DAC-2004-JerkeLS #design #layout- Reliability-driven layout decompaction for electromigration failure avoidance in complex mixed-signal IC designs (GJ, JL, JS), pp. 181–184.
DAC-2004-KogelM #energy- Heterogeneous MP-SoC: the solution to energy-efficient signal processing (TK, HM), pp. 686–691.
DAC-2004-LeeZB #analysis #using- Static timing analysis using backward signal propagation (DL, VZ, DB), pp. 664–669.
DAC-2004-ShiB #automation #communication #data type #fixpoint #optimisation- Automated fixed-point data-type optimization tool for signal processing and communication systems (CS, RWB), pp. 478–483.
DATE-DF-2004-JuniorC #design #low cost #statistics- Highly Digital, Low-Cost Design of Statistic Signal Acquisition in SoCs (AAdSJ, LC), pp. 10–15.
DATE-DF-2004-RenWBLLD #design- A Domain-Specific Cell Based ASIC Design Methodology for Digital Signal Processing Applications (BR, AW, JB, KL, WL, WWMD), pp. 280–285.
DATE-v1-2004-GrimmHW #refinement- Refinement of Mixed-Signal Systems with Affine Arithmetic (CG, WH, KW), pp. 372–377.
DATE-v1-2004-LeveugleA #fault #injection- Early SEU Fault Injection in Digital, Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits: A Global Flow (RL, AA), pp. 590–595.
DATE-v1-2004-MartensG #architecture #design- A Phase-Frequency Transfer Description of Analog and Mixed-Signal Front-End Architectures for System-Level Design (EM, GGEG), pp. 436–441.
DATE-v1-2004-NegreirosCS #low cost #testing- Low Cost Analog Testing of RF Signal Paths (MN, LC, AAS), pp. 292–297.
DATE-v1-2004-OngHCW #multi #random- Random Jitter Extraction Technique in a Multi-Gigahertz Signal (CKO, DH, KTC, LCW), pp. 286–291.
DATE-v1-2004-RolindezMPB #generative #implementation- A 0.18 µm CMOS Implementation of On-chip Analogue Test Signal Generation from Digital Test Patterns (LR, SM, GP, AB), pp. 706–707.
DATE-v1-2004-VazquezLHRH #parametricity #self- A Method for Parameter Extraction of Analog Sine-Wave Signals for Mixed-Signal Built-In-Self-Test Applications (DV, GL, GH, AR, JLH), pp. 298–305.
DATE-v1-2004-Velev #performance #verification- Exploiting Signal Unobservability for Efficient Translation to CNF in Formal Verification of Microprocessors (MNV), pp. 266–271.
DATE-v2-2004-HuangCHTHH #analysis #fault #probability- Intermittent Scan Chain Fault Diagnosis Based on Signal Probability Analysis (YH, WTC, CJH, HYT, AH, YTH), pp. 1072–1077.
DATE-v2-2004-KahngMR #named- Boosting: Min-Cut Placement with Improved Signal Delay (ABK, ILM, SR), pp. 1098–1103.
DATE-v2-2004-LanD #analysis #modelling #synthesis- Synthesized Compact Models (SCM) of Substrate Noise Coupling Analysis and Synthesis in Mixed-Signal ICs (HL, RWD), pp. 836–843.
DATE-v2-2004-VazquezG #fault #monitoring #power management- Power Supply Noise Monitor for Signal Integrity Faults (JRV, JPdG), pp. 1406–1407.
DATE-v2-2004-XiongH #multi- Full-Chip Multilevel Routing for Power and Signal Integrity (JX, LH), pp. 1116–1123.
ICEIS-v4-2004-RodriguezDGI #architecture #monitoring #online #performance- A Wireless Application That Monitors ECG Signals On-Line: Architecture and Performance (JR, LD, AG, AI), pp. 138–145.
ECIR-2004-BelkhatirMC #automation #concept #image #multi #retrieval- Integrating Perceptual Signal Features within a Multi-facetted Conceptual Model for Automatic Image Retrieval (MB, PM, YC), pp. 267–282.
ICPR-v1-2004-LoogG #detection #probability- Static Posterior Probability Fusion for Signal Detection: Applications in the Detection of Interstitial Diseases in Chest Radiographs (ML, BvG), pp. 644–647.
ICPR-v2-2004-IkedaIA #optimisation- Sensor Fusion as Optimization: Maximizing Mutual Information between Sensory Signals (TI, HI, MA), pp. 501–504.
ICPR-v2-2004-XuGSRTW #classification- High Accuracy Classification of EEG Signal (WX, CG, CES, SR, MT, JW), pp. 391–394.
ICPR-v3-2004-DavidL #search-based #using- Signal Discrimination Using a Support Vector Machine for Genetic Syndrome Diagnosis (AD, BL), pp. 490–493.
ICPR-v3-2004-NovakLCMAHA #analysis #markov #modelling #using- Morphology Analysis of Physiological Signals Using Hidden Markov Models (DN, LL, DCF, PM, TAA, YH, MA), pp. 754–757.
ICPR-v4-2004-ShettyR #classification #detection #modelling- An Undecimated Wavelet Transform Based Denoising, PPCA Based Pulse Modeling and Detection-Classification of PD Signals (PKS, TSR), pp. 873–876.
KDD-2004-DasMS- Belief state approaches to signaling alarms in surveillance systems (KD, AWM, JGS), pp. 539–544.
DAC-2003-BorgattiCSFILMPPR #configuration management #embedded #memory management #multi- A reconfigurable signal processing IC with embedded FPGA and multi-port flash memory (MB, LC, GDS, BF, DI, FL, GM, MP, MP, PLR), pp. 691–695.
DAC-2003-CarlettaVKF #fixpoint- Determining appropriate precisions for signals in fixed-point IIR filters (JC, RJV, FWK, ZF), pp. 656–661.
DAC-2003-KiranJRN #behaviour #communication #complexity #effectiveness #modelling- A complexity effective communication model for behavioral modeling of signal processing applications (MNVSK, MNJ, PR, SKN), pp. 412–415.
DAC-2003-LuWCMH #case study #correlation #industrial- A signal correlation guided ATPG solver and its applications for solving difficult industrial cases (FL, LCW, KTC, JM, ZH), pp. 436–441.
DAC-2003-RutenbarHJKMRS- Mixed signals on mixed-signal: the right next technology (RAR, DLH, KJ, PK, THYM, RR, JS), pp. 278–279.
DAC-2003-SengerMMGKGB- A 16-bit mixed-signal microsystem with integrated CMOS-MEMS clock reference (RMS, EDM, MSM, FHG, KLK, MRG, RBB), pp. 520–525.
DATE-2003-AhmedTN #testing- Extending JTAG for Testing Signal Integrity in SoCs (NA, MHT, MN), pp. 10218–10223.
DATE-2003-CorsiMM #approach #classification #pseudo #random testing #testing- An Approach to the Classification of Mixed-Signal Circuits in a Pseudorandom Testing Scheme (FC, CM, GM), pp. 11178–11179.
DATE-2003-DaglioR #bottom-up #design #top-down- A Fully Qualified Top-Down and Bottom-Up Mixed-Signal Design Flow for Non Volatile Memories Technologies (PD, CR), pp. 20274–20279.
DATE-2003-GouraryRUZM #analysis #simulation- A New Simulation Technique for Periodic Small-Signal Analysis (MMG, SGR, SLU, MMZ, BJM), pp. 10244–10249.
DATE-2003-GrimmMHW #refinement- Refinement of Mixed-Signal Systems with SystemC (CG, CM, WH, KW), pp. 11170–11171.
DATE-2003-HelmschmidtSRRMB #configuration management- Reconfigurable Signal Processing in Wireless Terminals (JH, ES, PR, SR, SdM, RB), pp. 20244–20249.
DATE-2003-LuWCH #correlation #learning #satisfiability- A Circuit SAT Solver With Signal Correlation Guided Learning (FL, LCW, KTC, RCYH), pp. 10892–10897.
DATE-2003-LvHLW #encoding- Enhancing Signal Integrity through a Low-Overhead Encoding Scheme on Address Buses (TL, JH, HL, WW), pp. 10542–10549.
DATE-2003-StolbergBFMFMKKP #architecture #manycore #named- HiBRID-SoC: A Multi-Core System-on-Chip Architecture for Multimedia Signal Processing Applications (HJS, MB, LF, SM, SF, XM, MBK, HK, PP), pp. 20008–20013.
DAC-2002-AttarhaN #analysis #fault #modelling #using- Signal integrity fault analysis using reduced-order modeling (AA, MN), pp. 367–370.
DAC-2002-ChenMB #configuration management #generative- A reconfigurable FPGA-based readback signal generator for hard-drive read channel simulator (JC, JM, KB), pp. 349–354.
DAC-2002-KoukabDD #analysis #named #performance- HSpeedEx: a high-speed extractor for substrate noise analysis in complex mixed signal SOC (AK, CD, MJD), pp. 767–770.
DAC-2002-Shanbhag #energy #reliability- Reliable and energy-efficient digital signal processing (NRS), pp. 830–835.
DAC-2002-SuHSN #network- Congestion-driven codesign of power and signal networks (HS, JH, SSS, SRN), pp. 64–69.
DATE-2002-BrandtnerW #network #power management #simulation- Hierarchical Simulation of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal ICs Considering the Power Supply Network (TB, RW), pp. 1028–1032.
DATE-2002-GinesPRSM #behaviour #design #modelling #parametricity #reuse- A Mixed-Signal Design Reuse Methodology Based on Parametric Behavioural Models with Non-Ideal Effects (AJG, EJP, AR, RS, NMM), pp. 310–314.
DATE-2002-GorenZGGLASW #approach #design- An Interconnect-Aware Methodology for Analog and Mixed Signal Design, Based on High Bandwidth (Over 40 Ghz) On-Chip Transmission Line Approach (DG, MZ, TCG, RG, BL, AA, AS, IAW), pp. 804–811.
DATE-2002-Hoffmann #design #generative #testing- A New Design Flow and Testability Measure for the Generation of a Structural Test and BIST for Analogue and Mixed-Signal Circuits (CH), pp. 197–204.
DATE-2002-LechugaMMB #detection #fault- Built-In Dynamic Current Sensor for Hard-to-Detect Faults in Mixed-Signal Ics (YL, RM, MM, SB), pp. 205–211.
DATE-2002-SommerRHGMMECSN #design #layout #specification #top-down- From System Specification To Layout: Seamless Top-Down Design Methods for Analog and Mixed-Signal Applications (RS, IRH, EH, UG, PM, FM, KE, CC, PS, GN), pp. 884–891.
FME-2002-HuberK #model checking #towards- Towards an Integrated Model Checker for Railway Signalling Data (MH, SK), pp. 204–223.
ICPR-v1-2002-Baggenstoss #classification- The Chain-Rule Processor: Optimal Classification Through Signal Processing (PMB), pp. 230–234.
ICPR-v2-2002-Chen- Signal Processing for Preserving the Environment (CHC), p. 523.
ICPR-v3-2002-Cuesta-FrauPAN #case study #clustering #comparative #feature model- Feature Extraction Methods Applied to the Clustering of Electrocardiographic Signals. A Comparative Study (DCF, JCPC, GAG, DN), pp. 961–964.
ICPR-v3-2002-Kitamoto #analysis #component- Fractional Component Analysis (FCA) for Mixed Signals (AK), pp. 383–386.
ISSTA-2002-MoorsVTZB #automation #case study #experience #testing- Experiences in automating the testing of SS7 signalling transfer points (TM, MV, ZT, XZ, RB), pp. 154–158.
DAC-2001-KjeldsbergCA #data-driven #detection #estimation- Detection of Partially Simultaneously Alive Signals in Storage Requirement Estimation for Data Intensive Applications (PGK, FC, EJA), pp. 365–370.
DAC-2001-MassoudKMW #analysis #difference #induction #modelling- Modeling and Analysis of Differential Signaling for Minimizing Inductive Cross-Talk (YM, JK, DM, JW), pp. 804–809.
DAC-2001-NouraniA #self- Built-In Self-Test for Signal Integrity (MN, AA), pp. 792–797.
DAC-2001-UdayanarayananC #code generation- Address Code Generation for Digital Signal Processors (SU, CC), pp. 353–358.
DAC-2001-YuYW #representation #synthesis #using- Signal Representation Guided Synthesis Using Carry-Save Adders For Synchronous Data-path Circuits (ZY, MLY, ANWJ), pp. 456–461.
DATE-2001-Castro-LopezFDR- Retargeting of mixed-signal blocks for SoCs (RCL, FVF, MDR, ÁRV), pp. 772–775.
DATE-2001-Chen #grid #on the #power management- On the impact of on-chip inductance on signal nets under the influence of power grid noise (TC), pp. 451–459.
DATE-2001-GielenSCMR #challenge #design- Design challenges and emerging EDA solutions in mixed-signal IC design (GGEG, BS, HC, PM, JR), pp. 694–695.
DATE-2001-MadridPAR #design #modelling #reuse- Analog/mixed-signal IP modeling for design reuse (NMM, EJP, AJA, AR), pp. 766–767.
DATE-2001-VanasscheGS #exponential #performance #simulation #using- Efficient time-domain simulation of telecom frontends using a complex damped exponential signal model (PV, GGEG, WMCS), pp. 169–175.
ICML-2001-SingerV #implementation #learning #performance- Learning to Generate Fast Signal Processing Implementations (BS, MMV), pp. 529–536.
DAC-2000-KockSWBKLVE #modelling #named- YAPI: application modeling for signal processing systems (EAdK, WJMS, PvdW, JYB, WMK, PL, KAV, GE), pp. 402–405.
DAC-2000-VandersteenWRDDEB #data flow #performance #simulation- A methodology for efficient high-level dataflow simulation of mixed-signal front-ends of digital telecom transceivers (GV, PW, YR, PD, SD, ME, IB), pp. 440–445.
DATE-2000-AdlerB #multi- Single Step Current Driven Routing of Multiterminal Signal Nets for Analog Applications (TA, EB), pp. 446–450.
DATE-2000-ChangKK #architecture #memory management #video- A Memory Architecture with 4-Address Configurations for Video Signal Processing (SC, JSK, LSK), p. 746.
DATE-2000-JantschB- Composite Signal Flow: A Computational Model Combining Events, Sampled Streams, and Vectors (AJ, PB), pp. 154–160.
DATE-2000-OzevBO #synthesis- Test Synthesis for Mixed-Signal SOC Paths (SO, IB, AO), pp. 128–133.
DATE-2000-PeesHM #using- Retargeting of Compiled Simulators for Digital Signal Processors Using a Machine Description Language (SP, AH, HM), pp. 669–673.
DATE-2000-SilvaDM #configuration management #correlation #hardware #using- Mixed-Signal BIST Using Correlation and Reconfigurable Hardware (JMdS, JSD, JSM), p. 744.
DATE-2000-WegenerK #modelling #testing- Incorporation of Hard-Fault-Coverage in Model-Based Testing of Mixed-Signal ICs (CW, MPK), p. 765.
ICML-2000-JuKS #classification #gesture- State-based Classification of Finger Gestures from Electromyographic Signals (PJ, LPK, YS), pp. 439–446.
ICPR-v2-2000-GoodeG #classification #parametricity- Semi-Parametric Signal Classification (AJG, RHG), pp. 2622–2625.
ICPR-v2-2000-HongH #learning #sequence- Learning to Extract Temporal Signal Patterns from Temporal Signal Sequence (PH, TSH), pp. 2648–2651.
ICPR-v3-2000-LiK #ambiguity #analysis #detection- Detection of Cognitive Binding During Ambiguous Figure Tasks by Wavelet Coherence Analysis of EEG Signals (THL, WRK), pp. 3098–3101.
ICPR-v3-2000-NelsonLCC #biology #estimation- Time-Frequency Methods for Biological Signal Estimation (DN, PJL, GC, LC), pp. 3114–3118.
SAC-2000-LimT00a- Tournament Selection for Browsing Temporal Signals (ISL, DT), pp. 570–573.
DATE-1999-CostaSC #modelling #performance- Efficient Techniques for Accurate Extraction and Modeling of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal IC’s (JPC, LMS, MC), pp. 396–400.
DATE-1999-RayaneVN #detection #embedded- A One-Bit-Signature BIST for Embedded Operational Amplifiers in Mixed-Signal Circuits Based on the Slew-Rate Detection (IR, JVM, MN), p. 792–?.
DATE-1999-TanS #diagrams #scalability #using- Interpretable Symbolic Small-Signal Characterization of Large Analog Circuits using Determinant Decision Diagrams (XDT, CJRS), pp. 448–453.
ICSM-1999-JohnstoneSW #assembly #compilation #experience- Experience Paper: Reverse Compilation of Digital Signal Processor Assembler Source to ANSI-C (AJ, ES, TW), pp. 316–325.
FM-v2-1999-SmarandacheGG #calculus #constraints #realtime #validation- Validation of Mixed SIGNAL-ALPHA Real-Time Systems through Affine Calculus on Clock Synchronisation Constraints (IMS, TG, PLG), pp. 1364–1383.
HCI-EI-1999-ChiouW #design #human-computer- An Ergonomic Design of EMG Signal Controlled HCI for Stroke Patients (WKC, MKW), pp. 745–749.
DAC-1998-ChouW #equation #multi #parametricity- Multilevel Integral Equation Methods for the Extraction of Substrate Coupling Parameters in Mixed-Signal IC’s (MC, JW), pp. 20–25.
DAC-1998-HilgenstockHONP #multi #video- A Video Signal Processor for MIMD Multiprocessing (JH, KH, JO, DN, PP), pp. 50–55.
DAC-1998-NagarajCHY #analysis #approach- A Practical Approach to Static Signal Electromigration Analysis (NSN, FC, HH, DY), pp. 572–577.
DAC-1998-Yuan #modelling #network #simulation- Electromagnetic Modeling and Signal Integrity Simulation of Power/Ground Networks in High Speed Digital Packages and Printed Circuit Boards (FYY), pp. 421–426.
DATE-1998-CostaCS #modelling #performance #simulation- Efficient Techniques for Accurate Modeling and Simulation of Substrate Coupling in Mixed-Signal IC’s (JPC, MC, LMS), pp. 892–898.
DATE-1998-Kazmierski98a #interface #simulation- Fuzzy-logic digital-analogue interfaces for accurate mixed-signal simulation (TJK), pp. 941–944.
ICPR-1998-KnutssonBL #learning #multi- Learning multidimensional signal processing (HK, MB, TL), pp. 1416–1420.
ICPR-1998-MottlBKKM #analysis #image- Variational methods in signal and image analysis (VM, AB, AK, AK, IBM), pp. 525–527.
ICPR-1998-MottlKK #image- Edge-preserving in generalized smoothing of signals and images (VM, AK, AK), pp. 1579–1581.
TOOLS-USA-1998-AldermanCJR #web- Web Based Virtual Oscilloscope for Underwater Acoustic Signals (DA, NC, TAJ, GER), pp. 182–193.
SAC-1998-DuruDA #fuzzy #logic #reduction #speech- Fuzzy logic based noise reduction of digitally recorded speech signal (ND, TD, NA), pp. 287–291.
IWTCS-1998-ShinK #protocol #testing- Interoperability Test Suite Derivation for the ATM/B-ISDN Signaling Protocol (JS, SK), pp. 307–326.
DAC-1997-Dai #verification- Chip Parasitic Extraction and Signal Integrity Verification (Extended Abstract) (WWMD), pp. 717–719.
DAC-1997-RamprasadSH #estimation #process #statistics- Analytical Estimation of Transition Activity From Word-Level Signal Statistics (SR, NRS, INH), pp. 582–587.
EDTC-1997-FauraHKCAI #integration #programmable- A new field programmable system-on-a-chip for mixed signal integration (JF, CH, BK, JC, MAA, JMI), p. 610.
EDTC-1997-KarthikeyanN #architecture- An asynchronous architecture for digital signal processors (MRK, SKN), p. 615.
EDTC-1997-Lee #configuration management- Reconfigurable data converter as a building block for mixed-signal test (EKFL), pp. 359–363.
EDTC-1997-OlbrichGARC #estimation #quality- A new quality estimation methodology for mixed-signal and analogue ICs (TO, IAG, YEA, AMDR, JC), pp. 573–580.
EDTC-1997-SmeetsAEK #programmable #video- Delay management for programmable video signal processors (MLGS, EHLA, GE, EAdK), pp. 126–133.
ICDAR-1997-SudaBKM #approach #using #word- Logo and Word Matching Using a General Approach to Signal Registration (PS, CB, BK, GM), p. 61–?.
HPCA-1997-WolfeFDF #design #video- Datapath Design for a VLIW Video Signal Processor (AW, JF, SD, ESTF), pp. 24–35.
DAC-1996-AluruNW #analysis #parallel- A Parallel Precorrected FFT Based Capacitance Extraction Program for Signal Integrity Analysis (NRA, VBN, JW), pp. 363–366.
DAC-1996-CarleyGRS #synthesis #tool support- Synthesis Tools for Mixed-Signal ICs: Progress on Frontend and Backend Strategies (LRC, GGEG, RAR, WMCS), pp. 298–303.
DAC-1996-EdamatsuIH #design #video- Design Methodologies for consumer-use video signal processing LSIs (HE, SI, KH), pp. 497–502.
DAC-1996-EliasM #modelling #scalability- Extracting Circuit Models for Large RC Interconnections that are Accurate up to a Predefined Signal Frequency (PJHE, NPvdM), pp. 764–769.
DAC-1996-MiliozziVCMS #design #modelling- Use of Sensitivities and Generalized Substrate Models in Mixed-Signal IC Design (PM, IV, EC, EM, ALSV), pp. 227–232.
AdaEurope-1996-OhBM #ada #implementation- The GNARL Implementation of POSIX/Ada Signal Services (DIO, TPB, SJM), pp. 275–286.
ICML-1996-GoetzKM #adaptation #learning #online- On-Line Adaptation of a Signal Predistorter through Dual Reinforcement Learning (PG, SK, RM), pp. 175–181.
ICPR-1996-AkhmetshinL #difference #fourier #image #principle #re-engineering- The reconstruction of signals and images from the noisy Fourier transform phase by means of the generalized difference principle (AMA, IL), pp. 370–375.
ICPR-1996-FlusserS #invariant #recognition- Invariants for recognition of degraded 1-D digital signals (JF, TS), pp. 389–393.
ICPR-1996-UhlF #analysis #recognition- Spatiotemporal signal analysis: recognition of interacting modes (CU, RF), pp. 55–59.
ICPR-1996-ZibulskiZ #component #multi- Signal- and image-component separation by a multi-window Gabor-type scheme (MZ, YYZ), pp. 835–839.
SAC-1996-DoroodchiR #clustering #fuzzy- Nonlinear smoothing of signals by applying fuzzy clustering to local points (MD, AMR), pp. 595–599.
SAC-1996-Neubauer #adaptation #algorithm #search-based- Genetic algorithms for non-linear adaptive filters in digital signal processing (AN), pp. 519–522.
ICSE-1996-Vekens #implementation #object-oriented- An Object-Oriented Implementation of B-ISDN Signalling — Part 2: Extendability Stands the Test (AWvdV), pp. 125–132.
ASPLOS-1996-SaghirCL- Exploiting Dual Data-Memory Banks in Digital Signal Processors (MARS, PC, CGL), pp. 234–243.
DAC-1995-GuptaKTWP #bound- The Elmore Delay as a Bound for RC Trees with Generalized Input Signals (RG, BK, BT, JW, LTP), pp. 364–369.
DAC-1995-PanL- Partial Scan with Pre-selected Scan Signals (PP, CLL), pp. 189–194.
DAC-1995-WempleY #analysis #megamodelling #using- Mixed-Signal Switching Noise Analysis Using Voronoi-Tessellated Substrate Macromodels (ILW, ATY), pp. 439–444.
DAC-1995-YuguchiNWF #logic #multi- Multi-Level Logic Minimization Based on Multi-Signal Implications (MY, YN, KW, TF), pp. 658–662.
PLDI-1995-AmagbegnonBG #data flow #implementation- Implementation of the Data-Flow Synchronous Language SIGNAL (PA, LB, PLG), pp. 163–173.
SAC-1995-KumblaJB #algorithm #fuzzy #implementation #logic #network #using- Implementation of fuzzy logic and neural networks control algorithm using a digital signal processing chip (KKK, MJ, JBR), pp. 524–528.
SAC-1995-MooneyGBW #adaptation #algorithm- Computer algorithm for adaptive extraction of fetal cardiac electrical signal (DMM, LJG, LSB, JDW), pp. 113–117.
SAC-1995-Palm #fuzzy- Fuzzy signals in control loops (RP), pp. 455–460.
DAC-1994-TsuiPD #approximate- Exact and Approximate Methods for Calculating Signal and Transition Probabilities in FSMs (CYT, MP, AMD), pp. 18–23.
EDAC-1994-AkitaA #logic #power management #probability- A Method for Reducing Power Consumption of CMOS Logic Based on Signal Transition Probability (JA, KA), pp. 420–424.
EDAC-1994-BanerjeeRCP #graph transformation- Signal Transition Graph Transformations for Initializability (SB, RKR, STC, DKP), p. 670.
EDAC-1994-DepuydtGGM #graph #optimisation #pipes and filters #scheduling- Optimal Scheduling and Software Pipelining of Repetitive Signal Flow Graphs with Delay Line Optimization (FD, WG, GG, HDM), pp. 490–494.
EDAC-1994-DonnaySGSKL #automation #design- A Methodology for Analog Design Automation in Mixed-Signal ASICs (SD, KS, GGEG, WMCS, WK, DL), pp. 530–534.
EDAC-1994-JohanssonVG #performance- “Underground Capacitors” Very Efficient Decoupling for High Performance UHF Signal Processing ICs (TJ, LRV, JMG), p. 655.
EDAC-1994-SchoofsGM #architecture #design #multi #optimisation- Signal Type Optimisation in the Design of Time-Multiplexed DSP Architectures (KS, GG, HDM), pp. 502–506.
EDAC-1994-VanbekbergenYLM #graph #interface #specification- A Generalized Signal Transition Graph Model for Specification of Complex Interfaces (PV, CYC, BL, HDM), pp. 378–384.
FME-1994-DehboneiM #formal method #industrial- Formal Methods in the Railways Signalling Industry (BD, FM), pp. 26–34.
FME-1994-King #formal method- Formalising British Rail’s Signalling Rules (TK), pp. 45–54.
SAC-1994-Goblirsch #haskell- An introduction to Haskell with applications to digital signal processing (DMG), pp. 425–430.
DAC-1993-KriplaniNYH #correlation- Resolving Signal Correlations for Estimating Maximum Currents in CMOS Combinational Circuits (HK, FNN, PY, INH), pp. 384–388.
DAC-1993-StamoulisH #correlation #probability #simulation- Improved Techniques for Probabilistic Simulation Including Signal Correlation Effects (GIS, INH), pp. 379–383.
WSA-1993-MaffeisG #architecture #dependence- Combining Dependability with Architectural Adatability by Means of the SIGNAL Language (OM, PLG), pp. 99–110.
DAC-1992-GeurtsCM #throughput- Time Constrained Allocation and Assignment Techniques for High Throughput Signal Processing (WG, FC, HDM), pp. 124–127.
DAC-1992-LavagnoMBS #graph #problem- Solving the State Assignment Problem for Signal Transition Graphs (LL, CWM, RKB, ALSV), pp. 568–572.
ESOP-1992-BenvenisteBG #hybrid #realtime- SIGNAL as a Model for Real-Time and Hybrid Systems (AB, MLB, PLG), pp. 20–38.
CHI-1992-CeccoLP #prototype- The Ircam Signal Processing Workstation Prototyping Environment (MDC, EL, MP), pp. 639–640.
IWPTS-1992-ConcettoMMZ #approach- An Approach to the Test of an ATM Based Signalling Application (MDC, GM, EM, FZ), pp. 119–130.
DAC-1991-Hwang #analysis #named- REX — A VLSI Parasitic Extraction Tool for Electromigration and Signal Analysis (JPH), pp. 717–722.
DAC-1989-BenkoskiS #interactive #modelling #multi #verification- Timing Verification by Formal Signal Interaction Modeling in a Multi-level Timing Simulator (JB, AJS), pp. 668–673.
DAC-1989-CahnK #clustering #network- Computing Signal Delay in General RC Networks by Tree/Link Partitioning (PKC, KK), pp. 485–490.
DAC-1989-PotkonjackR #algorithm #graph #resource management #scheduling- A Scheduling and Resource Allocation Algorithm for Hierarchical Signal Flow Graphs (MP, JMR), pp. 7–12.
ML-1989-Spackman #detection #induction #learning #tool support- Signal Detection Theory: Valuable Tools for Evaluating Inductive Learning (KAS), pp. 160–163.
ALP-1988-Bergstra- ACP with Signals (JAB), pp. 11–20.
DAC-1987-CanrightH #logic- Reflections of High Speed Signals Analyzed as a Delay in Timing for Clocked Logic (REC, ARH), pp. 133–139.
FPCA-1987-GautierG #declarative #named #programming #realtime- SIGNAL: A declarative language for synchronous programming of real-time systems (TG, PLG), pp. 257–277.
DAC-1984-BellonV #functional- Taking into account asynchronous signals in functional test of complex circuits (CB, RV), pp. 490–496.
DAC-1981-PenfieldR #network- Signal delay in RC tree networks (PPJ, JR), pp. 613–617.
DAC-1977-Magnhagen #case study #design #experience #probability #simulation- Practical experiences from signal probability simulation of digital designs (BM), pp. 216–219.
ICSE-1976-Howard #monitoring- Signaling in Monitors (JHH), pp. 47–52.
DAC-1972-SandersonM #diagrams #logic- A logic and signal flow diagram subsystem (GS, AM), pp. 250–257.
DAC-1967-Kenney- Bundling (cable signal assignment) (JLK).