Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Chile
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Uzor M.Ayoade N.N.Htun M.Halvey D.Skelton
Talks about:
rehabilit (3) design (3) home (3) senior (2) inform (2) tool (2) fall (2) quantifi (1) investig (1) collabor (1)
Person: Lynne Baillie
DBLP: Baillie:Lynne
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SIGIR-2015-HtunHB #collaboration #information management #information retrieval #towards
- Towards Quantifying the Impact of Non-Uniform Information Access in Collaborative Information Retrieval (NNH, MH, LB), pp. 843–846.
- CHI-2014-AyoadeB #novel
- A novel knee rehabilitation system for the home (MA, LB), pp. 2521–2530.
- CHI-2014-UzorB #game studies #using
- Investigating the long-term use of exergames in the home with elderly fallers (SU, LB), pp. 2813–2822.
- CHI-2013-UzorB #design #tool support
- Exploring & designing tools to enhance falls rehabilitation in the home (SU, LB), pp. 1233–1242.
- CHI-2012-UzorBS #design #tool support
- Senior designers: empowering seniors to design enjoyable falls rehabilitation tools (SU, LB, DS), pp. 1179–1188.