Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Italy
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.D.Pendrith ∅ M.D.Reid
Talks about:
learn (5) reinforc (4) use (2) architectur (1) experiment (1) hierarchi (1) behaviour (1) hierarch (1) abstract (1) theoret (1)
Person: Malcolm R. K. Ryan
DBLP: Ryan:Malcolm_R=_K=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICML-2002-Ryan #automation #behaviour #learning #modelling #using
- Using Abstract Models of Behaviours to Automatically Generate Reinforcement Learning Hierarchies (MRKR), pp. 522–529.
- ICML-2000-RyanR #learning
- Learning to Fly: An Application of Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (MRKR, MDR), pp. 807–814.
- ICML-1998-RyanP #architecture #composition #learning #named
- RL-TOPS: An Architecture for Modularity and Re-Use in Reinforcement Learning (MRKR, MDP), pp. 481–487.
- ICML-1996-PendrithR #difference #learning
- Actual Return Reinforcement Learning versus Temporal Differences: Some Theoretical and Experimental Results (MDP, MRKR), pp. 373–381.