Travelled to:
1 × Sweden
2 × Italy
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Wang C.W.0001 C.Sung S.Guo A.Chattopadhyay S.Khoshnood N.Zhang N.S.0001 Z.Yang A.Gupta D.Babic S.Bucur Y.Chen F.Ivancic T.King C.Lemieux L.Szekeres W.Wang
Talks about:
multithread (3) modular (3) generat (3) concurr (3) dynam (3) abstract (2) softwar (2) program (2) partial (2) analysi (2)
Person: Markus Kusano
DBLP: Kusano:Markus
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2015-GuoKWYG #execution #parallel #source code #symbolic computation #thread
- Assertion guided symbolic execution of multithreaded programs (SG, MK, CW, ZY, AG), pp. 854–865.
- ICSE-v1-2015-KusanoCW #generative #invariant #parallel #source code #thread
- Dynamic Generation of Likely Invariants for Multithreaded Programs (MK, AC, CW), pp. 835–846.
- ISSTA-2015-KhoshnoodKW #concurrent #constraints #debugging #named #theorem proving
- ConcBugAssist: constraint solving for diagnosis and repair of concurrency bugs (SK, MK, CW), pp. 165–176.
- PLDI-2015-ZhangKW #memory management #modelling #partial order #reduction
- Dynamic partial order reduction for relaxed memory models (NZ, MK, CW), pp. 250–259.
- ASE-2014-KusanoW #abstraction #optimisation #partial order #reduction
- Assertion guided abstraction: a cooperative optimization for dynamic partial order reduction (MK, CW), pp. 175–186.
- ASE-2013-KusanoW #c #c++ #concurrent #generative #named #parallel #thread
- CCmutator: A mutation generator for concurrency constructs in multithreaded C/C++ applications (MK, CW), pp. 722–725.
- ASE-2016-GuoKW #concurrent #execution #incremental #named #symbolic computation
- Conc-iSE: incremental symbolic execution of concurrent software (SG, MK, CW), pp. 531–542.
- FSE-2016-Kusano0 #abstract interpretation #composition #thread
- Flow-sensitive composition of thread-modular abstract interpretation (MK, CW0), pp. 799–809.
- FSE-2016-SungKS0 #analysis #dependence #testing #web
- Static DOM event dependency analysis for testing web applications (CS, MK, NS0, CW0), pp. 447–459.
- ASE-2017-SungKW #composition #verification
- Modular verification of interrupt-driven software (CS, MK, CW0), pp. 206–216.
- ESEC-FSE-2017-KusanoW #memory management #modelling #static analysis #thread
- Thread-modular static analysis for relaxed memory models (MK, CW0), pp. 337–348.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-BabicBCIKKLSW #generative #named #scalability
- FUDGE: fuzz driver generation at scale (DB, SB, YC, FI, TK, MK, CL, LS, WW), pp. 975–985.