Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.B.Hilburn S.Salamah I.Syu A.Salimi A.J.Gonzalez H.R.Myler F.D.McKenzie R.R.Kladke A.J.Kornecki I.Hirmanpour R.Boyd T.Ghiorzi L.Margolis
Talks about:
softwar (4) engin (2) autom (2) case (2) strengthen (1) curriculum (1) disciplin (1) knowledg (1) industri (1) collabor (1)
Person: Massood Towhidnejad
DBLP: Towhidnejad:Massood
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- CSEET-2011-HilburnTS
- Read before you write (TBH, MT, SS), pp. 371–380.
- CSEET-2008-HilburnTS #case study
- The DigitalHome Case Study Material (TBH, MT, SS), pp. 279–280.
- CSEET-2007-HilburnT #re-engineering
- A Case for Software Engineering (TBH, MT), pp. 107–114.
- CSEET-2002-TowhidnejadH #education #quality #tutorial
- Tutorial 3: Software Quality Across the Curriculum (MT, TBH), pp. 268–272.
- CSEET-1997-KorneckiHTBGM #collaboration #education #industrial #re-engineering
- Strengthening Software Engineering Education through Academic Industry Collaboration (AJK, IH, MT, RB, TG, LM), p. 204–?.
- CSEET-1997-SyuSTH #automation #process
- A Web-Based System for Automating a Disciplined Personal Software Process (PSP) (IS, AS, MT, TBH), pp. 86–101.
- KDD-1991-GonzalezMTMK #automation #database #generative
- Automated Knowledge Generation From a CAD Database (AJG, HRM, MT, FDM, RRK), pp. 383–396.