Collaborated with:
Jim Bizzocchi Steve DiPaola Ulysses Bernardet Natalie Funk
Talks about:
micronarr (1) interact (1) virtual (1) identif (1) display (1) control (1) status (1) social (1) experi (1) design (1)
Person: Michael Nixon
DBLP: Nixon:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DiGRA-2013-BizzocchiNDF #design #experience #game studies
- The Role of Micronarrative in the Design and Experience of Digital Games (JB, MN, SD, NF).
- DiGRA-2013-NixonB #identification #interactive
- Press X for Meaning: Interaction Leads to Identification in Heavy Rain (MN, JB).
- CIG-2018-NixonDB #social
- An Eye Gaze Model for Controlling the Display of Social Status in Believable Virtual Humans (MN, SD, UB), pp. 1–8.