Collaborated with:
Per Backlund Henrik Engström Mikael Johannesson M.Hendrix Henrik Lundqvist María Guadalupe Alvarez Díaz Ulf Wilhelmsson Marcus Toftedahl Magnus Andersson Hagiwara H.M.Söderholm Anna-Sofia Alklind Taylor Angelique Slijper Karin Svensson Jesper Poucette Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen
Talks about:
game (2) use (2) edugamelab (1) rehabilit (1) prehospit (1) scenario (1) contextu (1) visitor (1) teacher (1) serious (1)
Person: Mikael Lebram
DBLP: Lebram:Mikael
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- VS-Games-2011-BacklundTEJLSSPS #evaluation
- Evaluation of Usefulness of the Elinor Console for Home-Based Stroke Rehabilitation (PB, ASAT, HE, MJ, ML, AS, KS, JP, KSS), pp. 98–103.
- VS-Games-2013-HendrixBLL #case study #education #experience #game studies #rating
- Sharing Experiences with Serious Games - the Edugamelab Rating Tool for Parents and Teachers (MH, PB, ML, HL), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2015-BacklundEJLHS #game studies
- Enhancing Immersion with Contextualized Scenarios: Role-Playing in Prehospital Care Training (PB, HE, MJ, ML, MAH, HMS), pp. 1–4.
- VS-Games-2015-DiazWLT #game studies #using #visitor
- Your Answer Will Make an Impression. Using Quiz Game Mechanics for the Collection of Visitor Data at an Exhibition (MGAD, UW, ML, MT), pp. 1–4.