Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Portugal
1 × United Kingdom
9 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.F.Kaashoek X.Wang T.Kim R.Chandra H.Chen A.T.Clements J.Bangert D.Lazar E.Kohler R.A.Popa T.Chajed S.Boyd-Wickizer A.Chlipala Z.Metreveli Y.Mao J.v.d.Hooff M.Zaharia A.Solar-Lezama S.Tu S.Madden C.M.S.Redfield H.Balakrishnan A.Yip H.Kannan M.Dalton C.Kozyrakis D.Mazières J.Tassarotti Z.Tatlock R.T.Morris S.Goldwasser Y.T.Kalai V.Vaikuntanathan Z.Jia M.Shah N.Narula D.Ziegler D.Zhou A.Pesterev R.Morris
Talks about:
scalabl (5) applic (5) recoveri (4) system (4) web (4) use (4) encrypt (3) intrus (3) secur (3) data (3)
Person: Nickolai Zeldovich
DBLP: Zeldovich:Nickolai
Contributed to:
Wrote 23 papers:
- SOSP-2015-ChenZCCKZ #file system #hoare #logic #using
- Using Crash Hoare logic for certifying the FSCQ file system (HC, DZ, TC, AC, MFK, NZ), pp. 18–37.
- SOSP-2015-HooffLZZ #analysis #named #scalability
- Vuvuzela: scalable private messaging resistant to traffic analysis (JvdH, DL, MZ, NZ), pp. 137–152.
- OSDI-2014-BangertZ #generative #named #parsing
- Nail: A Practical Tool for Parsing and Generating Data Formats (JB, NZ), pp. 615–628.
- OSDI-2014-ChenKWZK #identification #web
- Identifying Information Disclosure in Web Applications with Retroactive Auditing (HC, TK, XW, NZ, MFK), pp. 555–569.
- OSDI-2014-WangLZCT #framework #interpreter #kernel #named
- Jitk: A Trustworthy In-Kernel Interpreter Infrastructure (XW, DL, NZ, AC, ZT), pp. 33–47.
- SOSP-2013-ChandraKZ #web #web service
- Asynchronous intrusion recovery for interconnected web services (RC, TK, NZ), pp. 213–227.
- SOSP-2013-ClementsKZMK #commutative #design #manycore #scalability
- The scalable commutativity rule: designing scalable software for multicore processors (ATC, MFK, NZ, RTM, EK), pp. 1–17.
- SOSP-2013-WangZKS #behaviour #towards
- Towards optimization-safe systems: analyzing the impact of undefined behavior (XW, NZ, MFK, ASL), pp. 260–275.
- STOC-2013-GoldwasserKPVZ #encryption #functional #reuse
- Reusable garbled circuits and succinct functional encryption (SG, YTK, RAP, VV, NZ), pp. 555–564.
- VLDB-2013-TuKMZ #query
- Processing Analytical Queries over Encrypted Data (ST, MFK, SM, NZ), pp. 289–300.
- ASPLOS-2012-ClementsKZ #scalability #using
- Scalable address spaces using RCU balanced trees (ATC, MFK, NZ), pp. 199–210.
- OSDI-2012-KimCZ #performance #web
- Efficient Patch-based Auditing for Web Application Vulnerabilities (TK, RC, NZ), pp. 193–206.
- OSDI-2012-WangCJZK #integer #security
- Improving Integer Security for Systems with KINT (XW, HC, ZJ, NZ, MFK), pp. 163–177.
- PPoPP-2012-MetreveliZK #named
- CPHASH: a cache-partitioned hash table (ZM, NZ, MFK), pp. 319–320.
- SOSP-2011-ChandraKSNZ #web
- Intrusion recovery for database-backed web applications (RC, TK, MS, NN, NZ), pp. 101–114.
- SOSP-2011-MaoCZWZK #api #fault #multi
- Software fault isolation with API integrity and multi-principal modules (YM, HC, DZ, XW, NZ, MFK), pp. 115–128.
- SOSP-2011-PopaRZB #named #query
- CryptDB: protecting confidentiality with encrypted query processing (RAP, CMSR, NZ, HB), pp. 85–100.
- OSDI-2010-Boyd-WickizerCMPKMZ #analysis #linux #scalability
- An Analysis of Linux Scalability to Many Cores (SBW, ATC, YM, AP, MFK, RM, NZ), pp. 1–16.
- OSDI-2010-KimWZK #using
- Intrusion Recovery Using Selective Re-execution (TK, XW, NZ, MFK), pp. 89–104.
- SOSP-2009-YipWZK #data flow #security
- Improving application security with data flow assertions (AY, XW, NZ, MFK), pp. 291–304.
- OSDI-2008-ZeldovichKDK #hardware #memory management #policy #security #using
- Hardware Enforcement of Application Security Policies Using Tagged Memory (NZ, HK, MD, CK), pp. 225–240.
- OSDI-2006-ZeldovichBKM #data flow
- Making Information Flow Explicit in HiStar (NZ, SBW, EK, DM), pp. 263–278.
- PLDI-2019-ChajedTKZ #named #refinement #verification
- Argosy: verifying layered storage systems with recovery refinement (TC, JT, MFK, NZ), pp. 1054–1068.