Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Portugal
1 × Switzerland
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Hirschfeld C.Herzeel M.Haupt G.Kniesel M.Austermann O.Stiemerling A.B.Cremers K.Gybels T.D'Hondt
Talks about:
context (3) dynam (2) recomposit (1) transform (1) introduct (1) framework (1) parallel (1) jmangler (1) interact (1) crosscut (1)
Person: Pascal Costanza
DBLP: Costanza:Pascal
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- OOPSLA-2010-HerzeelC #control flow #interactive #parallel #recursion
- Dynamic parallelization of recursive code: part 1: managing control flow interactions with the continuator (CH, PC), pp. 377–396.
- GTTSE-2007-HirschfeldCH #programming
- An Introduction to Context-Oriented Programming with ContextS (RH, PC, MH), pp. 396–407.
- ILC-2007-HerzeelGCD #e-commerce #lisp #using
- Modularizing crosscuts in an e-commerce application in Lisp using HALO (CH, KG, PC, TD), p. 11.
- SAC-2007-CostanzaH
- Reflective layer activation in ContextL (PC, RH), pp. 1280–1285.
- SCAM-2001-KnieselCA #framework #java #named
- Jmangler — A Framework for Load-Time Transformation of Java Class Files (GK, PC, MA), pp. 100–110.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-CostanzaSC #component
- Object Identity and Dynamic Recomposition of Components (PC, OS, ABC), pp. 51–65.