Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Greece
1 × Romania
1 × Spain
1 × Taiwan
2 × Germany
2 × Italy
3 × Switzerland
4 × France
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.D.Roover E.G.Boix W.D.Meuter S.Marr C.Noguera A.Kellens K.Gybels T.V.Cutsem J.Fabry J.Brichau K.D.Schutter C.Herzeel K.Mens P.Ebraert T.Cleenewerck P.Steyaert C.Lucas L.Jorissen B.V.Passel I.Michiels J.D.Koster V.U.Gómez S.Ducasse R.Wuyts J.Vallejos D.Harnie T.Molderez D.Janssens P.Costanza S.Goderis D.Deridder E.V.Paesschen Y.Vandewoude Y.Berbers W.V.Belle K.Verelst V.Jonckers H.Doggen L.Duchien J.Dedecker S.Mostinckx K.Gybels A.L.Carreton C.Scholliers W.Codenie K.D.Hondt M.V.Limberghen E.Truyen N.Cardozo S.Walraven E.Bainomugisha S.Günther W.Joosen
Talks about:
program (6) applic (5) system (4) orient (4) mobil (4) use (4) behavior (3) modular (3) ambient (3) sourc (3)
♂ Person: Theo D'Hondt
DBLP: D'Hondt:Theo
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 28 papers:
- PPoPP-2012-KosterMD
- Synchronization views for event-loop actors (JDK, SM, TD), pp. 317–318.
- SAC-2012-HarnieDBM #programming
- Programming urban-area applications (DH, TD, EGB, WDM), pp. 1516–1521.
- SAC-2012-TruyenCWVBGDJ #as a service #programming
- Context-oriented programming for customizable SaaS applications (ET, NC, SW, JV, EB, SG, TD, WJ), pp. 418–425.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2012-MarrD #abstraction #concurrent #identification #implementation #multi #virtual machine
- Identifying a Unifying Mechanism for the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on Multi-language Virtual Machines (SM, TD), pp. 171–186.
- SAC-2011-BoixCSCMD #interactive #mobile #named #network #social
- Flocks: enabling dynamic group interactions in mobile social networking applications (EGB, ALC, CS, TVC, WDM, TD), pp. 425–432.
- SAC-2011-BoixNCMD #debugging #message passing #named
- REME-D: a reflective epidemic message-oriented debugger for ambient-oriented applications (EGB, CN, TVC, WDM, TD), pp. 1275–1281.
- CSMR-2010-KellensNSRD #co-evolution #source code
- Co-evolving Annotations and Source Code through Smart Annotations (AK, CN, KDS, CDR, TD), pp. 117–126.
- ICSM-2010-KellensNDJP #cobol #design #outsourcing #verification
- Verifying the design of an outsourced COBOL system with IntensiVE (AK, CN, TD, LJ, BVP), pp. 1–8.
- SAC-2010-EbraertDMJ #feature model
- Intensional changes: modularizing crosscutting features (PE, TD, TM, DJ), pp. 2176–2182.
- WCRE-2010-GomezDD #integration #source code #visual notation
- Visually Supporting Source Code Changes Integration: The Torch Dashboard (VUG, SD, TD), pp. 55–64.
- CSMR-2009-KellensSDJP #cobol #design #framework #named #verification
- Cognac: A Framework for Documenting and Verifying the Design of Cobol Systems (AK, KDS, TD, LJ, BVP), pp. 199–208.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-BoixCVMD #ad hoc #mobile #network
- A Leasing Model to Deal with Partial Failures in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (EGB, TVC, JV, WDM, TD), pp. 231–251.
- ICSM-2008-KellensSDJD #aspect-oriented #case study #experience
- Experiences in modularizing business rules into aspects (AK, KDS, TD, VJ, HD), pp. 448–451.
- SAC-2008-GybelsHD
- Symbiosis in logic-based pointcuts over a history of join points (KG, CH, TD), pp. 253–260.
- ILC-2007-HerzeelGCD #e-commerce #lisp #using
- Modularizing crosscuts in an e-commerce application in Lisp using HALO (CH, KG, PC, TD), p. 11.
- PEPM-2007-RooverDBND #behaviour #logic #query #similarity #source code #using
- Behavioral similarity matching using concrete source code templates in logic queries (CDR, TD, JB, CN, LD), pp. 92–101.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-GoderisDPD #declarative #framework #user interface
- DEUCE : A Declarative Framework for Extricating User Interface Concerns (SG, DD, EVP, TD), pp. 87–104.
- ECOOP-2006-DedeckerCMDM #programming
- Ambient-Oriented Programming in AmbientTalk (JD, TVC, SM, TD, WDM), pp. 230–254.
- ICPC-2006-RooverMGGD #approach #behaviour #documentation #lightweight #verification
- An Approach to High-Level Behavioral Program Documentation Allowing Lightweight Verification (CDR, IM, KG, KG, TD), pp. 202–211.
- ICSM-2006-VandewoudeEBD
- An alternative to Quiescence: Tranquility (YV, PE, YB, TD), pp. 73–82.
- PPDP-2006-RooverBD #behaviour #fuzzy #logic #similarity #strict #validation
- Combining fuzzy logic and behavioral similarity for non-strict program validation (CDR, JB, TD), pp. 15–26.
- SAC-2006-FabryD #aspect-oriented #kernel #named #transaction
- KALA: Kernel Aspect language for advanced transactions (JF, TD), pp. 1615–1620.
- SEKE-2006-MichielsRBBD #modelling #testing #using
- Program Testing Using High-Level Property-Driven Models (IM, CDR, JB, EGB, TD), pp. 489–494.
- SAC-2005-CleenewerckD #implementation
- Disentangling the implementation of local-to-global transformations in a rewrite rule transformation system (TC, TD), pp. 1398–1403.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2001-BelleFVD #case study #experience #mobile #multi
- Experiences in Mobile Computing: The CBorg Mobile Multi-Agent System (WVB, JF, KV, TD), pp. 7–18.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-MensWD #architecture #classification #using
- Declaratively Codifying Software Architectures Using Virtual Software Classifications (KM, RW, TD), pp. 33–45.
- OOPSLA-1996-SteyaertLMD #contract #evolution #reuse
- Reuse Contracts: Managing the Evolution of Reusable Assets (PS, CL, KM, TD), pp. 268–285.
- ECOOP-1993-SteyaertCDHLL
- Nested Mixin-Methods in Agora (PS, WC, TD, KDH, CL, MVL), pp. 197–219.