Collaborated with:
Ernst A. Heinz Kai S. Kunze David Bannach Matthias Gruber O.Amft G.Tröster
Talks about:
wearabl (2) sensor (2) real (2) game (2) recognit (1) virtual (1) realiti (1) martial (1) record (1) motion (1)
Person: Paul Lukowicz
DBLP: Lukowicz:Paul
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- CIG-2006-HeinzKGBL #empirical #game studies #realtime #recognition #smarttech #using
- Using Wearable Sensors for Real-Time Recognition Tasks in Games of Martial Arts - An Initial Experiment (EAH, KSK, MG, DB, PL), pp. 98–102.
- CIG-2007-BannachAKHTL #game studies #gesture #smarttech
- Waving Real Hand Gestures Recorded by Wearable Motion Sensors to a Virtual Car and Driver in a Mixed-Reality Parking Game (DB, OA, KSK, EAH, GT, PL), pp. 32–39.