113 papers:
DATE-2015-SporrerBVMRMBBP #array #smarttech- Integrated CMOS receiver for wearable coil arrays in MRI applications (BS, LB, CV, AM, JR, JM, DOB, TB, KPP, GT, QH), pp. 1689–1694.
CHI-2015-ChanHCYHLC #gesture #named #smarttech- Cyclops: Wearable and Single-Piece Full-Body Gesture Input Devices (LWC, CHH, YLC, SY, DYH, RHL, BYC), pp. 3001–3009.
CHI-2015-ChiL #interactive #named #smarttech- Weave: Scripting Cross-Device Wearable Interaction (PY(C, YL), pp. 3923–3932.
CHI-2015-HoyleTACK #analysis #privacy #smarttech- Sensitive Lifelogs: A Privacy Analysis of Photos from Wearable Cameras (RH, RT, DLA, DJC, AK), pp. 1645–1648.
CHI-2015-MaluF #artificial reality #personalisation #smarttech- Personalized, Wearable Control of a Head-mounted Display for Users with Upper Body Motor Impairments (MM, LF), pp. 221–230.
CHI-2015-NoroozMJMF #approach #learning #named #smarttech #visualisation- BodyVis: A New Approach to Body Learning Through Wearable Sensing and Visualization (LN, MLM, AJ, BM, JEF), pp. 1025–1034.
CHI-2015-RoumenPZ #case study #comparative #interactive #named #smarttech- NotiRing: A Comparative Study of Notification Channels for Wearable Interactive Rings (TR, STP, SZ), pp. 2497–2500.
CHI-2015-ShilkrotHEMN #named #smarttech- FingerReader: A Wearable Device to Explore Printed Text on the Go (RS, JH, WME, PM, SCN), pp. 2363–2372.
CHI-2015-WithanaPSN #gesture #named #recognition #smarttech- zSense: Enabling Shallow Depth Gesture Recognition for Greater Input Expressivity on Smart Wearables (AIW, RLP, NS, SN), pp. 3661–3670.
CHI-2015-ZhengFSDYG #maintenance- Eye-Wearable Technology for Machine Maintenance: Effects of Display Position and Hands-free Operation (XSZ, CF, PMdS, SD, TY, SG), pp. 2125–2134.
DUXU-DD-2015-Frankjaer #network #smarttech #social- Soft Computation in the Public Sphere: Enhancing Social Dynamics with Wearable Networks (TRF), pp. 447–457.
DUXU-IXD-2015-AbyarjooOTOB #health #named #realtime #smarttech- PostureMonitor: Real-Time IMU Wearable Technology to Foster Poise and Health (FA, NOL, ST, FRO, AB), pp. 543–552.
DUXU-IXD-2015-PoonLLLZCY #novel #smarttech- A Novel User-Specific Wearable Controller for Surgical Robots (CCYP, EYYL, KCL, BHKL, YZ, PWYC, YY), pp. 693–701.
DUXU-UI-2015-Flanagan #smarttech- Evolutionary Wearables (PF), pp. 622–630.
DUXU-UI-2015-HwangLJ #difference #gender #smarttech #user interface #verification #women- Verification of Stereotype on Women Observing Gender Difference on UX of Wearable Device (HJH, JML, DYJ), pp. 214–223.
DUXU-UI-2015-Klein #3d #smarttech- Digital Craftsmanship — The Making of Incunabula, a Fully 3D Printed Wearable Dress (TK), pp. 643–654.
DUXU-UI-2015-MorrisonKM #design #smarttech- Designing a Vibrotactile Language for a Wearable Vest (AM, HK, CMY), pp. 655–666.
DUXU-UI-2015-TakeiHHYKAA #flexibility #smarttech- Flexible and Wearable Sensors (KT, SH, WH, YY, KK, TA, SA), pp. 675–684.
HCI-IT-2015-HaescherTMBUK #multi #named #process #smarttech- aHead: Considering the Head Position in a Multi-sensory Setup of Wearables to Recognize Everyday Activities with Intelligent Sensor Fusions (MH, JT, DJCM, GB, BU, TK), pp. 741–752.
HCI-IT-2015-KondoTT #communication #smarttech #using- Information Select and Transfer Between Touch Panel and Wearable Devices Using Human Body Communication (YK, ST, JT), pp. 208–216.
HCI-IT-2015-MakiyamaNKNSK #interactive #smarttech- Synchronization of Peripheral Vision and Wearable Sensors for Animal-to-Animal Interaction (KM, KN, MK, MN, KS, HHK), pp. 753–764.
HIMI-IKC-2015-FilhoHTJM #smarttech #using- Using Wearable and Contextual Computing to Optimize Field Engineering Work Practices (RSSF, CLH, AT, JJ, PM), pp. 522–533.
ICEIS-v3-2015-NetoMKBRG #recognition #smarttech #visual notation- A Wearable Face Recognition System Built into a Smartwatch and the Visually Impaired User (LdSBN, VRMLM, FLK, MCCB, AdRR, SKG), pp. 5–12.
SAC-2015-ChengCCHT #deployment #smarttech- The deployment of shared data objects among handheld and wearable devices (SWC, CWC, YHC, PCH, CHT), pp. 2245–2251.
SAC-2015-HamataniUH #smarttech #using- Estimating core body temperature based on human thermal model using wearable sensors (TH, AU, TH), pp. 521–526.
CASE-2014-ChuHJKKJC #smarttech- The experiments of wearable robot for carrying heavy-weight objects of shipbuilding works (GC, JH, DHJ, DK, SK, SJ, JC), pp. 978–983.
CASE-2014-PuTC #design #development #smarttech- Design and development of the wearable hand exoskeleton system for rehabilitation of hand impaired patients (SWP, SYT, JYC), pp. 996–1001.
DAC-2014-BraojosMJAARM #design #monitoring #power management #smarttech- Ultra-Low Power Design of Wearable Cardiac Monitoring Systems (RB, HM, ADJ, GA, DA, FJR, SM), p. 6.
DAC-2014-SunBMCCBLLJ #health #monitoring #named #smarttech- eButton: A Wearable Computer for Health Monitoring and Personal Assistance (MS, LEB, ZHM, YC, HCC, YB, YL, CL, WJ), p. 6.
CHI-2014-CarringtonHK #design #mobile #smarttech- Wearables and chairables: inclusive design of mobile input and output techniques for power wheelchair users (PC, AH, SKK), pp. 3103–3112.
CHI-2014-HuangSKSMS #physics #smarttech- A technology probe of wearable in-home computer-assisted physical therapy (KH, PJS, SBK, AS, JM, DPS), pp. 2541–2550.
CHI-2014-MaurielloGF #design #evaluation #smarttech #social- Social fabric fitness: the design and evaluation of wearable E-textile displays to support group running (MLM, MG, JF), pp. 2833–2842.
CHI-2014-MorrisSGK #named #smarttech #using- RecoFit: using a wearable sensor to find, recognize, and count repetitive exercises (DM, TSS, AG, IK), pp. 3225–3234.
CHI-2014-RyokaiSKR #energy #named #smarttech- EnergyBugs: energy harvesting wearables for children (KR, PS, EK, BR), pp. 1039–1048.
CHI-2014-YeMOF #mobile #people #smarttech #visual notation- Current and future mobile and wearable device use by people with visual impairments (HY, MM, UO, LF), pp. 3123–3132.
DUXU-DI-2014-FrankjaerG #hybrid #network #smarttech- Wearable Networks, Creating Hybrid Spaces with Soft Circuits (TRF, DG), pp. 435–445.
DUXU-DI-2014-OgataSMII #smarttech- Augmenting a Wearable Display with Skin Surface as an Expanded Input Area (MO, YS, YM, MI, MI), pp. 606–614.
DUXU-DP-2014-GilgenF #interactive #smarttech #user interface- From Wearables to Soft-Wear: Developing Soft User Interfaces by Seamlessly Integrating Interactive Technology into Fashionable Apparel (DG, TRF), pp. 253–260.
DUXU-DP-2014-GomezH #case study #design #experience #roadmap #smarttech- Beyond Wearables: Experiences and Trends in Design of Portable Medical Devices (RG, AH), pp. 261–272.
DUXU-DP-2014-IpCLS #design #framework #smarttech- The Wearable Self: Braiding a Feminist Critique within a Somaesthetics Framework for Design (EI, WWYC, SL, TS), pp. 285–296.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Flanagan #evolution #experience #smarttech- A Vibrant Evolution: From Wearable Devices to Objects as Mediators of Experience (PJF), pp. 675–686.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-Takei #interactive #smarttech- Human Interactive Wearable Devices: Applications of Artificial Electronic Skins and Smart Bandages (KT), pp. 710–718.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-WinklerP #design #named #smarttech #towards #transitive- ReFlexLab: Designing Transitive Wearable Technologies towards Poetic Aesthetics (CW, SP), pp. 731–738.
DUXU-ELAS-2014-WinklerP14a #design #named #smarttech #towards #transitive- Erratum: ReFlexLab: Designing Transitive Wearable Technologies towards Poetic Aesthetics (CW, SP).
DUXU-TMT-2014-Lamontagne #paradigm #performance #smarttech- Techno-Theoretical Paradigm: Performance, Fashion and Wearables (VL), pp. 153–162.
DUXU-TMT-2014-SchmuntzschF #design #how #smarttech- How Two become One — Creating Synergy Effects by Applying the Joint Interview Method to Design Wearable Technology (US, LHF), pp. 173–184.
HCI-AS-2014-OgataII #smarttech #using- Sweat Sensing Technique for Wearable Device Using Infrared Transparency (MO, MI, MI), pp. 323–331.
ICPR-2014-RazavianASC #smarttech #using- Estimating Attention in Exhibitions Using Wearable Cameras (ASR, OA, JS, SC), pp. 2691–2696.
CASE-2013-LiFZS #adaptation #named #performance #smarttech- DEPEND: Density adaptive power efficient neighbor discovery for wearable body sensors (BL, WF, LZ, CJS), pp. 581–586.
CASE-2013-WongdhammaLB #monitoring #multi #smarttech- Wireless wearable multi-sensory system for monitoring of sleep apnea and other cardiorespiratory disorders (WW, TQL, STSB), pp. 605–610.
DATE-2013-HoofP #health #smarttech- Addressing the healthcare cost dilemma by managing health instead of managing illness: an opportunity for wearable wireless sensors (CVH, JP), pp. 1537–1539.
DATE-2013-LotfianJ #architecture #hardware #power management #smarttech #using- An ultra-low power hardware accelerator architecture for wearable computers using dynamic time warping (RL, RJ), pp. 913–916.
ICDAR-2013-ToyamaDSK #artificial reality #documentation #eye tracking #retrieval #smarttech- Wearable Reading Assist System: Augmented Reality Document Combining Document Retrieval and Eye Tracking (TT, AD, WS, KK), pp. 30–34.
PLDI-2013-GaoSBMBL #runtime #smarttech #using- Using managed runtime systems to tolerate holes in wearable memories (TG, KS, SMB, KSM, DB, JRL), pp. 297–308.
CHI-2013-AnanthanarayanSCPS #smarttech #towards #visualisation- Pt Viz: towards a wearable device for visualizing knee rehabilitation exercises (SA, MS, AC, HP, KAS), pp. 1247–1250.
DUXU-NTE-2013-Lamontagne #interface #smarttech- Fashioning Embodied Interfaces: Open Wearables Crafting (VL), pp. 296–305.
DUXU-NTE-2013-VegaFF #case study #named #prototype #smarttech #visual notation- Blinklifier: A Case Study for Prototyping Wearable Computers in Technology and Visual Arts (KFCV, PJF, HF), pp. 439–445.
HCI-IMT-2013-DavaasurenT #gesture #interactive #mobile #multi #named #smarttech- MOBAJES: Multi-user Gesture Interaction System with Wearable Mobile Device (ED, JT), pp. 196–204.
HCI-IMT-2013-DharmaOOYT #design #navigation #smarttech- Design of a Wearable Haptic Vest as a Supportive Tool for Navigation (AAGD, TO, YO, LY, KT), pp. 568–577.
DATE-2012-DoganCRBA #architecture #design #health #manycore #monitoring #power management #smarttech- Multi-core architecture design for ultra-low-power wearable health monitoring systems (AYD, JC, MR, AB, DA), pp. 988–993.
DATE-2012-YangCJTZ #multi #protocol #smarttech- A multi-parameter bio-electric ASIC sensor with integrated 2-wire data transmission protocol for wearable healthcare system (GY, JC, FJ, HT, LRZ), pp. 443–448.
CHI-2012-BaillyMRWK #gesture #interactive #named #smarttech- ShoeSense: a new perspective on gestural interaction and wearable applications (GB, JM, MR, DW, SGK), pp. 1239–1248.
CHI-2012-KashiwabaraOSI #named #process #smarttech- TEROOS: a wearable avatar to enhance joint activities (TK, HO, KS, MI), pp. 2001–2004.
ICPR-2012-LeeLM #detection #realtime #smarttech- Real-time staircase detection from a wearable stereo system (YHL, TSL, GGM), pp. 3770–3773.
ICPR-2012-PinquierKLGMBGD #multi #process #recognition #smarttech- Strategies for multiple feature fusion with Hierarchical HMM: Application to activity recognition from wearable audiovisual sensors (JP, SK, LL, PG, RM, JBP, YG, JFD), pp. 3192–3195.
ICPR-2012-ZhangXSS #modelling #process #recognition #representation #smarttech #using- Sparse representation for motion primitive-based human activity modeling and recognition using wearable sensors (MZ, WX, AAS, MS), pp. 1807–1810.
CHI-2011-RaijGKS #mobile #privacy #risk management #smarttech- Privacy risks emerging from the adoption of innocuous wearable sensors in the mobile environment (AR, AG, SK, MBS), pp. 11–20.
CHI-2011-SrikulwongO #case study #comparative #representation #smarttech- A comparative study of tactile representation techniques for landmarks on a wearable device (MS, EO), pp. 2029–2038.
DUXU-v2-2011-KyungCNLS #smarttech- Versatile Wearable Computer for Drivers (GK, SC, KN, KL, WS), pp. 152–155.
HCD-2011-TamuraYSU #development #smarttech- Development of a Wearable Airbag for Preventing Fall Related Injuries (TT, TY, MS, MU), pp. 335–339.
HCI-ITE-2011-ZhouDC #smarttech #user interface- Innovative User Interfaces for Wearable Computers in Real Augmented Environment (YZ, BD, RC), pp. 500–509.
HCI-MIIE-2011-ChiangT11a #behaviour #mobile #network #smarttech #social #twitter- The Effort of Social Networking on Social Behavior — Integrating Twitter, Mobile Devices, and Wearable Clothing as an Example (CWC, KT), pp. 30–37.
HCI-UA-2011-BonariniCGMRT #game studies #problem- Affective Videogames: The Problem of Wearability and Comfort (AB, FC, MG, MM, MR, ST), pp. 649–658.
SAC-2011-YatakaTTT #smarttech- A context-aware audio presentation method in wearable computing (SY, KT, TT, MT), pp. 405–412.
CHI-2010-LeeS #named #smarttech- BuzzWear: alert perception in wearable tactile displays on the wrist (SCL, TS), pp. 433–442.
CHI-2010-NgaiCNCCLT #framework #scalability #smarttech- i*CATch: a scalable plug-n-play wearable computing framework for novices and children (GN, SCFC, VTYN, JCYC, SSSC, WWYL, JTPT), pp. 443–452.
ICPR-2010-KaramanBMDDG #monitoring #process #smarttech- Human Daily Activities Indexing in Videos from Wearable Cameras for Monitoring of Patients with Dementia Diseases (SK, JBP, RM, VD, JFD, YG), pp. 4113–4116.
ICDAR-2009-GotoT #smarttech- Text-Tracking Wearable Camera System for the Blind (HG, MT), pp. 141–145.
CHI-2009-HarrisonLSH #performance #smarttech #visual notation- Where to locate wearable displays?: reaction time performance of visual alerts from tip to toe (CH, BYL, AS, SEH), pp. 941–944.
CHI-2009-NgaiCCL #framework #smarttech- The TeeBoard: an education-friendly construction platform for e-textiles and wearable computing (GN, SCFC, JCYC, WWYL), pp. 249–258.
HCD-2009-RuggeRS #development #human-computer #process #smarttech #towards- Changes of HCI Methods towards the Development Process of Wearable Computing Solutions (IR, CR, BSR), pp. 302–311.
HCI-AUII-2009-HuangTKWLT #interactive #smarttech- Interaction Wearable Computer with Networked Virtual Environment (JyH, MCT, HCK, JJW, KHL, CHT), pp. 741–751.
HCI-AUII-2009-IbenWK #feedback #smarttech #visual notation- The Impact of Different Visual Feedback Presentation Methods in a Wearable Computing Scenario (HI, HW, EMK), pp. 752–759.
HCI-AUII-2009-LeeJLJCY #monitoring #smarttech #using- Wearable ECG Monitoring System Using Conductive Fabrics and Active Electrodes (SHL, SMJ, CKL, KSJ, GC, SKY), pp. 778–783.
HCI-AUII-2009-TakadaOKT #navigation #smarttech #using- A Context-Aware AR Navigation System Using Wearable Sensors (DT, TO, KK, HT), pp. 793–801.
HCI-AUII-2009-YangC #novel #performance- Novel Stretchable Textile-Based Transmission Bands: Electrical Performance and Appearance after Abrasion/Laundering, and Wearability (YY, GC), pp. 806–813.
HIMI-DIE-2009-KatoS #design #interface #smarttech- Design of Wearable Interface Considering Touch Communications (MK, NS), pp. 524–533.
SAC-2009-TokoroTT #smarttech #using- A pointing method using two accelerometers for wearable computing (YT, TT, MT), pp. 136–141.
ICPR-2008-TanakaG #people #smarttech- Text-tracking wearable camera system for visually-impaired people (MT, HG), pp. 1–4.
CHI-2007-DunneS- Psychophysical elements of wearability (LED, BS), pp. 299–302.
HCI-AS-2007-MaurtuaUP #smarttech- Experimenting Wearable Solutions for Workers’ Training in Manufacturing (IM, MU, MAP), pp. 663–671.
HCI-IPT-2007-HuangT #scalability #security #smarttech- A Wearable Computing Environment for the Security of a Large-Scale Factory (JyH, CHT), pp. 1113–1122.
HCI-IPT-2007-KimRB #smarttech- Wearable Healthcare Gadget for Life-Log Service Based on WPAN (SHK, DWR, CB), pp. 837–844.
HCI-IPT-2007-LeeKYL #community #smarttech- A Feasibility Study of Sixth Sense Computing Scenarios in a Wearable Community (SL, HK, SY, GL), pp. 1155–1164.
HCI-IPT-2007-MaWMWM #smarttech- Wearable Computers IN the Operating Room Environment (QM, PW, GM, AW, DM), pp. 1165–1172.
HCI-IPT-2007-TsaoCC #concept #design #flexibility #research #smarttech #using- The Research of Using Image-Transformation to the Conceptual Design of Wearable Product with Flexible Display (YCT, LCC, SCC), pp. 1220–1229.
HCI-IPT-2007-VillalbaPA #design #interactive #smarttech- User Interaction Design for a Wearable and IT Based Heart Failure System (EV, IP, MTA), pp. 1230–1239.
HCI-IPT-2007-Young-hyunK #feedback #smarttech- Information Display of Wearable Devices Through Sound Feedback of Wearable Computing (PYh, HKh), pp. 1200–1209.
HIMI-IIE-2007-KimKL07a #interactive #smarttech #ubiquitous- Ubiquitous Hands: Context-Aware Wearable Gloves with a RF Interaction Model (JGK, BGK, SL), pp. 546–554.
OCSC-2007-Bickmore #lessons learnt #smarttech #social #what- What Would Jiminy Cricket Do? Lessons from the First Social Wearable (TWB), pp. 12–21.
CHI-2006-McAtamneyP #communication #smarttech- An examination of the effects of a wearable display on informal face-to-face communication (GM, CP), pp. 45–54.
CHI-2006-PlouznikoffPRD #human-computer #interactive #interface #smarttech- Enhancing human-machine interactions: virtual interface alteration through wearable computers (AP, NP, JMR, MD), pp. 373–376.
ICPR-v4-2004-Cheatle #smarttech #video- Media Content and Type Selection from Always-on Wearable Video (PC), pp. 979–982.
CHI-2003-BrewsterLBHT #interactive #multimodal #smarttech- Multimodal “eyes-free” interaction techniques for wearable devices (SAB, JL, MB, MH, ST), pp. 473–480.
DAC-2002-ParkMJ #framework #information management #mobile #personalisation #smarttech- The wearable motherboard: a framework for personalized mobile information processing (PMIP) (SP, KM, SJ), pp. 170–174.
ICPR-v1-2002-KatoKS #distributed #monte carlo #named #smarttech- VizWear-Active: Distributed Monte Carlo Face Tracking for Wearable Active Cameras (TK, TK, KS), pp. 395–400.
CHI-1999-FukumotoT #named #smarttech- Whisper: A Wristwatch Style Wearable Handset (MF, YT), pp. 112–119.
CHI-1999-SawhneyS #smarttech- Nomadic Radio: Scaleable and Contextual Notification for Wearable Audio Messaging (NS, CS), pp. 96–103.
HCI-CCAD-1999-StahreJ #concept #information management #smarttech- The super operator concept — wearable information system for manufacturing system personnel (JS, AJ), pp. 192–196.
DAC-1997-SmailagicSMS #agile #case study #design #off the shelf #prototype #smarttech- Very Rapid Prototyping of Wearable Computers: A Case Study of Custom versus Off-the-Shelf Design Methodologies (AS, DPS, RM, JS), pp. 315–320.
CHI-1997-BassKMSSS #design #smarttech- The Design of a Wearable Computer (LJB, CK, RM, DPS, AS, JS), pp. 139–146.
CHI-1997-FukumotoT #quote #smarttech- “Body Coupled FingeRing”: Wireless Wearable Keyboard (MF, YT), pp. 147–154.
CSCW-1996-SiegelKMKB #collaboration #evaluation #research #smarttech #video- Collaborative Wearable Systems Research and Evaluation (Video Program) (JS, REK, MDM, DJK, MB), pp. 9–10.