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3 × United Kingdom
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.Hiemstra E.Kharitonov M.d.Rijke A.Chuklin G.Gusev H.Rode A.P.d.Vries D.Lefortier C.Macdonald I.Ounis M.Zhukovskiy Y.Ustinovsky Y.Logachev A.Mazur I.Weber S.D.Torres R.Kaptein J.Kamps A.Kustarev C.Eickhoff S.Chernov W.Nejdl L.Ostroumova F.Romanenko M.Clements M.J.T.Reinders E.Samosvat O.Megorskaya V.Kukushkin S.Makeev A.Plakhov A.Lomakina N.Povarov M.Zhukovskii V.Murdock R.v.Zwol D.Vinogradov A.M.Raigorodskii E.Grechnikov O.Arkhipova L.Grauer I.Kuralenok A.Khropov A.Styskin F.Vorobyev M.M.Fokkinga P.M.G.Apers L.O.Prokhorenkova Y.Ustinovskiy A.Vorobev A.Schuth K.Hofmann W.Li M.Larson M.Taylor V.Vinay M.Richardson R.W.White P.Chirita G.Demartini K.Nikolaev A.Drutsa E.Gladkikh A.Ulianov I.Markov V.Nikulin F.Crestani I.Segalovich A.Kupavskii A.Umnov S.Usachev Y.Pritykin
Talks about:
search (16) model (12) rank (9) base (8) web (8) use (7) result (6) expert (6) queri (6) onlin (5)

Person: Pavel Serdyukov

DBLP DBLP: Serdyukov:Pavel

Facilitated 1 volumes:

ECIR 2013Ed

Contributed to:

ECIR 20152015
KDD 20152015
SIGIR 20152015
CIKM 20142014
ECIR 20142014
SIGIR 20142014
CIKM 20132013
ECIR 20132013
SIGIR 20132013
CIKM 20122012
SIGIR 20122012
CIKM 20112011
ECIR 20112011
CIKM 20102010
ECIR 20102010
SIGIR 20102010
SIGIR 20092009
CIKM 20082008
ECIR 20082008
SIGIR 20082008
ECIR 20072007
SIGIR 20072007

Wrote 53 papers:

ECIR-2015-ProkhorenkovaUS #adaptation #web
Adaptive Caching of Fresh Web Search Results (LOP, YU, ES, DL, PS), pp. 110–122.
KDD-2015-NikolaevDGUGS #composition #evaluation #online
Extreme States Distribution Decomposition Method for Search Engine Online Evaluation (KN, AD, EG, AU, GG, PS), pp. 845–854.
SIGIR-2015-ArkhipovaGKS #evaluation #predict
Search Engine Evaluation based on Search Engine Switching Prediction (OA, LG, IK, PS), pp. 723–726.
SIGIR-2015-KharitonovMSO #online #scheduling
Optimised Scheduling of Online Experiments (EK, CM, PS, IO), pp. 453–462.
SIGIR-2015-KharitonovVMSO #online #testing
Sequential Testing for Early Stopping of Online Experiments (EK, AV, CM, PS, IO), pp. 473–482.
SIGIR-2015-MegorskayaKS #assessment #on the
On the Relation Between Assessor’s Agreement and Accuracy in Gamified Relevance Assessment (OM, VK, PS), pp. 605–614.
SIGIR-2015-Serdyukov #challenge #evaluation #online
Challenges and Opportunities in Online Evaluation of Search Engines (PS), p. 1085.
CIKM-2014-LefortierSR #detection #online
Online Exploration for Detecting Shifts in Fresh Intent (DL, PS, MdR), pp. 589–598.
CIKM-2014-MarkovKNSRC #effectiveness #metric #modelling
Vertical-Aware Click Model-Based Effectiveness Metrics (IM, EK, VN, PS, MdR, FC), pp. 1867–1870.
CIKM-2014-ZhukovskiyGS #rank
Supervised Nested PageRank (MZ, GG, PS), pp. 1059–1068.
ECIR-2014-LefortierSRR #case study #using #video #web
Blending Vertical and Web Results — A Case Study Using Video Intent (DL, PS, FR, MdR), pp. 184–196.
ECIR-2014-MakeevPS #personalisation
Personalizing Aggregated Search (SM, AP, PS), pp. 197–209.
SIGIR-2014-LomakinaPS #web
Web search without “stupid” results (AL, NP, PS), pp. 943–946.
CIKM-2013-ChuklinSHSR #using
Evaluating aggregated search using interleaving (AC, AS, KH, PS, MdR), pp. 669–678.
CIKM-2013-ChuklinSR #modelling
Modeling clicks beyond the first result page (AC, PS, MdR), pp. 1217–1220.
CIKM-2013-KharitonovMSO #using
Using historical click data to increase interleaving sensitivity (EK, CM, PS, IO), pp. 679–688.
CIKM-2013-LefortierOSS #crawling
Timely crawling of high-quality ephemeral new content (DL, LO, ES, PS), pp. 745–750.
ECIR-2013-ChuklinSR #behaviour #using
Using Intent Information to Model User Behavior in Diversified Search (AC, PS, MdR), pp. 1–13.
ECIR-2013-UstinovskyMS #process #segmentation
Intent-Based Browse Activity Segmentation (YU, AM, PS), pp. 242–253.
From Republicans to Teenagers — Group Membership and Search (GRUMPS) (IW, DH, PS), pp. 886–889.
ECIR-2013-ZhukovskiiGS #ranking
URL Redirection Accounting for Improving Link-Based Ranking Methods (MZ, GG, PS), pp. 656–667.
SIGIR-2013-ChuklinSR #information retrieval #metric #modelling
Click model-based information retrieval metrics (AC, PS, MdR), pp. 493–502.
SIGIR-2013-KharitonovMSO #evaluation #metric #modelling #query
User model-based metrics for offline query suggestion evaluation (EK, CM, PS, IO), pp. 633–642.
SIGIR-2013-ZhukovskiyKGS #rank
Fresh BrowseRank (MZ, AK, GG, PS), pp. 1029–1032.
CIKM-2012-KharitonovS #ranking #web
Demographic context in web search re-ranking (EK, PS), pp. 2555–2558.
CIKM-2012-KupavskiiOUUSGK #predict #twitter
Prediction of retweet cascade size over time (AK, LO, AU, SU, PS, GG, AK), pp. 2335–2338.
CIKM-2012-KustarevUMS #performance #predict #query
Session-based query performance prediction (AK, YU, AM, PS), pp. 2563–2566.
CIKM-2012-TorresHWS #query #recommendation
Query recommendation for children (SDT, DH, IW, PS), pp. 2010–2014.
CIKM-2012-ZhukovskiyVGSR #web
Recency-sensitive model of web page authority (MZ, DV, GG, PS, AMR), pp. 2627–2630.
CIKM-2012-ZhukovskiyVPOGGSR #empirical #graph #validation #web
Empirical validation of the buckley-osthus model for the web host graph: degree and edge distributions (MZ, DV, YP, LO, EG, GG, PS, AMR), pp. 1577–1581.
SIGIR-2012-ChuklinS #how #query
How query extensions reflect search result abandonments (AC, PS), pp. 1087–1088.
SIGIR-2012-KharitonovS #gender #ranking
Gender-aware re-ranking (EK, PS), pp. 1081–1082.
SIGIR-2012-LogachevS #optimisation #parametricity #rank
Optimizing parameters of the expected reciprocal rank (YL, PS), pp. 1123–1124.
CIKM-2011-KustarevULGSS #metric #using
Smoothing NDCG metrics using tied scores (AK, YU, YL, EG, IS, PS), pp. 2053–2056.
CIKM-2011-LiSVEL #twitter
The where in the tweet (WL, PS, APdV, CE, ML), pp. 2473–2476.
CIKM-2011-StyskinRVS #ranking #set
Recency ranking by diversification of result set (AS, FR, FV, PS), pp. 1949–1952.
ECIR-2011-SerdyukovTVRW #automation #enterprise #people #profiling
Automatic People Tagging for Expertise Profiling in the Enterprise (PS, MT, VV, MR, RWW), pp. 399–410.
CIKM-2010-EickhoffSV #classification #web
Web page classification on child suitability (CE, PS, APdV), pp. 1425–1428.
CIKM-2010-KapteinSVK #ranking #using #wiki
Entity ranking using Wikipedia as a pivot (RK, PS, APdV, JK), pp. 69–78.
Finding Wormholes with Flickr Geotags (MC, PS, APdV, MJTR), pp. 658–661.
SIGIR-2010-ClementsSVR #behaviour #predict #using
Using flickr geotags to predict user travel behaviour (MC, PS, APdV, MJTR), pp. 851–852.
SIGIR-2010-KapteinSK #web #wiki
Linking wikipedia to the web (RK, PS, JK), pp. 839–840.
SIGIR-2010-TorresHS #analysis #information retrieval #query
Query log analysis in the context of information retrieval for children (SDT, DH, PS), pp. 847–848.
Placing flickr photos on a map (PS, VM, RvZ), pp. 484–491.
CIKM-2008-SerdyukovRH #modelling #multi
Modeling multi-step relevance propagation for expert finding (PS, HR, DH), pp. 1133–1142.
ECIR-2008-SerdyukovH #documentation #modelling
Modeling Documents as Mixtures of Persons for Expert Finding (PS, DH), pp. 309–320.
SIGIR-2008-RodeSH #ranking
Combining document- and paragraph-based entity ranking (HR, PS, DH), pp. 851–852.
SIGIR-2008-Serdyukov #documentation
The search for expertise: to the documents and beyond (PS), p. 893.
SIGIR-2008-SerdyukovRH #dependence
Exploiting sequential dependencies for expert finding (PS, HR, DH), pp. 795–796.
SIGIR-2008-SerdyukovRH08a #modelling #random
Modeling expert finding as an absorbing random walk (PS, HR, DH), pp. 797–798.
Building a Desktop Search Test-Bed (SC, PS, PAC, GD, WN), pp. 686–690.
ECIR-2007-SerdyukovCN #modelling #query
Enhancing Expert Search Through Query Modeling (PS, SC, WN), pp. 737–740.
SIGIR-2007-SerdyukovHFA #documentation #generative #modelling
Generative modeling of persons and documents for expert search (PS, DH, MMF, PMGA), pp. 827–828.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.