Travelled to:
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
10 × USA
2 × Australia
Collaborated with:
∅ R.Jones M.Kumar D.Mladenic K.Nigam Y.Yang C.M.Cumby Z.Mei D.Djordjevic D.Fullarton S.Slattery K.Taneja M.Grechanik T.Xie A.E.Fano M.Krema S.Somanchi S.Adhikari A.Lin E.Eneva H.Lakkaraju E.Aguiar C.Shan D.Miller N.Bhanpuri K.L.Addison A.Lad H.Shu B.Kisiel K.Probst E.Potash J.Brew A.Loewi S.Majumdar A.Reece J.Walsh E.Rozier E.Jorgenson R.Mansour
Talks about:
predict (5) data (5) learn (4) languag (3) insur (3) error (3) text (3) use (3) process (2) prevent (2)
Person: Rayid Ghani
DBLP: Ghani:Rayid
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 18 papers:
- KDD-2015-LakkarajuASMBGA #framework #identification #machine learning #student
- A Machine Learning Framework to Identify Students at Risk of Adverse Academic Outcomes (HL, EA, CS, DM, NB, RG, KLA), pp. 1909–1918.
- KDD-2015-PotashBLMRWRJMG #health #modelling #predict
- Predictive Modeling for Public Health: Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning (EP, JB, AL, SM, AR, JW, ER, EJ, RM, RG), pp. 2039–2047.
- KDD-2015-SomanchiALEG #predict #using
- Early Prediction of Cardiac Arrest (Code Blue) using Electronic Medical Records (SS, SA, AL, EE, RG), pp. 2119–2126.
- KDD-2013-Ghani #scalability #social
- Targeting and influencing at scale: from presidential elections to social good (RG), p. 1137.
- ESEC-FSE-2011-TanejaGGX #privacy #testing
- Testing software in age of data privacy: a balancing act (KT, MG, RG, TX), pp. 201–211.
- KDD-2011-GhaniK #detection #fault #interactive #learning
- Interactive learning for efficiently detecting errors in insurance claims (RG, MK), pp. 325–333.
- KDD-2010-KumarGM #data mining #fault #health #mining #predict
- Data mining to predict and prevent errors in health insurance claims processing (MK, RG, ZSM), pp. 65–74.
- KMIS-2010-DjordjevicGF #enterprise #semantics #wiki
- Process-centric Enterprise Workspace based on Semantic Wiki (DD, RG, DF), pp. 224–233.
- ICEIS-AIDSS-2009-YangLSKCGP #graph #learning
- Graph Structure Learning for Task Ordering (YY, AL, HS, BK, CMC, RG, KP), pp. 164–169.
- KDD-2005-Ghani #online #predict
- Price prediction and insurance for online auctions (RG), pp. 411–418.
- KDD-2004-CumbyFGK #predict
- Predicting customer shopping lists from point-of-sale purchase data (CMC, AEF, RG, MK), pp. 402–409.
- ICML-2002-Ghani #categorisation #multi
- Combining Labeled and Unlabeled Data for MultiClass Text Categorization (RG), pp. 187–194.
- CIKM-2001-GhaniJM #corpus #mining #web
- Mining the Web to Create Minority Language Corpora (RG, RJ, DM), pp. 279–286.
- ICML-2001-GhaniSY #categorisation #hypermedia #using
- Hypertext Categorization using Hyperlink Patterns and Meta Data (RG, SS, YY), pp. 178–185.
- SIGIR-2001-GhaniJM #automation #corpus #generative #query #web
- Automatic Web Search Query Generation to Create Minority Language Corpora (RG, RJ, DM), pp. 432–433.
- CIKM-2000-GhaniJ #database #learning #multi
- Learning a Monolingual Language Model from a Multilingual Text Database (RG, RJ), pp. 187–193.
- CIKM-2000-NigamG #effectiveness
- Analyzing the Effectiveness and Applicability of Co-training (KN, RG), pp. 86–93.
- ICML-2000-Ghani #classification #using
- Using Error-Correcting Codes for Text Classification (RG), pp. 303–310.