Collaborated with:
H.Yoshida M.R.Prasad A.Pandey S.Roy C.Lemieux R.Fox K.Sen I.Stoica
Talks about:
synthesi (2) regress (1) program (1) phoenix (1) generat (1) analysi (1) violat (1) static (1) repair (1) precis (1)
Person: Rohan Bavishi
DBLP: Bavishi:Rohan
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2019-BavishiYP #automation #data-driven #named #static analysis #synthesis
- Phoenix: automated data-driven synthesis of repairs for static analysis violations (RB, HY, MRP), pp. 613–624.
- OOPSLA-2016-BavishiPR #debugging #precise
- To be precise: regression aware debugging (RB, AP, SR), pp. 897–915.
- OOPSLA-2019-BavishiLFSS #generative #named #synthesis
- AutoPandas: neural-backed generators for program synthesis (RB, CL, RF, KS, IS), p. 27.